Tuesday, March 18, 2025

State House Week in Pictures



President Lungu during Prayers with Anglican Bishops at State house
President Lungu during Prayers with Anglican Bishops at State house


President Edgar Lungu Meets Anglican Bishops led by Archbishop Albert
Chama -Archbishop of the Anglican Province of the Central
Africa,Bishop Derek Kamukwamba – Bishop of the Diocese of Central
Zambia, Bishop William Mchombo- Bishop of the diocese of Eastern
Zambia and Bishop David Njovu- Bishop of the Diocese of Lusaka at
State house today – Pictures By Eddie Mwanaleza/State house.


Archbishop of the Anglican Province of Central Africa Albert Chama (R) signs a visitor's book while President Edgar Lungu looks on this was after a delegation of Anglican Bishops paid a courtesy call on President Lungu at State House
Archbishop of the Anglican Province of Central Africa Albert Chama (R) signs a visitor’s book while President Edgar Lungu looks on this was after a delegation of Anglican Bishops paid a courtesy call on President Lungu at State House


President Edgar Lungu talks to a delegation of Anglican Bishops laid by Archbishop Albert Chama (c) when they paid a courtesy call on him at State House
President Edgar Lungu talks to a delegation of Anglican Bishops laid by Archbishop Albert Chama (c) when they paid a courtesy call on him at State House


President Edgar Lungu with Anglican Bishops , Amos Chanda and Kaizer Zulu at State house
President Edgar Lungu with Anglican Bishops , Amos Chanda and Kaizer Zulu at State house


resident Lungu During the Meeting with Archbishop Albert Chama and Bishop Derek Kamukwamba at State house
resident Lungu During the Meeting with Archbishop Albert Chama and Bishop Derek Kamukwamba at State house


President Edgar Lungu confers with a delegation of Anglican Bishops laid by Archbishop Albert Chama (second right) when they paid a courtesy call on him at State House
President Edgar Lungu confers with a delegation of Anglican Bishops laid by Archbishop Albert Chama (second right) when they paid a courtesy call on him at State House


President Edgar Lungu Meets Anglican Bishops led by Archbishop Albert
Chama -Archbishop of the Anglican Province of the Central
Africa,Bishop Derek Kamukwamba – Bishop of the Diocese of Central
Zambia, Bishop William Mchombo- Bishop of the diocese of Eastern
Zambia and Bishop David Njovu- Bishop of the Diocese of Lusaka at
State house today – Pictures By Eddie Mwanaleza/State house.


President Edgar Lungu with Archbishop Albert Chama at State house
President Edgar Lungu with Archbishop Albert Chama at State house


President Lungu Welcomes Archbishop Albert Chama to Statehouse, looking on is Bishop Derek Kamukwamba
President Lungu Welcomes Archbishop Albert Chama to Statehouse, looking on is Bishop Derek Kamukwamba


President Lungu With Angilcan Bishops at State house
President Lungu With Angilcan Bishops at State house


President Lungu with Archbishop Albert Chama at State house
President Lungu with Archbishop Albert Chama at State house


President edgar Lungu with Archbishop Albert Chama at State house
President edgar Lungu with Archbishop Albert Chama at State house


President Edgar Lungu Meets Anglican Bishops led by Archbishop Albert
Chama -Archbishop of the Anglican Province of the Central
Africa,Bishop Derek Kamukwamba – Bishop of the Diocese of Central
Zambia, Bishop William Mchombo- Bishop of the diocese of Eastern
Zambia and Bishop David Njovu- Bishop of the Diocese of Lusaka at
State house today – Pictures By Eddie Mwanaleza/State house.


President Edgar Lungu Meets Anglican Bishops led by Archbishop Albert Chama -Archbishop of the Anglican Province of the Central Africa,Bishop Derek Kamukwamba - Bishop of the Diocese of Central Zambia, Bishop William Mchombo- Bishop of the diocese of Eastern Zambia and Bishop David Njovu- Bishop of the Diocese of Lusaka  at State house today - Pictures By Eddie Mwanaleza/State house.
President Edgar Lungu Meets Anglican Bishops led by Archbishop Albert
Chama -Archbishop of the Anglican Province of the Central
Africa,Bishop Derek Kamukwamba – Bishop of the Diocese of Central
Zambia, Bishop William Mchombo- Bishop of the diocese of Eastern
Zambia and Bishop David Njovu- Bishop of the Diocese of Lusaka at
State house today – Pictures By Eddie Mwanaleza/State house.


