Speaking on behalf of his fellow employees when he KCM workers want K9,000 minimum wagemet Copperbelt Minister Bowman Lusambo in Chililabombwe on Friday, Brian Chilekwa said workers wanted the company to implement wage pledges allegedly made by Vedanta Resources when they were bidding for Lubambe Mine.
“When they were bidding for Lubambe Mine, they were asked how they were going to maintain the workforce since they were struggling to maintain workers at KCM but they said they could easily manage workers at both mines and that the lowest paid KCM worker got US$900. So we want to see that US$900 in the account of the lowest paid worker,” Mr Chilekwa said.
He said workers were tired of being misrepresented by the unions and wanted him and three others to represent them.
Mr Chilekwa said KCM employees had endured a lot of hardships because they had not received any salary increment in the last five years.
He said workers also want management at the mining firm to reintroduce conditions such as educational loans, observation of Sunday as the seventh-day bonus, notches for deserving employees and leave commutation.
He said workers also want shifts to last for eight and not 10 hours as is currently the case.
Mr Chilekwa also appealed to Government to step in and protect the workers that took part in the three-day work stoppage from being fired from employment.
Meanwhile, Chililabombwe member of Parliament (MP) Richard Musukwa has said KCM must provide an enabling environment for its employees by giving them all the tools required to work productively.
He said the conditions of service at the mining giant must be enhanced to match the prevailing economic situation.
And Mr Lusambo said Government was taking the issues at KCM seriously.
I can’t even waste my time and certificate for a councillor seat fighting for a ka $70.00 allowance pamwaka.it’s better I go and sweep at Kcm I get $900.00.Fight had guys,these investors are thieves.
Ha! I am shocked. $900 per month????? Awe guys let us demand more from these thieves.
Me I don’t get if in Australia, at a copper mine that sales to the same customer as a Zambian mine can pay it’s lowest worker $500 per day, then why would a Zambian mine do the same. I know some of you are economists and you will try to justify this day light abuse and robbery.
Also these mines have people so called expatriates. These people get paid at least $500 per day (lowest paid) while working in Zambia and doing work which any Zambian can do. So how come they are able to pay them $500 per day while our Zambian worker gets $30 per day. This is sad. Our laws are our chains in the neck. I am disturbed indeed.
Me I don’t get it….
Ha! I am shocked. $900 per month????? Awe guys let us demand more from these thieves.
Me I don’t get it if in Australia, at a copper mine that sales to the same customer as a Zambian mine can pay it’s lowest worker $500 per day, then why wouldn’t a Zambian mine do the same. I know some of you are economists and you will try to justify this day light abuse and robbery.
Also these mines have people so called expatriates. These people get paid at least $500 per day (lowest paid) while working in Zambia and doing work which any Zambian can do. So how come they are able to pay them $500 per day while our Zambian worker gets $30 per day. This is sad. Our laws are our chains in the neck. I am disturbed indeed.
Fact is that can’t happen. You look at the labour market in Zambia and just get the average pay for a qualified ( with diploma or degree) and you will find that is the amount that go in their bank accounts. Just continue dancing the Dununa Reverse because your economy can never allow KCM to implement these promises. Wait until the economy is sound and you wont have to ask them. Zambians are stu###d and forget easily. You were given a chance to vote wisely but what did you do? Now that you cant afford a bag of mealie meal you want the investor to do it for you. Please demand reasonably.
U increase wages cost of all commodities rises…those that dont get thst money how do they eat. High wages comes with high costs but i agree wages too low ……….vulnerable being exploited. Australia bit different mine are located thousands of miles from workers homes so they live away from family for 3 weeks then home for 10 days but no pay during those 10 days so wage balances out. Cost of living higher in australia so to please dont be alarmist or give false hope to brothers in zambia house fly
When is this mine being repossessed? It seems that Vedanta are able to do whatever they want and get away with it.
These are the same guys who were caught laughing at Zambia for selling the mine to them at USD25m and they are now making over USD500m profit per year!
These are the same guys who underdeclare profits and avoid paying taxes.
These are the same guys who wanted to unlawfully fire 2000 workers and disregarded labour laws in the process.
These are the same guys who continually pollute waterways and have been told to pay USD2m to compensate residents, but have failed to do so.
These are the same guys who because of their crooked ways have a pressure group dedicated to exposing their many unlawful transgressions around the world.
The time to kick these guys out…