Football Association of Zambia (FAZ) President Andrew Kamanga has suspended his Vice President Richard Kazala.
Kazala together with executive committee member Blackwell Siwale have been suspended for ‘Gross Misconduct’ contrary to the FAZ constitution.
Mr Kamanga used the powers vested in him by Article 28 (ii) of the FAZ Constitution to suspend the dual.
And FAZ has finally issued a letter of recommendation to its former President Kalusha Bwalya to allow him run for a FIFA Executive Council role next year.
According to the letter released to the media by the Genral Secretary Ponga Liwewe, FAZ released the following decisions by the Executive Committee
1. At its meeting held at Football House on Saturday, 5 th November, 2016, the Executive Committee of the Football Association of Zambia (FAZ) unanimously agreed to support Kalusha Bwalya’s nomination for FIFA Council membership.
2. As a sign of solidarity of Kalusha’s candidacy, thirteen Football Association presidents from the COSAFA Region will visit Zambia at the invitation of FAZ president Andrew Kamanga.
3. The FAZ will send a formal request to the Government of the Republic of Zambia (GRZ) to join in the lobbying of Kalusha’s candidacy.
Meanwhile, Mr Kamanga is expected to address a media briefing at Football House later today.
FIFA are on a crusade against corruption and there is no way kulusha Bwalya can be nominated to work at FIFA with his track record.
Kalu has never been convicted of corruption…he has never even been charged st all. you can only label him as corrupt if he has a conviction
‘Andrew Kamanga for President of Zambia’ for being decisive and swift. The VC and other were undermining his process of moving FAZ forward in a new direction. While Lungu is still wallowing in his perceived election victory while Ministers enrich themselves. I do not recognise Lungu, I recognise THE MAST straight away.
Why FAZ constitution similar to UPND, suspending own vice shows weakness. Just talk Kazala to run his own FAZ, he will leave just like Simataa.
Kananga is weak, close to stupidity.
Soccer fan
Nether has slep blatter nor plating been convicted of anything.
And the Nike sponsorship deal fell through because ?
@ analyser
What are you on?
An executive that begins with infighting will reach the end of its term still fighting… watch this space
This is not infighting. There’s evidence from State House that these two stole K150,000 from the cash that Lungu paid for tickets for fans to get in free into a match held in Ndola last month. With such evidence, Kananga 6FAZ have no option but to get rid of these looters. Kamanga should use this opportunity to bury these thieves for good. Don’t leave an enemy to walk again.
Go Kalu,Go.You are a man with a vision for your life. Not random worker. Great job to you FAZ for supporting Mr.Kalu.
He cant be taken serious at FIFA. He messed up on his own when he misappropriated a gift from a FIFA candidate. He is being investigated by ACC. At the same time, he is in active politics as a PF documented cadre. Its not Kamanga who stood in his way but Kalusha is standing in his own way. Let him just get a job in PF
Good move Mr. Kamanga. Its time to show the door out for all these people who have been working against you. Mr. President you have been too lenient and people are taking advantage of you.
Yes please keep firing those pf cadres and relatves of lungu. They are used to stealing and reaping where they did not sow. We also want lungu to start with himself by declaring how he has amassed so much wealth within few year and yet he had nothing from chawama. We know ka lungu has been stealing.
You should asking that question to a self egocentric Hakashide how he acquired that wealth after Privitisation
@Peter, he had looted USD2. 3m by May 2016. These were assets he felt obliged to reveal because they are in Zambia. He did not reveal Swiss bank accounts and offshore assets.
Also let me warn those pf pr!cks who have sent me a virus such that i cannot access lusakatimes on my mobile. I will sort you chaps out slowly. Few weeks ago you wished me sickness and i was not well but i managed to beat that. You wont manage me because i am a real son of zambian soil. You cannot stop a revolution. Zambians wanted change during these elections and a few greedy chaps stole zambian people’s rights to choose for themselves. Zambia yasila. Only old dictators like mugabe and museveni visit. Even IMF are refusing to lend you money. how bad is that?
Still bitter,kikikikiki….Try 2021 badala.
hh wannabe aids will kill u. for u everything is about Lungu, u dont know that u are decampaigning hh
And when is our master drunkard at plot one also going to start firing his fellow clueless ministers for being more clueless than him.
Kanosha bwalwa used and dumped by our one and only master drunkard Edgar Chakolwa Kaloba Wrungu thought he will be given the job by Chakolwa alas he didn’t know that all that time he Chakolwa was always drunk during the campaign .
Sore losers! The topic is not about LUNGU!
But Lungu is lazy, dull, corrupt and a heavy drinker!!
Do people honestly expect charlatans like Kazala to add value to our football? I support Kamanga for making this move. There’s a clique in FAZ whose only agenda is to undermine Kamanga in their bid to bring through the back door their hero.
There’s a report that Kazala and Siwale some K150,000 from money Lungu paid for the match tickets last month. Kamanga had no option but to suspend these thieves. This is not even about sorting out internal enemies. These are thieves.
The chosen one, I love your sober, honest and neutral comments. How I wish we were all like you.
What I read on Zambia reports was different. It was that FAZ won’t support kalusha
So which report will you believe?
If there are any issues relating to corruption please please swiftly refer and report to ACC….this is not the Great Galu era of stinking corruption.
He has to flex his muscles at those perceived to be hindering his plan for FAZ.
Kamanga will take a long time cleaning the mess left by kulusha at FAZ.
One of kulushas chola boys was given sole rights to sell official FAZ kit under the admonistration of kalusha with little or no money going to FAZ.
FAZ was a cess pit of corruption where even ticket sales were unaccounted for.
No comment, just reading the UPND scripts. Just wondering….hiho hiho hiho hiho hiho.
Get used to it. PF00LS have scampered under overwhelming evidence that Zambia is collapsing under PF and Lungu’s corruption.
CRACK THE WHIP Andrew and bring back some discipline.
All those who bring the name of football in disrepute must be dealt with like it used to happen during Kalusha’s time. People were been banned for life for voicing out mismanagement, of FAZ
Kalusha won’t win, there is an ongoing crusade to cleanse FIFA of all Sepp Blatter’s thieving angels from FIFA. This is the same chap who received and personally pocketed a stinking “bung” of US60,000 dollars and claimed “Shali ni nkongole twa sendele lilya twale shapanya nabena Rupiah”. He won’t win, ka Kalusha ka sakala!
Great kalu is not guilty of any crime please spear the superstar of our country. Shut your ass up if you got nothing good to say.
Leave Great Kalu alone . Just watch him he is the Next Zambian FIFA COMMITTEE member.
But honestly how could President Lungu or State house pay cash to FAZ? They could have wired the funds to the FAZ account.
Congratulations for this decision you have taken now because it is Zambia and FAZ in particular that will benefit from your presence in FIFA executive. GO MAN GO you have never a failed in your career. Go gate it and shame the critics.
Andrew u have been compromised & u v given in to pressure & u probably r now thinking ” when in Rome do as the Romans do”.
You are yourself so early on thinking of how you can benefit perdonally by stealing