Thursday, March 13, 2025

Zambia commemorates 25th anniversary of the declaration as a Christian Nation


Former First Lady Vera Chiluba in attendance
Former First Lady Vera Chiluba in attendance

First Republican President Dr Kenneth Kaunda and the current head of State Edgar Lungu led the rest of the country in the 25th commemoration of the country’s declaration as a Christian Nation by second Republican President Fredrick Chiluba shortly after he was elected as President.

Among those in attendance at the Mulungushi International Conference centre was former first lady Vera Chiluba who could not hold herself and shed tears when the video of her late former was played.

Speaking when she officiated at the Silva jubilee celebrations of Zambia’s declaration as a Christian nation, Minister of National Guidance and Religious Affairs Rev.Godfridah Sumaili said that after 25 years since late former President Fredrick Chiluba made the declaration and entered into covenant with God on behalf of the people of Zambia.

She said Dr Chiluba’s declaration gave Zambia an identity and that everyone knows who they were.

“Our identity is established in the Lord Jesus Christ. The values, principles and ethics which we embrace as a people reflect the person of Jesus Christ.

“Love, dignity, integrity, honest, hard work, patriotism among others are the hallmark of who we are as a people,” she said.

Rev Sumaili paid tribute to President Lungu for making board decisions to concretise the declaration of Zambia as a Christian nation.

She cited the decision by President Lungu to declare every October 18th as a day of national prayers, imitating the construction of the house of national prayer for all denominations the national alter of prayer and establishment of the ministry of national guidance and
religious affairs.

“The declaration of Zambia as a Christian nation is enshrined in preamble of the Zambian constitution and the values, principles and ethics are also in the constitution. The ministry of national guidance and religious affairs had been established among other purposes to facilitate the actualisation of the declaration into practical and workable realistic interventions.”

She said the ministry would provide regulatory policy and legal framework on matters patterning to Zambia’s national Christian heritage.

Rev Sumaili said it would provide guidance on values, principles, and ethics and promote national unit and establish platform for dialogue and collaboration between the state and the church.

And speaking during his welcome remarks Vice Chairperson for the House of Prayers Reverend Pukuta Mwanza said the day reminds the country of the main great strides which it has been taken since the late former President Fredrick Chiluba committed the country into a covenant and declared Zambia as a Christian Nation.

He said the country has seen an increased participation of Christians in various sectors of life both politically and economy.

He noted that the country has made peaceful transition both politically and economically because God has watched over the country.

Rev Mwanza also said the declaration of Zambia as a Christian nation has become a reference point for people’s social behavior in society.

And Lusaka Province Minister Jaffen Mwakalombe said President Lungu and his government recognizes the importance of the day which has provided a platform for political coexistence.

He also said government considers the church as an important partner in development agenda of the country.


    • Chilumba was treated like number wanu thief, sinner, by people he helped make covenant with God. Moses in Bible was treated better. Zambian Christians can b hypocrites, tell you that.

    • Christian nation? What a nation fullbof criminals and thieves adulterers and prostitutes.
      A nation full of hatred a nation divided on tribal lines.
      A nation filled with hypocrisy from the very top.
      Christian nation what? Christian nation feaces!
      A nation whose nationals don’t fear God but fear witchcraft!
      What va nation! A nation with a lost cause!
      Job 3:39 Great men do not posesses wisdom!

