Thursday, March 6, 2025

Linda Kasonde named one of the people to watch out for in 2017


Linda Kasonde
Linda Kasonde

The influential Africa Report magazine has named Law Association of Zambia President Linda Kasonde as one of the people to look out for in 2017.

The publication said Ms. Kasonde at 37 years of age has emerged as a strong defender of human rights and freedom of expression in Zambia.
Ms. Kasonde’s strong stance of constitutionalism in the country as LAZ President has seen her branded as enemy of the ruling PF.

Commenting on the development, Ms. Kasonde said “Quite by surprise I have just found out that I’ve been named one of the people to look out for in 2017 by The Africa Report.”

The Africa Report has established itself as the international publication of reference dedicated to African affairs.
It is the guide used by decision makers to anticipate economic and political changes in Africa and relied upon for the expertise of an independent editorial team in its surveys, sector reports and country focus published in each issue.

Its recognised high-quality coverage of the African business environment is combined with the widest Pan-African and international circulation.
Every month, The Africa Report provides more than 400,000 African and international readers with expert analysis of Africa’s fast-changing political and economic landscapes.


  1. If she can be independent I mean not being used by politicians in order to score goals for them she can make it. Otherwise if she will continue being used by selfish tribal charlatans them her future is past already.

    • She has already shown her character by refusing to be used by the thieving PF monkeys. Unlike these useless judges who stand to salute the inept Lungu when he farts and it stinks, she is proving to be a woman of steel ready to squeeze the monkey balls.

    • HH Techinio:
      You mother fuc.king rat and caterpillar eating mongrel has been smearing your UGLY face with your own faeces for quite some time now!! Your tribalism knows no bounds and stinks like your unwashed grandmother’s pus.sey!! Kalunga now knows you and we are going to neutralise you in the best way in no time but no harm will be done to you! Ar.seewhore!!

    • Sometimes its best to keep quite, to avoid bringing attention to something that has negative implications on your side. One of the strategies of killing something negative sometimes is to be quite and that allows the story to die.

    • LAZ, with Miss Linda at the helm has proven to be the “antidote” for the venomous and delinquent PF government.
      Well done Linda and keep up the good work, No compromise.

    • @Chilyata….you seem to have experience smelling an “unwashed grandmother’s pus.sey”.I guess it was your own and I really wonder how you found yourself it that situation..LOL

    • A rubbish misread prediction. May be to leader of UPND’s legal committee. After discarded Mushipe. Rubbish imperialist misdirection.

  2. You mother fuc.king rat and caterpillar eating mongrel has been smearing your UGLY face with your own faeces for quite some time now!! Your tribalism knows no bounds and stinks like your unwashed grandmother’s pus.sey!! Kalunga now knows you and we are going to neutralise you in the best way in no time but no harm will be done to you! Ar.sewhore!!

    • @Chilyata….you seem to have experience smelling an “unwashed grandmother’s pus.sey”.I guess it was your own and I really wonder how you found yourself it that situation..LOL

  3. why these insults chilyata why do always like to insult just correct some one when there are wrong then to insult,please brothers and sisters lets stop insults

    • @kampop, have you ever read chilyataz posting without insults? Remember he was brought up like that. He is very disgusting individual

  4. @kampop, who are brothers and sisters? do you perceive what is going on in the nation? do you see any leadership that can inspire the led to agree with what is going on? The assessment on Linda Kasonde was made by independent analysts with a very low rating on Zambian social, political and economical scale. This assessment is displeasing to some Zambians because the Zambian leadership has not been acceptable on the international arena. It diplomacy at work and not cordial relationship. Because Zambians suffer from Stockholm syndrome, insults have become normal alien to brother and sisterhood.

  5. Some of the insults on this topic of Linda are sickening. Zambians have stooped to such a dangerous low level of intellectual snobbery and stoogery to such a point that when a fresh breath of air via a clever and pretty girl comes along and puts this unintelligent floatilla in it’s place, hell breaks loose with such stinking vile bile! So sad indeed, ?

  6. Please this woman alone …she merely speaks for the Association everything she does has to get the approval of the Association!!

  7. Madam Linda I do not know you per say only by what people are speaking good and intelligence of you. I have followed speeches made by some (Not all in PF are bad) PF members of hatred just because you have spoken what the law takes to be. May I say keep it up, you will land at International Court of Law. God is there for you. Mambilima is also another powerful Judge. Get advice from this elderly lady. Mufyashi wamano. Lesa alemupala (God bless you and add more years to your life)

  8. Linda Kasonde- Intelligent, Beautiful, & had she been leader of this clueless P.F Government Zambia would now be moving in the right direction, osati ba Chakolwa bali mu State House manje.

  9. The PF is just jealous and this is the reason why, Linda is young, intelligent and very pretty. Now, just imagine how she makes their ugly cows like Nkandu Luo and Mwanakatwe? Or those skulduggerous fossils like Patrick Mvunga or the vile Makebi Zulu?

  10. Ba Zambia!!!!!!
    People who are of low level of understanding and analysing should come out of media even fb, them just rush on for insults, check your age, and then every evening on your bed, try to recall what you were doing during the day, choose the right and leave for get the bad

    • She will never criticise the party you call tribe. She is party of it. She wants to work the George Kunda way, from LAZ President to Republican VP.

    • The only confirmed tribal party is PF which she is already critising for its backward politics so you will wait forever until you create one like PF.

  11. These are the types of women we need in this country, not bena Dora Slit Siliya, nakulu Inonge wina, mwanakatwe Banda Margaret and so called deputy speaker bitch namugala!!

  12. Why is that most those praising Linda Kasonde are the usual UPND bloggers and her critics mostly PF leaning? This to me belies Linda Kasonde’s claims of political neutrality. If I were in her shoes, I would seriously reflect on this and engage in some very deep self-introspection.

  13. Why is that most of those praising Linda Kasonde are the usual UPND bloggers and her critics mostly PF leaning? This to me belies Linda Kasonde’s claims of political neutrality. If I were in her shoes, I would seriously reflect on this and engage in some very deep self-introspection.

  14. Linda you’re my gal, keep it up. You are
    far smarter than Davies Mwila PG – SG.
    Keep yourself at a distant from these jealous PF thugs.

  15. Ba lungi is regretting no one recognise him as president hence the globe trotting his busy trying to be recognised by world leaders but alas they no his a fake chap I feel sorry for him the minute he’ll come to terms that the problem is at home not in other countries then maybe and I say maybe thing’s can start working out in his favour but I doubt his just not presidential material

  16. Lets build and not try to pull down or destroy! If Linda is considered a personality to watch out for in 2017 then good for Zambia as those who came up with the decision must have pitted her against other odds in their selection! Of major concern that we should also be following is the recognition on the world scene that Zambia too has brains equal to many around the world and should have its place when expertise is being sought more so among the women folk! Because of numbers it has not taken long for the excitement surrounding Dambisa Moyo of the Dead Aid fame to die down without a quick replacement emerging! The nation must be supportive in building rising stars!

  17. Equilibrium applies in all disciplines. She might good, but not smart, she must learn to operate at equilibrium or at a point of contraflexure.

  18. Equilibrium applies in all disciplines. She might be good, but not smart, she must learn to operate at equilibrium or at a point of contraflexure

    • @munjali:
      KKKKKK! Uleichailah kanshi! Just stop masturbating over Linda. Since you have no guts just find yourself a kama lowlife wule and relieve yourself!!

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