Wednesday, February 12, 2025

UPND demands for serious audits at RDA and NRFA


The opposition UPND has demanded for serious audits at RDA and NRFA in view of the concerns being raised by media houses on the quality of roads being washed away anyhow by even minimal rains and some getting mangled due to poor workmanship.

UPND Vice President administration Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba not that It has become a habit for the Patriotic Front(PF) to accuse nature when whenever they fail to provide leadership.

Mr Mwamba said his party has noticed with serious concern that borrowed money directed to roads has gone to waste due to poor works and corruption.

He charged that the poor road network shows a serious anomaly in the awarding of contracts to credible and reputable contractors.

The outspoken opposition leader further noted that President Lungu himself pointed out that there was massive corruption in the road construction sector.

“As if that is not enough, NRFA raised over K800m through toll gates from 2012 to 2015 but have not told the nation how they have used that money.

“We are of the view that if such a trend continues, money meant for the maintenance of roads will continue to be misapplied.

“Edgar Lungu recently confessed and promised to deal with corrupt ministers and officials in his government,” he said.

He also accused President Lungu of not being serious in the fight against corruption.

“To date, only former Information Minister Chishimba Kambwili has been fired and referred to the Anti Corruption Commission.

“Some of the roads constructed during UNIP and MMD era leadership are still intact due to good workmanship .

“But PF roads built recently out of corruption, with no consideration of the terrain, climate and other aspects are already damaged with some being mended. All this is happening at Road Development Agency (RDA) is currently directly answerable to State house and Lungu himself must be answerable to this national scandal which he boasted as unprecedented developments,” he said.

He said his party warned about the dangers of having massive projects under State House as the cannot be properly supervised and audited.

“The Eurobond and other loans that paid for these roads as with all PF projects is still accumulating interest and our children are debt burdened even before they are born and that will make them colonized for life.

“As UPND, we warned about the dangers of having such massive projects under State House as they cannot be properly supervised and audited.

“As citizens, we must now open our eyes and never be cheated with empty slogans such as ‘ ‘sontapo’which are just a mockery meant to deceive and defraud the public,” he said.

Mr Mwamba’s comments comes in the wake roads being washed out due to heavy rains in some parts of the country with the latest being the Luangwa-Feira road which was extensively damaged on Monday.



    • Timely reminder, well done GBM.

      Unfortunately, UPND would head southwards and disappear in obscurity under GBM’s tenure

      To have any chance HH MUST remain UPND leader perpetually.

      He has what it takes to unseat PF (minus corruption).



    • Why are you people centred on personal attacks based on politics? Can’t you at least once in a while focus on the content other than on who said what and from which party?
      Whether you are UPND or PF, it doesn’t matter. What is important is the point he is highlighting, honestly, don’t you agree with GBM on the state of new roads ?

    • GBM we understand you have business to catchup with, but know that Zambians and lungu himseld miss you.
      Just find 2 hours a week for TV or radio stuff.

    • @saulosi well said mudala! GBV is a time wasting joker! Ati “as UPND”..this wife beater only became a United Dunderhead 6 months ago so what policies has he added to UPND? GBV is a real hopeless cretin!

    • I really fail to understand this, a fellow Zambian citizen a taxpayer wants to know how public funds..your money is being utilised but he is mocked. This is money from Eurobonds which we will all have to pay irrespective of party affliation.

    • I can see why Zambia as a nation shall forever be poor and lacking in development.
      Reading some of the comments on here, it seems people have come to accept as normal the poverty and corruption going on. It’s very sad indeed.

      Time has come to start holding your leaders accountable and stop following blindly. Dununa reverse indeed.
      Stop all this hero worshiping of thieves and tribal divisions. It is you the same supporters that will be left languishing and suffering when these thieves are enjoying your money abroad.


    • 9mamba
      You are spot on there…this is what I admire about western democracies..they do not care about any party when it comes taxpayer funds…they want checks and have to account, justify every penny spent.
      It pains me to see us being careless with borrowed funds like this!!

    • 9mamba – totally agree with you. Zambians haven’t woken up to the fact that real power lies with them and not the politicians. If they united against anyone or anything, they could create so much change. But alas, they are divided and remain so because it works for the Politicians.

    • Zambia for now is a pathetic state. Corruption has become acceptable even to the poor. They all now aspire to be corrupt one day instead of being educated. This is what happens when a nation starts produceing grade twelves who cannot read or write but can vote. Teachers have become paedophiles. Politics has become a staging point to theft and corruption starting with plot 1 to the lowest in the civil service. Corruption originating in zambia is being investigated in Malawi whilst in zambia it’s business as usual. What a country. How I miss Mwanawasa.

    • Moses cracked a whip on the stone, and Israelites got so drunk!Don’t make PF behave like dunderheaded rocks, squeeze them.

    • Still remaining quiet is like leaving a monkey in a maize field.
      lets keep talking and pointing out the so MANY short comings of the PF. Thats the way to go for the opposition. not remaining quiet, coming to ask us for votes when they have never spoken on our behalf before. Next, i expect voices on the retrogressive TPIN requirement for bank account holders.