    • Ba LT
      Please mule posako amano when writing your stories! where is the editor of this site? Since when was Vera a ‘Mwanza’ her maiden name is Tembo! The ‘Mwanza’ you are trying to write about is Regina not Vera.
      ‘Among those in attendance at the Mulungushi International Conference centre was former first lady Vera Chiluba (Mwanza) who could not hold herself and shed tears when the video of her late former was played’
      Her late former what?…. Can you guys be serious

    • @Nostradamus
      Kekekekekeke! You these zambian christians always like betraying each other, I know personally you have mentored alot of zambian Christians, when they get political positions, they don’t call home to just greet people, they become so busy until the day they are fired

      Is the declaration of Zambia as a Christian Nation Biblical? let us go into scripture; Joshua chose for himself and his Family and asked the people what their stand was He did not force them or declare them as servants of Yahuwah; Joshua 24 : 15 – 25, We should not just accept anything without searching the scriptures. Even the new covenant (new testament) attributes Salvation as PERSONAL not PUBLIC OR COMMUNAL then why should one be declared as a follower of Yahushua? As the word itself Christian is meant…

    • comment in full uncut.
      Is the declaration of Zambia as a Christian Nation Biblical? let us go into scripture; Joshua chose for himself and his Family and asked the people what their stand was He did not force them or declare them as servants of Yahuwah; Joshua 24 : 15 – 25, We should not just accept anything without searching the scriptures. Even the new covenant (new testament) attributes Salvation as PERSONAL not PUBLIC OR COMMUNAL then why should one be declared as a follower of Yahushua? As the word itself Christian is meant to mean a follower of Christ (Jesus – Yahushua) please read Romans 10 : 9. Yahuwah (God) says through His servant Hosea , “My people have perished for lack of Knowledge.” Hosea 4 : 6.

    • How do you commemorate some illegal decree? Chiluba didn’t have the powers to declare Zambia a theocracy or religious state
      The God he pretended to act for would have been the first to tell him not to do illegal acts in his name.
      Had that God approved of Chilubas actions he would have in the past 25 years made Zambia a shining example of progress so other nations would follow suit.
      But Zambia is still a heavily indebted poor country with poverty at its highest level in yy years. Why when by now manna should have been our staple food?

    • @ Nostradamus

      You are forgetting that little dwarf was biggest thieving hypocrite in Zambia and he died as CONVICTED EMBEZZLER of at least US$ 46,000,000 of tax-payers money.

  1. You can commemorate in which ever way you want it,but watch out the lord our true God is coming and we shall know if for sure Zambia was a Christian nation as you call it………goats in sheep’s skin

  2. Ecl 10:17 Happy is the land whose king is a noble leader and whose leaders feast at the proper time to gain strength for their work, not to get drunk. Unlike Edgar Wrungu and his fellow bunch of visionless members.

  3. What Christian commemoration when it is now used by lazy failed leaders like lungu to.cover up their failures by constantly calling for national prayers to solve economic mediocrity. Vote nez as best blogger

    • What was KK doing there?

      Has he forgotten all about his “HUMANISM” that he imposed on the people of Zambia?

      And together with Chikwanda managed to bankrupt the Zambian nation once before?

      Is history repeating itself?

  4. “Rev Mwanza also said the declaration of Zambia as a Christian nation has become a reference point for people’s social behavior in society”. This is a dark blue Lie.

    • Reference point yes because the God in the Bible supported revenge, deception, yes some guy stole blessings from his brother with god sitting on the fence, even adultery some Isaac went for his maid with gods blessing. Look at our nation
      We emulate the biblical figures very well

  5. “Love, dignity, integrity, honest, hard work, patriotism among others are the hallmark of who we are as a people,”

    This is a blatant satanic lie that only the Devil could have authored. There is absolutely no evidence people who live in Zambia actually practice Christianity. To the contrary Zambia is more inclined to Satanic values and practices. The president himself is a shameless hypocrite and leads a govt 100% composed of thieves, liars, lazy, amoral, hateful, witches, wizards, drunkards, dishonest, plunderers devil worshipers that think only of filling their pockets and nobody else’s. But they are lucky to have a population that’s so gullible they swallow everything dished to them.

  6. I feel so unsafe when I am in Zambia it is not even funny. That declaration remains exactly that. Social security is the preserve of the office of the First Lady fueled by donations from the Middle East! Audited reports every year show the contradiction of officials behaving like Zambia was on a short leash to the flames of hell! What a bummer this whole deal is. Now the unveiling of the sham Ministry of National Guidance and Religious Affairs has been made. Watch out for more bollocks!!

