The Lusaka High Court has dismissed a petition by losing UPND Chongwe Constituency candidate Sylvia Masebo.
Judge Getrude Chawatama ruled that PF candidate Japhen Mwakalombe had convincingly won the constituency elections held on 11th August 2016.
Judge Chawatama dismissed the application by Ms. Masebo and ruled that Mwakalombe was duly elected as Member of Parliament for Chongwe Constituency.
Ms. Masebo sued Mr Mwakalombe claiming that the election of the Chongwe MP was marred with electoral irregularities.
She petitioned that Mr Mwakalombe engaged in malicious propaganda, intimidation, and illegal practices against her.
Ms. Masebo also claimed that her monitors were not given copies of the Gen 12 and that alleged ghost voters were allowed to vote.
Her key ground for petitioning the election results was also that Mr Mwakalombe’s supporters called her Belinda Nafwa after a famous Zambian song.
Belinda is a fictional character in artist Chester’s song, that depicts a careless man that left his wife for Belinda.
Belinda then suddenly died and apparently the man only became aware that she was on HIV/AIDS treatment.
Ms. Masebo argued that that the reference to her as Belinda Nafwa tarnished her image as a good citizen of Chongwe.
But Judge Chawatama dismissed the application declaring Mwakalombe as duly elected as Member of Parliament for Chongwe.
Time to move on. There’s life outside politics. You can engage in business, agriculture etc and get full satifisfaction.
Ooops!! Meant satisfaction
masebo give chance to others……dont be like the mugabes and mu7
So why is State house threatening Judges, the Diva just lost petition.
Or are the judges start reversing decisions, should we expect UPND to loose all the rest cases?
I agree with you,
She did not even need to petition.
Something are very clear.
And why should she have a feeling that Chongwe is her plot.
I think that is the most ridiculous reasoning of a petition I could ever heard of. Honestly didn’t even deserve being heard.
She is either desperate, thick, or a wishful thinker.
But then again, I’m yet to meet a more intelligent Zambian than I am.
I have CIMA, ACCA, MBA, MSC, Bsc, B Arts besides almost completing my PhD and yet I’m only 27.
Good! This kamuselela kwakaba has finally been found out. Time you retired from politics my dear mama waluse
Did the key witness who was battered by PF thugs ever testify?
The grounds of petition as alluded to in this article don’t make sense.
@ Mushota (1.5) 😀
…finally you have come clean!!!! We’ve beaten you fair and square…
….we have joy, happiness, warmth, Africa, big houses, big cars and LOADS OF MONEY – including those tu ma papers you wish you had.
She can become a real Belinda now that she is jobless
Whitesnake’s “Here I Go Again”.
Just move on – Road Master did that to masebo on her wedding night. Rumour that he went through the bridesmaids one by one, hence the Belinda connection. Move one petition has been heard. NEXT
Belinda Nafwa
She willgo ba k to prostitution which she knows very well
How did she lose this seat? Anyway when I saw her sleeping across those national assembly seats during the constitution debate I completely wrote her off.
She has also failed to do anything about the Meanwood scandal…
She willgo ba k to prostitution which she knows very well and is a professional.
Please let us have respect for our courageous women in our national affairs. No need to insult I think she has contributed a lot to our national development.
“Ms. Masebo argued that that the reference to her as Belinda Nafwa tarnished her image as a good citizen of Chongwe.” Her Boss in UPND, Dr. Guy Scott calls it ninkani zandale (that politicking).
“That’s politics; if you had someone at school who called you the most stupid brown man he ever met, are you still bitter about it, ninkani zandale (that politicking) and it has no impact at all,” he said.
Yalula nkani. Move on concentrate on what you are good at and known for. Ati Belinda name made me unpopular. Kikiki. You and Mushipe are the same.
Maabo was a very useless mp for chongwe, ppl rejected her and am one them that rejected this lady as an mp for chongwe. She is very arrogant and she feels like she owns chongwe. Go away .
So are you HIV positive or not.
So does It mean Justice Chawatama is carrying out directives from Amos Chanda and his boss Lungu or the disqualification of Masebo is based on a professional judgment? State House should stop intimidating Judges and threatening them with sacking. Lungu should be told that a prolerly functioning Judiciary is good for our Constitutional Democracy. The disposing of the UPND Petetion is good for Zambia as it will bring a closure to a difficult period in Zambia’s history. Already a Vote Recount has started in Michigan State in the USA and nobody is blocking that process. So why is Lungu blocking the UPND Petetion? Let the Petetioners be heard without further delay.