    • Why should we have an audit especially for the RDA and NRFA?

      We have an AUDITOR GENERAL who is being paid to do this job.

      The problem is that when huge thefts are exposed, Lungu and his thugs just ignore it and talk about something else! They think they are above the law. And they are! After stealing an election why not steal what is left of the whole country? Who is going to stop them?

  2. Accountability is lacking not only in our leaders but the citizens as well. Citizens clap their hands and hero worship thieves. Little wonder that our leaders want to leave ICC so that they can enjoy their loot.

    • @The Real Quest ..You’re right. If a council engineer signs off a project which is of sub standard, you cannot blame the president. As residents of our areas we should stand up against mediocrity by our local authorities. We so docile even when we see people stealing our money with wide open eyes. Yet we’re quick to insult the president. It’s time we took councils to task such withholding our levies until we see improvement. Gbm should be last person to blame anybody because he also contributed to this rubbish.

    • Indeed, it is high time Zambians stopped being docile. We should be taking to task those responsible for poor performance or for stealing. If there is any evidence of GBM involved in stealing, then “lock him up”. But he should not be castigated for bringing up this issue, it is really valid.
      It is upon the responsible institutions to start taking action or the President to issue his ‘famous directives” to fix the situation

  3. Mr GBV useless cretin. It’s only a matter of time before you come crawling back to PF on your big belly. Kaponya (HH) and his Running Fat Albert have no alternative to offer us. Just shut your traps pillocks. We are already dealing with this roads issue very decisively. United Ponyio Nyio Dogs

  4. When the Govt leaves out the local contactors people like GBM are the first to cry foul since they are the ones getting contracts by putting their relatives in front by creating so many companies so that no one knows that those companies are theirs. Mr. Mwamba is not the right person to talk about this, is it because that he is no longer in the system? Please can the government stop giving contracts to people who cannot do a better job?

  5. I am non partisan but GBM is raising a very important which should be answered in a sober manner. As a nation we should always strive to do things that benefit the nation.

  6. “To date, only former Information Minister Chishimba Kambwili has been fired and referred to the Anti Corruption Commission.”…

    And what has the ACC done about it ???? NOTHING! This is what PF is telling its crooks and thieves. Even if your case is sent to the ACC, NOTHING will ever be done about it!

    Lung gave IMMUNITY FROM PROSECUTION to the crooks at ECZ even BEFORE they committed their rigging and vote stealing, now he is doing the same for all the corrupt PF carders in government.

    We need a serious audit not only of the RDA and NRFA, but also of the ECZ and the election. BY AN INTERNATIONALLY RECOGNISED AUDITOR! Not these bought Judges and crooked ACC.

    • If you tell a child “please don’t play with fire my loved one” most won’t listen until they actually touch fire, & from then on, the child learns the Dangers of Fire.
      Top Man, you were warned about voting for P.F, BUT You went into Overdrive verbally abusing H.H, who by the way is very comfortable.
      Your fellow P.F comrades even physically assaulted other opposition members.
      This is only the beginning, IT WILL GET LOUD!!!

  7. IWe GBV what do you expect when prayers are called to pray for rains? Its of course above normal rainfall and it is this abnormal rainfall which is damaging most of our roads we chikopo icakwata amahalf we. As for luangwa feira road the road was damaged by the movement of the earth and not rains. In short it was caused by an act of God and RDA or NRFA have no part that they played in this damage wechipubawe.

  8. Just yesterday gbv was part of the idea to take rda to state house…now he is saying us upnd opposed the move..! Politicians can fool people around..! I say no to being fooled by G6 drop outs simply because they have money and are in politics..! Wen gbv had all the contracts as defence minister he was quiet..! Now that he is out of the system…he wants to fool us around. Yaminyokola njala ba gbv…no contracts..kikikiki..!

  9. Please let us all rise arrest Mr. Nazir Alloo of Sable Construction and Transport. He is the Major culprit among local contractors. Let us institute a citzen’s arrest. SABLE is a very big thief who connives with PF officials and keeps on stealing from the poor Zambians. Have you heard any government official or PF cadre condemning SABLE? He has infiltrated every wing of the government including the OP. HE has also infiltrated ZNBC such that no negative news will be broadcast. Am sick and tired of this criminal who we are turning into Bin Ladin. He is now controlling the entire government

  10. Keep on keep on talking opposition leaders lest PF think its a one party state?
    Give these people sleepless nights like the old man late MCS gave late Mwanawasa. Its the only way to at least hold this government accountable. How can they just wake up one day and decree that every bank account holder must have a TPIN number? How can they be fooling us by ‘commissioning’ projects that are never completed? How can they be creating new ministries whose purpose and use can be done by a single office or department and yet put everyone else under austerity measures?
    There is so much work for the opposition and i urge GBM and other leaders in the opposition to keep up this pressure.

