Copperbelt Province based Patriotic Front MP’s have resolved to support President’s Edgar Lungu’s pronouncement that he is eligible to stand for elections in 2021.
During a news conference held at Protea Hotel in Ndola on Sunday, the 12 MP’s said President Lungu’s pronouncement is within his constitutional rights.
The MPs told the media that President Lungu deserves another term in office because he has demonstrated quality leadership.
The MPs have since declared Copperbelt Province as a no-go zone for people opposed to the pronouncement by President Lungu.
Nkana MP Alex Chiteme and his Kabushi and counterparts Bowman Lusambo spoke on behalf of the other MPs.
The press conference was also attended by Deputy Parliamentary Chiefwip Steven Chungu who is also Luanshya MP and PF Provincial Chairman Steven Kainga and other provincial and constituency officials.
The MPs contended that the issue of President Lungu’s eligibility is a straight forward matter which should not even be debated.
The Members of Parliament stated that President Lungu has shown selfless leadership and that he has now managed to embrace all tribes in the development process.
The MPs say they will rally behind President Lungu from 2016 and beyond and will ensure that they unify the party in the province.
They said President Lungu is able to interact with people from all walks of life because he is a humble leader with a heart for the people.
It was however not immediately clear whether embattled Roan MP Chishimba Kambwili who is facing disciplinary charges is part of the group endorsing President Lungu as he was not in attendance during the news conference.

Instead of working. As usual focussing on wrong things
Wait for Kambwili’s statement. Since joining the loser’s circle he has been very vocal.
Bye bye ba Chiteme in 2021………had I known you were this shallow I wouldn’t have voted for you. As for ‘spineless’ Lungu who claims to be a Christian but has failed to fire adulterous slit Siliya who has failed to run the Ministry of Agriculture, don’t be cheated, you’ll lose terribly if you stand in 2021
The best option i ever took in my life was to leave Zambia…
Shouldn’t this be happening after the PF PF conversion closer to those elections?
I’m yet to meet a Zambian person who is smarter and more level headed than me. Especially men.
If they were burning on fire I wouldn’t wee on them to save them. Can’t stand them
Copperbelt MPs are wise.
They know that Lungu is a good leader.
Lungu will never call om citizens to rise and fight for his personal benefit, while other people call on their supporters to rise up and fight so that they can become a president.
Lungu understands democracy while others think it is by fighting, and taking to the street and displacing from their region those who don’t support them.
This explains why Lungu won the election on first attempt, and again a year and half later he won again.
At the same time others have been trying for the past six election to no avail.
Unsure if the 12 copperbelt lungu disciples fully understand what they are doing.
CK the pf perceived judas iscaliot was missing.
The eligibility issue is necessary energy for pf to disintegrate, this is am sure.
Some of these low thinking MPs endorsing lungu haven’t even started working in their constituencies. Total nonsense.
Seriously stop this madness. The days of wamuyaya are way over. Same for Edith and hh. No room for Cult personality anymore. This why these I.diots become complacent and don’t focus on governance. Electioneering for 5 years honestly
The saying that “Ubupuba tabukonkosha” is as adopted by all those singing for the Lungu third term! When will the younger more educated generation way beyond the petty Grade 12 qualification be given opportunity to vie for leadership roles that would shape a vibrant Zambia? Zambians must open their eyes and tag those propagating these retrogressive ideas that come next election time you rid them from positions of leadership they now enjoy! Typical sufferers of the “Wamuyayaya syndrome!”
This are mere puppets, parasites and dogs that do not even know why they are in parliament, my heart bleeds for our country and our children, there is no direction from these visionless baboons.
They are nothing but puppets on a chain. They represent no one but there own selfish interests.
endorsing a thief…
And this is what is clearly wrong with African Politics its 2017 and you are endorsing for 2021 some lazy Bum who has not done anything worth talking about …what a bunch of no hopers!!
