Thursday, March 27, 2025

Exploring Zambia and Zimbabwe’s unspoiled land by air



  1. Your friends in the west were exploring in 1700s this is when you dull Africans in pf want to explore your own land kikiki l

  2. These guys have no clue in how to market Zambia. But when it comes to travelling for conferences, they are the first to go including taking people who don’t belong. Look at Felix Chaila and his Tourism Board entourage who have failed Zambia yet these f-ools have been in the same job position for years and brought no gains in the tourism sector. If you look at who is running tourism in Zambia its white people in the background. They only care at diverting Trophy Hunting revenue outside Zambia. Our clueless ministers has been agreeing to everything they have been told to do and say. They are fed lies and told to say lion and elephant numbers have grown to allow Trophy Hunting when numbers have plummeted. On Facebook go on Department of National Parks & Wildlife and read peoples comments.

  3. What was Mwanakatwe doing at Kalahari and Maela night clubs? Clubbing at her age and status in society? Shame on you Mwanachitwe! If there is a minister or permsec out there who is fond of this mad habit they must resign now. No wonder there is no tangible development in this country!

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