Thursday, January 23, 2025

President Lungu arrives in Ghana


President Lungu with First Lady Esther Lungu and Vice-President Inonge Wina at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport shortly before departure for Ghana on Friday, January 6,2017-Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
President Edgar Lungu says Africa has a lot to learn from Ghana’s admirable democracy.

President Edgar Lungu said there is need for Africa to strengthen political and economic ties for the benefit of the african people.

The Head of State said this on arrival in Accra, Ghana, ahead of tomorrow (Saturday’s ) inauguration ceremony of Nana Akufo Addo as Ghana’s seventh President.

ZANIS reports that President Lungu arrived at Kotoka International Airport at about 15:30 hrs Ghanaian local time aboard the Presidential Challenger jet.

Mr Lungu is accompanied by First lady Esther Lungu and his special assistant for politics Kaizer Zulu and some government officials.

President Lungu was received by Ghanian official Ambassador Kwasi Baadi -Boakye, Foreign Ffairs Minister Harry Kalaba, Zambia’s High Commissioner to Ghana Timothy Walamba and other government officials and staff from the Zambian mission in Ghana.

President Lungu was accorded a twenty-one gun salute and inspected a guard of honour.

The President later met with one of President elect Mr Addo’s incoming Cabinet minister Hacknam Owuso Ajayemang.

The two greeted and shared some plesantries in nyanja.

The Zambian Head of State is among several African , world leaders and dignitaries invited to attend the inauguration ceremony of Mr Addo.

President elect Akufo Addo , a former Minister of Foreign Affairs under President Kuffour’s regime will be sworn in as Ghana’s seventh Head of State at the Black stars Stadium, formerly independence square in the Ghanaian capital of Accra on Saturday January 7, 2017.

According to local media reports, over 6,000 guests haven been invited to attend the inauguration ceremony.

Several other Heads of State and government and representatives of various countries anorganisations have been arriving in the capital city of Accra to witness the swearing in ceremony of Ghana’s seventh Head of State since independence in 1957 from Britain.

Among the countries that have arrived include Benin, Cote d’voire, Equatorial Guinea, Kenya, .Morrocco

Earlier High Commissioner Timothy Walamba said President Lungu is expected to later hold bilatera talks with his newly sworn in Ghanaian counterpart Akufo Addo in order to explore and enhance trade and investment ties between the two countries.

He pointed out that Ghana’s founding President Nkwame Khrumah played a pivotal role in the liberation of African countries such as Zambia, Kenya, Malawi and Tanzania.

Mr Walamba said the political history and connection between the two countries has transcended into religious affairs as both countries prayed for peaceful elections which were a success.

He described Ghana as the most peaceful country in west Africa with an admirable record of peaceful transition to power.

He urged African leaders to desist from changing goal posts after electoral defeats or expiration of their mandates and emulate Outgoing His main president John Mahama .

Mr Walamba said Zambia can learn a lot from Ghana’s advanced educational system in order to advance national development and attainment of Vision 2030.

The High Commissioner President Lungu will be expected to officiate at a dinner hosted for him by the high commission and laterengafe Zambian resident in Ghana and surrounding areas of developments back home.

President Addo will take over from incumbent President Maham whom he defeated in a closely contested election on december 6, 2016 .

Mr Addo polled 54 percent oI the votes cast while the incumbent mr Mahama polled 44 percent . ..

Mr Addo becomes the first opposition leader to unseat a sitting Ghanain president through the ballot.


  1. Wait! So Ghanaians also go to stadiums to inaugurate their leaders? This is just wrong on all levels. Anyway, hope he brings us back cocoa for making Chocolates.

    Viva President Nawakwi.

    • Akoff Addo lost 2 or 3 elections. His party is New Patriotic Front.
      Something in common with Edgar’s party.

    • Laughs…..It is not a stadium@Nzelu its called the Black star square formerly known as Independent square, it’s where such functions are held.

    • @2.1, We don’t give a damn about the two senior positions at AU.
      The actual work is here at home, not in Ghana, or Ethiopia.
      Kapala ekale panshi abombe inchinto, noti ukululumba chilabushiku. Ichiyeyeye Lungu aleke
      Bushe Mango yaku Ghana yachila mango ya Zambia?

  2. Harry Kalaba is already in Ghana. President Lungu should have let him represent him.

    Viva President Mwagufuli and President Ian Khama of Botswana.

    • Do you know that Zambia is floating two names for senior positions at the AU? Learn to understand international diplomacy.

    • @2.1, We don’t give a damn about the two senior positions at AU.
      The actual work is here at home, not in Ghana, or Ethiopia.
      Kapala ekale panshi abombe inchinto, noti ukululumba chilabushiku. Ichiyeyeye Lungu aleke
      Bushe Mango yaku Ghana yachila mango ya Zambia?

  3. HE ENJOYS IT – ITS A HOBBY ; Okay let’s see
    Year 2017 2016
    No.of Months 1 3
    No. of International trips 1 20*
    Benefits Accrued Pending 0
    Travel Costs (K) Pending 100s of Millions

  4. HE ENJOYS IT – ITS A HOBBY ; Okay let’s see
    Year…………………………. 2017……….. 2016
    No.of Months………………..1…………….. 3
    No. of International trips…1……………. 20*
    Benefits Accrued………..Pending……….. 0
    Travel Costs (K)…………..Pending……. 100s of Millions
    Have a good working holiday your Excellence. Will let you know if CK misbehaves.

