Friday, March 14, 2025

It’s President Edgar Lungu’s 60th Birthday


Today is the Republican President Edgar Lungu’s 60th Birthday and as Team LT we wish him a Happy Birthday


President Edgar Chagwa Lungu (L) receives a bouquet of flowers from First Lady Esther Lungu (R) on the occasion to mark the President’s 60th birthday. The commemoration was organised by well wishers and State House members of staff, Friday, November 11, 2016-Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
President Edgar Chagwa Lungu (L) receives a bouquet of flowers from First Lady Esther Lungu (R) on the occasion to mark the President’s 60th birthday. The commemoration was organised by well wishers and State House members of staff, Friday, November 11, 2016-Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
President Edgar Chagwa Lungu being helped to cut a cake by First Lady Esther Lungu during his 60 th Birthday celebrations organised for him by well wishers and state House staff Friday,November 11,2016-Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
President Edgar Chagwa Lungu being helped to cut a cake by First Lady Esther Lungu during his 60 th Birthday celebrations organised for him by well wishers and state House staff Friday,November 11,2016-Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
President Edgar Chagwa Lungu being helped to cut a cake by First Lady Esther Lungu during his 60 th Birthday celebrations organised for him by well wishers and state House staff Friday,November 11,2016-Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
President Edgar Chagwa Lungu being helped to cut a cake by First Lady Esther Lungu during his 60 th Birthday celebrations organised for him by well wishers and state House staff Friday,November 11,2016-Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
President Edgar Chagwa Lungu being helped to cut a cake by First Lady Esther Lungu during his 60 th Birthday celebrations organised for him by well wishers and state House staff Friday,November 11,2016-Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
President Edgar Chagwa Lungu being helped to cut a cake by First Lady Esther Lungu during his 60 th Birthday celebrations organised for him by well wishers and state House staff Friday,November 11,2016-Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
President Edgar Chagwa Lungu being helped to cut a cake by First Lady Esther Lungu during his 60 th Birthday celebrations organised for him by well wishers and state House staff Friday,November 11,2016-Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
President Edgar Chagwa Lungu being helped to cut a cake by First Lady Esther Lungu during his 60 th Birthday celebrations organised for him by well wishers and state House staff Friday,November 11,2016-Picture by THOMAS NSAMA


    • Mentalist@ what do you mean full of hate and ungodliness?????
      is this not the man that had our nation pray for God’s mercy twice?
      is he not the one that has preached reconciliation?

      Please, write what is correct and not just writing from your backside

  1. Wow what a moment. Only wish you long live ba kateka mwakula no more dununalisation. Leave a legacy ba kateka God bless you and wish you many more happy returns.

  2. HAPPY 60TH BIRTHDAY YOUR EXCELLENCE… May the good Lord give you a long healthier life, may God give you and your governance wisdom to lead this land and its people successfully. May he allow you to complete your Presidency term happily and peacefully with NO EXTENSIONS…. God bless you and your family. Am just not happy with the choice of cake. A BIBLE .SHYO. That is so not right.. The CHEF BEHIND THE CAKE MUST BE REPRIMANDED.

  3. It’s clear that we have lost our moral bearings as a people in Zambia. Everything we see, we just want to condemn, castigate and attack. What has happened? We go on websites to check what we’ll condemn even blessed and Happy moments like birthdays. Remember God says love Him with all your heart, all your strength and love your neighbour as you love yourself. Do unto others the way you want to be treated. Let’s reduce on this hate. Let’s us love one another mwebantu, chapwa!!!

    • Send your note to Lungu to learn how to love other Zambians. He is the most selfish Zambian to ever live. Does he even regret that Mapenzi who he had gunned down in cold blood will never live to be 60 years of age?

  4. This is wanton desecration of the Bible. The symbolism is ghastly. You wouldn’t do that to the Koran which is treated with such reverence.

    • If that was the Koran, a fatwah would have been made against him today. Tomorrow his personal bodyguard would cut off his head in compliance. These are the weaknesses of Christianity where pretenders can flourish unmolested.

  5. PF always misinterpreting words, when people you should make the word of God your daily food, it doesn’t mean you starting making and eating cakes made like a Bible.

    Whose idea was this, bishop Joshua Banda?

  6. Happy birthday our President many happy returns. Age comes with wisdom. Do what others have not done so that you can be remembered for doing good things not dununa reverse and hurting others God bless.

  7. A book written by an invisible third party full of plagarised text and lies as a birthday fitting. This is everything that is wrong with our country summarised in those photo of this incompetent Lazy Bone Edgar!!

  8. Happy Birthday My President and wish you many more as you lead our mother Zambia to that prosperous Nation.
    Happy Birthday Mr. ECL.

  9. Foolish chef who baked this cake. How do you mess wirh the bible!!! Foolish wife to accept and present the cake. Foolish man to cut the cake.

  10. Happy birthday your excellency the president of Republic of Zambia. May this day bring countless Happiness and Endless Joy and Live with Peace and Serenity.

  11. Meanwhile children in zambia are going without 3 meals a day. While this visionless corrupt thug called lungu is busy eating the national cake with his cronies. It is very insulting for him to publicly advertise his birthday and celebrate in grand style when apparently the country is meant to be tightening its belt with IMF on our backsides. Please lungu for once lead by example and do the right thing.

  12. Happy birthday my president and many more returns,and May the Almighty God continue to poure the showers of blessing.

  13. Comment:don’t condemn cake like bible have you never seen a witch Doctor having a bible in their to ma small houses some of you,you use the same bible to propose girl friends shame on you you do adultery whiles you have small bibles in your pockets……..

  14. Zambians wake up, he and his minions are feting, while a common Zambian on the street does not even know where the next meal will come from, and we are here praising, this is the lack of seriousness that make us unable to make our leaders accountable.

  15. Eish he is so weak he needs both his wife and the other guy in white to hold his arm just in cutting cake. The poor man should rest

    • Everyone’s going to die that’s reality its what you do that counts…this bum in the photo has only been increasing his net-worth whilst people suffer and not the Chamwama wife is a major player in the Charity industry.

  16. Comment:some of you are just hypocrites who criticise anything even if it benefits you, its about time that we changed this attitude or as a nation we will perish.happy bday ECL.

  17. Comment: Happy blessed 60th birthday Father of the nation Zambia, may the Almighty God remember and see you through in all things that you will be doing and may He be with you all the days if your life, may God put to shame all those who wish you a down fail in things. I pray may He use you to change this nation to a better home ever more. Amen Father


  19. Comment:you can say what ever you want to say but fact is that you won’t gain anything…… may he live long HIS EXCELLENCE E.C.L

  20. Happy Birthday Mr. President! Meanwhile one guy (and I think and his group – some of them right here on LT blog), “can’t sleep” and “can’t breath properly” because they have something stuck in their “throats” called “Incikonko” or hate” They may die of it!

  21. @victor
    icikonko(bitterness) is better than a foolish leader, because, the consequences of foolishness are always bad. Most Zambians are bitter by this foolish leader who imposed himself on them without wisdom at all! Some of us even wish we were Arabs/Moslem to easily teach foolish people like ka victor and others destroying our country, lessons!

  22. Eating bible cake has nothing to do with anyone’s birthday. Not need for masquerade. In other religions eating the holy book would call death of the eater.


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