Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Ngumbo Chiefs grateful to President Lungu for appointing many Luapula people as Ministers


President Lungu Meeting Luapula Chiefs at Statehouse

The four Ngumbo Chiefs in Luapula Province have thanked President Lungu for appointing many Ministers from Luapula Province to drive the development agenda of the country.

Senior Chief Mwewa, Chief Mwansakombe, Chief Chitembo and Chief Mulongwe thanked President Lungu from their respective Palaces when Luapula Province Permanent Secretary Buleti Nsemukila paid courtesy calls on them.

They said President Lungu has demonstrated his passion and commitment to develop Luapula Province by appointing many of his Ministers from the region.

The Traditional leaders added that Luapula Ministers need to unite and ensure that developmental projects in the Province are completed for the improvement of living conditions for the people.

Luapula Province Permanent Secretary Buleti Nsemukila said he was touring the Chiefs palaces in the province to hear from them about their needs and how developmental projects in their chiefdom were doing.

Dr. Nsemukila said when President Lungu appointed him to run the province in October last year, he was preoccupied with national budget issues before he could settle down to meet the Chiefs in the province.

Meanwhile, Chief Bwalya Mponda of the Unga people in Lunga District has called for unity in the country across color, tribe and ethnicity for the development of the country.

Chief Bwalya Mponda made the call when Luapula Province Permanent Secretary called on him at his palace in Lunga District.

He said Zambians should unite and co-exist regardless of their color, creed, tribe and ethnicity because they are all made in the image of God.

The traditional leader said the people of Luapula should be united in order to develop the region which has remained underdeveloped for many years.

Chief Bwalya Mponda observed that traditional leaders and Government have a common community to serve in order to improve living conditions through developmental projects.

Luapula Province Permanent Secretary Buleti Nsemukila said it is important to unite as a people in order to have a common focus for the region.

Dr. Nsemukila added that the declaration of Zambia as a Christian nation is aimed at promoting unity and peace in the country.


  1. Appointing many people from one area as ministers is not good. The President is discouraging tribalism at all costs, so let us support him

  2. Mwebena ng’umbo finsi mukolanda kansi? You thank someone for appointing ministers from your tribe as if it is the only one that needs or knows how to contribute to national development? It only promotes tribal arrogance. Thank him for something else not for tribal overrepresentation.

  3. Tribalism under pf is not even hidden. And yet they claim that upnd is tribal. Here you have a case of tribalism been practised without shame or fear. Where are the so called law enforcers?? Why are we allowing tribalism in public office. We all pay taxes. Lungu is an evil sick man and I swear he will die before 2021.

  4. So you want ba President to appoint Liswaniso Wakunguma as minister for Luapula province and BULETI goes kwa Mungu? You the same bloggers would complain tefyo?

  5. This is a tribe remark the same thing the president is asking bishops help him end? Zambia is curse nation

  6. These four Ngumbo Chiefs from Luapula Province are foools …its this mindset that is taking us nowhere..really pathetic!!

  7. Lets see, let me try to count luapulian ministers in lungus cabinet , harry kalaba, chitotela, chitalu chilufya, that minister of community with high pitched voice, that minister for general education,luapula provincial minister chilangwa, even that minister of fisheries and livestock mabumba looks luapulan, who else have i left out.

  8. These chiefs appear and some names sound foreign. Is Ngumbo part of Zambia and in particular in Luapula province?. Statistically, Luapula province is the most undeveloped province in Zambia with a typical village in the midst of Mansa town. These chiefs should talk to their MPs before stating the ‘known unknowns’.

  9. This is good news. Savimbi once said he who sleeps with the leopard is the one who knows the configuration of the leopard spots. If such appoints were to be done by a Tonga president appointing Lozis or Luvales, Luchazis, or a Lozi president appointing Tongas, Lenjes, Toka Leyas, even the dumb, will speak that day, the deaf will hear that day, the blind will see that day, those without legs will climb roof tops that day condemning and requesting CNN to cover the gathering. Shameless Hypocrites.

  10. Remember when I taught you guys that Davis Mwila was appointed for Luapula votes, and you guys disagreed. I am now vindicated. It is politics, numbers matter.

  11. Just look at comment 1 @ Chitala, is the person mad in the head? I mean, the contradiction in just two sentences is like between day and night, maybe Chitalu actually lacks a head at all. Shear ?

  12. Someone speak of quality vs quantity please!
    Its like the unza vc’s vehicle issue.
    Is that all we are made of?
    I have a bogger dick than yours therefore I’m more important even of I don’t even satisfy basic needs?

  13. Idio**ts, if it is protesting chiefs saying there people have not been appointed, it is called tribalism by Edgar.

    Tu**vi makaki!

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