Monday, January 27, 2025

Zambia Meteorological Department warns of floods in four Provinces


THE Zambia Meteorological Department has warned that Lusaka, Central, Western and Southern provinces will experience heavy rains coupled with flash floods from today to Wednesday.

The department also forecast that during the same period the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) which was the main rain bringing system would be oscillating about the southern borders of Zambia thereby increasing rainfall and showery activities across the country.

The department stated Tuesday and Wednesday the ITCZ would be oscillating about the Central part of Zambia.
As a result, Lusaka, Southern and southern districts of Eastern Provinces would experience a reduction in the morning and night rainfall.

The department indicated that all areas would be mainly cloudy with morning rain in places, afternoon showers and thunderstorms in many places as well as night rain and thunder in places.

The department also stated that Lusaka, Southern and southern districts of Eastern Province would on Tuesday and Wednesday partly cloudy to cloudy, windy at times with afternoon shower in places.

The department said the rest of Zambia would be cloudy with morning rain, afternoon showers and thundershowers in places.

“Warning! During the period 17th-21st December, 2016, Heavy falls and Flash floods are expected over Lusaka, Central, Western and Southern Provinces,” stated the statement issued yesterday by the department.


    • Just watch how PF Zesco will continue with powercuts under new explanations. There will be new “globo” explanations of why Zesco is so useless even with a full Kariba Dam.

    • @Buck Teeth Lungu you are right. Actually the drought was just opportunistic considering what sheeple we have in our majority population. The issue is the maintenance of the Kariba Dam walls. Period. In fact the next excuse will be that the power station got flooded and equipment got destroyed – hence load shedding continues. Meanwhile donations will continue pouring in for feeding the vulnerable from self-interest donors and countries. What a nation we have! Disgusting leadership! Horrible!

  1. Rains yaa! It’s been 4/5yrs in a row poor rainfall. Let’s hope so. Coz going by the definition of What is weather… atmospheric condition which can change at any given time. Anyway We don’t care whether it rains day/nite, cats/dogs or Noah kinda. Let’s wait and see 4sure.

  2. Dig dams and trap this water ? you I’diots! That’s what they do in other countries where people have heads that contains brains, not the masalamusi that characterizes Zambian heads like Kambwili who suggested Zambians should each take a turn to piss in the Kariba to raise the water levels. Koma some alpha silverback baboons, they are mad in the head sure.

  3. Comment:let’s wait what these guys called zesco will tell us as at now I darkness well they are saying we have floods maybe this time the machine will skin Jesus help us

  4. Comment:upnd and the group they were saying that there will be no rains in Zambia because on the elections they lost to powerful part in Zambia PF.

  5. Comment: it seems you guys are big brains but why can’t you join politics and sell your ideas so pipo we can buy them….or you are cowards good at talking!! mind you the pipo who matter most when it comes to voting don’t have access to this media….no matter how you criticize it will always be you and a smallest fraction of voters.

  6. Rain or no rain ZESCO still remains the worst organisation in the world. And I am saying this because I am very well travelled

  7. Zambia is for all Zambians not for a few opportunists, please stop this neo-slavery and hand us back our Land!

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