I am not really sure if it’s really African Politics or Zambian Politics that is wrong, the later is true…Zambian Politics is in deep S.H.I.T.
It’s only 4 months after elections and people are already focusing on 2021 elections? Its a precedence, unheard of.
One would think since these are a fairly young politician they would be advocating for staying focused on delivery of their promises to their electorates, alas, the opposite is true – self-centered.
Anyway, I am not surprised, if their leader is the first one who is unfocused, then I think we are asking too much from his followers, which is really sad for Zambians.
It is without doubt that PF has no plan
Imagine they woke up in the morning to go and discuss Lazy Lungu’s endorsement… are there not enough problems in the province for these empty tins to discuss.
Why can’t SADC behave like West African countries and demand for the petition to be heard so that the true winner of the August elections is determined. We have to deal with illeagility now before we have more to come. I hope Donald will pursue chaps like Mugabe and Musveni the Zambia should follow. Its time for a new era like Gambia has done today
Most of you will probably not be readopted in 2021. How will you feel then?
Comment:stop the nonsense of talking about 2021. get down to work. why waste time talking and endorsing President lungu for 2021 when the man hasn’t done anything to deserve another term in office. He was completing what His excellence Mr Sata had started. Let him prove to us the Zambians that he can now do it on his own with his mandate. Get down to work and we shall judge you then after 2020.
PF you are losing the plot. What if ECL is not eligible for 2021? Let us stop insulting the people who voted for us. Your endorsements are misplaced.
You loud mouths should be condemning Davies Mwila. Lumpens.
You are beginning to irritate me.
You spent party funds on a meal at Protea and you couldn’t think of a better topic to hide the plunder. Just discipline Davies Mwila while we wait for impotent Kanganja to arrest him. Lumpens. In the days of his Excellency MCS some of you would have been caned. Bloody lumpens
This is poor leadership manifesting itself….this is what we will get until 2021 illusions of grandour, public pronouncements of plunder and lawlessness and hero worshipping while nothing gets done….then it will be time to start dancing again….2021.
B0n0b0’s AT WORK!!
These useless Bellyticians, busy falling all over one another to endorse their Useless Drunken leader, in a case of “Chakolwa Anikonde”
Look @ the Sub-standard “Developmental Works” THE WEEK IN PICTURES!
Surely these useless Cadres should have been moving a motion to impeach Drunken Chagwa, as the quality of work @ “the renovated Girls Dormitory, & The Health Centre” are substandard crimes against Humanity.
How much did those Pig sty’s actually cost, & how much will the invoice be in Millions of U$ Dollars when finally presented to the dozy Zambian taxpayer??
PROBLEM IS THE BLACK AFRICAN IS HIS OWN WORST ENEMY, evident by these podgy useless fat bellied cadres being only concerned with endorsing a fellow useless being for 2021, rather that focus on Zambian…
rather than focus on Zambian Poverty, & proper development!
The dust has now been settled for those who thought things are not the same in Pf. Thats the way to go, haters come 2021 you will be mourning again. You can’t hate one person for nothing just bcos your preferred chap. A failure is failure no two ways about it, and why vote for a failure?
They declared that ” the Copperbelt province is a no-go zone for those opposed to the pronouncement …” Why do Zambians tolerate this lunacy? If you are opposed to Lungu’s third term bid, you can no longer go to the Copperbelt – that’s what these so-called leaders are essentially stating, isn’t it? No one should tell me about the PF government standing for democracy, rule of law, bla, bla, bla. This confirms these dunderheads should NOT and should NEVER been allowed to be in power. Those who dare to listen – take note. Zambia is doomed with this lot!
We told them…when they were harassing the opposition and media but we were told we are sore losers…..now look, every kaponya thinks harassment and intimidation of anyone with divergent views is normal……
Copperbelt MPs are wise.
They know that Lungu is a good leader.
Lungu will never call om citizens to rise and fight for his personal benefit, while other people call on their supporters to rise up and fight so that they can become a president.