  7. “Love, dignity, integrity, honest, hard work, patriotism among others are the hallmark of who we are as a people,” Rev said. …Seriously??

    Either ba LT omitted something, or this is miscarriage of scripture by cadre Reverend Godfridah Sumaili at a grand scale. Her sermon was clearly intended to be ‘an opium to the gullible masses’.

  8. This is an evil event meant to hoodwink Zambians on the true nature of Lungu and his cohorts who are the most callous leaders this country has ever had. A bunch of frightened little men as once Super Ken would call them.

  9. Peaceful transition politically and economically by stealing votes and abusing and murdering Zambians.
    Remember Chiluba died a convicted former thieving president and nothing much Zambia can remember for about him. Judas Escaliot was one of the apostles, but betrayed The Lord. Nothing good about him. So is Chiluba who betrayed the confidence of Zambians and stole from them to buy suits.
    Christianity is a SERIOUS concept and must be seen to be such. Consider the actions of PF and Lungu subjecting Zambians to suffering needlessly as a reflection of Christianity – sheer hypocrisy.

  10. What hypocrisy and a waste of resources! There was never any need to proclaim Zambia as a ‘christian’ country in the first place. Its meaningless. Religion should be left in the realm of ‘private practice’. It is this very mix of the STATE and RELIGION that has been the catalyst of many a conflict in the world. The commemoration, let alone the existence of a so-called Ministry of national guidance and religious affairs, are mere gobblers of national resources that are needed in the practical social cushioning of peoples’ lives. The determinant of people’s attitudes, behaviours and thoughts is mostly based on the underlying economic premise. Zambia has actually moved from Kaunda’s ‘community’ shaping and practice, (in spite of the economic doldrums that arose later) to a selfish…

    • This was my comment on 26/12/2012 responding to the article “President Lungu and First lady’s Christmas day in Pictures” I don’t like this marriage ceremony between Politics and Religion.
      We should not politicize Yahuwah (God ) let us give to the President (ECL or whoever is on the throne) what belongs to Him and to Yahuwah what belongs to Him. This tactic of mixing politics with Yahuwah is a system devised by evil people whose aim is to hypnotize the masses with their LIES so that they can amass wealth for themselves and alas! People follow like zombies hence teaser movies like the “walking dead” one would wonder why the series is so popular. Yahuwah (God) will smite Babylon (this confusion) with an iron rod and bring to an end this age of tyranny.

  11. That is an old picture from archives where Vera Tembo Chiluba was shedding tears.
    Hoodwinking Zambians – hypocrisy to cover more hypocrisy.

  12. Declaration of Zambia as a Christian Nation
    Matthew 7:21
    A Tree and its Fruit
    …..20 So then, by their fruit you will recognize them.
    21 Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of My Father in heaven…..
    Seriously,I just can’t wait for judgment day..

  13. ….whats there to show that we are a Christian nation….??….if a place like Dubai declared itself as a God fearing nation and that God is prevailing over the country.. one may tend to believe…..because the general behaviour of citizens, cleanliness which I’m told is godly, the riches, the dressing….utilisation of the revenue they get from the natural resources god gave them….now just visit Lusaka town and see how dirty it is….bars open 06hrs….corruption… hatred…poverty…diseases…you name it…how has god tolerated to be with us in such a mess….

    • …population of UK is almost 68million people and only about 4%of that number are religious…in Zambia about 99.99% of the population are religious and flock to to pray in masses every other day now just look at the difference in quality of living….can someone explain why….

    • @ scrutinizerer

      It may be because 4% of UK population are real believers and 99.99% of population in Zambia are born, live and will end as hypocrites?

  14. Do you people realize that even when Christ was on earth, Israel was one of the most wicked nations on earth. Matthew 11:23 And you, Capernaum, will you be lifted to the heavens? No, you will go down to Hades. For if the miracles that were performed in you had been performed in Sodom, it would have remained to this day.