  11. Minions, pillocks, nincompoopS, bootlickers, moribunds, PF crooks can not do anything about this issue now that they have eaten all the money. The rot starts from the head, the vision less one preceding over scare scrolls kowtowing on their bellies begging for crumbs froM the table of their master. This country is in reverse mode and we will pay dearly for allowing this misfit to steal the election in order to prolong his thieving together with his minions. Nothing will ever come out of this misguided lot masquerading as leaders in this disorganized, disoriented and confused group of charlatans embodied in this stinking party PF.

  12. Lungu won’t fight corruption. It’s like asking satan to be a good angel and go back to heaven. He has bought and controls the constitutiopn court and other judges, the police, the army, the civil service, all of them are at his beck and call. they are completely helpless to do anything independently unless they are specifically directed to do so by Lungu.

    • Yes but lungu will find bribing people can only go that far. He does not have the money to bribe the whole country. Then those not bribed will be asking for accountability which is non existent.

      It is already catching up with him. He is visiting provinces and finding nothing done and he looks like a foo.l issuing erratic developments and fixes. Everyone is waiting to be bribed. No work is being done.

  13. The Bible is clear in everything that is happening and its fulfillment and I quote (the pipo of the end shall have eyes but thy ‘ll not perceive, thy shall be hearing but not comprehending and shall teste sugar in their slips and call it as poison and thy shall be drinking logo and call it Fanta drink, full of Hippocratic in their slips, from such turn away from them.) Frm election and to date the so called PFs wethers or pipo ar able see how Zambia our mother nation is being ran in an crooketical manner but thy can’t join the rest and condemn the wrong bt to thm z justification of thir man and PF.

  14. Two wrongs do not make a right, but GBM has no moral grounds to comment on this issue. He is the most corrupt individual I have ever known. He is just politicking.


  16. “The outspoken opposition leader further noted that President Lungu himself pointed out that there was massive corruption in the road construction sector.”

    UPND speaking sense after being on ridiculous crusades for months.

  17. The legal vice president of Zambia has spoken sense as usual. Wisdom is not bought bane. This is true wisdom from the son of the soil who has created more jobs than the entire PF government has. Who can you trust? A man who has actuallly successfully created jobs and a successful business or a drunkard with no record of success?

  18. Most P.F aligned Goons, are begging to realise how TOXIC their Leader & P.F are. TOO LATE!!
    You Cadres will be affected by the Rot as Zambia slowly begins to grind to a halt!!

  19. But wasn’t this man part of the government that offered contracts to the same shoddy people that built these roads under Sata? Zambian Amnesia awe sure!

    • It’s you who has amnesia. Have you forgotten that GBM resigned from Sata’s government on principle over PF’s harassment of the now crowned Chitimukulu? Awe sure ba FutureZed.

  20. United P. N. Donkeys have no shame and have short memories like the donkeys that they are. RDA was put under State House by Mr Sata and GBM was full cabinet then. Why don’t you donkeys ask your running mate what he said or did to object to that arrangement? Ala mulekwatako insini na UPNDonkeys atase! How do you get support from the people if yuo are full of contradictions and happy to be donkeys?

  21. Ati tax payers money, did the fat running mate see it as tax payers money when it was in Satas cabinet? Suddenly this fat donkey running mate sees tax money.
    As for the roads being damaged by heavy rains; so UPNDonkeys don’t see whats happening around the world due to weather? Right now in California is damaged and people evacuated. Was that dam also built by PF?

  22. Everything that UPNDonkeys say or do is an embarrassment, absolutely. And they don’t see it that way because they are donkeys. Look at their petition, all human beings read the 14 days but the donkeys see it as 5 years, crying donkeys hiho hiho hiho all the way to 2021.

  23. …..meanwhile the nation waits for the investor’s that need roads and will be pouring in….we have only seen shopping malls….we also wait for the 500,000 jobs promised by lungu that were part of mulugushi textiles….while we wait for mulugushi textiles to employ we can buy maize meal that will be peged at K45 as promised when we were paying $250 million for solar hammer Mills…but before all this a day of national prayers is in order…then we dance….eehhhhh….

  24. HAMWAMBA is a dull.There is no one who is 100%. Let the contractor work again!!!!!!!How many roads have been demaged take a comparative survey of PF roads.

  25. Is UPND aware that load shedding has stopped?in our area we have never had load shedding since last week saturday and we are very happy!!this is pushing HH miles away from state house!!well done PF and Zesco!!

  26. It is so sad that some people choose to insult GBM just for raising concerns on the state of our Roads in Zambia. What some of you poverty striken bloggers don’t know is that GBM does not even need to drive on some of these poorly built accident prone roads, he can simply take an air ride because he can afford it. And some of you are busy insulting him just for talking on your behalf.

  27. GBM talking about corruption, what an insult!We haven’t forgotten how he crookedly awarded himself a contract to supply poles to ZESCO, when he acted as President just for 2 days.

  28. Its good to see UPND return to proper Opposition Politics than the monkeying around they have overindulged in recently. The matters raised are supportable, but not the personal attacks on the President…which is where UPND always fails. Its proper to ask for an audit of these Roads we have been so excited about and to prosecute those that have done shoddy work AND take our money back from them.

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