Friday, March 14, 2025

Traditional land will not be put on title-Mutati


Finance Minister Felix Mutati (c) responding to the media after inspecting the construction progress of King Lewanika University during a Post Budget Hearing Visit in Mongu on Saturday.

Finance Minister Felix Mutati has clarified that customary or traditional land will not be placed on title as part of the National Land Titling (NLTP) programme.

In his 2017 national budget, Mr Mutati announced that Government will launch a pilot National Land Titling (NLTP) programme starting with Lusaka Province as part of the budget measures and structural reforms.

But the announcement has been met with mixed feelings with some stakeholders such as traditional leaders in Lusaka province flatly rejecting the move.

The traditional leaders feel that the move to place all land on title will strip them of their inheritance and that they will cease to exist as Chiefs.

But in a statement issued by the Ministry of Finance, Mr Mutati said the Ministry of Finance would like to provide clarity on the Budget pronouncement regarding the national land-titling programme to ensure that all stakeholders including the private sector, the traditional leaders and the general public have correct understanding and expectations regarding the programme.

“As a background, the public should be made aware that the Government launched the National Land Titling (NLTP) programme and the National Land Audit (NLAP) Programme in 2013 and 2015, respectively. The key objectives of the land-titling programme are to improve land tenure security, increase transparency in land acquisition and enhance revenue collection, while the land audit programme is aimed at taking stock of all land and its use,” Mr Mutati said.

He added, “As a start, the Government under the land titling exercise is piloting low-cost titling in selected parts of Lusaka Province and intends to fully roll it out to the rest of the Province in 2017. It is however necessary to clarify that this land titling exercise is going to cover only statutory (leasehold) land that is permitted for titling under the statutes.”

Mr Mutati clarified that traditional or customary land will not be part of the exercise as it is governed under separate statutes.

“Members of the general public who will still have questions are encouraged to contact the Ministry of Finance or the Ministry of Lands which will remain open and available for questions and clarifications,” he said.


    • Finally, Mutati has joined the bandwagon of PF policy inconsistencies creating uncertainties and Investor fright and flight. Listen, traditional land can still be titled under traditional land boards managed by the chiefs themselves. Right now there is confusion.Chiefs and headmen are selling and reselling land with impunity.

    • Nostradamus the fake Chinondo also promised to donate his 20 hectors of land-“should UPND lose the 2016 general elections”. So imwe bachinondo we are still waiting for that land kaili.

    • @judge, to own land in Zambia is not bu chinondo naimwe. In each district I worked, I bought atleast 1 hactor of land to grow maize from village headmen.
      And those so called plots, only you who dream of building in Chawama. Like I said, land ya government is corrupt, I have own village from my grandfather.

  1. pics for King LU buildings do not look like the Muchinga universities. Looks like houses to me. leave traditional land a lone.

  2. Mubu waka wa tou nkungulu ona nyaa mane kiku utokolomoha kapa kauke mutu waya mwa lyanganisi onafa. Every time the govt takes land, the next thing that follows is the proliferation of stinking informal settlements rife with unemployment and crime. By the way what Lewanika University is this, just insults to the great man this truly is.

  3. Onayo Mutati esi kiyena yana kile a swaleha inge a kakatezi mwa bokossi ya Dora! Kona zemu setebalisize Wa kankuni, Lukululi mang’, simu yambukiselize HIV sinamukuka sa mutenya Wa kababa.

  4. BRAVO!!!BRAVO!!! Honourable Minister. The lack of title has been the major contributor to poverty in Zambia. When the majority of the population do not have title on the land, the key sectors that are supposed to participate in development and empowerment do not do so eg the Banks. For the same reason Zambia has low lending rate as compared to other countries like RSA and Namibia. It is a good move BUT not ENOUGH. Hon Minister within your NLTP, PLEASE include proper township proclamation, water reticulation systems, streets, piped water to each and every serviced plot. This may take time but it is the best way to defeat generation poverty.