    It is sad to see those that seek the devil and try to down play Zambia’s Christian nation declaration. It is the person not the country that is vile.

  15. Those of you who are criticizing, what has the declaration of Zambia as a Christian Nation done to you.

    You are like a person who travels with colleagues from Lusaka to Kitwe and back to Lusaka.

    On arrival in Lusaka the car breaks down. Then he asks

  16. Those of you who are criticizing, what has the declaration of Zambia as a Christian Nation done to you.

    You are like a person who travels with colleagues from Lusaka to Kitwe and back to Lusaka.

    On arrival in Lusaka the car breaks down. Then he asks a question, ‘ why did they even service this car before servicing it when all it can do is go to Kitwe and back to Lusaka then break down?’

    Fundamental error in rationale right there, because he does not pause a little to think that if no service was done to the car, it is possible it would broken down even before reaching Kabwe.

    You say, as far as you are concerned, Zambia should not have be declared a Christian Nation because there are many wrongs being committed?

    Well, it could have been worse had the country not been…

  17. Thou shall not judge the commandments tell us.Let us all respect the fact that our second President indeed declared this nation a Christian nation and avail ourselves to the call while extending the loving hand of lord Jesus Christ to our brothers and sisters of different faiths beliefs and religion. Now that’s a Zambia and world we all want to live in!

  18. Hypocrisy of the highest order and deceit. What christian values are there when citizens from some sections of the society are not yet free to live with other ethnic tribes?? When you are heard speaking Lozi with someone of your geographical background, in the streets of Lusaka, some people feel disgusted and walk way as if there was any time in the history of Zambia where the Lozis had committed genocide to other tribes, but only pure hatred and you call yourself a christian nation. Free your mind and conscious first to love other tribes. Judgement is coming. In a newly declared christian nation, Ronald Penza is assassinated for standing for the truth, Baldwin Nkumbula is assassinated for fighting corruption, Mwanawasa is betrayed in a political and mechanical accident, Emmanuel Kasonde…

  19. It is shameful to talk about a person who declared Zambia as a christian nation. Dr Chiluba was treated as a thief, had not been given respect as a former head of state. The late former head of state laid the foundation of all these economical, political and social foundations we enjoy today. Personally, am a happy man to see some tabloid media newspaper liquidated because it was responsible for Chiluba demise. l congratulate whoever had a hand in ensuring that this newspaper closed.

    • What the f*ck we enjoy to day? Corruption? Thuggery? Biased judiciary? Hunger? Destitution? Lack of education? Unemployment…………………………………….?
      For your info, Chiluba died as a CONVICTED embezzler

  20. Emmanuel Kasonde is rejected by his own people, not only through ballot paper but pronouncements in the public media where a national leader from the north thanks the voters in the constituency in northern province that they did better to reject Kasonde because he was selling them to the Lozi people. This was a sad day and humiliating. But when Chiluba was allowed to lead a part formed by the Lozis, (MMD) there was no problem at all, it is one Zambia, One nation and a christian nation. Kasonde and Aka decided to leave MMD and formed a new part because Chiluba was derailing from the ideals of democracy and good governance. I cry for this country because of the hypocrisy of people from this country honestly speaking.

  21. TRUTH!!! There is nothing to celebrate this thief and crook for. He was a murderer. He went to Israel under pretext that he was going to visit the Holy shrines and from there come to declare Zambia a christian nation and yet he was on a scheme to facilitate the movement of UNITA war weapons from Israel for Savimbi in exchange for diamonds. This was the scheme for Benjamin Mwila and Chiluba. What is Vera crying for??? A hypocrite. She was flown from Lusaka to Shangombo in a helicopter pretending she was coming to distribute clothes to the suffering villagers and yet the same helicopter was carrying Special Branch Staff for reconnaissance to check how the consignment would be crossed into Angola. Quickly the road from Natukoma to Shangombo was graveled for the same scheme. Liars, Thieves,…

  22. Ba upnd cadres, we know your boss is aa worship.per so are most of the members…Leave matters to people wwho understand Christianity , it’s on record hh said he will stop the building of the hous oof prayer so when i rea and see some postings by under5 cadres… its no surprise they are free.. masions

    • I would stop it too.
      It doesn’t belong on the to do list of a sitting president.

