Senior Chief Mushota of the Chishinga people of Kawambwa District has expressed worry at the slow pace that the SUNBIRD Bio Energy Project is moving.
Speaking when Luapula Province Permanent Secretary Dr. Buleti Nsemukila paid a courtesy call on him last week, the Senior Chief said he is worried at the slow progress of the project because so far little has been done.
He disclosed that the launch of the project was promising with the Head of State coming to grace the ground breaking ceremony but so far little progress has been seen on the ground regarding the project.
The Senior Chief said traditional leaders in the area gave out 20 hectares of land for the project but not much has been seen happening on the ground.
Luapula Province Permanent Secretary Dr. Buleti Nsemukila said he will follow up the matter with the relevant people in Lusaka.
According to the Sunbird website ( ), President Lungu launched the Kawambwa ethanol and power project in December 2015 with the aim of seeking to diversify the economy into value-added agriculture. This project directly contributes to the governments objectives by with:
- A cassava out-grower program for up tp 20,000 rural farmers
- Import substitution of 120 million litres of petroleum per year, delivering a foreign exchange saving of approximately $100m
- 32 MW of power that can be utilised by local businesses or exported to the national grid
- 600 skilled jobs at the factory and in administration
The project has been designed and developed as a benchmark for sustainable investment in Africa and in accordance with EU, World Bank and African Development Bank standards.
Sunbird Bioenergy has acquired 20,000 Ha of land on the Luena Farm Block to develop a cassava nursery and rural out-grower program. The company has designed an agricultural program that is forecast to produce 600,000 tonnes of cassava feedstock for the bioethanol plant. The cassava nursery is expected to employee 80 specialist workers, whilst the majority of the cassava will be produced by up to 20,000 small scale farmers and rural out-growers.
Not only biofuel .
There has been so many projects by Edgar Lungu, including solar hammermills and countless power stations.
What hurts me is the ship loaded with electricity which Dora & Edgar imported from Turkey.
Which projects has chief mushota launched? Fit to be pa mulima chipuba! Bye
They were just being duped. The joke is on them.
The Mighty Presido with the stroke of a magic wand …….. and there was light!! ……. Lungu does most things for the show and people believe him, he never follows through with the Passion to see things through to their sustainability or later on appreciate failure and see how we can do better. Lungu and the PF want us to believe that everything that fails is NOT their fault and that which fails we blame it on HH or Global or God…..and Oh! the latest … the Technocrats
These “projects” are being used by the INFESTORS to acquire large tracts of virgin land from dwanzy/visionless PF00LISH Regime.
BioFuel industry is not VIABLE becoz of the low oil prices. Price of biofuels is directly linked to Crude oil prices.
So the land they got is a huge bonus. when the dust settles, they’ll sell the land for $10,000/Hectare & reap $200million for land which they got for free.
The Chinese are making so much money from land in Zambia. They buy pieces of land for next to nothing, wait for 2 years to resell it at exorbitant prices without adding any value/development. Yet in their own country they are NOT allowed to own even 1mx1m plot.
20,000-Hectares!!! Ouch!!!
@Maloza – your analysis is spot on. Zambian Presidents have been duped since Kaunda’s oil-from-grass scam. All these scams are designed to acquire huge tracts of land for free from Presidents who are gullible and desperate to show development to people. Nothing will come off it. No bio-diesel, no jobs buts lots of land alienated from local people. A decade ago, Zambians were going gaga about jatropha curcas for bio-diesel. I have never heard of even a litre of diesel being produced to power any engine in Zambia since. There’s no cure for stoopidity.
What do you expect from visionless Lungu & his PF bandits? Everything PF says is lies & never trust these failed nincompoops who are illegally in power b~coz of corrupt ECZ & inept Con~Court PFudges.
Believe PF pathological lies on your own perils of poverty. By the way, how much is mealie meal?
The Skeleton Key
Boyi,,,,,, I just talked to Edgar,, he says he is still on honeymoon, the campaigns were tough, the projects will be seen as soon as the honeymoon is over
The PF are a bunch of jokers; the whole lot of them. First, they lied about bringing revolutionary development within 90 days of assuming power, and they were not ashamed to admit that they lied. Sadly they’ve shown us that this is their modus operandi with their litany of failed project. Their word is as good as a fart in a wind storm. I fear for where we are headed as a country for there is no light at the end of the PF tunnel. PF itself is a failed project – tried and tested. A complete and total failure.
Mushota, where are you? Your father is bringing up the case, and specifically today you are quite and not commenting.
Something is wrong. Support him
20 thousand Hectors people this is no joke. It is a big farm land.
Please bwana government I just need 100Ha and I can do wonders.
Didn’t the President just finish the tour of Luapula Province? Did he not check on this Project he launched over a year ago. I thought that would have been a natural thing to do? How is he going to monitor new projects if he can’t follow up the old ones he personally launched in the same area.
Could this justify Jay Jay’s calling him Lazy? Surely they ought to be an explanation. One year is a long time and we ate talking about a whole farming season here and I have checked their Sunbird’s website and the Project is reported as if it was Past Tense with the President’s Speech there.
This is a National Scandal!!!! Fake Project!!! Somebody ought to be fired!!!
