Wednesday, March 12, 2025

University of Zambia student population now stands at 30 000


Biology Department – UNZA
The University of Zambia (UNZA) Public Relations and International Liaison Manager, Damaseke Chibale says the number of student enrollment at the higher learning institution is on the increase.

In an interview carried out in office today, Mr Chibale said since the institution was established in 1966 with a total number of 312 students, UNZA has now a total number of over 30, 000 students that includes parallel and distance programmes.

Mr Chibale said UNZA with its main vision pillars of teaching, research and community service will endevour to ensure that students offer quality services to people in the entire country.

“As a University, will endevour to ensure that our students who graduate from here do provide quality services to both the government and the people as whole, we are the biggest institution in the country with many of schools,” said Mr Chibale.

Mr Chibale said that at the moment the university has introduced extra three schools namely Nursing, Public Health and Health sciences bringing the total numbers of schools to 13.

He said that the university has extension programmes of expanding the institution so that students could enough accommodation and lecture room spaces that would see over 4,000 students being accommodated.

“We are boosting as an institution because we are doing great things in this country, imagine every year the university produces on average about 4,000 graduates being offloaded on the job market,” Mr Chibale said.

Mr Chibale has called on female students to enroll on the schools of natural sciences, mining and engineering as the schools lack female representations.

“The institution has a deliberate policy of admitting 30 percent of female applicants while 70 percent is competed for both females and males as such females should strive to study in schools such as mining, Veterinary medicine and available sciences,” Mr Chibale said.

He added that partners from Europe have come on board to construct a school that will be specifically to train teachers for students with special needs under the school of education at the university of the Zambia.


    • @nubia,
      What is it you have against miles sampa??? some broken past affairs are kept to oneself,,, Miles is not the only example of UNZA product, why don’t you use changwa as an example???…. Leave Miles alone he is now married, you are history…. Move on mama……

    • Nubian. this notion of labelling others ifikopo is so old and frankly says more about you. Anyone should be able to obtain college education. You seem to still prescribe to colonial mentality where the future of young kid’s is determined at grade7 level when they are still in their formative years. Miles Sampa might not be a good politician but that doesn’t mean he is not intelligent enough to obtain a degree.

    • You raise a very important issue. UNZA must also make efforts to obtain world ratings because it has been around for a long time. Barring closures, it has what probably it takes to gain world recognition.
      As for the degrading comments about Mr. Sampa, even though I don’t know him, I find such comments unacceptable. We should stop judging people on the basis of university education only. Some notable inventors and innovators were rejected by university establishments.

    • Ifikopo most of the times project their bukopness on others in order to disguise their dullness.Thosee are ones who keep repeating same courses for years

  1. Sad, when I was there, it was overpopulated (in relation to infrastructure) at 3000 students. No change in infrastructure, but population has increased 10 fold!!!

  2. Haha, and then after they graduate where are the jobs? Everyone now can get into UNZA though backdoor even with F in all subjects, its now all about $$, you have money, you get in.

  3. Times have really changed, during my time,30 years ago some students were even occupying individual rooms like Silvia masebo but today even common rooms have been turned into living quarters,

    • LT we need a tie-break on the BB 2016 were two people are claiming the accolade. Mushota continues to call herself BB2014, 16 and NEZ has his name with an extension best blogger 2016. This is another Gambia in the making if not resolved. Potentially it’s the case of HH not accepting ECL as president of Zambia. We can not afford to have all these impassess around us.

  4. The university needs a whole revamp, still charging ridiculous fees and no library #MediocreEducation. Whilst they are building new universities, they should upgrade UNZA.

  5. Change the curriculum so that the graduates don’t look for jobs but work for themselves or employ those who never make it to university

  6. Mr Chibale you are wrong to suggest each year Unza offloads 4000 graduates to the job market. Actually unza produnces 4000 graduates to the streets because those students cannot even get any job such as a watch man as there are no jobs sir.

  7. Yet UNZA remains very poor! That’s a 30,000 sitter stadium in the premier league belonging to a rich club. A nursery school with 100 kids makes more money than the gigantic UNZA. About time UNZA got to be run by business people, not those politically connected academicians. Africa, oh my Africa, who stole your brains that you think only with thy feet?

    • Probably it’s time that UNZA dons started making traceable contributions to Zambia’s economy through innovations rather than just lecturing and waiting for a government paycheque.

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