  5. Are Zambians happy to see their hard earned tax money wasted like this? What will it take for people to begin to see Lungu isn’t cut out for this job of president? It’s impossible to imagine people like Zambians could exist. How dull can a people get? There are some people out there who actually believe Lungu WILL bring paradise to them.

  6. Ah well. Makes a decent beach side meeting for the Moroccans who were a no-show. ED2.0 is busy alright. Not sure what he’s doing but maybe he will put on army boots when he gets back and stomp some worms in his dictatorial fashion, as he dances his way to becoming a billionaire in the shortest time possible. Go ED. He has a vision… just not a stately one. Hee hee.

  7. This Bozo of a president is really funny. Yes there is a lot to learn from Ghana, democracy to start with and no harassment of the opposition. Lungu’s hypocrisy is just beyond rendemption. Where did we get this guy from?

  8. Another holiday? He is beyond incompetent! Chikopo Lungu please learn to prioritise your work. In view of the numerous problems at home this was a NON-ESSENTIAL trip! At a time when government should be frugal he is wasting money on flights to Ghana, accomodation in Ghana, transport in Ghana for himself, his wife, and 50 plus entourage! Lungu must learn to delicate to ambassadors! Lungu must keep his skinny chiken legs and beer belly at home and do some work.

  9. Many invited presidents and heads of state will arrive on the day of inauguration and return to their countries immediately after the ceremony. They have a lot to do in their countries.

  10. Absolutely no shame whatsoever there in Ghana which is miles ahead of Zambia…no shame…if this Lazy thing wanted to attend he would have easily flew in the same day and out with the Challenger not Lazy Lungu!!

  11. Lungu is the only Head of State attending the inauguration from Southern and East Africa. He is the only SADC head of State to attend. Back at home Zambia’s Agricultural season is facing an Army Worm Crisis. One wonders why attending the inauguration ceremony is a priority for illegitimate Lungu? Is it to earn valuable travel allowances or seek recognition following a disputed Presidential Election? We notice the Ceremony is being attended by Opposition Leaders from Zimbabwe,Kenya,Zimbabwe etc. Mu7,Mugabe ,Zuma etc are missing and since Lungu’s mentors are not attending Lungu will cast a lonely figure from dictators in the region. Lungu is not on a State Visit to Ghana so a 21 Gun Salute and the Inspection of the Guard of Honour is a lie. Illegitimacy is haunting Chakolwa Lungu!!

  12. it is shameful to see him go to Ghana. It is shameful to see all those cabinet ministers wasting money going to the airport to see Lungu off and welcome him back. Zambia should have not been given to a black man to rule in 1964 because most black people don’t care about being good managers of the nations resources. Lungu sees these useless ministers at state house and GRZ house, what is the point of all them rushing to go and see Lungu off and to welcome him? Oh, I forgot that they do go to drink. but this is what happens with leaders with no vision.

  13. But this quote stinks: “President Lungu arrived at fimo fimo at about 15:30 hrs local time aboard the Presidential Challenger jet”. It’s now so often you read about this vile phrase and every time you do you know your money is being wasted on useless trips overseas.

  14. Lungu is a shameless Dictator and a Hypocrite. He dashes to Ghana uninvited to go and attend the inauguration and celebrate the victory of Nana Akufo Addo an Opposition Leader for a long time. Back home in Zambia Lungu has just stolen Election Victory from the Opposition led by HH & GBM. Lungu has persecuted Opposition Leaders in Zambia and has frustrated and blocked in Courts the UPND Petition. Lungu has illegally sworn in himself as President without being declared the Winner by the Courts.Now Lungu is masquerading as Democrat and wants the New President of Ghana to believe that he is the legitimate President of Zambia without the Petition against his own re-election being heard and disposed off. Well President Akufo Addo is Not a Fool. He sympathises with the Opposition Parties in…

  15. Thats why this man decided to make a cameo appearance in Kitwe, to hoodwink us, that he is concerned about national issues. He new he was hiiting the air waves to Ghana. The Kitwe Trip backfired badly and his spin Doctors are scratching their heads on how to repair the damage his 2021 obsession has caused. People know he is the cause of confusion in the PF and Cabinet. If you work hard , then you have Presidential Ambitions. You should be purged. You snore and go beaching with someone’s husband in the midst of a National disaster then you are a Great minister. You sit and do nothing , thats Mr Lungu’s man.The weird Lungu and his Leadership. How sad.

  16. LUNGU gets $100,000/Day in allowances each time he travels out of the country. Thats why he gave up his small salary & increased number of trips. So 3 days in Ghana = $300,000.

    There is money for Private jets & allowances for LUNGU’s useless trips, for DORA-BOKOSI-SILITI’s Sexcapades to LAS-VEGAS with a married small boy (a KASAI) with his mother & his ex-girlfriend YET Lundazi has run out of chemicals for ARMY WORMS.

    As I always say to Zambians:- pray, but pray with one eye open.

    Zambia is a CURSED country.

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