Wednesday, February 5, 2025

ACC institutes investigation into alleged corruption in the Zambia- Malawi maize deal


FILE: The Anti-Corruption Commission staff with First Republican President His Excellency Dr. Kenneth D. Kaunda

The Anti Corruption Commission of Zambia has said that investigations have been instituted into alleged corruption relating to the Zambia- Malawi maize deal.

In the end of year media briefing today, where a number of issues were addressed, the Commission’s Public Relations Manager Timothy Moono said that the Commission has begun collaboration with the Malawi Anti-Corruption Bureau over the matter.

Last week the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) of Malawi confirmed that it was sending three of its investigators to Zambia to probe the procurement of 100 000 metric tonnes (MT) of maize from Zambia

Kondowe said the bureau had since taken up the matter to investigate and will work in conjunction with the Anti-Corruption Commission of Zambia to analyse documents related to the deal to establish, if there was an element of corruption.

The ‘maizegate scandal is involving K26 billion Malawian Kwacha.

State trader Admarc insists that it is buying the staple grain from Zambia Cooperative Federation (ZCF), a government agency, despite documents show that Admarc may have used a private Zambian company that may be more expensive than if the deal were government-to-government.

Admarc has reportedly paid $34.5 million (about K26 billion Malawian Kwacha) for the maize, which is $13 million (about K9.5 billion Malawian Kwacha) more than the $21.5 million (about K15 billion Malawian Kwacha) it could have paid had it bought the maize from Zambian Government.

But both ZCF Executive Director James Chirwa and Malawi’s Minister of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development, George Chaponda, claimed that no payment has been done to the maize that has already been ferried into Malawi because one of the terms on the contract was that ADMARC will only start paying when ZCF deliverers 10,000 tones.

Below is the full Press briefing by ACC

Members of the Press

Ladies and Gentlemen

It is my pleasure to welcome you all to this end of year media briefing that will highlight activities of the Anti-Corruption Commission in the year ending 2016 and also reflect on the entire year regarding the fight against corruption in Zambia.

Let me begin by stating that the year 2016 saw the Commission continue to effectively implement strategies and programmes aimed at squarely tackling the corruption scourge. Though the Commission made steady progress in addressing the scourge, these activities were achieved amidst challenges.

I wish to state that the Commission and indeed the entire nation, was glad to hear the pronouncement made by His Excellency the President of the Republic of Zambia Mr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu, re-affirming his Government’s commitment to zero tolerance of corruption, and that the President will not shield anyone found wanting in the Government’s anti-corruption drive. Such high-level political pronouncements give the anti-corruption fight the required vigor it deserves to combat the scourge.

It is also worth noting that as Zambia joined the rest of the world in commemorating this year’s international Anti-Corruption day on 9th December, 2016, the Republican President His Excellency Mr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu, represented by the country’s Vice President Mrs. Inonge Mutukwa Wina who was then acting President, further reiterated government’s commitment to the fight against corruption and launched a national anti-corruption slogan “A Corruption-Free Zambia Begins with Me”. His Excellency the President emphasized that the national slogan should serve as a rallying call for all anti-corruption strategies in the country and that it should be embraced on a personal level by all well-meaning Zambians.

Another event worth noting in 2016 was the Commission entering into a Memorandum of Understanding with Zambia Public Procurement Authority (ZPPA) aimed at sharing information in the management of irregularities that my occur in public procurement. This MoU further aims at improving compliance to the Public Procurement Act and enhance transparency and accountability in public procurement.

Ladies and Gentlemen

Allow me now to give you an overview of the Commission’s activities in the year 2016.

With regard corruption sensitization programmes, the Commission conducted various activities that include lecture, workshops, public rallies, and corruption sensitization during the Presidential and Parliamentary Elections. Exhibitions were also conducted including placement of advertisements on radio and television. These activities targetted both the generl public and particular members of the public with the view of empowering them with information on the dangers of corruption, its effects and how they could be part of the fight against this scourge. The Commission through this function reached out to 844,975 people through direct contact as well as to over 2,000,000 listeners and viewers through publicity of its activities on various media channels.

