Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Zambia Police Inspector General Bans Police Officers from Marrying Foreigners


Inspector General of police Kakoma Kanganja with Central province police commissioner Lombe Kamukoshi checking on the old police office block which has since been replaced by a new one built by Herocean Enterprise Zambia at Ndabala check -point in Serenjedistrict in central province
Inspector General of police Kakoma Kanganja with Central province police commissioner Lombe Kamukoshi checking on the old police office block which has since been replaced by a new one built by Herocean Enterprise Zambia at Ndabala check -point in Serenjedistrict in central province

THE Zambia Police High Command has with immediate effect banned police officers from marrying foreigners.

In a memo issued by Inspector General of Police Kakoma Kanganja in Lusaka, the I.G also advised officers who are already married to foreigners to declare their foreigner spouses to his office within a week.

The I.G further warned that failure to declare any foreigner spouse will attract disciplinary action.

And Police Spokesperson Esther Mwaata Katongo has defended the instruction by the Inspector General saying it is constitutional.

Mrs Katongo said the Zambia Police Act 103 Section 3 and 5 covers the standing orders on marriages as prescribed by the Inspector General.

Police IG statement
Police IG statement


    • You should also share the insecurity behind a police officer marrying a foreigner just for us to appreciate.

      Are you saying the foreigner spouses are the ones bringing army worms and the same time smuggling mealie meal into congo.

    • This is just another endangerment of human rights by the incompetent visionless PFolice.
      By the way, how much is mealie meal today?
      The Skeleton Key

    • It doesn’t make sense, but why do ba civilian kapokola try to make a big thing out of nothing? Such a law is retrogressive, as a former service person even us in the military were told to marry only Zambian women but this was never enforced- civilian police officers are civilians they are not military personnel. What we used to do was a background check on the spouses in the event they are foreigners – even local spouses are subject to background checks depending on the rank of the officer. So why such nonsense? Just carry out a background check kwasila no need to ban such unions are we not one Africa?? Elo so many officers even aba ba civilian kapokola also go on peacekeeping missions some fall in love with foreigners – what Law can prevent that from happening?

    • This directive has been endorsed by Lungu.

      Why not start with Dora siliya?

      This is utter stupidity at it s worst. Next he will ban intermarriages between those who support UPND and those who support PF. This is where this is going.

      Lungu displaying his foolishness agian.

      Please some one save my country.

    • If it’s constitutional I agree with this directive. Certain institutions have specific laws to be followed and let’s not argue for the sake of arguing.

    • These PFailures are looking for all types of reasons and excuses to explain their abject incompetence. Xenophobia is now being institutionalised in the PFolice.

    • One would be excused for thinking a “foreigner” is some sort of animal…surely how can a police IG type this sort of rubbish. Imagine what such a message translates to people on the ground..does this idioot IG have Legal advisers to consult before issuing out such racist rubbish?
      There is absolutely no leadership in this govt of Lazy Bum Lungu.

    • And this clueless clown wonders why there is XENOPHOBIA in South Africa!

      This ignorant iddiiot should be fired forthwith for such a stoopid statement~!

    • This man is un embarrasement does not know the new American president DJ Trump is married to woman from Romania and former califonia Governor Terminator migrated to the USA as a teen.How does the nation expect a man who reasons like this IG to do any sensible days work.His police force does not need a foreign wife to review the illegalities he is involved in,history has a way of catching up with people like kanganja.

    • @One Zambia

      So the US President is not security personnel????

      Why do they call him Commander in Chief then?

      And why does he have someone next to him at all times carrying a “nuclear football” ??

      Time some.people including you get educated. And try using brains instead of sitting on them.

  1. This is the dumbest thing I have ever heard hehehehehe. Did one of his daughters lose a man to a foreign lady? She should have used better powder.

    • If the US President can have a Slovenian wife as First Lady, why should a mere Zambian cop be denied the most basic of human rights, the choice of a spouse? This is how failed states behave – trying to find reasons for mediocrity and failure in the most mundane of behaviors. What a disgrace!


    • The US President’s wife is an American of Slovenian descent. This is different from Security Personnel marrying foreigners, who, for the most part in Zambia, are illegal immigrants. This directive should actually cover all security divisions. Wives should either be permanent residents or citizens – no marrying of illegal immigrants by security personnel.

    • Once a foreigner marries a Zambian, s/he has a right to permanent residence and can apply for citizenship after 10 or so years of residing in Zambia. Melania was not born in USA and people have queried if she started working in the US as a model on a visitor’s visa. Obsessions with nationalities comes from a similar obsession with tribes. That’s PF’s downfall.

