Sunday, September 8, 2024

Itel sponsors Mwansa Bwale Foundation For Children With Disabilities(MBFFCWD) Christmas party


MBFFCWD founder Mwansa Bwale and Itel Mobile sales Manager Maxxie Zhang

Mwansa Bwale Foundation for children with disabilities (MBFFCWD) hosted a Christmas party for the children and parents of Benevolent special needs school in Linda compound on 17th December. The main sponsor of the event was Itel Mobile. Other sponsors and partners were Radisson blue hotel ,Youth Empowerment Program (YEP)  well wishers and volunteers also contributed to the event in different ways.

Itel Mobile presenting the assorted gifts

Speaking at the event Itel Mobile Sales manager Maxxie Zhang said that the company is pleased to partner with MBFFCWD . Children are the future, so the company saw it fit to contribute something towards their well being and education . He went on to say that the company came to see what the situation was first-hand at the special needs school in order for them to know how best to contribute in the future.

Itel Mobile presented gifts to the children which included 100 school bags, 100 pencil cases, 100 exercise books , 100 t-shirts and other items.

Mr Sakala owner of Benevolent special needs school

The owner of Benevolent special needs school, Mr. Sakala thanked MBFFCWD ,Itel Mobile and everyone else who helped make the event possible. He also thanked the parents of the special needs children . He encourage other parents not to hide their disabled children ,but to bring them out in the open so that they can be looked after and educated .

Mr. Sakala went on to explain that the school faces alot of challenges and stated areas where help is needed the most. These include;

  • Fencing around the school premises to keep operations secure .
  • Improvement of the water supply system.
  • The need for specialized physio therapy for the children with different kinds of disabilities.
  • The school depends on volunteer teachers’ .While he thanked the volunteers for their efforts he stressed the need for qualified special needs teachers who can work full time.
  • The school needs equipment such as wheel chairs, standing frames for some of the children as well as appropriate furniture.

Mr. Sakala thanked the MBFFCWD ,Itel Mobile and other volunteers for the efforts to help the school , but stated that more dialog is needed between well-wishers and the school in order to priorities what is really needed .

Parent of disabled child giving a speech

A single mother and parent to a special needs child spoke on behalf of other parents thanking the school and well-wishers for their contributions to helping raising the children. She stated that it is not easy to look after disabled children but parents should not feel ashamed to have such children. “Blessed is someone who looks after a special needs child” she said. She encouraged other parents not to hide their special needs children, but to seek help. She said parents need to be educated in the proper ways to look after the children. Children with different forms of disabilities need specific attention and cannot simply be grouped together.

MBFFCWD founder Mwansa Bwale giving a speech

Mwansa Bwale, founder of MBFFCWD thanked Itel Mobile for being the main sponsor of the Christmas party. She urged others to come on board and help in the noble cause. Miss Bwale encouraged the members of the organization and other volunteers to work hard and be committed if they are to see the changes they are hoping for.

It may seem like a daunting task to help the children with everything that they require, but if everyone contributes and is committed in whatever way they can, it will be possible.

“A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step”

gifts being given

The gifts were then presented to Benevolent special need school. After which the children were presented with Cakes and other refreshments.


Pictures from the event:

Starting the day with prayer
Celebrating christmas with the children
child receiving his gift
Children from Benevolent special needs school
Christmas cakes for the children
cutting the xmas cake
cutting the xmas cake
gifts being distributed by Maxxie Zhang sales manager Itel Mobile
gifts being distributed
Kabemba Mwale Epilepsy activist talking to the children
Maxxie Zhang sales manager Itel Mobile presenting the gifts
Maxxie Zhang Sales manager of Itel Mobile
MBFFCWD christmas party
MBFFCWD christmas party
MBFFCWD founder Mwansa Bwale and Itel Mobile sales Manager Maxxie Zhang


MBFFCWD members presenting the cake
MBFFCWD xmas party
members of MBFFCWD presenting the cakes
Youth Empowerment Program (YEP) representative David Muteke talking to the children
Youth Empowerment Program (YEP) members with the children
Owner of Benevolent Special needs school Mr Sakala giving a speech
Volunteer Elizabeth Chunda talking to the children
Ready for 2017 school year





  1. Keep it up young lady Mwansa Bwale, this is a noble initiative unlike, politicking always without results. Come ba Zambeeef, don’t just collect every ngwee and send it back to England, assist those poor souls in our midst. Little wonder old man Mugabe is always praising the Chinese President and his pipo as our saviour yet, we were colonised, brutalised, raped and displaced by these ‘good for nothing’ imperialists.

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