The Heads of State and Government are gathered in Addis Ababa Ethiopia at the on-going 28th ordinary session of the African Union summit which started on January 22 and ends on January 31, 2017.
Namibian President Hage Geingob, Senegalese President Macky Saul and Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta who the Chairperson of the APRM were among the notable leaders that appreciated President Lungu and Zambia for continued improvements and reforms in good governance.
Mr Kenyatta recognised Zambia and other African countries for the peaceful elections that were held in August, 2016.
President Saul recalled and appreciated Zambia’s long history of hospitality and peace.
Speaking when he presented the progress report yesterday, President Lungu outlined the highlights of the APRM report, congratulated and welcomed Zambia’s neighbour Namibia to the APRM after joining the forum on the same day.
President Lungu also highlighted a number of issues on the report which include economic governance and management, democracy and political governance, gender parity, decentralisation, job creation, economic diversification among others.
Mr Lungu said government has made progress on gender parity since the last peer review which also culminated in the creation of the Ministry of Gender to spearhead the attainment of female representation.
“In 2011, Zambia’s cabinet had 14 percent of female cabinet Ministers. By 2016, the cabinet had 28 percent of female cabinet ministers,” he said as the assembly erupted into loud applause.
On decentralisation, President Lungu said the creation of 33 new districts in Zambia once fully established will result into the creation of 2,300 jobs.
Under Democracy and political governance, President Lungu said Zambia has embarked on the process of consequential legislation to the amended constitution to operationlise the constitution.
He expressed sadness that the referendum to enhance the bill of rights was not successful because it did not meet the required threshold.
President Lungu told the forum that he has commissioned an inquiry in voting patterns, to among others establish the reasons for the low voter turnout during elections since 2006.
On economic governance and management, the President said economic growth averaged 5.3 percent per annum and attributed the growth to the development in the construction sector.
Mr Lungu said the impressive growth was however reduced by the poor performance in agriculture in 2013 and 2015 and mining sectors in 2014.
He said Zambia recorded its lowest economic growth as it was hit by a devastating external shocks.
“Zambia’s over dependence on the mining sector has been a major concern. We now have in place an enhanced programme to drive our private sector development, industrialisation and job creation,” he said.
Speaking earlier, Chairperson of the APRM Uhuru Kenyatta who is also Kenyan President among other issues said Africa has recorded a reduction in the mortality rate by 49 percent.
And Deputy Chairperson of the African Union Erastus Mwecha urged APRM member countries to work towards meaningful contributions in areas surrounding finance and other issues if the mechanism is to bear fruits.
If you don’t really know how poverty & hunger looks, take a good look at visionless Lungu ~no vision.
The Skeleton Key
Useless story. Every president receives applause at any meeting after a presentation. Nothing to do with leadership qualities.
At these events, even a sneeze is applauded. ACHOO!
This is why the great Thomas Sankara used to tell these hypocrites we call African Leaders off by lecturing them like kids …
Those who ho are wise know that president Lungu has great wisdom.
His opponents here hate him because of that fact. They know that it will not be easy to defeat a good leader such as Lungu whom the people of Zambia love dearly.
Of course other people such as HH are also loved, but loved only as Zambians – not as leadership material, no, no, no, far from it.
So HH would have loved Lungu to be unwise, and to fail so that people can look to HH for leadership.
Unfortunately, that is not the case so he wishes to label Lungu with wrong labels and descriptions, to which Zambians just laugh because they know the capability of Lungu, and what he already has delivered in a short time.
HH must know that if am full it does not matter if HH tells me that am hungry because I know I am…
@Nubian has summarized beautifully, even though its nasty.
The speech of Edgar was for PF central committee.
AU would have wanted to hear:
Zambia vs Malawi maize scandal
Zambia support of Western Sahara republic
Zambia deportation of Ethiopians
Zambia not being at Africa Cup
The AU is nothing more than a Club for the Despot Leaders of African Nations….. all they ever do is pat each other on the back and applaud each other. SADC is even worse…..!