Lungu understands democracy while others think it is by fighting, and taking to the street and displacing from their region those who don’t support them.
This explains why Lungu won the election on first attempt, and again a year and half later he won again.
At the same time others have been trying for the past six election to no avail.
One ECL is the man to win in 2021! FISP, more jobs in the mines soon, single digit inflation figures, USD dropping and expected to reach K5 by March! Only those who are biased will fail to give ECL another mandate! We are with you ECL! A true leader that has a heart for all Zambians regardless of tribe, race or religion! God bless this son of the soil!
Lungu won’t even be alive in 2021
And which candidate has a guaranteed life?
Who do you think will obviously be their?
am currently ashamed to be Zambian. I can’t seem to comprehend the every day mediocrity from the ruling party. It’s mind boggling.shameful disgraceful embarrassing like preschool kids. OMG.
If only they knew what they are supposed to be doing as MPs. Describing them as ‘stupid’ is an under statement. I will say again we need free and vision focused education for all our people. I actually do not blame these guys because they were not raised and educated to serve, think and prioritize work. As a country we have not invested in our young, so we cannot start expecting them to act wisely from nowhere. A few will certainly but the majority will follow the easy way out ie survival ‘intrinsic’ – driven decision making. In one sentence. Action is equal to reaction or garbage in garbage out. Until we use this law of nature correctly, life will be like this.
These empty tins woke up in the morning with nothing to do….then decided to go and have a lunch paid by taxpayers and endorse lungu for 2021 all at the taxpayers expense ???
And you think you can develop anything ?
Kudos my man I have began to respect your neutrality and rationality despite you being a PF supporter keep it up.
We URGENTLY need ECOWAS in Southern Africa. These B0N0B0s need to be flashed out.
There’s a new breed of DICTATORS who want to take us back to PRIMITIVE politics. 3terms of LAZY-BUMZ LUNGU will kill our agriculture, mining, democracy, tribal tolerance, corruption, theft, crime, economy in general, kaloba, youth unemployment, youth drunkardness & drug, no social welfare for the elderly & vulnerable etc etc. Guys, STOP politicking, the pipo are SUFFERING becoz of poor leadership.
3rd Term died in 1999 after being rejected by Zambians when FTJ tried to stay WAMUYAYAYA even though in 1991 he laughed at KK-Wamuyayaya during MMD campaigns.
Please allow us to focus on sensible things not these issues that have no direction. Honestly is this the only thing these dunderheads and nincompoops can think of?
Lusaka times please stop reporting about these *****s this is not news at all.
It seems people become extremely blinded when they want appointments. The advise to the senior members of PF is; stop this debate. The topic is very unpopular among the majority of Zambias. It is very irritating. Try to take time and watch the current Afcon matches from some public places you will then agree with me how millions Zambias detaste the topic.
@1 Mercy, ati “instead of working”. First its their free sunday. Secondly if you let them work they will work harder, so try to keep your mouth zipped for a week and you will see how much work they will do.
What work can they do ? Campaining for lungu ?
..this is a direct challenge to ConCourt…or is it a directive….the issue has been taken to Concourt to verify eligibility and then this…pure contempt of court…
EL’s feet are not made of steel but clay! This is the same talk that jinxed Sata! Remember we have been on this road before and seem not to have learnt anything. In 2012 some started the crusade and declared King kobra as the sole candidate for 2016. Thank God we are not God to know the future. Work first then you can sonta then! Simple!