In addition, the Commission also conducted corruption prevention programme with the view of putting in place systems and programs that curtail corruption and reduce the incidences of the vice in targeted organizations. Some of the activities conducted include managerial accountability workshops, corruption vulnerability exercises, systems studies and facilitation of establishment and training of Integrity Committees. Institutions that the Commission worked with under this function include: the National Road Fund Agency (NRFA), the Road Transport and Safety Agency (RTSA), the National Pension Scheme Authority (NAPSA), the Zambia Police Service, and ZESCO.

In 2016, one (1) Integrity Committee was established at Cabinet Office and the total number of institutions that have existing Integrity Committees has now reached 48.

I wish to also inform you that during the year 2016, the Commission received a total of 1, 349 reports of suspected corruption, showing a decrease of 296 reports from 1,645 received in 2015. Out of the reports received in 2016, a total of 884 were non corruption related. Therefore, advice was subsequently provided to all those that brought these reports that are outside the Commissions mandate on how best to pursue the matters complained against.

Of the 1,349 cases received in 2016, 465 reports contained elements of corruption as compared to 482 in 2015. Out of the 465 reports, 296 were authorized for investigations as compared to 253 in 2015. 163 reports did not have sufficient details of the corruption offence to warrant investigations to be conducted. As such, some cases were referred to relevant institutions for administrative action while others were closed with no further action. The complainants in these matters were also advised accordingly. 6 reports were still under consideration for authorization.

By the close of the year, there were a total of 598 cases under investigation. The Commission recorded 15 arrests country-wide. The total number of prosecution cases before the courts of law by end of year was 97. The Commission secured 20 convictions during the year and also recorded six (6) acquittals.

As indicated to you earlier in the year, the Commission instituted investigations into 10 cases arising from the 2014 Auditor-General’s Report with regard to financial irregularities and suspected corruption.

From these investigations, a total amount of K700,000 has since been recovered by the Commission. The cases being investigated and their status of end of year are as follows:

  1. Investigations into alleged failure to obtain value for money in procurement involving the Ministry of Mines and Energy. This is a matter in which Officials at the Ministry procured four LaserJet printers at K 38, 400, when earlier the same type of printers had been acquired by the same department for K 5, 000 each.

Following the Commission’s investigations in this matter, the responsible officer has since been surcharged by the Institution. The Commission has further submitted this matter for possible prosecution.

  1. Investigations into allegations of corruption involving the Zambian High Commission in Kenya. In this matter, a former High Commissioner to Kenya is alleged to have used public funds for payment for transportation of personal goods amounting to US $ 17, 825 (K109, 900).

Following the investigations, these funds have since been recovered from the official’s emoluments. The Commission has also submitted this matter for possible prosecution.

  1. Investigations involving the abandonment of a site by a contractor who was engaged to construct 20 medium cost houses in Lunga District in Luapula. Investigations in this matter are ongoing.

  1. Investigations involving the procurement of goods worth K248, 709 by the Ministry of Health in Chipata and Livingstone using accountable imprest contrary to Financial Regulations. Investigations are still ongoing in this matter.

  1. Investigations involving the Ministry of Works and Supply in which a contractor who was engaged to construct 20 low cost houses in Sinda District in Eastern province subcontracted 99 percent of the works to another company contrary to approved guidelines. The subcontracted company abandoned the project as they did not receive payment from the main contractor, which had itself received payment from the Ministry. Investigations are ongoing.

  1. Investigations into the irregular drawing of double salaries by over 200 former Ministry of Health workers who were employed into the Ministry of Defence. They continued drawing salaries from their former Ministry, while also getting paid from their new Ministry. Following investigations, recoveries of the funds is being done, and the Commission is contemplating on prosecuting the officer who failed to effect the termination of salary payments from the former Ministry.

  2. Investigations involving the drawing of funds amounting to over K300, 000 by a named official at the Ministry of Education for an activity that did not take place. Through the investigations, the funds have been recovered and the Commission has submitted to have the concerned officer prosecuted for theft of public resources.

  1. Investigations involving financial irregularities at Luampa Secondary School in Western Province. In this matter, a number of payments for goods and services were made by the school, without evidence of receipts. Investigations are on-going in this matter.

  1. Investigations into the abandonment of construction works at Nsenga Earth Dam in Petauke District by a named contractor. In addition to this, there are also investigations into the certification of shoddy works for payments by officials at the Ministry of Agriculture. Investigations are ongoing in this matter.