@peace for Zambia, what wisdom is there in Lungu. What you should know is that there is always one President at a time in every country and in Zambia today we have Edgar Lungu who stole the election results from HH/GBM and the UPND but that does not make Lungu any wiser like you claim. To the contrary, it makes him foolish to believe that the so-called standing ovation was a sign of his wisdom. It happens to every Head of State subsequent to his speach at these governmental organisations like the AU, UN, EU etc.. Do you even know how the APRM operates? I can teach you because that happens to be my occupation.
This id10t lungu eas very drunk and dosing during the summit. So when did he deliver that speech on good governance? Which governance was he talking about when there is rampant denial of justice in Zambia .
Only solution for Zambia Zim and many countries is an armed struggle to topple these thieves.
Blacks will take time to develop because their focus in on miracles from Jesus. Jews who are even closer to Jesus than any one dont focus on miracles but instead work hard strategically to avert poverty and ridicule.
Propaganda alert!!! And sorry but the AU is one of the most ineffective organizations in Africa. I lost faith in them when they made Mugabe chairman at one time. And then they would gather around him and listen to him crack jokes, while his fellow countrymen wallowed in abject poverty. They also let dictators still run amok in Africa, like what just happened in Gambia with Jammeh. Had it not been for ECOWAS taking it upon themselves to kick Jammeh out of Gambia, that tyrant would still be there today, with AU not doing anything about it. If AU is to be relevant to Africa, they should start by letting all the tyrants across the continent know that they’ll have a tough time getting recognized as legal leaders if they ever engage in election rigging, coup d’ etat, manipulation of the…
(Continued)… constitution to run for third term, etc. And whenever a tyrant refuses to vacate the office after the people have voted him out, the AU should actively order him to vacate or else. In other words, the AU should play a bigger role to shape the politics and future of Africa. And that includes setting a viable economic agenda for Africa, protecting Africa from it’s domestic and foreign enemies, and making sure they investigate any form of exploitation of Africa’s natural resources by international crooks. Otherwise, the AU will continue to be perceived as nothing more than a club for Africa’s elite, where they meet in their ivory tower to pat each other on the backs, applaud each other, while Africa’s myriad problems continue unabated.
On decentralisation, President Lungu said the creation of 33 new districts in Zambia once fully established will result into the creation of 2,300 jobs.
What a bunch of hypocrites at this talk shop called AU…this Lazy Bum Lungu talks of job creation yet they can not afford to balance the books and pay civil servants on time….his MMD Finance Minister is running all over the place at the moment begging for loans to finance the budget. Lazy Lungu has no shame he goes abroad and he is there giving reports as if they are the ones that put him office and pay his salary….to date this utterly lazy Bum has never had a press conference to tell us what his vision is. There he is changing suits like its a fashion but there is absolutely nothing nothing of substance in his dumb clogged head…
What does it gain a man to get a meaningless courtesy applaud in foreign land when his own country is suffering and are crying and angry at his failed leadership. Useless used condom this excuse of a man
You are just a player hater whose nothing but a frustrated person. And your hate for the president ECL has turned into self pain and you won’t be happy cause you won’t have a president of your choice in Zambia cause it’s truly not zambian to have this kind of hate. Get a life. NEZ (UPND)
Wulemu.We know how bitter you are, your HH lost you also lost as a blogger.
In fact you are the condom that has been used by two different Kaponyas.Shaa
To the two used toilet papers above waji and bemba dog can you please list just 5 achievements lungu has attained for Zambians benefit?
For you perpetual haters, the Zambian Kwacha has remained stable without any government intervention when some people want to create an impression that things have crumbled in Zambia. The situation on the ground is bad – true, and the ECL Govt can do more to improve economic performance by taking decisive action – such as putting competent people in critical areas. However, the situation is stable enough that no economic shocks have been observed since elections. This is hurting a lot of prophets of doom, and the opposition – including HH.