This is stupidity at its highest I know they are trying to divert from real issues and make the people accept that Lungu has a free 5 year mandate despite the petition
Lungu is dying before 2021. This is a guy who suffers from kunyu and faints uncontrollably. Today they want you to believe that he is fit
Why are these PF MPs worrying about an event that might or might not happen in 2021? Why is Lungu so insecure? This Petition is giving Lungu sleepless nights. Lungu has used all the tricks in the book to block the Hearing of the Petition in the Courts. Yahya Jammeh having lost elections in Gambia petitioned the Results in Court hoping to use the Lungu tactics to prolong his 22 years Rule. This has failed and Jammeh has not only been removed frontsand power but exiled, thanks to the might Ecowas. What Ecowas has achieved in Gambia is embarrassing SADC and if Lungu is not careful he could become the first victim of a Resurgent SADC in the Region. Lungu will be forced to allow the Hearing of the Petition and this will open a can of worms. Lungu has been blocking the Petition becoz he knows…
MPs represent the people please stop this nonsense of thinking for yourselves. Let this all thing come to an end . There is a lot to be done in the country than the nonsense of 2021. Zambian politicians don’t understand there duties and it’s a shame that whatever the president says everyone agrees just to protect their positions.
Lungu is a scared man! After his friend, Yahya Jammeh was removed from power in Gambia and banished into Exile, Lungu is living in fear. Ecowas has established a precedent in Gambia which does not serve his interests. Lungu has been buying time manipulating the Courts and prolonging his hold on power illegally. Lungu is running out of tricks and after the Gambia Revolution the AU,UN and Ecowas are watching to see what SADC will do to resolve Election Disputes in Zambia and DRC. A heavily crticised SADC will be forced to take Action and solve the conflicts in the 2 countries. Lungu and Kabila are on Trial. In Zambia Lungu will be compelled to allow the Courts to Hear and dispose off the Petition. That will open a can of worms for Illegitimate Lungu. Time will tell.
This is the beginning of the end for Lungu. He does not know what to do with this stolen presidency. Why is he getting ahead of himself ? What about the work and projects he is supposed to be doing now? Does he not realize that he is dealing with peoples lives?
And what were these bloody reporters doing at that tea party? Gutter bloody reporters, let me guess media firms they were representing, lusaka times, daily nation, daily mail, deadNBC.
Why start talking about this nonsense now??? Relax, you will be shocked how you will be kicked out. For now you think that you are very clever!! Basebana mwikute!!
You PF zambians stop the nonsense shiito!! Why are you so cheap and low level to be talking about 2021? Need to F $!@# bomb that country and clear everyone. Tired of the nonsense about politics instead of developing Zambia. What are you @$!#! looking for????
was honourable kambwili present in this meeting. This is a very sad development.
This whole discussion was brought to divert attention from petition. That was clever because it is working so far. Lungu knows this talk about third term won’t fly but he has gotten away with many things by just trying a joke and it gets him there. That’s how he got away with assuming power falsely. He simply laid low and allowed the drama and because of what Zambians are things worked to his amusement. If it didn’t work he was simply going to turn around and roast people that were promoting his agenda. He could have simply said ” I told you to allow the people’s choice ” and he could have gotten away with it without consequences.
i thought the press conference was about the collective resolutions of real development that these doormats would be addressing …. ALAS! foolish me for over expecting sense from these dirty swines.
What do you expect from a bunch of I-Diots….? Nothing because these animals have no brains to direct them to real issues…. They don’t understand their roles as MPs.
this is serious even the president knows that the Tongas are being harassed .but when the reiterate again someone says that Tongas are but .then let the police come in and arrest the situation without fear or favor
Problem is the foolish Zambians & the thieving Bembas.
This what you voted for, you fools.
CB, Central, & LSK is full of fools & traitors.
Rember Bowan Lusambo recently sponsored some journalist for studies. Don’t be surprised to see those journalist enjoying tea.
Ba Kandile you just want Government contacts. it’s time to develop you constituencies instead of starting endorsing you’ve no principals guys. All building which left intact are collapsing everyday even the building which was Given intact by ZCCM for example Kalulushi Civics center is mess. only Golf clubs being running by White using membership fee without any allocation from the Government is doing fine some of the building are FRA Storages. you guys what do you do as Zambian because we don’t see any Improvements. you should feel shame about your country and at the end of your teams.