Wednesday, January 15, 2025

State House warns Judges, they should not use courts to hand over power to the UPND


The Judges at the ceremony
The Judges at the ceremony

State House has accused the Judiciary of colluding with the opposition UPND and trying to usurp the sovereign will of the people to elect their own leaders.

State House Special Assistant for Press and Public Relations Amos Chanda has since issued a stern warning against the Judges saying they should not act like politicians.

In a wide ranging Sunday Interview on ZNBC TV aired last evening, Mr Chanda said the behaviour of some Judges especially over the handling of election petitions has caused some comfort in the Patriotic Front.

“Yes there is some discomfort in the party, remember I speak for the presidency and the President is the Head of the Party and I can say here that there is discomfort over the conduct of the Judiciary,” Mr Chanda said.

He said the judiciary must not push the Executive to push for judicial reforms like the ones in Kenya.


The Judiciary must not push the Executive


[/pullquote]“The Judiciary must not be like politicians. The Judiciary must not push the Executive to push judicial reforms the Kenya style. Judges are members of society, they are not in Jupiter, their actions must be in tune with society, they should not create doubts. There is discomfort in the party about what some judges say to members of the opposition and when we see their outcomes, it creates discomfort but not fear,” he said.

Mr Chanda said “Let’s not have the judiciary that puts itself on trial.”

Mr Chanda said the PF will still win the by elections even if they are called in Lusaka Central and Munali constituencies.

“No elections are won in the courts of law. The judiciary is usurping the sovereign will of the people. For instance, Hon Mwanakatwe’s husband was threatened with a pistol during campaigns and how can a Judge turn that against Hon Mwanakwatwe. This is the absurdity we are talking about. This is the collusion we are talking about. We are beginning to see strange things in the judiciary,” Mr Chanda said.

He said the courts must stay away from putting themselves in the political arena.

“The party will not sit idle and watch this continue,” he warned.

Mr Chanda also dismissed reports that the opposition UPND has applied to the International Criminal Court over the handling of the election petition.

“We have searched everywhere, there is no petition in the ICC to do with Zambia. What the UPND is doing is psyching the minds of Zambians that President Lungu will be removed from office one day.

It’s in the interest of the judiciary that they don’t put themselves on trial. How do you explain a Court official acting in a partisan manner by admitting 70 percent of cadres from the UPND and denying enough seats to the PF? It will only take a phone call to the Provincial Chairman in Lusaka and there will be no space in the entire court building because the PF is by far the most popular in Lusaka,” he said.

On presidential trips, Mr Chanda denied accusations that President Lungu has been travelling a lot.
He revealed that President Lungu has turned down some invitations in the spirit of austerity measures that his administration is implementing.

“He is not travelling too much, we have cancelled some trips. All the trips he has undertaken since re-election have been in very important,” Mr Chanda said.

He also disclosed that President Lungu is the only leader who moves with one of the smallest delegations.

“He has done about five trips in a month but he travels with the smallest number in his entourage, sometimes only about seven people comprising, security, doctors and protocol. The number of people travelling with the President has reduced from an average of 80 people to an average of between 20-22. When I look at the records, that the President has cut the numbers and all these trips are budgeted for and he is not travelling over budget. He is even travelling below budget.”
Mr Chanda said Presidential summits are important for Zambia’s international relations.

“Summitry is still important and that is why the EU leaders are meeting all the time. That is how governments function. There are certain things that cannot just be discussed over the phone.”


  1. Bushe who does this man think he is , you mean condemning violence and sanctioning it is colluding with the Party? What arrogance grips such a people? This is sad really sad…2021 Zambia Forward under new leadership

    • Amos Chanda is in no capacity to address the judiciary. He is State House spokes person and therefore does not work for PF or ECL because State house is not for PF but for Zambia. Presidency is not a partisan post but a post for the Nation. What is sad is you Amos Chanda who is a Presidential Aide but acting like a PF cadre every time.

    • Amos Chanda is a Civil servant…. I hope he knows that. A civil servant should not be involved in politics and politicking. Even PSs are appointed by the same president but we do not expect them to write this gullible piece of junk.

    • Fellow bloggers, we need to coordinate and allocate our personal resources towards ensuring that PF does not survive 2021! Its getting out of hand – everything that Amos said was signed off by the Head of State! Who does he think he is? The Head man for Zambia? PF will fall, lets start by ensuring that nullified seats go to the opposition Green Party, FDD, UPND, Independent – I don’t care! Lets give them a test of what’s to come! Zambia does not belong to PF! What arrogance!