You have people like Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta who the Chairperson of this talk shop APRM…these people are highly corrupt they make Zambian Politicians look like petty pick pocketers …these are people who can raise funds for a billion dollar project and not lay a single brick or promise Bullet trains only to go and procure cheap Chinese diesel locomotives.
This is a useless organisation that needs to be dissolved… its a joke
Getting a perfunctory and hollow applause from fellow dictators at AU is meaningless. These African dictators could applaud a fart as they snoozed in their comfy chairs.
One ECL a true visionary leader that knows he will continue to improve the lives of all Zambians even including the lives of the United Dunderheads some of whom are the main beneficiaries of govt programs such as Fisp! It is no secret that more fertilizer and farming inputs have actually been distributed in pro UPND areas, these areas are also receiving the bulk of development compared to areas such as Luapula yet ba Luapula are more appreciative of govt efforts! So sad only dunderheads behave in such an ungrateful manner!
This is the definition of Visionary Leadership – Visionary leadership is closely related to the transformational leadership style. The major difference is between the two involves the focus on the future. Visionary leaders live more in the future and they often use a vision of the future as a way to mobilize followers.
Really laughable.. our Lazy Lungu does not fit in this category…why do you have to comfort yourself with your own lies deep down your conscience is saying stop it but you carry on!!
JayJay, mudala it doesn’t help to complain and call people lazy bum from the comfort of your home. Out of respect to you since you are an oldtimer on this site and from time you do make sensible comments I desist from using hard words but can you please offer tangible solutions rather than lazy bum this and lazy bum that..what’s up with bums mudala eh?
What the President did with the army worm and stalkborer situation was a mark of a true leader concerned about the plight of the nation, we are one year into his term with 4 years to go had it been other leaders do you seriously think they would even have made an effort to even cushion the effect of the global economic downfall that the nation is facing? ECL cares for all Zambian including you!
I am not going to tone down and sugar coat my words for a bone idle, indolent, slothful, work-shy, shiftless, loafing, inactive, inert, sluggish, lethargic, languorous, listless, torpid, enervated, slow-moving, slow, heavy, dull, plodding; remiss, negligent, slack, lax, lackadaisical, impassive, good-for-nothing, do-nothing man. I dislike corrupt lazy people like Lazy Lungu.
How is it visionary leadership when you tackle Army worms…the worms will be back again next year; how can you talk of leadership when you let your Agriculture Minister take a holiday in the planting season? You think eating mangoes and standing in a maize field for a photo is true leadership…wake up …if the Lazy sausage cared for the people he would have stayed at home and sent Bo Inonge to this Talk shop.
So JayJay what are your solutions what can the govt do differently? Should they remove the Fisp program and make small scale farmers stand on their own and use that money on other areas? Should they stop empowering local Zambian contractors who have been doing “shoddy jobs” on projects like road and govt buildings, what other measures should the govt put in place for problems like army worms maybe you have the solutions? Should the govt stop recruiting and cease being the main employer in the land? You who are critical of everything please come up with solutions. I don’t agree with everything the govt and past govts do such as the Luxury SUV vehicles they use but at least I try to offer a solution to it!
@Jay Jay, thank you for a very productive Sunday afternoon, although you overdid on the synonyms for corrupt and thieving Lungu! As for @2020 Vision, here is a suggestion: the great visionless lanky thug can fvck off and die. Why is he in State House if he does not know what to do with the country? Look at Trump – however misguided his policies, he is at least implementing his own vision, instead of waiting for bloggers to make suggestions as to how to run a country.
@2020 – surely how can you provide solutions to people that can not get two ingredients right or they are missing; lack of Leadership and absence of Good Governance.
You blame local contractors for shoddy works when you can not pay them on time at every stage of the construction schedule because funds have been misappropriated….yet you opt for Chines who have the cushion of the Chinese Exim bank. How are local contractors going to improve if the govt itself is just as reckless and has no stomach to curb down on corruption in the tender process?