      Mwe maZambian muletontonkanya please. Yaba! Efyo abasungu balemutekela ku munga we fwafwa. Utulo!

  23. Quickly the road from Natukoma to Shangombo was graveled for the same scheme. Liars, Thieves, Vampires, Criminals. To hell with you. You can tell lies to those who do not know your schemes. Shameless breed. Instead
    they must just apologize to President Edwwardo Do Santos for betraying sovereign relationship with Angola and supporting a rebel movement. Let him rot in hell. Masipa amina bana balinja. Mukaise. CURSED BREED OF HATERS.

  24. Deceiving people in order tof please the president is worse than murder. The so called Christian minister in charge of christian affairs must know that God is not mocked. She must fear God and run her office in the fear of God not in the fear of politics. Chilila was a deceiver and misled the nation. He had no biblical values and surely as the bidle teaches, his sins found him out. Today Zambia is a country where you can get instant wealth if you join the tribal politics without being caught. Unfortunately the sovereign God has appointed a day in which every knee shall bow before Him in judgement. Wake up before it is too late

  25. No one is forced to be a Christian in Zambia. No none Christian religions like hindu, islam etc are discriminated against in Zambia like you see Christians suffer or killed in IRAN and most Moslem countries. Late Dr Chiluba could have had his short comings but he loved God and being a leader at that time used the privilege to hand over the country to God. Thereafter when people like some commentators here said no one gave Chiluba the right to declare Zambia a Christian nation, the constitutional team Late President Sata constitution asked citizens whether Zambia should continue to be called a Christian nation, the submissions were overwhelming. So its no longer a Chiluba this and that , we the majority Zambians decided and agreed so.

  26. Isn’t ther crime in Iran, Palestine, Iraq, Saudi Arabia despite them even cutting off hands of thieves and stoning to death people caught in sexual immorality? The answer is simple it is there that’s why we know of what happens to offenders. Have they said they should cancel there belief system, NO. What we should be discussing is aligning our institutions of governance to the biblical standards or values. Even people commenting here some have stolen government money meant for development or hospitals only that they are not caught. If you have better values than Christianity live by example. Don’t mistreat your junioirs, don’t cheat on your boy friend or girl friend, don’t steal, be an example, don ‘t drink drive whlist consuming alcohol etc.

  27. @Dominion. Get this into your small mind. Chiluba did not declare Zambia as a christian nation in good faith. There is nothing wrong in declaring a country as a christian nation.. What was wrong is to use Christianity in vain and taking advantage of the nation’s ignorance to use this in order to achieve his selfish schemes. You must just thank God because the people of Angola and the regime of MPLA is just a peaceful one. They knew what was happening. On the one side he is pretending to be the mediator between UNITA and MPLA, by hosting the peace talks in lusaka, on the other hand he is facilitating weapons movement to a rebel unit to kill innocent people. Malete amina man!!! What language do you understand kanti??? This lunatic was almost fueling war between the two countries. He…

  28. @Dominion. He was a personal friend to Aero Zambia chairman David Torkoph who was flying arms in exchange of diamonds to Angola’s rebel group, UNITA using Zambian airspace. Penza knew a lot and had to be sacrificed in a state sponsored killing where 5 innocent souls were framed as if they were robbers, among them was Chanda Chafya, a security guard at Penza’s house in Kabulonga. And yet this is the fool you want people to believe he stood for christian values?? Please don’t post nonsense here if you know nothing. YOU HATERS AND CROOKS

  29. This convicted fraudster lungu is a crook of the highest order. In fact he is the head serpent.

    Seeing him today duping the masses as he pretends to pray one wonders if this was the same lungu who unleashed the violence, harassment and intimidation prior to the blatant vote stealing by PF.