    • PF is in their 6th year in power…and load shedding has intensified. What does that tell you of Amos Chanda and his Boss, Edgar Lungu?

    • The issue is this;

      If I am beaten but still win the election, why should my election be nullified.

      The judge never indicated nor ascertained who was violent. So on that account the issue of violence should not have be used to make judgement.

      Otherwise if it is the loser who was violent, then the judge simply says because there was violence let’s nullify; what will happen is that the loser will cause even more violence next time to frustrate the winner.

      So the courts should watch out that they do not promote violence in their judgement.

    • George Chellah was the worst presidential aide…until Amos Chanda became one. Amos, be careful my brother. You are still young and have a life ahead of you. Tekanya. Stay out of the politics and stick to the professional issues. You may think you are in control now and that is nature of power – it is pathological- but things change. Have you thought about what will happen to you if we woke up tomorrow without EL? Take a moment to consider that prospect.

    • Who is he speaking for, He is not PF but works at state house, This boy has become big headed just like his boss who hides under the cloth of humbleness and yet he is a dictator. Let him know his job discription before he opens his mouth.

    • After rigging the elections and fixing the Con Court this pathetic excuse for a civil servant can come up with nonsense like this???


      Maybe because we all have to use malasha due to failed PF Zesco!

    • “Judges should not decide cases in such a way as to please public opinion, or the Government. They must decide them in accordance with the facts before them and the law, which is relevant. It is only in this manner that an accused person can be guaranteed a fair trial and impartial trial before an unbiased judge free from the domination of public opinion…It is one of the functions of the judiciary to criticise the actions of the Executive or its individual servants. If that right is to be denied, then the courts can no longer effectively carry out their duties”.

      Extracts from the the release by Chief Justice James John Skinner in response to the attacks on the Judiciary by both President Kaunda and UNIP cadres, 15 July 1969. Can the current Chief Justice Irene Mambilima emulate…

    • “Judges should not decide cases in such a way as to please public opinion, or the Government. They must decide them in accordance with the facts before them and the law, which is relevant. It is only in this manner that an accused person can be guaranteed a fair trial and impartial trial before an unbiased judge free from the domination of public opinion…It is one of the functions of the judiciary to criticise the actions of the Executive or its individual servants. If that right is to be denied, then the courts can no longer effectively carry out their duties”.

      Extracts from the the press release by Chief Justice James John Skinner in response to the attacks on the Judiciary by both President Kaunda and UNIP cadres, 15 July 1969. Can the current Chief Justice Irene Mambilima…

    • …Extracts from the the release by Chief Justice James John Skinner in response to the attacks on the Judiciary by both President Kaunda and UNIP cadres, 15 July 1969. Can the current Chief Justice Irene Mambilima emulate Skinner? Or would she rather leave individual judges to defend themselves? Let’s wait and see.

    • @ Patriot, Just remember that we shall also continue to put our resources together and ensure that UPND does not win 2016. Just like UPND, PF has its own patriots who in fact are the majority supporting on principal not tribe, creed, region, class, gender or sex. Just remember that there will be no aparthy this time in PF stronghold and UPND will not chase any election mornitors in South, West or NW. We take both video and photo cameras everywhere in these regions. If you slaugher a cow anything near the polling station for the public, it will be met with harsh consenquences. And just remember that south, west or even NW belong to the all Zambians just like North, Luapula, Muchinga, CB, central and Lusaka belong to Zambian people.

    • We are all called upon to defend the constitution at all times. Edward has just declared war on all of us, we need to stand up & defend the constitution.

    • Firstly, who gave this chap permission to address the judges like this? Secondly, its no secret that Lungu’s win is still pending before the courts and was never disposed meaning he was never validly considered elected. What is Amos and his boss scared of if he really won. There is no need to issue such a statement because this goes to show he is hiding something and he might have gained power illegally.

    • Those of you who are insulting Chanda must rethink. You just want to insult HH but you just don’t have the courage to do so.

      All along you have been wanting to insult HH but you have been long for a channel through which you could send your insults to HH.

      Now you have Chanda who you want to use as medium for channeling your insults to HH.

      Who is better – Chanda who simply cautions the judges or HH who insulted the three judges who voted against continuing with an expired presidential petition?

      HH called the three judges – thugs, thieves, criminals, corrupt etc. So if you insult Chanda, you have insulted HH many times over, by implication.

      Anyone who insults Chanda over this matter and thinks he has not insulted HH, he is not normal, because by implication the insults are…

    • This is truly unbelievable…not even old man Sata with his loud mouth could utter such nonsense…why doesnt Lazy Lungu visit Zambia and address the nation instead of sending an unelected offical like Amos and a grandma for Vice President.