President Lungu Greets Bishop William Mchombo , looking on is Bishop David Njovu
President Lungu Greets Bishop William Mchombo , looking on is Bishop David Njovu


President Edgar Lungu with President  of the Sahrawi Democratic Republic and First President of Zambia Dr Kenneth Kaunda during the State house official dinner Lusaka on Monday 9th January 2016, Picture  by Eddie Mwanaleza/State house.
President Edgar Lungu with President of the Sahrawi Democratic Republic and First President of Zambia Dr Kenneth Kaunda during the State house official dinner Lusaka on Monday 9th January 2016, Picture by Eddie Mwanaleza/State house.


President Edgar Lungu with President of the Sahrawi Democratic Republic and First President of Zambia Dr Kenneth Kaunda during the State house official dinner Lusaka on Monday 9th January 2016, Picture by Eddie Mwanaleza/State house.


President Edgar Lungu meets President of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic at Statehouse
President Edgar Lungu meets President of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic at Statehouse


President Brahim Ghali President Of Sahrawi Meets Dr Kenneth Kuanda at State house in Lusaka
President Brahim Ghali President Of Sahrawi Meets Dr Kenneth Kuanda at State house in Lusaka


President Lungu during a closed door with Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic President Brahim Ghali on Tuesday, January 10,2017-Picture by THOMAS NSAMA


President Edgar Lungu with President Brahim Ghali of the Sahrawi Democratic Republic in Lusaka on Monday 9th January 2016, Picture by Eddie Mwanaleza/State house.


President Lungu during a closed door with Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic President Brahim Ghali on Tuesday, January 10,2017-Picture by THOMAS NSAMA


President Lungu-Sahrawi
President Lungu-Sahrawi


President Lungu during a closed door with Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic President Brahim Ghali on Tuesday, January 10,2017-Picture by THOMAS NSAMA


President Lungu with His Excellency Mr Brahim Ghali President of Sahrawi
President Lungu with His Excellency Mr Brahim Ghali President of Sahrawi


President Lungu with His Excellency Mr Brahim Ghali President of Sahrawi
President Lungu with His Excellency Mr Brahim Ghali President of Sahrawi


President Lungu with His Excellency Mr Brahim Ghali President of Sahrawi
President Lungu with His Excellency Mr Brahim Ghali President of Sahrawi


President Lungu with His Excellency Mr Brahim Ghali President of Sahrawi
President Lungu with His Excellency Mr Brahim Ghali President of Sahrawi


President Edgar Lungu with President Brahim Ghali of the Sahrawi Democratic Republic and First President of Zambia Dr Kenneth Kaunda during the State house official dinner Lusaka on Monday 9th January 2016, Picture by Eddie Mwanaleza/State house.



President Edgar Lungu meets Chinese Foreign affairs Mr Wang Yi   at State house in Lusaka. Picture By Eddie Mwanaleza/Statehouse.09-01-2017.
President Edgar Lungu meets Chinese Foreign affairs Mr Wang Yi at State house in Lusaka. Picture By Eddie Mwanaleza/Statehouse.09-01-2017.


President Edgar Lungu meets Chinese Foreign affairs Mr Wang Yi   at State house in Lusaka. Picture By Eddie Mwanaleza/Statehouse.09-01-2017.
President Edgar Lungu meets Chinese Foreign affairs Mr Wang Yi at State house in Lusaka. Picture By Eddie Mwanaleza/Statehouse.09-01-2017.


President Edgar Lungu meets Chinese Foreign affairs Mr Wang Yi   at State house in Lusaka. Picture By Eddie Mwanaleza/Statehouse.09-01-2017.
President Edgar Lungu meets Chinese Foreign affairs Mr Wang Yi at State house in Lusaka. Picture By Eddie Mwanaleza/Statehouse.09-01-2017.