    • Is this fake news or what? Wow. It’s so bizarre that I run short of words. It’s nothing short of the anti -miscegenation laws of the USA that were done away with some years ago. And then no reason is given as to why the Chief decided to do that. And does anybody know what this law is for?This is a clear violation of human rights. If there’s a law on the books that justifies this, it’s archaic, primitive and needs to be done away with. Heck, even Trump has a foreigner wife.

  2. This is discrimination

    What about Mushota a Zambian who is married to Nicky a police officer in Scotland

    Duo citizenship

  3. Crap! Don’t we have laws put in place to respect and protect every human being? What about the united nations charter? And ain’t we all African.. (Bantu).. If my memory saves me well The Khoisans were the only inhabitants until the 4th century…. this inspector wasn’t even born by then. What a fool to make such rendered statement! Lets respect every human taking ownership of Zambia. Let be peace and love and doesn’t really matter which continent all Zambian should marry from.

  4. Ban should be extended to Ministers.

    DORA BOKOSI SILITI (Chilepule baby) is busy BONKING a married Zairean KASAI small boy, Malubana, wasting tax-payers money taking him, his Kasai mother & his Namibian ex-GF to Las Vegas whilst farming inputs have NOT been delivered, Borers & Army Worms have ravaged our crops.

    At least if she had taken a PF00Lish Cadre or a Jerabo or even a Tamanga-boy to Vegas. Not a Kasai Conman who targets well-to-do women.

  5. It doesn’t make sense, but why do ba civilian kapokola try to make a big thing out of nothing? Such a law is retrogressive, as a former service person even us in the military were told to marry only Zambian women but this was never enforced- civilian police officers are civilians they are not military personnel. What we used to do was a background check on the spouses in the event they are foreigners – even local spouses are subject to background checks depending on the rank of the officer. So why such nonsense? Just carry out a background check kwasila no need to ban such unions are we not one Africa?? Elo so many officers even aba ba civilian kapokola also go on peacekeeping missions some fall in love with foreigners – what Law can prevent that from happening?

    • I hope Chinama Mental Hospital has had a huge increase in budget allocation.

      It will very soon have a lot more patients like this Kanganja needing serious treatment for Fuzzy Brain syndrome!

      He has obviously completely forgotten that police are there to fight crime, and what they do in their private lives is none of his business.

      What a joke!

  6. This is a violation of Human Rights. The illegitimate Lungu govt started by denying HH & GBM their Constitutional Rights to be heard in Court and now they are interfering with Marital Rights. The next thing will be if u have no PF Membership Card u can’t vote or go to a church of your choice. Illegitimate and Dictator Lungu is trying to follow the footsteps of his friend Yahya Jammeh of Gambia who has just been removed from power. That is the Reason why we are behind HH & GBM in their quest to be heard in Court over the Presidential Petition. Zambians should not allow illegitimate Lungu to trumple on their Human Rights. Lungu has no mandate to rule this country. Like Jammeh he must be driven into Exile. We have had enough of his Misrule.

    • Yours is the most dundest comment ever made on this media. Education is important in one’s life at any given time. Can’t believe their are still 1mbeciles here who are thinking of petition. While you are still lamenting about the petition ecl and pf have done a fool’s mate on you. Do you think hh stands any chance in 2021 should ecl decide to stand. Kikikik

  7. They seem to be ‘clever’ in coming up with the dumbest things. Surely it doesn’t make sense (never mind the fact it is a violation of all human rights and UN charters).

    Let us imagine for a moment that the IG of Police himself and the Zambia Army Chief were married to foreigners, from Afghanistan and Zimbabwe respectively (or any other country)… what national security interests could such marriages really endanger apart from these ladies knowing what instructions these officials would have been given about how they helped Lungu to rig elections and how they share the loot from the plunder of national coffers? My point is we don’t have any national security interests to protect from any potential foreign spies through marriages. We already given our national security interests to…

  8. We already given our national security interests to China and all the other countries we borrow money from. And we already violated our own sovereignty within through corruption and compromise of state institutions. Not this nonsense I’m hearing.

  9. Even countries such as the US with proper and genuine national security interests to protect don’t have such an archaic decree. Just for heaven’s sake someone please explain to me what this law is trying to achieve? In other countries, a cop would quit and sue the establishment and walk away with some million bucks in their pocket.

    • This law has existed for many decades. You sound like you are complaining about a bill that was past into law yesterday. Ignorance ba upnd will never win you sympathy. Strive to think outside the box not always on tribal lines.