    • Mwiinde SIAVWAPA ON SPOT LIGHT – CHANDA IS RIGHT, Siavwapa should stop messing with the Executive.
      Maybe Mwiinde Siavwapa was seen having dark corner meetings with comrade HH who hails such judgement and justifies his long claim that the votes were stolen. Mwiinde Siavwapa was to become HH’s legal aid had UPND won that election.Let Lawyers stop messing with the executive. I know that we have pro-Opposition and pro-Government judges. The judgement delivered by Mwiinde Siavwapa on flimsy grounds was malicious and incompetent to the CORE. Such judges spoil the names of innocent good ones. Mwiinde Siavwapa would surely nullify every election in the nation because he lives in an Ideal democracy. He is a total sham.

    • PF and Lungu have taken the bait that IMF and the international community were waiting for.

      Given this situ, if HH and us in UPND complain that the judiciary is biased and controlled by Lungu, Amos will start crying foul.

  2. ba chanda is becoming professional than the judges and the law itself. he must learn to trust the professionalism of the judiciary and not cadres.

    • “Judges should not decide cases in such a way as to please public opinion, or the Government. They must decide them in accordance with the facts before them and the law, which is relevant. It is only in this manner that an accused person can be guaranteed a fair and impartial trial before an unbiased judge free from the domination of public opinion…It is one of the functions of the Judiciary to criticise the actions of the Executive or its individual servants. If that right is to be denied, then the courts can no longer effectively carry out their duties”.

      Chief Justice James John Skinner in response to the attacks on the Judiciary by both President Kaunda and UNIP cadres, 15 July 1969. Can the current Chief Justice Irene Mambilima emulate Skinner?

    • …Or would she rather leave it to the individual judges to defend themselves from these attacks from the Executive? Let’s wait and see.

    • You think no one can ever question the Judiciary when all other arms of government are being questioned? The legislature is under attack constantly and the Excecutive too is often insult and you bloggers here choose to say the no one, not even the President can question the activities of the Judicially? what bull crap is that?

    • @Ken: from a non partisan view, Mr Amos Chanda has no right to blame the judiciary. The President is on record telling the nation that he does not interfere with the Judiciary, is Amos Chanda contradicting/ exposing his boss? Are these threats on the judiciary not amounting to instructing the courts to rule in favor of PF all the time or else judges will loose their jobs? If State House has severe doubt in the judiciary, what about the Opposition or any common man in the street? These threats must not be supported by any well meaning Zambian.

    • If you every doubted that Zambia is a failed state, now you have it. For the Presidency to be so thin skinned and insulting to the judiciary after rigging elections and ensuring that the Presidential petition could not be determined, just proves how corrupt Lungu and his PF are. These are a bunch of criminals who have captured the state. They represent nobody but their greedy selves.

  3. State House cannot warn the Judiciary because the Judiciary is independent of the Executive. How can the executive warn the Judiciary or the Legislature? The executive is one-third of the three equal arms of government. One cannot warn the other on how to do the work. Checks and balances need to follow procedure. Amos is not in any way following procedure by making this statement. Small dog barking.

    • “Judges should not decide cases in such a way as to please public opinion, or the Government. They must decide them in accordance with the facts before them and the law, which is relevant. It is only in this manner that an accused person can be guaranteed a fair and impartial trial before an unbiased judge free from the domination of public opinion…It is one of the functions of the Judiciary to criticise the actions of the Executive or its individual servants. If that right is to be denied, then the courts can no longer effectively carry out their duties”.

      Chief Justice James John Skinner in response to the attacks on the Judiciary by both President Kaunda and UNIP cadres, 15 July 1969. Can the current Chief Justice Irene Mambilima emulate Skinner?

    • The result of those in the Judiciary groveling to the Executive is insults from non-entities like Chanda! Really are the judges behaving like timid dogs that fold their tails between they legs? A comment from the Judiciary would be appropriate so the nation can learn where the Judiciary stands on such demeaning attacks! The president must not be the appointing authority for the Judiciary!

  4. This is no doubt a grievous attack on the judiciary. Currently, we have the opposition attacking the judiciary left, right and centre and now the person (President) who is supposed to defend them has joined the bandwagon. What is there for EL to be upset about? UPND have also suffered nullification (ItezhiTezhi), Independents have had 2 nullified seats. No party has been spared in the nullification. Take a chill and drink some Jameson please.

