Sunday, September 8, 2024

President Lungu counsels new Health Permanent Secretaries


Minister of Health Chilufya Chitalu, PS Health technical services Dr.Jabbin Mulwanda, Ps Health Administration Mr.John Moyo pose for a picture with President Lungu and vice president Inonge Wina

President Lungu has called on new Permanent Secretaries for Administration and Technical Services in the Ministry of Health to avoid procrastination and lethargy as some of the vices which have been delaying service delivery.

The President also warned that some Permanent Secretaries would soon be replaced because they were not performing according to expectations. The President said his investigations have revealed that some Permanent Secretaries were tired hence they would soon be replaced.

The President said this when he swore- in Mr John Moyo as Permanent Secretary for Administration and Dr. Jabbin Longa Mulwanda, Permanent Secretary for Technical Services in the Ministry of Health.

The President expressed profound concern at decisions which were made a long time on procurement of medicines and medical equipment including the execution of other health related activities, but were still pending.

President Lungu cited decisions which were made during the reign of fourth Republican President, His Excellency Mr Rupiah Bwezani Banda but had not yet been executed and attributed this to lethargy among other reasons.

President Lungu stated that sometimes decisions were made to pend to cause Government to fail in service delivery.

The President advised the two Permanent Secretaries to ensure that they executed their duties efficiently and that implementation of decisions made should be expedited to enhance service delivery.

On the appointment and swearing in of two Permanent Secretaries in the Ministry of Health, the President stated that this was unprecedented and that the move was intended to enhance efficiency in the system, as it was constrained.

“It is not the job of the President to ensure that decisions made are done as quickly as possible. As you execute your duties, ensure that you make quick consultations and if you fail to make decisions, let us know,” The President said

And the President also commended the Minister of Health Dr. Chilufya Mulenga for introducing health living in the country through the promotion of Aerobics which were launched on 28th November, 2016.

President Lungu said Health was not simply about curative but that emphasis should equally be on improving health living and wellness of the citizens to ensure a healthy nation.


  1. Please give us a bit of background – academic and experience of these appointees. Do we have investigative journalism in this country?

  2. The ministry of Health is among the most corrupt in the Land. They charge patients money for modern and advanced test at private labs to determine the causes of the illnesses but they don’t send the specimen to where they should. Where do they take the money they are supposed to pay the private Labs and the couriers like DHL?
    Then the patient dies because of wrong diagnosis. How sad. there is the devil and his grafters somewhere in the system. the Presidents investigators should be looking at these issues.

  3. He’s very good at overseas trips and swearing-in ceremonies. The next time you hear of him he’s on some trip looking for investors to buy a million goats from Zambia.

  4. If he is (HEECL) abke to bring in investors to buy goats especially on monthly basis,then it is good as this will help to grow the necessary revenue for the country.As Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock,we will be laughing

    • @jay jay, you always have difficulty making your brain think….it like asking what the police inspector general is doing in his office instead of patrolling the streets of kanyama with an AK 47 on his shoulder

  5. Very nice to see Dr Mulwanda promoted.He helped me solve a problem many years ago,that took me many different offices. His superiors at the time were of no help ,when I contacted him he solved my issue in minutes.I’m confident he will do well.I’ve always hoped God would bless him for his kindness.

  6. Iwe ka JAY JAY seems you dream ECL and even on your Toilet seat u check your poop if there is ECL there. He gives u night mares indeed such that the changes made in ministry health are related to Foreign trips in your small brain. Think before u post some things mwana.

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