  10. What a country run by Morons. Does a constitution even exist in our country that protects people? How does one just take the right of an individual that easy? Ban? So Zambian. There is a rise of bs all across the world. Here we just just elected Trump who hates foreigners and back home same thing is happening. Brexit rooted in hatred for foreigners. What the hell is going on?

    • Trump himself is a descendant of German foreign immigrants and he has been married to 2 foreign born women. This is just hypocrisy. I bet that Kanganja himself is a descendant of Angolan refugees who ran away from Portuguese slavers.

  11. @8 Moya, good morning UPNDonkey.
    Your leaders and their lawyers had only 7 days to lodge in the petition according to the law and they rushed and complied. Then they had only 14 days to be heard including presenting their evidence and they failed to comply with the law. List for us the activities of your leaders and lawyers during those 14 days in pursuit of the law? Did they present their evidence? Please fill in the following form:
    Day1 Activity
    Day 2 Activity
    Day 3 Activity
    Day 4 Activity
    Day 5 Activity
    Day 6 Activity
    Day 7 Activity
    Day 14 Activity


    • If the stoopid donkey judge knew there were only 14 days to conclude the case, why did she not work evenings, nights and weekends? Instead she was hearing the case from 10:00-12:00, long lunch ,then 14:00-16:00, every day, and only to say that there was no more time to hear the case. Lungu, like Jammeh of Gambia, will get caught up in this same pf00lishness he has started. (Jammeh got himself inaugurated after the previous election before the opposition petition could be concluded and he then fired so many Supreme Court justices that there was only the Chief Justice remaining to hear his own petition!)

  12. Even the school where HH’s son goes they have rules and regulations e.g. when school closes and opens, dress code, pass mark etc etc. Have you ever heard HH challenge thkse rules? On Zambian roads you must drive on the left whether your car is right hand drive or not, your road tax has a prescribed period of valid, so has your passport. Have you ever heard HH complain about thise rules? UPNDonkeys please pretend to be humans just for once atase!

    • You are not even worth replying too. You have a diluted brain with no grey matter. If you are benefiting from your crooked masters just enjoy while it lasts. Do not insult people with proper brains.

    • Iwe’ Kudos, don’t try & dupe the few Zambians who can use their analytical minds, & Grey matter to think unlike you!
      Don’t try & portray to the masses you are all of the sudden sensible, & remorseful for what your fellow P.F snakes have done to Zambia, M@KAKA IWE’!!

  13. As for the directive by police command please UPNDonkeys read the police rules and regulations before you open your mouths. I have not read the rules so I am unable to comment even though I also find those regulations strange but I am not the law as chief donkey makes of himself. If I, Terrible, can retain my golden silence on matters that I am ignorant about, why not you UPNDonkeys? Oh sorry forgive my lapse, forgot that I am a human being and they are Donkeys. Totally different creations.

    • History says that the Nazis who gassed the Jews failed to use the following of lawful orders as their defence and excuse for their inhuman behaviour. (Check the details of the Nuremburg trials lest you fall in the same trap).

  14. This is the stupidest thing I have heard, ever. By the way, Lombe Kamukoshi is a Kasai from Katanga. Look at her Fanta face and Coca Cola hands, this is typical jaribula Kasai Vera Chiluba mentality. And Lungu himself is Mozambican while Kanganja is half Mbundu from Angola.

    • I agree with your analysis. Kakoma Kanganja is of Angolan descent, whether Mbundu or Mbunda. These are refugees from Portuguese slavers. They have no right to close the gates against other foreigners and refugees.

  15. Terrible mule, offspring of male donkey and mare has made his usual 1mbecile contribution!!!

    1mbecile mule, instead of crapping and pretending to be “learned” to the level of donkey, just ask yourself one question, if it was contrary to “police rules and regulations, how come all previous IGP did ignore such breaches for past 52 years?

  16. @Treble. Ignorance is bliss. The 14 day period was misinterpreted by Concourt. The law is very clear. Courts use Working Days and Holidays and Saturday and Sunday are excluded in the calculation of 14 days. The Petition was filed on Friday 19 th August 2016 and 14 working days on expired on 8th September 2015. Concourt “dismissed” the Petition on 5th September 2016. The 14days including the week ends expired on 2nd September 2016. Check it out Mr Terrible. Furthermore, at Law Justice is far more than Time Expiry. A judge cannot sentence an accused to death for allegedly committing Murder before giving the accused a Fair Trial. We all have Constitutional Rights to be heard in Court. Therefore at law the Petitioners’ Rights have been violated. The Court has to hear the Petition,determine…

    • Don’t bother with Mr Terrible, he is drunk on PF excrement as usual…..and parrots anything PF that is tribal and political acrimonious.