    • You think no one can ever question the Judiciary when all other arms of government are being questioned? The legislature is under attack constantly and the Excecutive too is often insult and you bloggers here choose to say the no one, not even the President can question the activities of the Judicially? what bull crap is that?

    • You think no one can ever question the Judiciary when all other arms of government are being questioned? The legislature is under attack constantly and the Excecutive too is often insult and you bloggers here choose to say the no one, not even the President can question the activities of the Judicially? what bull crap is that?

    • Ba KEN, ‘Questioning and Threatening’ are two(2) different terms. we all encourage questioning the 3 arms of govt from time to time, but we never encourage threatening either of these. Ken you’re a tool my guy.

  5. I’m not sure who is putting the judiciary on trial other than the President himself and his minions i.e. Amos. The rest of us are content to sit back and watch how this plays out because the chickens will sooner or later, come to roost, the question is whose chickens……

  6. Wow. … unbelievable! If the President feels strongly about the judiciary’s petition rulings, he should have the courage to say it himself than send us a very junior state house aide to insult the judiciary and the country. This is a very sad development in the country. Of course Chanda was sent to test the mood in the country on such an important issue. Don’t be surprised next to see PF cadres demonstrations against targeted individual judges

    • Don’t insight our carders iwe. our people do not resort to demonstrations. When last did you hear that PF cardres are rioting?

    • Chi-Ken, PF cadres camped at the Kangaroo Court to ensure that the crooked judges declared that they had run out of time to determine the case. Try another lie.

  7. Certain sections of the judiciary and executive have clearly got many pro UPND members in them.
    What is sad is these top ranking civil servants are the same ones enjoying govt benefits- a high court judge for instance enjoys several perks which were upgraded under the PF govti what we have here is a case of biting the hand that feeds you- some of these judges that are ruling for the opposition are doing this on very flimsy grounds and more than likely have been bought off by the Hungry Heyna (HH)!

    • @2020vision: All civil servants, which includes Judges, are paid by the Zambian Taxpayers and not by any individual political party. The judges must be professional and non partisan and judge a case on merit and not who is paying their salary otherwise there will be no need to take a case to court. Let’s put politics aside, Judiciary belongs to ALL Zambians and must be seen to uphold JUSTICE for any aggrieved person regardless of their political affiliation. This is my personal view, I’m non partisan.

  8. The issue is this;

    If I am beaten but still win the election, why should my election be nullified.

    The judge never indicated nor ascertained who was violent. So on that account the issue of violence should not have be used to make judgement.

    Otherwise if it is the loser who was violent, then the judge simply says because there was violence let’s nullify; what will happen is that the loser will cause even more violence next time to frustrate the winner.

    So the courts should watch out that they do not promote violence in their judgement.

    • 5 trips per month is 60 trips per year or 300 trips in 5 years. At the cost of $75,000 allowance to Lungu per trip, you can see how Lungu will declare an increase of $25m in his net worth in 2021.That dog!

  9. Almighty God Zambia has lost the tenacity of democracy under Lungu. The president publicly threatened the judges who ruled against his supporters.
    Please Zambians whether you support PF you have to watch Lungu with caution. Tomorrow Lungu will turn against you supporters who will disagree with him on issues.
    Lungu is setting a dangerous precedent to the nation. When a country engulfs with fire he won’t quench it he will run to those friends is creating while on tour.
    There’s no way you can coherently the judiciary like that.Then PF now is saying the judiciary should be PF. Sata was crazy but had guided policies.
    Now you chose a quite man to be your leader you will be pay the price for that.

    • You think no one can ever question the Judiciary when all other arms of government are being questioned? The legislature is under attack constantly and the Excecutive too is often insult and you bloggers here choose to say the no one, not even the President can question the activities of the Judicially? what bull crap is that?

      Stop misleading the nation iwe cow dung.

  10. Zambians has no money for all this nonsense that won’t change anything in parliament and the country as a whole please give us a break. Let this time politicians to vote for themselves. Come on Zambians find something meameaningful to do with your time. These people are working ,open your eyes and see the sense in all these. They get back to us when they need a vote and once it’s done they disappear and wait for the next term. Say no and show them that we tired of there games that only make them rich. If they mean well let those found guilty be imprisoned.

    • You are just a sore career loser,how come you didn’t complain about bye-elections when your pathetic small God Sara held 100s of them in 2011? Tribalist

  11. What Amos Chanda has said here is very true.judges such as Mwiinde (tonga) and Edward Musona (N/westerner) are 100% pro UPND and am sure even on 11/08/2016,they voted for HH!!tribalism in these people is there for all to see.lets remember,the concourt has 5 judges out of these 5,about 2 bantustan judges decided that upnd must be heard clearly going against the 14 days stated in the constitution.these judges wanted to go against the constitution for the sake of their tribesman hh-imagine!!!SO NO DOUBT,TODAY TRIBALISM IS REAL AND MANY OFFICERS IN HIGH OFFICES FROM SOUTHERN,WESTERN AND N/WESTERN ARE PRO UPND!!!

