Friday, March 14, 2025

Re-affirmation of Dr.Nevers Mumba as President of MMD


MMD President Nevers Mumba
MMD President Nevers Sekwila Mumba

The MMD has strongly re-affirmed that Dr.Nevers Mumba is the President of MMD. Dr.Mumba was elected in the MMD party convention in 2012 for a five year term.MMD spokesperson Ireen Musonda said when Mr Mutati was expelled from the party in 2015 for gross misconduct he challenged his expulsion in the high court,which then upheld his expulsion. Mr.Mutati challenged the ruling but later withdrew the matter quietly from court.Mrs Musonda said the fight against MMD by unknown youths and the PF minister of Home Affairs, Honourable Kampyongo, who is a stranger to the MMD,is misdirected.

Below is the full statement

We, the Movement for Multi-Party Democracy (MMD), wish to strongly re-affirm that Dr. Nevers Sekwila Mumba firmly remains President of the party and wish to dispel all the mischeveous misinformation that has consistently been circulated in the public domain by the enemies of the party challenging this fact.

Dr. Mumba was democratically and duly elected MMD President, by landslide victory, in the MMD Party Convention of May 2012 for a five-year term which expires in 2017. We therefore challenge the assertion that Mr. Felix Mutati is the President of the MMD by the fact that Mr. Mutati lost to Dr. Mumba in that election, a position which has never been challenged anywhere nor by anyone.

After that Election, Mr. Mutati remained party member and Chairman of the Commerce Sub-comittee of the MMD National Executive Committee. He was later expelled from the party for gross misconduct in March 2015. He appealed against this expulsion and he humbly submitted himself to the MMD Truth and Reconciliation Disciplinary committee and was forgiven and re-admitted to the party with a proviso that he desist from engaging in activities similar to those which led to his expulsion. But Mr. Mutati’s conduct was again found wanting and was subsequently summarily dismissed from the party in January, 2016.

Thereafter, Mr. Mutati challenged this expulsion in the Lusaka High Court and after studying the grounds of his expulsion by the MMD, the Lusaka High Court agreed with the MMD position and threw out the injunction which he was seeking and the court upheld his expulsion from the party. Mr. Mutati tried to challenge this ruling again but later quietly withdrew the matter from Court. By this action alone, Mr. Mutati reverted to his expelled status.

We wish to state that this relentless fight for the MMD Presidency by some unknown youths, Honourable Kampyongo, who is a stranger to the MMD as he is a PF minister, and others, is misdirected against Dr. Nevers Mumba. We strongly advise that they channel their energies to the 2012 MMD leadership that presided over the 2012 Convention which declared Dr. Mumba duly elected MMD President. We further appeal to them to take this fight back to the Lusaka High Court and if they can, to let them reverse the ruling that upheld the expulsion of Mr. Mutati from the MMD and thereafter find an acceptable way of imposing him as MMD President.

Finally, we wish to advise these youths that the MMD, being the mother of multi-party democracy in Zambia and the party under which Zambia was declared a Christian nation, cannot and will not engage in thuggery to resolve party issues, as they are suggesting. As democrats, we are law-abiding and will continue to pursue the route of the Courts of Law to settle any disputes and to always seek progressive and meaningful dialogue. We therefore strongly appeal to the said youths and indeed Honourable Kampyongo, to avoid unncessary threats and insults against Dr. Mumba but instead, in a calm and reasonable manner, advance their strong reasons as we have done, as to why the MMD and indeed the nation, should regard Mr. Felix Mutati as MMD President.


  1. But that’s what we know.
    But what does Edgar call Mutati? As far as PF Secretariat, Mutati is PF member.
    And in what capacity did Mumba speak at climate summit in Morocco?
    Who wrote that press statement anyway?

    • Thanks for the very sober and professional statement, Madame spokesperson. You just made the whole MMD leadership position clear, without using insults, threats or demeaning language. The courts is the way to go, Mr. Kampyongo – not using the armed state police against unarmed citizens, or indeed the use of thugs in matters that don’t even have anything to do with you or your party.

    • Looking at pastor Mumba and his group makes me sin, Lord forgive me. These selfish people are leading us astray. Make them understand that what they have done so far is enough (either SERVICE or DAMAGE).

  2. Definately we need morality and integrity in politics.Why should Kampyongo support illegality?His Ministry is supposed for law and order.Mutati is already rewarded for having been used by
    RB and ECL to bring the percieved confunsion in MMD.What more does shameless Rupiah want?.

  3. Further more,Rupiah’s Agenda is to dismantle the percieved Bemba dominance in politics.So Rupiah can only support weak Bemba policians who have no spine like Mutati and a corruption file,which they use against him.That’s why Mutati could not speak when Sata was slive.

  4. Sober and clear!….RB is the author of MMD confusion; it pained him to leave power. That’s the route Eddie is being tutored into; extension of Presidential term.

  5. MMD brought us bumper harvests, record forex and 6% growth …now PF has brought us indebtedness,load shedding and Fitch downgrades bcuz the economy is managed by village *****s.

  6. Who no Earth can trust such a traitor in the name of Nevers Mumba currently picking pieces of bread from HH’s – GBM’s – Guy Scott’s dining tables? He will go through FIVE years of agony,depression and stress as he tried to sell the MMD members to UPND for pieces of silver.

  7. The eurobonds used to bribe people into morality by lungu and PF have all been looted now people people who would usually be bribed and silenced by PF bribes are speaking up across the land.

    Expect many more reversals and revelations as the bribery pool has dried up and people realise they were tricked.

    This is what you get when a GRZ rules on lies , intimidation, treats and bribery to forward a corrupt gang with no vision and feeble will to improve the of people. When the bribes dry the masses change sides.

  8. Sorry 4 using a wrong fora but Iam desperate. You can make fun of me if you want but iam very serious trouble. I have a very weak erection and i need help. Iam looking for these medications but I dont know where to find them-LIBIRON HERBAL CAPSALE,LIMITLESS MALE,RHINO 5 ,MAN UP or may someone direct me where i can find help but not from witch doctors;Kindly provide your number, i will gladly call u but please this is not a joke.


  10. The fact is that ,this is not a PF government coz the same people who waz in MMD is now in PF like (1Rupiah banda.2siliya 3mutati …..Rb alifilwa ukuteka icalo bt now is appointed as mpanda mano ,sure mwebantu were were are we going in zambia

  11. The most powerful man in Zambia at the moment is Rupiah Banda.Nevers may have not been a good president but what they have done to him cannot be supported by any morally upright person.Mutati should not appear to be a saint, he is sheep in a wolf’s attire.

    • @Ichishinka-Only equally immoral characters can support and tolerate RB and Mutati.Keeping these pipo in Zambian politics is a disaster and the politics shall continue to be toxic and immoral.

  12. Fantastic. This is how facts are laid out. Now let us hear from the so-called new MMD leadership? I am sure they will run to the registrar of non.sensical societies to pick up a counterfeit registration paper… Eish – Zambia is just going to the farts with each succeeding use.less leadership accession.

  13. Imwe anzatu aku chipani cha UPND, what is the issue here? And who cares? And who cares about Nevers Mumba sekwila who has now become an unwanted stooge in UPND? You can have all of him in whatever capacity president or idoit, presidential spokesperson or batman for HH whatever, he is not material for presidency of Zambia, not even his accomplice HH will ever become President of Zambia.

  14. The good thing that I can tell you, this morning, is that. Never so Sekwila Mumba will never be president of this country.Full stop.

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