President Edgar Lungu meets Chinese Foreign affairs Mr Wang Yi at State house in Lusaka. Picture By Eddie Mwanaleza/Statehouse.09-01-2017.


President Edgar Lungu meets Chinese Foreign affairs Mr Wang Yi at State house in Lusaka. Picture By Eddie Mwanaleza/Statehouse.09-01-2017.


President Edgar Lungu meets Chinese Foreign affairs Mr Wang Yi at State house in Lusaka. Picture By Eddie Mwanaleza/Statehouse.09-01-2017.


President Edgar Lungu meets Chinese Foreign affairs Mr Wang Yi at State house in Lusaka. Picture By Eddie Mwanaleza/Statehouse.09-01-2017.


President Edgar Lungu meets Chinese Foreign affairs Mr Wang Yi at State house in Lusaka. Picture By Eddie Mwanaleza/Statehouse.09-01-2017.


President Lungu Meets Chinese Foreign affairs Minister Mr Wang Yi at Statehouse in Lusaka 4676 2


President Edgar Lungu meets Chinese Foreign affairs Mr Wang Yi at State house in Lusaka. Picture By Eddie Mwanaleza/Statehouse.09-01-2017.


President Lungu Meets Chinese Delegation at State house 4737


President Lungu Meets Chinese Delegation at State house 4737


President Lungu Meets Chinese Foreign affairs Minister Mr Wang Yi at Statehouse in Lusaka 4676 2


President Lungu Meets Chinese Foreign affairs Minister Mr Wang Yi at Statehouse in Lusaka
President Lungu Meets Chinese Foreign affairs Minister Mr Wang Yi at Statehouse in Lusaka


  1. The State House Week in pictures could have been encapsulated with 3 photographs
    1. Lungu with Anglican Bishops
    2. Lungu with the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic President Brahim Ghali
    3. Lungu with Chinese Foreign affairs Minister Mr Wang Yi

    Showing us countless photos of the same event (usually with the same caption) amounts to a news blackout in my Book.

    • @ Ba Folosho bafundeni abashikwete ifyakutulanga! They believe we appreciate their mastery of photography with so many pictures than news surrounding them. Here I am able to tell Lungu is fake being religious and is begging image building, the SDR and Chinese representatives faces are business like serious while our own people are smiley…… meaning? Indeed KK must be left to enjoy a quiet life in his residence and those who seek him must follow him to his residence. KK is no piece of furniture or item for exhibiting or to be paraded just because someone wants to use him spruce up image!

  2. I hope they prayed for him these bishops. Because uyu munthu vamukanga. Total failure! Though I think even opposition would be the same, but iyi ya PF iliko bad

  3. Mushota you are a lost Saul. Zambia is blessed because we look after our fore fathers well. Just like I love my parents. I will never tell them in their face that they have outlived their usefulness. KK is a blessing to this country, whether you Mushota like it or not.

  4. Look at those Bishops and Lazy Lungu…surely when are we as Afrikans going wake up from this mental slavery called Christanity

    • No prizes for guessing who will be the first to complain about the wastage of resources and misplaced priorities if it was to be announced that State house is going to be re-decorated!

  5. Interior decoration of state house is hideous. That ugly green carpet needs to be cleaned. Stains on carpets when you have guests is disgusting behaviour. The flower arrangements are horrible.

  6. Lusaka times you pf cadres give it a rest. Lungu this Lungu that. Please azafa Lungu

  7. It was the same type of reporting before sata died. They wanted us to think that he was working hard kanshi he was in critical stage. Please just let Lungu rest we know alilwala

  8. President Bozo is a very good actor especially when it comes to playing the character of a Christian. Ma-ma-ma, this man is impressive. He definitely deserves an Oscar!!

  9. I feel KK owes an apology has a Zambia that grow up towards his last years in power.
    1)I still don’t understand why my elder cousins were lining up for mealie meal,sugar and cooking oil.
    2) why I had to touch my left ear with my right hand in order to enroll grade 1
    3)why we never had fruit besides the season wild fruits

  10. God’s true child is our President, and ever the accomplished International Diplomat! Pic.32, 39, our Chinese friends were probably thinking,…” This stuffed Lion is plenty heaped good potency medicine!”

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