    • Njimbu as yu were?We shall not be intimidated by small men but by the truth and ethics of justice.The Judiciary is independent from the executive and so it shall be.

    • So what you b***stard! Do you think people are not seeing how tribalist YOU ARE? You want people to sit back and enjoy your stu*pid tribalism while they do nothing about it….id*iot. If you want people to LOVE YOU, act like a lovable id*iot and you will be respected. If you pick up a gun and fire first at somebody who is supposed to be your brother, and then when he retaliates you start whining like a little puppy dog! You don’t even have the guts to face the same sh*it that you dish out everyday, you numskull. Who has been calling Tongas terrible names all year? Is it not you and your fellow id*iots? Did you ever condem Kambwili or that chi*nyo called Mumbi Phiri? Just go fart in the toilet, mate.

    • What utter stoopidity! Bembas are now forcing innocent Zambians to even speak their filthy language in Lusaka govt offices. So the other people are not supposed to even react to your savagery and bigotedness? What gives you the right to do as you want against all other Zambians without payback, without repercussions? You brought this fightback upon yourselves.

  12. I would like to urge well meaning Zambian not to look on tribe line this is very retrogressive we should look at the quality of a leader & who can deliver to our expectation.insulting who is in government & the opposition will not take us anywhere just give advise where is necessary

    • contrary to looking up to an individual, we must work on strengthening institutions of governance so that even if you had a lunatic for a president the impact would be mitigated!

  13. this means that concourt judges MUST over turn high court nulifications against PF, failure to that these judges will be sorted out by Amos and his Boss, cry my beloved country.

  14. This is shocking, l hope the LAZ and others will issue stern warnings to protect the integrity of the judiciary!! Ndiye kuti PF really believe that they are above the law ai. Isn’t this the same PF thaat nullified 70 MMD seats after 2011 election? And abused the con court after 2015 election? Even if its taking docile Zambians for granted, this is getting out of hand mwebantu

    • You think no one can ever question the Judiciary when all other arms of government are being questioned? The legislature is under attack constantly and the Excecutive too is often insult and you bloggers here choose to say the no one, not even the President can question the activities of the Judicially? what bull crap is that?

    • LAZ is as rotten as the eggs because of the Crook Mmembe it’s only individual lawyers who are credible and not the LAZ Board…

  15. The caliber of the PF00LS occupying state house is shocking. At a time like this when the country needs Visionary leaders to pull the country out of the doldrums, we have the likes of LUNGU & AMOS CHANDA at the front. Please provide your solutions for the following critical matters which need your urgent attention instead of threatening judiciary which is not answerable to you or your LUNGU:-

    Load-shedding crisis
    Fuel supply crisis
    ECZ crisis
    Concourt crisis
    Unemployment crisis
    Drug abuse crisis
    Hunger crisis
    High Illiteracy crisis
    Overpopulation especially in the compounds
    Corruption crisis
    Tax evasion crisis by mines
    $1billion VAT refund fraud by KCM
    $6billion External debt crisis.
    …..The list is just too long.


    • You think no one can ever question the Judiciary when all other arms of government are being questioned? The legislature is under attack constantly and the Excecutive too is often insult and you bloggers here choose to say the no one, not even the President can question the activities of the Judicially? what bull crap is that?

  17. He warns that we should continue following state house and not the constitution of zambia….laughable…
    If you sideline regulations expect accidents….and we have casualties now…

  18. A true and real journalist or interviewer should have pushed Amos to explain how he understands his job as civil servant. How can a small boy warn the learned lawyers and counsels????


    • UPND always wins on social media …. never lose sleep over their propaganda! But on the ground, it’s a different ball game!

    • @Umwina Nkana – isn’t it funny that in your own backyard in Nkana, you lost a ward by-election to UPND! Which social media propaganda are you talking about? And if social media is not important, how come you closed ZWD?

  20. Amos Chanda and Frank Bwalya have issued veiled threats on the judiciary which ought to be independent if any of us should dream of getting justice therefrom. We must not allow them to talk crap with impunity, i hope laz, the civil society, and even the chief justice comes to the rescue of our judges. the problem is that the pf government wants to reward corruption and punish morally upright individuals. what stupidit.y!