@JayJay again one could at least try to offer what they think are tangible solutions as opposed to rude criticism, maybe the solutions you are thinking on have been tried before by the govt or the govt have them in the pipeline. And besides I will always state this of the 3 wings of govt Legislature is also comprised of by the opposition (UPND) so what are they doing in Parliament? They are being petty and not putting the govt to task on the issues that matter why because they like many anti-PF bloggers would rejoice to see PF fall they don’t care about the people or their welfare which is why they themselves never agreed to the reduction in MP gratuity proposed in 2012 by PF MP Given Lubinda.
In a Peer Review AU meeting there is No way Zambian Elections Results would have arisen. This is Amos Chanda lying to the Nation. How does the outcome of the Referendum on the Bill of Rights come in when the Right to Petition the Election has been denied by Lungu. There no way Kenyata would have recognised Illegitimate Lungu in an AU Meeting. This statement is just Amos Chanda’s imagination. The Petition has to be heard to restore Lungu’s legitimacy.
Applause for being incompetent and vision less.
Applause for myopia and mediocrity!!
Applause? Was it a High school debating club? What a joke! People can ‘clap’ you off the podium if you read rubbish to them. Zambians have nothing to be proud of. Is this the news all those starving mothers and children should hear. ‘our president received an applause pwa pwa pwa pwa!!!!! Now we can have nshima and pupwe,……….thank you christian president and nation…..’
Applauding claptrap like this below:
“Zambia’s over dependence on the mining sector has been a major concern. We now have in place an enhanced programme to drive our private sector development, industrialisation and job creation,” he said.
Those guys were applauding a comedian cracking jokes on stage….what enhanced program? A loan from IMF or China?
“Mr Lazy Lungu said the impressive growth was however reduced by the poor performance in agriculture in 2013 and 2015 and mining sectors in 2014.
He said Zambia recorded its lowest economic growth as it was hit by a devastating external shocks.”
We are not going anywhere with this bum it will be excuses everywhere he goes blaming “external shocks”even in Agriculture…like I say a Lazy man will look for excuses at every corner.
“Under Democracy and political governance, President Lungu said Zambia has embarked on the process of consequential legislation to the amended constitution to operationlise the constitution.”
There he is telling lies with no ounce of shame ..did he tell his friend Uhuru Kenyatta a lawyer as well that he did not understand this selfsame amended constitution he rushed in to signing…Please Lazy Lungu come back to State House and stop lying you are wasting taxpayers money there with your army of ministers …come back now lazy bone!!
NEZ is foaming at the mouth!while gnashing his rotten teeth. Dundmwezi which has never seen Tarmac since the world was created is being tarred.This place is so backward that children hide in the bush at the sound of a motor vehicle, now you sayLungu is not developing your area? Soon you will stop cooking on cow dung.Muletasha bakapuli.
@ wajimona – Are you delusional? surely providing services is what the govt is there for…just like its the ZP’s role is to uphold the law and maintain order fairly. You should be ashamed that the area has not been connected up to now. There you are singing praises about laying of mere tarmac in 2017 like a numskull when your colleagues on the continent are connecting areas with fiber-optic cables and 4G transmitters …wake up from your lunacy. You talk of roads that are costing you and your family a whooping $1million per kilometer for substandard works..go to Europe and I will show a road costing that much which even has lamps on the side.
Wake up from your folly!!
Not sure which is funnier, the headline or the content… Slow news day?
Bloggers should not be cheated. Lungu never gave such a Report to the Peer Review Forum and there was No such A pplause. Amos Chanda is trying to get Zambians to recognise Lungu’s illegitimate Presidency. The legitimacy will only be restored after the Petition is heard and determined and the Court declares him the Winner of the 2016 Elections. Illegitimacy is haunting Chakolwa Jameson Lungu. The “Jammeh” factor will befall Lungu soon.
Those who are wise know that president Lungu has great wisdom.
His opponents here hate him because of that fact. They know that it will not be easy to defeat a good leader such as Lungu whom the people of Zambia love dearly.
Of course other people such as HH are also loved, but loved only as Zambians – not as leadership material, no, no, no, far from it.
