Sunday, September 8, 2024

Vodafone Zambia hosts minister of justice


Hon. Given Lubinda and CEO Lars Stork pose with Vodafone Zambia Brand Ambassadors

Justice Minister Hon. Given Lubinda toured the Vodafone Zambia head office and operational hub in Lusaka on Thursday (December 22) to familiarise himself with the state-of-the-art telecommunications centre.

The use of information and communication technology (ICT) is considered one of the key elements to significantly improve the administration of justice. The rapid development of technology has opened up new opportunities that were unthinkable years ago. Around the world, several statutory reforms have been introduced to allow the use and the exchange of electronic data and documents within national judicial systems.

Speaking during the Minister’s visit, Vodafone Zambia CEO, Lars Stork said: “We launched in the Zambian market in June 2016 with 4G data services aimed at transforming the communication sector with an initial investment of US$ 40 million. We are confident that the developments currently taking place in Zambia’s ICT sector, with regards to innovation and regulation, will further transform and streamline the way people communicate and manage their affairs.”

Hon. Lubinda expressed his happiness and positive impressions by the ICT infrastructure and architecture Vodafone has put in place, which is supported by a youthful workforce accounting for 50 per cent of the company’s staff compliment.

“I am thoroughly impressed with the investment, the level of innovation, the technology and the pledge to drive change in the communication space. The confidence and the passion of the workers at Vodafone Zambia have, equally, amazed me. If others can emulate what is happening here, Zambia will move many steps ahead,” said the Justice Minister.

The honourable Minister visited Vodafone following an invitation from the next generation operator. In today’s increasingly digital world, ICT cuts across many spheres, from commerce to finance, governance, health, and the administration of justice.

“At Vodafone, we understand that ICTs are cross-cutting and impact on all segments of the society. Therefore, we are building relationships with stakeholders in the public and private sectors. The Ministry of Justice is among our key stakeholders. As such, we are pleased and humbled that the Honorable Minister took the time to visit us,” concluded Mr. Stork.

Vodafone Zambia CEO, Lars Stork (l) confers with Minister of Justice, Hon. Given Lubinda (r)


  1. A company like Vodafone whose success in Zambia is heavily dependent on good relations with the ruling party will now be given contracts to supply ict infrastructure to support the implementation of various judicial rights in Zambia. What a joke. So in order to keep Vodafone in Zambia it only follows that Vodafone will need to rub the ruling parties back in exchange for licences and what not. Certain things like justice are sensitive features of society which should be managed by local Zambian firms. Vote nez as best blogger

    • Kikiki whatever you call yourself are you fisho mwale by any chance. Story izibika was his losing slogan. My friend the people have spoken and unless some one rigs I believe I deserve best blogger

    • Let the Ministry of Transport and Communication give a voice call license to Vodafone in the interest of lowering the cost of communication where AIRTEL and MTN have a cartel. I suspect their hidden interests. At least for once, policy deciders should put the interests of ordinary Zambian citizens first. Before Vodafone entered the market, their was a lot of anticipation of affordable communication tariffs. However, they (Vodafone) are here and only to be denied a voice call licence by the Ministry of Communication and Transport for reasons best known to themselves. If this country aspires to build an ICT hub in Africa, we need visionary leadership which puts the interest of ordinary Zambian citizens first.

  2. Nothing much has changed in this country in the mobile networks. Even with coming in of new entrants in the Zambian market, Communication is still very expensive. Even if these guys are give a voice licence, it will be the same.

    • I agree that communication is very expensive in this Zambia despite Vodafone’s market entry. Moreover with Government hiking taxes in the budget on telecommunications companies, we will see an increase in talk time prices. This will make the cost of doing business even more expensive.

  3. I saw Vodafone outlet in new Cosmopolitan mall Lusaka. The irony of it is that they don;t have any signal coverage in that same area. They seem to make more noise than rolling out the supporting infrastructure. Too much roadshow guys and much less Tech chaps.

  4. The cost of ICT in Zambia is ridiculously high to make any technological headway possible. MTN and Airtel are milking the Zambian people to the point that it’s no longer milk, but blood! It’s time the government have a critical look on MTN-Airtel cartel and force a reduction in the cost of calls and the internet. We need to allow low cost competitors to enter the market so that the blood-thirsty cartel of MTN and Airtel is broken once and for all. That’s when Zambia can improve its economy in leaps and bounds.

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