  21. Amazing what is going on in Zambia. Where are the charisma leader who have the heart of the country. People are going without power for days and you are busy discussing judiciary.

  22. Tribalism is something that we cannot run away from in Africa. It is a growing cancer that needs to be confronted with truth and not ‘semantism’. It threatens unity and ultimately the development of Africa.

  23. fooolish i understand why the constitution court failed to handle the petition issues because of these threats.bakolwe…

  24. Do you annual elections just because supporters of one candidate altra right wingers/Nazis and because they were calling Clinton names during campaigns?

  25. Is there anyone with money to sue this man for issuing threats to the Judiciary? Is it not contempt to also comment on cases still active in court?

  26. Amos Chanda just respect the verdict of the courts. The Judges did not arrive at those verdicts from nothing. They gathered enough evidence. Just because it was not in your party’s favour you are castigating the Judiciary.There are proper channels to pursue when you are aggrieved with the verdict of the courts of law. And those channels have already been pursued by the affected candidates.Infact Amos is not even the right person to issue such comments. He’s not a politician. Leave politics to politicians

  27. The undemocratic behavior and arrogance so far exhibited by HH and GBM has baffled and even shocked the majority of intelligent Tongas – the real vanguards of UPND. The Easterners and Bemba-speaking people now know that they have no political stake in UPND – just as the people of Northwestern Province have learnt through the hard way that the Tongas are merely using them as mere “chola-boys”.

    However, if UPND has any provincial leaders existing in Central, Copperbelt, Eastern, Luapula, Lusaka, Muchinga and Northern provinces, then such “provincial leaders” must be a flock of headless chickens or ecologically a herd silly ostritches.

    No intelligent Zambian can ever trust the selfish machinations of a clique of rich men dribling the poor masses.

  28. @KAPONYA:yes PF is dead in your 3 in upnd have been claiming that PF died with Sata in 2014 but in between,your tribal party upnd under hh has lost in 2015 and 2016!!!so which party is dead here between PF and tonga party upnd?please take note that upnd under hh will never win majority votes in 6 and half provinces-mark my words!!even in 2021 hh will lose!!moreover it you in upnd who have time to spend online and not us in PF because our party won and we will rule until 2021.we shall be very very active online in 2021!!!

  29. They used the judicial system to illegally get into power and now they are insulting the judges. This is an insult to the court system.

    • @38.1 Banana Republic Indeed!
      No, it’s not a lie. Only dogs from Banana Republic will bark anyhow. I meet dogs whenever I go hiking. Few, if any, lack the skull to bark at me unnecessarily. A dog will bark only when there is a good reason for doing so. In certain communities, the barking of a dog is considered noise and a disturbance by the neighborhood. Because of that, dog owners in such communities train their dogs not to bark anyhow.

    • @38.1 Banana Republic Indeed!

      Trained dogs will not bark at the moon in the sky. They know it’s a moon and is not dangerous.

    • @38.1 Banana Republic Indeed!

      The point is that, State House must be weary of its barking dogs. They are causing too much noise that is disturbing the neighborhood.

  30. Amos is not questioning the judiciary but the judges who passed useless judgment to nul the elections. There was no credibility in the manner elections were overturned. Even a baby can see tell that the judgment lacked logic. All these will be reversed by concourt not because of Amos but incompetence and error in judgment.

  31. boy Amos Chanda don’t be You are too arrogant for nothing. Why insult the judges and acting as pf spokesperson and yet your are supposed to be a civilized civil servant.

  32. Now now now, they have even cancelled some trips but he is still on average travelling seven times per month and the this lousy mouth piece thinks that is nothing! Most of these trips are completely useless, imagine the massive delegation he took to New York where even Mutharika wa Malavi was laughing at us for the sheer size of our delegation. Further, he hired a private jet plane to travel there, all at government cost. While there, he was busy Dununaling Reverse style, leaving Zambia unrepresented. With the threats to the judges, Chanda must be very careful, he should ask Miyanda who shoved the Public Order Act right don our throats and intimidated the judges too. In Kabwe, his own law caught up with the Miyanderous one and he nearly pooped in his own combat like when Gen. Chotomfwe…

  33. … squeezed his diminutive and cowardly nuts after capturing the idle general miyandering in Katanga. He tricked him that soldiers want him back to be president. The moment they crossed Kasumbalesa, he read him his rights, arrested the silly general and buddled him in the boot of a Pegeot 504. The kamucheka boys tortured Miyanda until he “pratatatata” in his combat stinking the whole entire interrogation room. Todate, that room at the Red Brick remains locked because it still stinks like a skank!