  1. Investigations into the certification for payment on unexecuted works by a named officer in the Buildings Department at the Ministry of Works and Supply. This is a matter where a contractor was engaged to construct a health centre, staff house, and three pit latrines in Solwezi. The funds were paid following the certification, but the works were not done. Investigations are ongoing and have reached an advanced stage.

Arising from all the investigations conducted during the year, you may wish to note that the value of the property and cash the Commission seized and recovered totals K69,495,627.00.

The total value of seized properties in the last six years (2011 to 2016) stands at K2,375,115 and the value of forfeited/recovered assets for the same period is K67,120,512.00

Allow me to also give you a brief on the status of some of the cases which have been in the public domain and which some of you inquired on during the year:

  1. Investigations into alleged corruption against Former Minister of Information and Broadcasting Hon. Dr. Chishimba Kambwili are on- going. Investigations in this matter have reached an advanced stage.

  1. Investigations into alleged misappropriation of funds at Football Association of Zambia involving the FAZ President Mr. Andrew Kamanga are still on- going and progressing well.

  1. The Commission’s investigations into allegations of Abuse of Authority Office at National Savings and Credit Bank against the Managing Director Mr. Cephas Chabu have been concluded and forwarded to the office of the Director of Public Prosecution for possible consent to prosecute.

  1. Investigations have been instituted into alleged corruption in the relating to the Zambia- Malawi maize deal. The Commission has begun collaboration with the Malawi Anti-Corruption Bureau over the matter.


Members of the Press, ladies and gentlemen.

The successes outlined above could not have been achieved single handedly by the Commission without the valued contribution from various stakeholders such as Government, Cooperating partners, other law enforcement agencies, Civil Society Organizations, the Media, and the general public. I wish to sincerely commend them all for their great contribution.

I wish to assure you that the Commission will intensify efforts even further in 2017 in order to continue discharging its mandate effectively.

The Commission’s focus for 2017 with regard to Investigations and Prosecutions has been placed on asset tracing, asset seizure and recovery of ill-gotten wealth. This strategy will ensure that corrupt individuals are not allowed to enjoy illicit gains and that any assets or money stolen from public resources are confiscated and returned to the national treasury.

We look forward to continued partnerships, support and collaboration with all our stakeholders. Lastly but not the least, allow me to once again wish you and all our partners and stakeholders a happy and corruption free 2017

Thank you.

Timothy Moono




    • Targeted investigations. They have buried a case involving a PS on the CB who stole ZMW1.6m for a grader that was never supplied. Their KT office has all the info on this case.

    • The president is involved in this, so this is going no where

      ACC should be replaced by an NGO non Government affiliated. As long as the ACC exist because of the Government and influenced because of, this is going no where.

      Like the Chiluba case, get institutions non partisans abroad to investigate these cases which, in my humble opinion will be cheaper and quicker

      I have an MBA, CIMA, ACCA, PhD soon, Msc, Bsc and BBA, so I know what I am talking about although I am only 27



    • Not sure about this. If no money has been paid then isn’t it just about the middle man/company who got the deal but couldn’t deliver. Sounds like there are two contracts. One initially with the middle man, who stood to make money on top by buying from the source Malawi should have dealt with directly. Seems after middle man couldn’t come through a later deal was struck with ZCF. Now the middle man is suing over the belief that the line of credit with PTA was an actual payment made. Follow the money. If it’s sitting in the PTA bank awaiting maize delivery then the rest of this is just a deal gone wrong for the middle men on contract one and a whole lot of maize owed by Zed on contract two. Reading Malawian papers is more revealing than what we have to say. There are murky areas indeed…

    • End of Year briefing done on the 16th of January? Are these guys serious? So this ka short brief couldn’t be done earlier? What nonsense!

    • #Mushota, full of delusions! if you think you’re more educated, go back home and rescue your sinking country. If not stop then advertising your ignorant on social media platforms. From your academic combination one can easily notice that really you have elements or rather symptoms of mental disorder.

      Am on this platform to correct or rather do what Napoleon failed to do. So watch out!

    • ACC, your action is long overdue, but you are welcome. Don’t be intimidated and expose those involved in the maize scandal.

    • “launched a national anti-corruption slogan “A Corruption-Free Zambia Begins with Me”.