      Just one of the many PF empty tins. If their leaders are of the caliber of Davis mwila and kambwili what do you expect of the kaponya foot soldiers like terrible, 2020vision and peace for zambia Etal…..

      These are the kind of people who would take down a wooden roof in thunderstorms to light a fire and keep warm….

    • Just to agree with @Lawyer, if the judge understood the 14 days to be actual days and not working days, why did she not work weekends and evenings and nights to dispose of the case within 14 calendar days? Instead she behaved as if she had all the time in the world, including observing normal working hours and long lunches. It was only when the full bench got together that they panicked and worked until midnight on that fateful Friday.

  17. Genetically substandard homosapiens calling the shots! What a comedy of errors we have to put up with! Five years is too much! Next, all those ZPs who have pro opposition party spouses must make a declaration! Well if that is the reasoning then do the following: a president who was born from foreign parents like Chagwa should cease to hold public office; No Cabinet minister should date a foreign married man. Bottom line: You cannot police love! Can the PIG give us more information. Your directive sounds misplaced and is in conflict with basic human rights!

  18. What do you expect from the racist and tribal pf police. This guy is upset because he is too ugly and muzungu refused him. Let him come to me I help him because ifwe in the past we have eaten all sorts of nationality and colours. Abasungu ni mbama

  19. Who is this man to call on officers to do such a thing? This is discrimination and should be challenged in court…when we tell you that the country is being run into the ground this is what we mean…such things were unheard of even during UNIP era.


  21. Imwe. Ba HH worshippers can’t you read that it says according to “The Zambia Police Act 103 subsection 3 and 5”. This act was not enacted by the PF government please Ba HH worshippers learn to read and understand before you comment and show us your hatred no wonder you keep on fielding a six time loser

    • @28 iwe mumbwe, yayah lungu jammeh worshipper from Congo, can’t you see that times have changed and it’s time for you to stop following some of these ancient colonial by-laws and reboot your pfool brain.

  22. v have just found out that kalaba minstry of f a is defending his relavite who is a thief and a drug dealer u might recall the van stolen from a archbishop was stolen ys it was this same man who stole and drove it to mansa to kalaba farm check this out now he has told the minstery of home affries to chase this friend of my who was helping pf goverment also so where is this country going the presdent should look in to this befor v take this matter to the UN HUMAN RIGHT also

  23. @20 Lawyer, assuming you are a qualified lawyer, i wonder which institution qualified you. Please go back to law school. I will give you more lessons later but for now to address your comments.
    1. Criminal law is different from electoral law. The murder accused can have all the time. But the petition was not a matter of life and death for HH, or was it?
    2. The time limit is set to allow the nation to return to normality as soon as possible, otherwise we would have no government in place for years until HH exercised “leniency” if he has any or run out of cash to pay his lawyers.
    3. The time limit is different in different countries some even have 7 days like in France while others have 21 or more days. In some cases you can file for an extension but the reasins have to be very very…

    • The behaviour of the Kangaroo Court judge will guide us. Did she skip lunch, and worked evenings and weekends to dispose the case in 14 days? NO. Instead she played normal timings including extended lunches, meaning that she thought she had alk the time in the world to hear the case. Are judges mere spectators at court cases who can allow lawyers to do as they please until the court runs out of time? NO. Unless our Kangaroo Court is full of incompetent judges who don’t know and understand what they are supposed to do.

  24. Contd…but the reasins have to be very very very convincing and do NOT include your foolish lawyers tactically abandoning a client at tge last minute or comparing to murder cases.
    4. Yes the 14 days from Friday19th August including weekends expired on Friday 2nd September. The petition was then closed correctly that night. It was NOT closed on Monday 5 th September, all that happened was to re-affirm and clarify that the petition expired on friday 2nd September after the confusion created by HH crying to his Auntie, after his lawyers unceremoniously abandoned him without even a polite apology for their shoddy work. On monday 5th September HH ‘s Auntie was then overruled by the full bench.
    5. In one legal definition the 14 days runs from 20 August including intervening weekends and…

  25. Contd…but the reasins have to be very very very convincing and do NOT include your lawyers tactically abandoning a client at the last minute or comparing to murder cases.
    4. Yes the 14 days from Friday19th August including weekends expired on Friday 2nd September. The petition was then closed correctly that night. It was NOT closed on Monday 5 th September, all that happened was to re-affirm and clarify that the petition expired on friday 2nd September after the confusion created by HH that after his lawyers unceremoniously abandoned him without even a polite apology for their shoddy work. On monday 5th September HH ‘s appeal was then overruled by the full bench.
    5. In one legal definition the 14 days runs from 20 August including intervening weekends and legal holidays up to the…

  26. 5. In one legal definition the 14 days runs from 20 August including intervening weekends and legal holidays up to the 14th day, provided the 14 th day does not fall on a saturday, sunday or public holiday. In this case fortunately the 14 th end day fell on a friday.
    6. I have answered your comments for now but will come back later.
    7. I am glad to hear finally an admission by you that the petition DOES have a (14 day) time limit, by you saying that the 14 days ended on 8th September. So far you and fellow UPNDonkeys have insisted that it must be heard forever. Remember your own murder case analogy?
    8. If the 14 days is too short you free to lobby our parliament to amend it to a longer period as oter civilised people are doing in other countries. It is NOT amatter for the courts.