  34. Chanda is right.

    Who said judges can not err?

    What places such Nigeria where we hear judges are being prosecuted for corruption?

    When strange behaviour is observed, there is reason to question.

    Where is the sacredness coming from.

    Those of you who are insulting Chanda must rethink.

    Who is better – Chanda who simply cautions the judges or HH who insulted the three judges who voted against continuing with an expired presidential petition?

    HH called the three judges – thugs, thieves, corrupt etc. So if you insult Chanda, you insulted HH many times over.

    Anyone who insults Chanda over this matter and thinks he has not insulted HH, he is not normal, because by implication the insults are forwarded to HH by virtue of the insults he made to the judges..

    • you are just an irrelevant quack! what sacredness is being encouraged here? have you even taken time to read the full judgments of the courts in question before saying the judges erred in law and fact or you just read an online update? i believe you did the latter so just sit down and see the truth for what it is: the pf has destroyed this nation and the judiciary is being threatened on national tv because the clown issuing the threats knows there will always be an abomination like you to defend their actions.

    • @ 43.1 The People V. OJ

      The problem you have is that you see yourself smarter than you are.

      This why you clap when HH calls judges – thugs, criminals, corrupt, etc.

      Anything HH says makes sense to you, even when HH regrets letter it stays engraved in you are truth and correct.

      Chanda simply gave caution; you insult him. HH, on the other hand, insults the judiciary calling judges all manner of names and insults you are cheered up and excited.

      You level is not difficult reach for those trying to get up to it, but very difficult to come down to for those above it.

  35. There will be no bye-elections unless you also nullify all seats in southern province where there was first degree violence and vote rigging. This is crazy as many people’s property were torched down and some candidates were badly beaten and wounded while many people were displaced. I think the ICC should also look at judge musonda very closely. Its like he is “KUYASHA MULILO UMENE UNAZIMA KALE”

  36. If the His Excellence, the president of Zambia does not agree with what Mr. A.C. said, let him fire him in public interest as soon as he gets back.

    • Read the Zambian Watchdog facebook(Original one) and you will see that Lungu pre-planned with Amos Chanda right where he is to issue that speech? He will not be fired. It is only CK the unfortunate one again fired for wrong reason not disclosed!

  37. the truth is always painful and difficult to swallow. people prefer to be in denial. mwanakatwe was not the instigator of the violence in Lusaka. under five party petrol bombed markets, stole ECZ trucks believing they contained elections materials, mwaliteta is incarcerated. mwanakatwe’s husband was ambushed by pistol wielding thugs of under five party, yet this foolish judge says she caused the violence. who shed tears at bauleni market, was it not ECL? who carried the petrol bombs?did mwanakatwe use government resources in the election campaign when she was not a minister? this judge was merely fishing. he must be removed from the bench.


  39. Amos Chanda and his Principal wants judges to behave like the three muskateer judges (Sitali,Mungeni and Mulonda) at Concourt and pass judgments infavour of PF. They are trying to intimidate judges. Lungu does not believe in Rule of Law and Constitutional Democracy.

  40. State House has no business warning our independent judiciary. Our judges do not answer to State House, but to the Constitution and the Laws of Zambia.

  41. Mr Chanda you should speak for the Presidency not for the PF party. Go to school and learn the difference between the two. The Presidency is an office owned by all Zambians regardless of political alignment.
    “I speak for the presidency and the President is the Head of the Party and I can say here that there is discomfort over the conduct of the Judiciary,”
    The PF Presidency is owned by those Zambians who opt to be PF-Those Zambians who opt for UPND have no stake here but they still have a stake in the state presidency.
    The Presidential spokesperson should not be involved in partisan politics. He is not an elected office bearer but was appointed as a civil servant.
    If anything those judges should bring charges on Mr Chanda cos he doesnt have the authority to instruct them on their…

  42. This is what happens when power goes to someone’s head especially when a few dollars is banked – one starts thinking they are immune to public order they admonish others to follow. Chanda is a misguided person who needs to be retired in the national interest as he has lost the Plot. Since when did he become a PF spokesperson? He confuses the role of State House spokesperson, for which he is employed as a civil servant to that of the Secretary General of PF who is employed by the party and is the official spokesperson of PF. Who does he think he is to give stern warning to Judges. Nonsense

    • Its because Chagwa Lungu is the one encouraging him. Lungu passes all the shiitstuff he cant say himself to Chanda who not only doesnt have the guts to refuse but doesnt know how damaging it becomes to his person