    The serpent Lungu broke all the laws that govern true Christians just to stay in power.

  30. God does not force feed our state leaders. Why then?

    “A great wind is blowing, and that gives you either imagination or a headache”

    BEFORE: Wealth was in hands of Britons Vs. AFTER: Wealth is in the hands of Chinese & Indians
    BEFORE: Presidents were humble selfless servants Vs. AFTER: Presidents enter into office to become instantly wealthy
    BEFORE: Ministers were selfless Vs. AFTER: Ministers acquire wealth in a short space of time & have multiple girlfriends
    BEFORE: Citizens were decently dressed & felt bad if their a stranger saw their pantie5 Vs. AFTER: girls shamelessly show off their G-strings & wear see-thru leggings with no underwear.
    BEFORE: Churches were a place of worship Vs. AFTER: Churches are a guaranteed means to prosperity for Men of Gold & a place of getting false hope that u get wealth by prayer alone
    BEFORE: Men drunk more beer Vs. AFTER: Women drink more…

    • CONT’D
      BEFORE: Men drunk more beer Vs. AFTER: Women drink more than their hubbies

      Matthew 7:16-20 KJV – Ye shall know them by their fruits

      What a shameful country.

    • ZAMBIA would be a developed nation if the holier-than-thou Christians spent half the time they spend on overnights prayers working with their HANDS e.g.:-
      a) working on their back-yard gardens
      b) Welding burglars bars, gates etc
      c) practicing on sewing machines, knitting machines, etc making curtains, school uniforms
      d) wood-work
      e) Practicing on jewelry making at home
      f) Practicing on working with leather in the back-yard
      g) Homemade foods like baking, jams, lemonades, mango Juice
      h) Carving art from stone, wood
      I) Developing softwares/apps for
      J) Making simple radios & later cell-phones etc
      k) Repairing pressing irons, fridges, stoves then Tvs etc

      etc, etc.

      James 2:14-26 – Faith Without Works Is Dead

    • MARK TWAIN once said: “The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and starting on the first one.”

  32. Gee and terrible you have accesss to computer,, google freemasonry.. tnen comment .with knowledge not bigotry…..inciting public reaction by continually referring to satanism is counterproductive.
    Lets promote Zambia not denigrate her

  33. You cannot legislate for Christianity, the actions of people will dictate whether christianity or not.
    Let us all behave in a christian way and make Zambia a truly Christian Nation

    • Religious people are like pedophiles and rapists. You like them as people but they force their junk on you. They sincerely believe that because it makes them feel good, it will make you feel good too.

      From where I sit, they are items in a basket of deplorables. Hey Christians, Zambia is ours too. Give us a Break!

  34. Thank you God for my country & for imparting on our leaders the fear of you my LORD. Thank you for the declaration of our country as a Christian nation. There can never be anything else that will make us a great nation and a redeemed people apart from You LORD. We shall forever wait on You & we know You will never let this chosen land be ruled by a pagan leader who does not know you. God Bless Zambia & it’s leadership.


    • You think they have journalists who went to school?
      Just read their story above. After praising Lungu for his BOARD decisions ” he cited the decision by President Lungu to declare every October 18th as a day of national prayers, imitating the construction…”
      The story went through editors

  36. Belonging to certain religions makes you be come a mental slave who thinks god loves other people more than Africans. These religions tell you Israelites are chosen people what balder dash! Arabs are blessed people, Jews go on to kill others based on so-called biblical doctrines. We can kill Palestinians and take their land because god gave it to us. If he is a fair god he must have given Palestinians land too! Religious just mentally enslaves Africans. Everyone else is free from it.

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