Wednesday, February 5, 2025

CHINA – One Belt One Road Vision- Ethiopia- Tanzania- Zambia



    • My only worry is that this is a Chinese vision. Africa does not seem to have a vision of its own. When are we going to be pioneers. It seems we shall always be cheer leaders of other continents.

  1. Zambia doesn’t seem to be part of the One belt- One road agenda. TAZARA railway hasn’t had substantial investment to make our country compete.

  2. China wants to connect to London, Berlin and Paris and Moscow by rail too. China is the only country thinking in 22nd-century ways.

  3. Developmental assistance with increased Zambian Trade surpluses in REFINED goods is what should be of concern in the CHINA BUILD projects IT SHOULD NOT BE LIKE the old silk road under the BILTCOIN trading system
    Zambians should also be allowed to invest in China in AREAS like TELECOMS RAIL TRANSPORT and including FINANCE in which they are barred It should be also that you also promote Chinese to invest and partner with local to create that respect and win win situation for the future Zambia we need unlike the OLD SILK road model that took all commodities and left the Country no better for long-term
    In your policies what you should be…

  4. emphasing in the new CHINA SILK ROAD is FDIs to Zambia that support value JOBS for long-term, creating capacity through innovation and boasting Exports arising from THE CHINA investments in processed products to the world not SIMPLY the SILK/COPPER commodities that supports JOBs and Exports base of China
    The Zambian ultimate beneficial owner of Chinas Investments must be the target in the SILK affiliate CHAIN or logistics
    We need to see increased total real jobs contribution in China Zambia Affiliated firms ,with research and developments shipped and housed in Zambia and then we constantly take stock of Chinese affiliated Zambian firms to our Net…

  5. exports not ores in copper only or raw materials but refined It should be not exploitation by the mightier again but genuine FDIs with exports and real Jobs created from Zambian base not china
    Avoid BITCOIN systems and make sure you engage to come out well off in be like Singapore in Trade deals

  6. You need to have a win win situation and avoid being blinded in the quest for development of infrastructure and energy The silk road is simply an alternative to the current world system that puts China and other brics separate from US and other US supranational firms like IMF,world bank and wall street copying the ancient system in the old silk trades and creating a new silk road that connected the ancient trade routes to now become the new World land Bridge
    Whatever trades and pacts look at the ZAMBIA and effects on employment and net exports long-term
    The catch is to assess the meaningful plant capacity and research that will arise in China affiliated…

  7. firms in Information technologies and electronics ,Industrial machinery including Financial Services Not shopping floors in Kamwala Then the silk road would be working
    Once you lock in the term structures implied in the silk BRICS BANKS ,Infrastructure development will scale down just as in the days of world bank and IMF which has realized its lost touch and coming home to call
    Whichever Financial system is better or Trade routes, it should result first in the wellbeing of ZAMBIANS and its ACCOUNTS You have the bargain of resources that cannot rot I like the intuitive approach Southeast Asia has taken into this SILK PROJECT

  8. To send also the entire provincial ministers is not safe Some ministers should have remained to offer that diverse intuition

    Its nothing more than the case of Geopolitics and alternative Financial system in trades but countries that will benefit and emerge must have clear policies and ensure value for their resources not simply put to China on the next fast trains

  9. That Ethiopia Djibouti rail line could have been Tazara. Sadly when you have corrupt leaders I. State house and cadres everywhere, you remain behind. The last become the firs and the first the last. Sad reading for Zambia

  10. It’s not corruption but HAVING A ZAMBIAN POLICY TOWARDS CHINA AND HOW to benefit from the $50Billion plus in the SILK ROAD being respected and seen as parties not weaker less and avoid the SOVEREIGN ZAMBIAN GOVERNMENT being seen as EMPLOYEES OF CHINESE State Owned Enterprises and Government

    Look what Hungary has achieved and benefited from the One Belt One Road in railways highways oil and gas massive power projects and telecoms
    Look at the Central West and South Asia as far Greece, Russia and Oman Surely the Chinese have given Zambia a leap Service and taken the Goodwill of Zambian Government for Grant age

    Investments from regions is well come so…

  11. In as much as the Chinese socialism appears highly efficient, its characterized by flaws to achieve this “”work in progress “””the fact that China’s President Xi Jingping describes and acknowledges

    Here are some good Lessons from Xi Himself that should reflect Zambia

    “”Xi outlined his vision of the Chinese Dream in a 2013 speech to the Western Returned Scholars Association, a group for Chinese students who travel abroad to attend universities. In this speech, Xi urged Chinese scholars to adhere to four principles:
    “The basic tenets of Marxism are universal truth with eternal ideological value.”
    1. Patriotism – Love of country is a basic value for all Chinese citizens. Students should maintain deep ties to their homeland and remember that their…

  12. homeland and remember that their work uplifts an entire nation.
    2. Hard work – “In the world today, knowledge and information are quickly updated, and if one slackens even a little in study, one is likely to fall behind.”
    3. “Innovation and creation” – Chinese scholars who study abroad must bring home their vision and knowledge to create new advances in science and commerce. Only through innovation will China raise the quality of its economic development.
    4. Cultural openness – Students who study overseas act as emissaries for China as it continues to establish ties with the rest of the world.
    ‘ China Welcomes the World
    ‘’’’As China’s economy grows, it deepens its connections with the rest of the world. Some 16 million Chinese people traveled to neighboring countries in Asia in…

  13. 2012. Chinese imports approach $10 trillion.’’

    “’As an active participant in the world economy, China strives to be more open and fair and to reject protectionism. China made good on its promise to the World Trade Organization to improve its business climate.
    In 2013, China imported $140 billion from Arab states and invested $2 billion in foreign direct investment in the Arab world.’””’

    In a 2014 speech, Xi invoked ancient trade routes, describing a “Silk Road spirit” that connects China and the Middle East. Xi is working to boost trade between the two regions, including expanded imports of non-oil products from the Arab world. Xi expressed support for a Palestinian state, an independent nation with its 1967 borders and with a capital of East Jerusalem. He called for further ties…

  14. between China and the Middle East, including a Free Trade Area agreement between China and the Gulf states.””

    The Chinese economy is likely to hit bottom in 2017 as several factors will combine and put pressure and when they assess and project They send parties to ensure the SILK ROAD supports the growth agenda for CHINA but learn to pick some pieces also as ZAMBIA and align



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