President Edgar Lungu has declared Monday, December 19, 2016 a day of national morning in honour of the late Minister of Agriculture Ben Kapita who died yesterday.
President Lungu has also accorded the former Agriculture Minister in President Levy Mwanawasa’s administration a state funeral.
The late Kapita 74 died at Saint Dominic’s Mission Hospital in Bwana Mkubwa, in Ndola rural.
Secretary to the Cabinet Roland Msiska in a statement availed to ZANIS said all flags on Monday must fly at half-mast and programmes of an entertainment nature on both radio and television should be cancelled or postponed.
Dr Msiska further disclosed that that the late Kapita’s funeral is being held at farm number 7 in Bwana Mkubwa off the Ndola-Kabwe highway.
Bwana Lungu when are you gonna declare a national mourning day for the comatose debt ridden Zambian economy dying due to your PF’s disasterous management ?
Leave the country alone man, you obviously have nothing useful to contribute.
Everything you do or say are purely self serving political antics.
We need to revisit this whole national mourning thing.
Isn’t according someone a state funeral enough? Why then in a poor country should we stop all entertainment and business?
Why not just observe a minute of silence and the main flag at cabinet office flies at half mast.
Once a wedding of a friend was cacelled in compliance with national mourning directives a private function!?
Sometimes it’s important to move with time.
RIP big Ben
@Enka touche. @james buga, well said. Matter of fact ex-colonial administrations are about two centuries behind their colonial masters in holding on to what they inherited. Most of the statutes on our books are so obsolete it is not even funny. And there you have MPs just debating their emoluments and self-serving amendments at the expense of modernising governance. It is not funny at all. That said, may the soul of Ben Kapita rest in eternal peace!
Why am I not surprised by this utterly Lazy Bone Edgar’s declaring national mourning…the Bum has no work ethics; surely who in their right mind declares mourning days in a month like December with very few working days.
Who is Ben Kapita?
Bwana Lungu, how do accord state funerals, what criteria do u use? I don’t think party cadres fall with the criteria
This is accorded to friends of the ruling party. If you were a former minister but are in opposition now, you will be buried like a dog.
Guys, @Mm and @Buck Teeth Lungu – check out the constitution. What the President does here is actually mandated by law. Go read up guys – ignorance is NOT bliss in this case.
Ben kapita was a founder of lima party together with Guy Scott. Kapita worked as cabinet minister in Levy’s Govt. You cannot label him a cadre. There are so many on this blog who are so boring to them everything going is politics
Things like that should be standard. W
Days of national mourning slow down business and the economy! This culture must be reviewed in view of our sick economy!
Iwe ka pseudo quest stop using my pen name. Ba Ben was probably the best agriculture minister Zambia ever had. He was a farmer himself. Remember Lima party in which he was with Guy Scott. He was also a fierce critic of the Kenneth Kaunda’s party dictatorship which Lungu is trying to re-introduce. MHSRIEP. Suffice to say just like prayer or celebration, you can’t force people (the entire country) to mourn. Flying the flag at half mast is enough but don’t shut down entertainment!
What has the picture in this story has to do with the late R Kapita like the headline States?
I am also wondering. the picture and the story does not march.
MHRI. All former ministers are accorded state funerals regardless of their current status. This is law so please if you feel it should be repealed present your suggestions without malice.
Unfortunately the so called Law-makers in Parliament are interested about debating about their allowances than making amendments …more over these declarations are at the discretion of the Head of State.
This is sad. MHSRIP
CHANDA BEU (MHSRIP) also deserves a National Holiday. He made achievements in spite of his disability. He is an inspiration to all. Music, Dancing (X-rated of course) & later in the transport sector as a bus inspector at Mazhandu.
Lets also honour real contributors to our society, not just PoLoticians.
Stop is inciting stop dividing the nation, the best thing to do is giving him state funeral. don’t bring the nation to halt.
Stop inciting stop dividing the nation, the best thing to do is giving him state funeral. don’t bring the nation to halt.
he deserves it. he graced my graduation celemony and he provided the services to the country deligiently. during his time the country recorded the highest bumper harvest. rip
lungu che, baume, when we had a national day of mourning on thursday he was busy insulting hh in chirundu!!!
Lazy Bum Lungu is – idle, indolent, slothful, work-shy, shiftless, loafing, inactive, inert, sluggish, lethargic, languorous, listless, torpid, enervated, slow-moving, slow, heavy, dull, plodding; remiss, negligent, slack, lax, lackadaisical, impassive, good-for-nothing, do-nothing; leisurely; informalbone idle; archaicfainéant; rareotiose.
Kapita’s picture needed, please.
This is a true stateman…
nursed and died at a local hospital…
St Dominic’s Mission Hospital.
The PF ZNBC, not even a picture of Ben Kapita for people to relate to the person. The man was a cabinet minister meaning there are plenty of his pictures in their Library. We have said it time and again, it’s not only the equipment which is obsolete at this institution called ZNBC but the people too. What is difficult sure?
Ubupuba aba Tonga! Have respect for the dead! You even polticise the dead? Tonga’s will never rule because of their steel tin approach!
@Manga and Mandanga! muli mbwa baf!kala. To you everything is about tribe. Travel the world and be exposed and stop thinking all the time that Copperbelt and Lusaka are the best things in life. you put dunderheads in state house and You think because they speak bemba food will be put on your table! What has Tongas got to do with this debate. You hate HH but the fact remains- He is a far better man in terms of everything as compared to that clueless pretender who started going to church last year but wants to sound more christian than the pope. TRIBE WILL NEVER PUT FOOD ON YOUR TABLE. Mwebasenshi mwee!
That’s the wish of Tonga’s, ECL to die so that they hopefully put their dull HH. Zambia is not mornach, you Tonga’s! With that violence most people now fear GBM/HH combination!
There is no upuba for tongas, I am a bemba but I always denounce fo0lish comments like the one from fo0lish Manga. Yes we must respect the dead but don’t bring your tribal n0nsense here. Kapenene ukutali
Manga and Mandanda is one fo0l
Each time a PF chap has nothing logical to write, they would rather go tribal