  5. Equally, in all the key border posts, identify sufficient land that can be completely serviced, (100% reticulations of bulk services) and sell the plots to the locals to build warehouses for export. If you do not take this advise, very soon the Chinese will buy off the land from the starving local leaders and service the land themselves to build warehouses. NLTP must also ensure that no building is constructed without an approved architectural and engineers drawings approvals, building inspections etc. The same with farms, Start zoning the farming blocks, give titles then the banks will be comfortable to participate by lending money to the farmers to increase output, because with title banks can take covering bond secure and hedge the risks.

  6. MMD will just bring confusion. Don’t temper with land. Let us just follow the PF policies and not the MMD policies. We changed government for a reason, though admittedly, we are worse off under our party the PF

  7. Let Zambia follow the example set by Tanzania which abolished all chief at independence. Zambia doesn’t need chiefs. We need elected leaders

  8. Chiefdoms should be abolished as they old and have propagated the agenda for child marriages for years. Aristocracy is old and ancient.

  9. When someone posts in Bemba they get insulted and here’s this person posting in Lozi when he knows not everyone understands the lingo. Even my grand children who are Lozi cannot decipher the above.

  10. Abe Galaun knew lozi, chinyanja and chibemba yet he was a Lithuanian jew. In life you must have an open mind and learn some languages…. You never know where the Lord will lead you in future…… be proud when others use their languages and your language.
    Above all we are Zambians and are free to use our languages. I have a chinese friend who can speak bemba,nyanja and lozi .He is doing business in western , lusaka and muchnga.

    • I’ve an open mind and am only referring to one who insults anyone who blogs in Bemba. I’ve nothing against any language but I hope you’ll react when that chap insults another person over language.

  11. @ Ndanje khakis. Be civilized. You are the same breed of people with hatred in Zambia. The issue is: what did you learn from the same statements posted in Lozi?? Nothing. Because you have negative attitude towards other tribes. It is the same attitude you planted in your children. Who loses?? We don’t lose anything. Silozi is an international language recognized as official in Southern African countries, Namibia, Zambia. Botswana and because of its closeness to Sepidi, Setswana and Sotho, it was selected under SADC- Africa Renaissance Protocol to continue broadcasting broadcast from RSA, since 1963 in Auckland park studios. Tell me which SADC state has Bemba as an official language apart from your home land.?? PRIDE is sin. You are a human being and its not
    your language that…

  12. PRIDE is sin. You are a human being and its not
    your language that will save you, But Love They Neigbour, as You LOVE Yourself. The universe was created for mankind to co-exist. Get the catch my friend.

  13. Bravo Honourable Mutati with your intellect. The move sounds somehow unfair and discriminatory to some of us especially civil servants who have acquired quite big land from traditional leaders and we have the capacity to raise hundreds of cattle, sheep, goats fish etc and produce tons of maize and other crops on these pieces of land. We are able to produce in large quantums but the limiting factor is accessing funds. Kindly help us because we are unable to acquire loans due to lack of titles. This is part of job creation that can lead to increased GDP, strengthening the local currency, develop rural areas and other positive factors hence reducing rural-urban drift.

    • The issue of land in Zambia requires much thought than that provided by accountants who steal titled land [Plot 44, Mapepe, Chilanga]. Why can’t chiefs issue titles which are as good as those of the state or government? Why?

  14. WTF is this talk? Instead of saying things that work towards increased land productivity, we are busy talking nonsense.

    I just secured 2,000HA traditional land and was in the process of getting title to enable me secure finance that would have seen this prestine piece of Virgin land transformed into something very productive but alas, now they say we can’t process titles?

    Not surprising why this country remains backward. We have misleaders for leaders. I am pissed to say the least.

  15. I paid K24,000 to the Chief in Mpongwe on 15 Nov 2016..for the purpose of processing title deed for a 57 Hector piece of land….I was supposs to use this money for 2016/17 but was threatened with repossession if I dont pay that Money….Now That i have paid and the minister has made such pronouncement, she I pray for His death for lack of critical thinking and taking into consideration of our suffering

  16. What the minister had said does not mean traditional land can not be put on titel there is a provission in the law to concert traditional land in to state land and onbtain a title,fervour details Pls call me 0967672498

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