So HH would have loved Lungu to be unwise, and to fail so that people can look to HH for leadership.
Unfortunately, that is not the case so he wishes to label Lungu with wrong labels and descriptions, to which Zambians just laugh because they know the capability of Lungu, and what he already has delivered in a short time.
HH must know that if am full it does not matter if HH tells me that am hungry because I know I am not.
This is the case with Lungu, HH may say Lungu is bad but if the Zambian people see him as a good man, then HH is wasting his mphanvu.
HH must know that if am full it does not matter if HH tells me that am hungry because I know I am not.
This is the case with Lungu, HH may say Lungu is bad but if the Zambian people see him as a good man, then HH is wasting his mphanvu.
@Jay Jay.I don’t know when you were born. Do you know how many Presidents we have had?Has it not taken ECL to start opening up that place of yours?You and NEZ can’t see that,problem is you are too busy running from one courtroom to another.
How many Presidents have ever received 0 votes in that area at a General Election? The people of that area spoke at least they are not as docile as the ones in urban areas. Dont pigeon hole me to some silly opposition party…my party is the people of Zambia.
The headline makes sad reading, indeed PF is suffering with elegitimate president Lungu. Even Mugabe will be applauded too. Its custom on this talk good for nothing gathering.
What a joke! Ati he was applauded? If a dimwitted and retarded child in a class finally gathered his courage and stood up to say something, anything, he would be applauded for sheer effort he made.
I am sure if it wasn’t for the money he earns on such travels Lungu would prefer to stay at home to drink and dance. State house thugs have a tough time trying to promote a non-selling item. What a waste of resources to try and prop up Lungu!
@Jay Jay, are you not ashamed that that the person you gave nought is the one who is now looking at you as human beings.What did those they voted for overwhelmingly give them, and you call that kind of voting coming from intelligent people other than the usual TRiBALIM in you.At least you now have an MP that looks at the situation differently unlike those fossils you had before.You can’t deny the fact that you are UPND all bloggers on this site know you as such. Machende yako and stop insulting our Head of State.Shaa
Lungu is fraud and the worst thing that ever happened to Zambia. He should quit mascarading as the Republican President. Zambia has no President until the petition is heard. Lungu alleged leadership has never achieved anything in the interest of the country. On a personal level, yes now Kaizer owns a plane. What a bunch of jokers!!
Even if the Petition was heard, HH would not become president. He only mustered 47% of the vote. Zambia would go for a runoff. Guess what in this case president Lungu might even get 61% of the vote.
Lusaka Times is shallow and wrong for this one kikikikikiki. For clicks your titles have become even more incredible. LT bloggers we are making LT ad revenue. President Lungu might not even have worded that kikikiki.
Seriously though, they applaud everything at the AU meetings. Remember the are paid to be here.
give credit we’re it’s due. iam non partisan. the is an mp from senanga, he lives in Kitwe and his very dull, very dull, pipo just voted for the party not capabilities
This is laughable becoz no such report was given by illegitimate Lungu at this Good Governance Forum. Its all propaganda from Amos Chanda seeking recognition for Lungu after a disputed election. There is no way Kenyata would have recognised Lungu “for holding successful elections” in Zambia. Thats not protocol. The elections were not successful becoz they were disputed and Petitioned. That Petition remains unheard and Lungu illegally and unconstitutionally inaugurated himself. Illegitimacy is haunting Lungu hence all these blue lies. Shame on Amos Chanda!
These are pure lies from Amos Chanda!! There is no way President Kenyata could have recognised Zambia “for holding peaceful elections that were held in August 2016”. The elections were marred with violence and HH & GBM and several MPs Petetioned the Results. Lungu is illegitimate becoz he was inaugurated illegally and unconstitutionally. Lungu is desperate to be recognised but that wont happen until the Petition is heard,determined and the Court declares the Winner of the 2016 Elections. Only then will the true Winner be inaugrated. No amount of Propaganda will change the fact that Lungu is an illegitimate President in terms of the Zambian Constitution.