Chief Bootlicker, you are right……. Lungu should be fired!
LUNGU is not just VISION-LESS, he’s also MEMORY-LESS!! Kikikikiki
@ Chief Bootlicker,
had he done so, to visit such project, I could have believed he had gone on a working visit. Either he knew very well that there was no progress and decided to ignore or as many people say here of him that he is “clueless” that such Biofuel plant even exists and he officiated at it. Which is sad!!!
This is typical of PF. The same senseless jubilations happen at ZDA over investment pledges, year in year out, without proof that these investments are being made and jobs are being created. These people are just big talkers with nothing to show for them.
This is typical of PF. The same unjustified jubilations happen at ZDA over investment pledges, year in year out, without proof that these investments are being made and jobs are being created. These people are just big talkers with nothing to show for them.
@2.2 muloza
This is a well documented effect of excessive alcohol consumption.
Memory loss can be directly correlated to drinking.
– Biofuel Project
– Solar Hammermills
– Mulungushi Textles
– 500,000 Jobs by end of 2016
And what happened to the IDC’s solar power project in the Lusaka South MFEZ? How long does it take to string some solar panels together and start producing power? How come there has been no impact on the 8 hour powercuts we continue to “enjoy”?
The Zambia president’s job description seems to have been specially crafted for a retarded child who somehow has managed to get the top job. All he seems to do is launch and inspect projects that doesn’t take off. But he has to be seen to be doing something.
Everything that rat touches fails unless he steals success
Lazy got the photo and your vote dont mind him about that..
the id1ot Jay Gay! what for the morning!
Ba upnd mukalanda mukanaka about PF and ECL!!!these two are very loved.come 2021 or any by election in Luapula,your upnd will be defeated heavely by Mighty PF in Luapula or in almost all bemba and nyanja speaking areas!!!THE LINE IS DRAWN:KAINDE FOR BANTUSTAN VOTERS WHILE PF IS FOR THE REST OF US (MAJORITY IN 6.5 PROVINCES)!!!!
The equally usless PF mouthpieces, this topic Is about a project that has been promised, where is there any mention of HH??
@ Njimbu
– Elections are NOT like a MAN U Vs Chelsea game. It’s a matter of life & death for plenty citizens.
– Do u vote for a person just bcoz he’s your tribesmate? Would u have your tribesman in power no matter how badly they destroy the country economically, socially, through plunder, failed projects, no VISION?
– Or maybe you vote for someone becoz you’ve been promised tenders or just a good job in Govt?
Let’s be serious about our country. Your rotten reason for voting/rigging for PF affects us who didn’t vote/rig for PF00Lish regime.
There’s NO shop where they sell mealie-meal at K50 to PF members.
– 27 years of supporting your tribesman led to KK & UNIP destroying our once prosperous nation
– 20 years of supporting MMD led to destroying all industries & selling our mines to foreigners
– You now want to add another 20 years of PF even after the damage they’ve caused taking us to HIPC-debt, auctioning the country to Chinese, fake investors, high uneployment, high food prices etc.
Now I understand why the Lozis want to break away from Zambia.
Ba Lungu bena kuwaya waya fye!
Sata would have refused.
How embarrassing.
Where is Mulusa to explain this failed project?
The PF praise ECL for being humble! Do they also mean that he is mentally retarded and cannot tell the difference between good and evil for Zambia?
This man is supposed to be a Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Gender. He’s failing lamentably.
PS work is very involving, it’s NOT for lazy chaps.
Maybe he can fit as a humble receptionist at Ministry of Gender.
Maybe a Project Co-ordinator for Esters Foundation ..would do!!
A janitor at city market, responsible for cleaning public toilets.
Least developed province hoodwinked further, any way even late Sata said they are ………docile people.
Ba tubulu, that is what Kapwepwe called them and they still allow themselves to be cheated even today.
But in terms of witchcraft these chaps are tops. You recall Katyele Kalumba’s “laptop” that could allow him to hide in the open? Anyway, Ichibumba Levy’s Lenje sangoma was way too powerful for the Kasai medicine of Katele, they fished him from behing a bush that was not big even to even hide Kafupi Chiluba.
Am shocked the guy did not visit the luapula University, now Frederick chiluba University site he re-commissioned during the campaigns, am sure it’s all green elephant grass grown everywhere.
This is annoying!!
Thats why we say a president needs to have ‘teeth’. Not just to be so called humble for show. and if you are humble its no excuse for laziness. you can be humble and tough. Zambia should not be taken for a ride like this. Where is the opposition, the investigative journalists to bring out details of these scams? So many projects launched and disappeared, no finished product. I don’t know the relevance the oppositions leaders look for, if not to be bringing out such scams.
Mr Sata may have been a lot of things but such are issues he would make noise about when he was in opposition…
Faith without good deeds is meaningless. So as talk without action.
What is the name of that lozi boy, based in Sweden, mukwita something, these are investors he is busy bragging about, last time Bowman revealed another investor scam in ndola, where some Chinese have have been given huge tracks of land after claiming that the intended to put a mini city, what did they start building a small car wash. These pf mongrels have no business negotiation skills. These investors are just after land.