      There you go ACC. Jail the thief in State House. You have your orders.

      23 millions of unexplained money is evidence enough. What are you waiting for?

    • Good job so far. But you left out one big investigation — Lungu’s increase in assets from K10m to K23m in 16 months. Please investigate that. We want to know where he got the increase from. Secondly, here are some of the things you can do to make your investigations more effective.
      1. Acquire undercover gadgets such as hidden cameras and microphones, so you can have corrupt people caught on camera, or microphone. That way when you present your evidence in court, it’ll be more solid, leading to a conviction.
      2. Push for installation of security cameras in all government offices and spaces. You’ll be surprised how many corruption cases will be caught on these cameras. Plus the cameras become a form of deterrence to other crimes too.
      3. Begin to work closely with the banks. Push for…

    • (Continued)… legislation requiring banks to report any suspicious activity relating to the accounts of mainly people who hold public office. If money is detected pouring into someone’s bank account, who has a public office, the banks should immediately alert you, which should trigger an immediate investigation for possible corruption.
      4. Push for harsher and stiffer penalties for people convicted. Push for 15 years minimum sentences. Otherwise if all you concentrate on is recovery of stolen goods, that’s not effective enough. Because corrupt people will just go back to look for more stuff to try and acquire corruptly — and the second time they do it, they’ll just be more careful, making sure they’re not caught. But if they’re put behind bars for a long time, you will have saved…

    • (Continued)… the country from them, and that will also be a deterrent to others. And also push for blacklisting of corrupt government workers, making sure that if someone in a government office is convicted of corruption, he gets banned from ever holding any public office again. Lastly, please know that the Zambian people are behind you and in full support of what you’re doing. You’re the people’s only hope of protection from heartless, greedy, selfish, corrupt criminals who have no regard for the country, or anyone else, but themselves. Go get them, and God Bless.

  1. Lungu Kaiser, Dora and her boyfriend are deeply involved in the scandal so this ACC wont go any where. They instead accuse sacrificial ZFRA official to take the blame so Lungu his thieving are cleared by ACC for political expediency.

    Umulandu taubola.

  2. Amazing that this scam is ‘business as usual’ in Zambia and is being thrown to the back pages of the news, if at all being reported. Yet in Malawi it has already consumed its scalp in the Agriculture minister being stood down by the courts to pave way for investigations. We regard our brothers from the east as backward and yet their checks and balances are more intact and tighter than the circus we have in Zambia.

    The fact Lungu and Sliya are quiet about this scandal is testament their hands are all over this. This is bigger than Nawakwi’s maize scandal.

    For all I know, ACC won’t be very helpful to assist this investigation… they will just frustrate the entire case. What a terrible country this is where thieving is a norm.


  4. Chishimba Kambwili cases of corruption and illegal acquisition of Luanshya golf land for his goats and houses is the big test for ACC. Zambians will be watching with keen interest for similar corruption cases involving other government officials.

  5. In the meantime Lungu is distracting the unsuspecting citizens from big issues like these, and swaying them away so they can discuss his 2021 eligibility requirements; and almost endorsing his own legitimacy while they bicker with one another.

  6. institutes investigations…………acc is a long as the president remains the appointing authority this case is a non starter.

  7. How are you ACC. It is my pleasure to appeal to you on a strong and serious note that if we want to see sanity into the Malawi – Zambia Corruption Scandal deal, Dora Siliya must be suspended and the President’s immunity should be suspended or else it is a joke to see the best fruit of your labor.

  8. Andrew Kamanga will never stop deals. About 10 years ago or more, he stole from well know International Company when he was their accountant. I thought he had learnt his lessons. Those who have know him for a long time, will remember this story very well.

    • The FAZ corruption issue involves the Vice President Kazala and money from state house.It has nothing to do with Kamanga…

  9. Surely how on earth does our Parliamentjustify expenditure to ACC when they dont bring in big fish…you simply can not be stating that this case is progressing well yet you have never arrested or questioned noone.

  10. Can ACC probe the Kalulushi magistrate court staff. My items were wrongly seized by the bailiffs at the farm I was renting and whose owner owed some people money. I went to the court to put an injunction only to be told these items had been sold so there it of no use to apply for injunction. So I gave up and was planning to sue the farm owner. But to my surprise a good Samaritan emailed a notice of auction of my property scheduled for 18 January 2017. I live in Ndola and I am worried that even if I go to Kalulushi, the court staff will find a way to block me.