Ba Masebo honestly speaking I do feel sorry for her! I wish her the best despite all the insults she heaped on Team ECL, politics isn’t everything try farming kuja kwamene ku Chongwe must’ve organised a piece of land during your tenure.
@mushota you don’t have a BEng, and an LLB so kindly add those qualifications to your endless list, secondly some military service and medals would be the icing on the cake!
Belinda Nafwa?
YES MASEBOPETITIONED BECAUSE THESE TWO Japhen and Masebo are Jokers, JAPHEN RESIGNED AS AN MP IN AND SATA paid him off for an AMBASSADOR jOB IN mOZAMBIQUE, HE never even declared he was PF HAHAA..SOME PEOPLE ARE LUCKY MWEE..I still believe PF had a long standing member in chongwe but was never heard or picked. I hope japhen will not resign this time around because it seems he LOVES money that his people who voted for him.
Belinda Nafwa nafuti nafuti.
In soccer we protest to FAZ even if you’ve won the game if you feel the game was not played under a conducive atmosphere. I wish it were same with politics.
Its not a question of feeling sorry for Masebo. Judges make rulings based on facts. It could be that the evidence given by Masebo was weak. Judges should be left to make independent decisions. That is why the Executive Arm of Govt should not interfere with the professional work that these judges are doing. The likes of Amos Chanda, who is a junior Civil Servant for that matter, should stop threatening , intimidating and underminingJudges. Now some people are accusing the Judge for having dismissed the Masebo case based on the directives from Amos Chanda and his Boss even though the judgment was made on its own merits. In a normal Constitutional Democracy Amos Chanda should have been reprimanded for his irresponsible statements but nothing will be done on this. Why should a mere Press…
Good judgement. And HH cannot purchase this one anyway. HH has no interest in this petition anyway. What is Chongwe to HH? He is only interested in Lusaka and CB. There he will spend his last money to ensure that friendly judges do not falter in their commitments to deliver two or three prizes. Some are so committed and so shameless that they dont even look at the evidence. I wonder how many more male Hildas HH has?
Honestly, i don’t think Belindah Nafwa can win any elections on upnd ticket this time around? She survived in the past bcos of jumping around and past Presidents were in good terms with the Chieftainess who happens to be her relative. Anyway, she will live to regret for her own actions,meanwhile she is still facing an active corruption case after what has happened.
(1)@anyokoo please stop this mixed writings of yours and have order in your sentencing you are confusing the media users ala
(2)@mushota no one is interested to knw about your achievements and more over the topic is masebo not academic qualifications childish kid.
As for mama masebo its high time you switch to something else better good luck.
Masebo i mean tembo can now return to her land of origin or better still team team up with her friend wynter. After all we still want public funds back for the ambulances the council house ill gotten in rhodes park hunting licenses etc but u know u are finished when even the chief rejects u. She read library studies at unza so she can find work and not continue with VJs trade
The best hips in Sub-Saharan Africa.
I can divorce my wife Rookmini then marry her and bring her to the UK to live with me.
Please, please say yes ma’am?
You people let’s face it:Masebo is a very active speaker in parliament. I will personally miss her. You cannot even compare her to Mwakalombe. Wish you well Masebo
She forgets that she didn’t want to support Lungu “because he was going to die soon and subject the country to another national mourning so soon after Michael ‘s funeral “
Bye by belinda nafwa
What do you expect when State House begins to threaten Judges!!. It’s expected…..
It’s only in Zambia where all rulings on electoral petitions should be in favor of PF else Judges will be deemed conniving with the Opposition….
The petitions made by the opposition was a total abuse of the courts. The judges are aware if this. If judges think they can remove what the people want and give it to the people they want, it will be very difficult. To call for another election because the one you wanted has not gone through is not the best what happens if he looses again you will nullify again? That is what Amos is saying. When Amos is talking that is ECL talking. PF will re-contest those Constituencies and win again. Lesa talala pabaana bakwe.
CHONGWE should rest now……lets look elsewhere…….
Well what can we the foot soldiers say? We didn’t go to court to escort this one because we had warned our Great Leader Chairman Mao about this type of persons. But we were shouted down and told we would carry Chongwe if we kept this cross-over…well since we don’t have much money except our voices we stayed away from the campaign because the electorate had long spoken even when candidates where being nominated…eyes on the ball they told us! No who was speaking facts and not fiction?…2021 Zambia Forward under new leadership!
Chester “ni mukali”. This mayo wamuyayaya has finally been removed from chongwe’s vision.Its a victory for chongwe residents who spoke with a vote.
Nabane Ba Chester balaimba ati Belinda nafwa I am laughing out Loud (LOL) My lungs!