Konkola Copper Mines (KCM) employees in Chililabombwe have refused to enter the main gates into the plants of Konkola Business units demanding salary adjustments.
All senior staffs that tried to enter the gates were threatened to be beaten and  all the shift employees are outside the gates.
Among other things, miners are complaining of lack of proper treatment and medicines.
The employees  talk to said that Doctors at mine hospital were now leaving in preference to Government hospitals, while Asian counterparts’ were now seeking treatment at the new mini Indian African Medicare Services Limited hospital in Chingola.
This mini hospital is located in Ghandi road just after total service station.
KCM has also increased school fees in Trust schools while salaries for its employees had remained stagnant for over four years.
KCM has been faced with numerous self-imposed financial challenges following its deliberate policy to pay Indian contractors on time but not Zambian suppliers and contractors.
All Zambian senior staffs were not paid their Christmas bonus and December salaries but all Indians expatriates were paid in full.
The company has shown no willingness to adjust salaries for its unionised employees and this has led to the protest of today.
Protests by KCM employees usually turn nutsy if remedial delay to be deployed.
KCM main operation and production is in Konkola following the putting of Nchanga Underground on care and maintenance.
Efforts to get a comment from KCM Public Relations and Communications Manager Shapi Shachinda proved futile as his mobile phone went unanswered while Mine Workers Union of Zambia (MUZ) President Chishimba Nkole declined to comment referring the matter to management.
Mr Nkole said the union had reasons for not commenting on the matter saying they were not too sure of the occurrence and they opted to be very accurate when issuing any statement.
However, the miners who spoke on conditions of anonymity said they had lost confidence in their KCM union branch representatives as they were not given an update on the negotiations that started last year.
They said KCM should immediately effect salary increments or trim the workforce and issue them benefits if they had challenges in their operations.
you will dance to the tune of dununa regret…
pamafi party and its kolopa dot com in action…
Why do you give them work permits then? During the 2011 campaigns, PF promised NEVER to issue work permits to the so called expatriates for positions where there’s readily available local human resource. Why on Earth would the home affairs ministry issue work permits to Indian boilermakers or plumbers?
@ The Chosen One; There is a very strong cartel my friend. These so called foreigners don’t even go the immigration department but go through agents and theres’ no chance that the application may be rejected. What matters is how much they will pay (nichekeleko) depending on country of origin and qualification. The payments are standard. Apparently, EIZ has followed suite just to get a few coins. Its sad that Zambia is getting back to Chiluba days were corruption was normal. H.E. needs to do something.
So you are UPND!
Ati self-imposed financial challenges. Really it is. I pity my colleagues.
Ifwe we are still waiting for the FARMS imagine !
I thought the minister said his visit to KCM was a “success”!
We told LPM NOT give Indians (after the Binani sag of RAMCOZ), KCM (the jewel in the crown) of former ZCCM assets. It fell on deaf ears because Lusaka/state house is a know it all. Maybe he was oiled!
Why we cant run our own mines in this country still beats me…
Please fi upnd never include PF in KCM matters but blame Levy Partrick Mwanawasa for selling KCM to indians!!Most indians are useless people!!since 2004 these indians have been claiming to be making losses year in,year out!!!THE BEST PRESIDENT EDGAR LUNGU CAN DO IS TO GRAB KCM FROM THESE GREEDY INDIANS THEN FIND NEW INVESTORS TO RUN IT!!!these indians have run kcm mines down.ask anybody in chingola and chililabombwe how bad things are.PF MUST ACT NOW BY DEPOTING ALL THOSE INDIANS AT KCM AND LET ZCCM-H RUN IT AS GOVNT IS LOOKING FOR NEW INVESTORS!!
My friend i am NOT upnd but your opinion is NOT worthy while. Where do u stay? It is better to keep quiet if u have nothing fruitful to say. Which best President are u referring to to do something? Just shut up my friend!!! U are not here in Chingola & Chililabombwe. Your President has caused so many pains to these miners here
and you think yours is worthwhile iwe ka Former PF member with SATA? You should also shut up if you cant respect other people’s opinions then.
KCM is a clear case of what happens when people in Government put their selfish interests before that of their people. An in saying this, I include Levy Mwanawasa but I also include the subsequent governments that were fully aware of the happenings at KCM but did nothing. Peoples’ lamentations fall on deaf ears while their pockets are filled to the brim. We have lost it as a nation, when clear corruption and econmic sabotage goes unpunished as in the KCM saga. All who have been in power are guilty of this crime. Justice has to been done and seen to be done. Twanaka nabo bafi…la ba mwenye mwe!!
am sure they have reaped (KCM) more than there share and now want to provoke govt to expropriate the mine.This will entail there debt will be paid by govt and contractors will reap nothing.who is the winner at the end….KCM. Govt be cautios before you fall in KCM trap.exhaust all the channels and ensure the loans and contractors are paid before these Indians can leave
KCM has been a problem even during Levy ‘s tenure so don’t bring in PF. Just give suggestions on how this can be resolved.
this is what happens when companies involve them solves in politics.. KCM is different from Mopani..
kcm was a problem under LPM but things were much better. when PF came into office there has been no increament, kwacha is as usless as toilet paper and the government has no say. NAPSA which was introduced by Sata has reduced peoples salaries and the 37% PAYE will further reduce the salaries this month…