  27. Contd…@20 Mr Lawyer.
    Now tell me how HH and his lawyers would have completed their petition hearing if the petition had expired on 8th September when in 14 calender days not even a shred of evidence was presented. To help you and the readership determine if an wxtension would have been helpful to HH, kindly complete the diary that I have provided to show that HH lawyers did indeed use the time to present their evidence. If theycsatred to do so but the evidence was so much that 14 days was not enough the Concourt would have been in order to CONSIDER (not necessaily grant) an extension beyond 14 days. Also note that another plausible ground for extension would have been the death of the lead lawyer before the petition closed…even a suicide would probably do as an excuse.

  28. Especially dying for a petition that was doomed to failure even before it was put together, as HH’s lawyers all knew from day zero.

  29. And a foreigner from Uganda hid in the server room at ECZ to manipulate the vote in favor of pf.this tyme is being blocked to marry a police officer.hahahaha

  30. If that is what the Zambia Police Act says then it should be repealed immediately. It is archaic and has no place in a modern nation if we are one. Our MP’s should be modernising our laws and positioning our country for the future.

  31. I do not blame the IG. The level of failure in everything that we are experiencing is exactly what we have been asking for. We have not been educating our people to function as a civilized society. Our upbringing and education are a complete joke. Just read the stories in this paper. All petty problems everyday. Daily GRZ childish decision like “Evaluating fuel prices every 2 months”, Failure to distribute simple farming inputs among others, are some recent examples. We have to start by having responsible households ie functioning families and then work our way upwards as a community and as a nation.

  32. Iwe kapokola wofipa kwati ni malasha nishi wabela ifi? As for me l wont listen to your stupid matuvi yako , Are you God? to tell us that, Zambia niya nyoko?FOOLISH.

  33. What a mess of a regime! The Police Act gives power to the Inspector General of Police to make orders and standing orders (subject to the Ministry of Home Affairs scrutiny) It does not state that he can make ANY orders – such as this one which borders on lunacy. All power has to exercised reasonably, should not breach individual freedoms or be repugnant to humane values. Zambia is signatory to, or has at least committed to regional, African and International laws and values that respect the right to marry and enjoy family life. You cannot wake up one day and with impunity make an order that abrogates such a recognised human value as marrying a person of your choice. Don’t institutions in Zambia have better things to do or make orders on? What an atrocious order – representative of a…

  34. Are there such orders for the army, special branch, other so-called sensitive institutions etc.? Parliament needs to give guidance on this order. But then I forget, we have MP’s who have virtually been silent on so many things that are going wrong in Zambia. Most wouldn’t probably be able to make time to read a clause or two and make sense of it. But these are matters requiring a reaction to. I expect some relevant ‘judicial bodies’ to also have a say.

    What a load of Xenophobic B0LL0X!!

  36. Ba lawyer, I am still waiting for you. But I hope that I have shut you up and your colleagues among the UPNDonkeys. We are fed up of you and your hiho hiho hiho hiho, ati petition must be heard when you failed to even begin to present a single evidence. Don’t waste the previous time of our Judges, they have cases which have been pending for years in some cases and require justice. Take the remainder of your petition to Dundumwezi before a judge of your choice from Chief Mukuni if you wish and keep the judgement to yourselves we are not interested atase.

  37. Please educate me. Don’t inspector generals need to be lawyers? What chief law enforcement officer would issue such crap? Aren’t human rights respected in the police force? Oh what a stoopid question I have asked. Zambia police respecting human rights? Nalisa? The last time legal authority dictated who you should marry Apartheid was dictating south African life

  38. This is one the things we should have looked at when the consititution commission was going round for submissions. Our attention was only fixed on political clauses such as running mate, grade 12 certificate etc. We didn’t pay attention to the basic human rights which we also completely shot down in the referendum. Lwenu, now Kanganja will choose who you should marry.

  39. Maybe IG means those cops who have married ba Kasai who are involved in smuggling mealie meal with cover from these cops.

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