Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Army worms invade four districts on the Copperbelt


The deadly army worms have attacked four Districts on the Copperbelt province causing extensive damage in most maize fields.

ZANIS reports that Copperbelt province Agriculture Coordinator Dr. Obivious Kabinda confirmed the development n an interview in Ndola.

He said  that the four districts affected include, Ndola, Kitwe, Mpongwe, and Chililabombwe districts.

Dr. Kabinda explained that in Ndola, the estimated area that has so far been planted with maize is about 2000 and that the crop condition has been good owing to the favaourable conditions for crop growth.

He, however, noted that the crop has been affected with suspected maize stalk borer in seven camps where 1, 920 farmers are affected with an estimated area of 965 hectares is affected.

In Kitwe the pest has already caused 20 to 50% damage in the fields attacked so far and that the affected camps include Mwekera, Mufuchani, Kanfinsa, and Luongo.

The other camps are expected to have receipt of similar invasions in the coming days hence the need for immediate interventions before a disaster is declared, he said.

Dr. Kabinda further said in Mpongwe district, a farm located in Chowa camp in Lukanga block about 25km from Mpongwe has been invaded by suspected army worms.

He said the affected field is about 10  hectares and the area damaged is 0.5hectares where the pest attacked the maize crop from leaves ending with the stalk.


    • These kopala sheeple are full of excuses. Just continue with your bunang’ani and watch us bakachema sell you maize at K250 a 50kg bag next year. You are all talk and no work. Don’t blame anybody, except maybe your “globo” gods, when you starve next year.

  1. Everything wrong will continue happening in this country until the rightful owner of the presidency is given the seat. Or a confession will do

  2. @Topcat,Looks like that is where most votes were stolen.”what you eat in the night is known when you vomit in the morning” God is NOT mocked,what you sow is what you reap.

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