    • You mean you don’t know that this is one of the most corrupt govt institutions? That’s why they always wait for kickbacks for them to institute investigations.

  12. This is stupid even those that are investigating are corrupt. This government including the head of state are all corrupt how can they fight corruption? Because they are all involved in the maize saga that went to Malawi. They made a lot of money they think we don’t know. As the spokesman for the paramount chief of Ngoni we are not happy because we are seeing alot of maize been smuggled to Malawi. Machende yako president!

  13. What is ACC investigating about? Do Malawians & their advisor Dr. Saviour Chishimba understand what govt to govt deal is & how it works? Govt to govt deal means govts remove all barriers to trade & leave private sector to freely negotiate & transact business. Eg. when Zambia concludes arms deals with Russia, China, USA, etc, its private companies of those govts who end up suppling GRZ. GRZ’s Minister of Agric. was right to delegate the deal to private sector. Malawi should have also allowed its private sector to import, not the minister himself or ADMARC. This should also happen to sectors like fuel, ECZ election materials, arms deals, being done by private sector not parastatals. Is it the business of GRZ to import needles, election desks, solar lights?

  14. Since when does Zambia have to be responsible for what is essentially a Malawian corruption case? The deal was struck with a Zambian firm not approved of by the Malawian gov’t. Its their problem.

  15. @ 20 Patriot Abroad.
    In your figment imagination its fine for a private firm to masquerade as ZCF or GRZ selling maize to Malawi.
    If Malawi secured a deal to buy maize from Zambia, Malawi should not be tricked by ZCF or private firm to act as Zambian government. Patriot, do you have confidence that Malawi can trust Zambian government?, will Malawi stop at this?, the rest of the world is watching Zambia as a nation of thieves without morals. Patriot, take time to analyse issues with soberness and be rational in your opinion, a lot is at stake on the credibility of Zambia.

  16. Lusaka times why are there few comments on all articles today. I warned you about being partisan. Look now as I said this website will close soon. Meanwhile Zambia watchdog is back

  17. Dictionary defines Donkey a hard worker for humans to better and make their life easier. Goodnight sleep well and dream on my friend….kikiki

  18. Good morning UPND, still waiting for others to start the news for today?
    Ok but meantime tell us the latest on hearing your petition. This is 4 months after your election defeat (whether you accept it or not) and 4 months since launch of the petition. Have you prepared enough money to waste on lucky lawyers for another 56 months before the next elections? Will the courts have ALL that time to listen to cry babies? Are you preparing to shift our daily entertainment to the international comedy arena? I mean obviously the local comedy has lost its touch with no new ideas coming up. Come on Stephen Katuka, or that sorry sight you call your assistant ( is it Charles Kakoma), surely you can draft a simple agenda for your entertainment 2017? DSTV do it you know.

  19. @24 Masalamuso, thank you for that definition. Donkeys are also defined as very intelligent animals. Agreed. But they cannot think like us humans, that is where the difference is. For example, donkeys can interpret the constitution like any other donkey but their interpretation turns out to be ridiculous because the constitution was written for and has to be interpreted for human. E.g. a human places a 14 day limit on a petition but a donkey starts counting 14 days every morning when it wakes up. Hope that is clear.

  20. CHiufya Tayali Reported FRA and Lubinda for maize scandals to ACC with all the evidence. This has not been mentioned. Why??

  21. The system is simple.
    The rumour that the news will break comes out. The culprits hold a caucus meeting and decide what should be torn up, what should be shredded and who should say what.
    After a week ACC starts investigations into the matter that has no evidence and iron clad statements. Key people are out of the country indefinitely and ACC find squat. If they do find anything, they redact the statements to make sure they are not fired themselves.
    Then a weak case is presented to their prosecutors which is too limp to go to court or goes to court with a guaranteed not guilty
    So it goes.

  22. With agric minister openly consorting with gigolo’s and hustlers, does anyone have doubts about there being hanky panky and long fingers in this.
    Maize export can only be sanctioned by ze boss.
    Boss won’t talk.

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