This is an article written by Amos Chanda painting a false picture that the AU Members agree that the Zambian August 2016 were peaceful, free and fair and that President Kenyatta has recognised Illegitimate Lungu during the Peer Review Meeting in Adis Ababa,Ethiopia. This is all false becoz there was no such Report, no Applause and no Recognition from Mr Kenyatta. Illegitimate Lungu is desperate for recognition but will not get it from AU Members becoz his Innauguration is illegal and unconstitutional. President Adama Barrow is recognised by AU ,ECOWAS ,UN,EU,ZUMA,KHAMA,MAGUFULI ETC not only becoz he won elections but becoz was inaugurated legally and Constitutionally. Lungu stole the Election and illegally and unconstitutionally inaugurated himself in power. Until the Petition is heard…
Comment: Last time chienge district did not receive 90 pack of fertilizer (90×4) which they bought and some farmers their farms went wrong. And this year we have not yet received compound d. So my question is that Badununa Revrse do u want this year also our farms get wastage and u enjoy with yo children their in Lsk? Help the poor bane. Eating through the pocket is stinginess.
President Edgar Lungu being Welcomed by Mr Anthony Wade General Manger of Sheraton Addis:So this how cheap a president of Zambian has become,being welcomed by a Hotel General Manager instead recognised government officials.For those that dont know Sheraton is a hotel group,nothing to do with the AU other than providing bed & breakfast-no meaningfull business whatsoever.This is where u wud see Chiluba or Mwanawasa in pictures with AU chair,vice chair,great Presidents of other nations etc.By the way,and not a kama white ass Sheraton GM.
That’s because they are busy they have no time to go and queue at the airport like those lazy bums who saw him off at Kenneth Kuanda Airport.
This is cheap politiking from some loosehead pf cadre.Trying to elevate their leader,thinking that if we could show a pic of Lungu with a white chap,then Zambians will believe that he is liked by the AU too,but apa peve batuna!Let me tell the truth,Lungu was all alone here in Addis.Many more are rejecting association with him,only Kaizer and Kalaba are there with him.Nobody talks serious issues with a Zambian president anymore untill further notice.Its seems that they all ahead of us they know what is happening in Zambia.You must see the photos from foreign news agencies for the real rejection of your president in photos-SHAME!!!
Received by Sheraton General Manager?
Now that is diplomatic achievement worth mentioning!!!
By the way, any opinion about cost to Zambian tax-payers when it comes to suite mini bar consumption of liquid nutrient to which my namesake is addicted?
@bucketbrains(ha)lungu wishing death on other people is a bad habit which I know you enjoy indulging in. When one is a sa.tan.ic dunderhead this is what can be expected so in your case please continue showing the world your true blood thirsty character.
@mental wanzelu (Larry Mweetwa) that medication you are on ku UK is not strong enough, only a bitter deranged sa.ta.nic dunderhead like you that has never directly seen the effects of a war and lives abroad would think of something like that. All your past efforts have failed to incite violence with your hate speech and calls for partition of Zambia, your bitterness will continue to consume you while your uncle Hungry Hyena continues to be an electoral kaponya x 6 in 2021.
Ati “33 new districts in Zambia once fully established will result into the creation of 2,300 jobs” . That’s liar VISIONLESS LAZY-BUMZ LUNGU for you. Is this inclusive the 500,000 jobs he promised last year?
At a time when Civil Service needs to be trimmed, he goes the opposite direction.
We need real jobs created in the private sector. A bloated Civil Service will blow up budget deficit, Balance of Payments leading to weaker Kwacha, higher lending interest rates etc.
Just look at the GREEK crisis, where the unproductive civil servants outnumber & are better paid than those in the private sector. How can those that live off Tax outnumber the ones that create wealth?
If what Amos Chanda said is not true can you please tell us what was said then since you were also there or are just arguing for the seek of being head.
Is this a story? Only if he was expected to receive boos and jeers.