  43. Ken, dont worry if pf cadres don’t contribute. Upnd cadres are good at at winning elections on social media. They are good at theories than practical. As far as they are concerned votes were stolen but have failed to provide evidence. So u can c the the calibre of upnd cadres mafi ya mbwa. Balibola ba fika*la. They are educated *****s. Satan aliba penya ba fika*la

  44. @Buthelezi’s Kingmaker As an ordinary citizen Amos Chanda can get away with chastising the judges but as a civil servant Mr Chanda must know where he belongs in the job hierarchy so he should be put on the carpet by the Public service through general orders. Unless the Public service is selective and spineless

  45. President Lungu is playing every Orchestra like a fiddle. Have you noticed just how independent our judiciary has become? Watching and enjoying this comedy show,

    Viva President Nawakwi.

  46. Chanda hit the nail on the Head.Most of these Tonga guys are traitors and should not be trusted.They were colluding with the opposition.PF should wake up now.

    The leader who is using juju to harm ZESCO cables to gain political mileage should stop it.

  47. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ati one of these days Lungu should VISIT Zambia from wherever he stays so he can see how people are suffering.
    Where does this Lungu fella stay? He has been spotted in Guinea, Tanzania? Italy? Vatican? France? USA? What a vagabond!

  48. Every dog has its own day but some have more than one,in this case who is,what is and in whose interest is A.M talking? we all know by now that the country has gone to the dogs or the dogs have come to the country. napapa sana .

  49. This is pathetic, unprofessional, let’s just say this is patented stup!dity from a govt official. Chanda should be ashamed and bugger off already together his alcoholic boss.

  50. Sad indeed, it is the petitioner who gathers evidence and witnesses, who has a duty to present it to court for it to be examined by the respondent’s lawyers through Cross examination and re examination to test the evidence as credible. The judge is just like a degree following court rules to arrive at the verdict. If the defendant fails to discredit the plaintiff’s evidence, the judge has to rule in favor of the plaintiff, he can not be blamed for the out come. It is common knowledge that the opposition was brutalised and denied space to campaign. The problem we have is that the government wants people to accept wrong things as normal occurrences! A wrong is wrong. Let us not behave like bakaponya, who feels that every action they take be it criminal, innocent bystanders ” must”…

  51. What a backward country. Very backward by every measure. Mr. Amos Chanda should know that the state is configured along three independent but cross-checking imperatives to ensure that one arm does not become tyrannous. I believe every Zambian must put partisanship aside and work to remove Mr. Lungu/PF. Democracy and rule of law is increasingly becoming that of Museveni’s Uganda. Zambians, wake up. Hyenas and pigs are taking over the country.

  52. The Judiciary should help the Zambians to get rid of the PF government through nullification all PF seats and usher in the UPND into power only then will their jobs be safe.

  53. If this is the quality of a Press Secretary Lungu can afford then there are very serious doubts about Lungu’s capacity himself. This boy is not ready to be press Secretary for a Head of State. He has very little knowledge how the government system works. C’mon Lungu can do better. Looking back, I see Press Assistants that were of repute, Kaunda had the best followed by Mwanawasa, then Chiluba. Sata and Lungu have kids who do not know how to handle the press. Where are these young men picked from?

  54. Naked and un ashamed attack on the freedom and independence of the judiciary.PF is a party of ill educated losers with only their stomachs in mind.

  55. A few days ago I met a UPNdonkey who claimed that there will soon be elections in Zambia meaning presidential elections. I asked why and he said there is no special .reason after I gave him the impression that i shared his views. I tried to convince him with solid points but he remained adamant and convinced of elections. I asked myself why, and lo, next day “Judge” Mwiinde Siavwapa was making headlines. I see HH going in soon once his subversive activities are exposed. It will be very soon. HH thinks that he is too smart for the state and yet his subversive activities have all been mapped and his intentions are known.

  56. Dundumwezi manners have been infected in the judicial system. ECL you need to reform the judicial system ASAP don’t take chances, these arrogant and naturally selfish group of sects/cults wants to find themselves in power through the back door. Going forward, high court judgments will be based on tribe if this situation is left unchecked. ECL you have reserved your powers for too long now, you need to act accordingly and bring sanity in the judiciary ASAP. Remember its within your powers as Chief executive officer.

  57. Comment:I demand a statement from LAZ over Chanda’s remarks. if this was not said with the blessings of his excellence, may the president fire him.


  59. On this one this Amos guy has proved that this presidency is a waste of space and time. It is as if there is no detailed account of the trial and judgement. It is as if the president is not a lawyer (or are we confirming something of his past?). What a mess this is turning out to be at the rate we are going.



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