Monday, March 10, 2025

K 2.5 million Nyimba water Project launched


NYIMBA Member of Parliament(MP) Olipa Mwansa has commended Eastern Water and Sewerage Company(EWSC) and Devolution Trust Frund (DTF) for remaining committed to improve the lives of the people through the provision of quality water.

Ms Mwansa said when she launched a K2.5 million water supply project financed by the DTF in Nyimba yesterday that lack of access to clean water supply and sanitation services has a negative social and health impact on the Zambian population.

She said water supply and sanitation was not only a necessity but also a human right that if neglected could lead to loss of the lives.

”It is for this reason that the supply of quality water services to the people of Eastern Province is of great importance to Eastern Water and Sewerage Company Limited,”she said.

Ms Mwansa said the Government has continued to improve the water accessibility to all Zambians through the engagement of external donors to invest in the water supply and sanitation Infrastructure development programmes in the country.

She said Government through the ministry of water,sanitation and environmental protection was overwhelmed with the goal of meeting the demands for the water supply in Nyimba district.

She said according to the National Water Supply and Sanitation Council(NWASCO) annual report of 2015, a total of population of 83.8 percent in urban areas were being served with urban water supply while 60.7 percent were being served with adequate sanitation at national level.

She said the figures were low stating that there was need to improve water supply and sanitation services in the country in order to achieve the vision 2030 of universal coverage.

Ms Mwansa said Government has continued going into partnership with cooperating partners on opening the doors for the rapids spread of improved water supply in both rural and peri-urban areas.

Currently the company has a customer base of 700 households adding that the 400 households were expected to benefit from the project.

Ms Mwansa however said there was still a shortfall of 600 households in areas such as Kacholola and Chipembe.

She pledged to lobby for more funds to cater For the remaining population so that they could access to clean water and sanitation services.

Speaking earlier,EWSC Managing Director Lytone Kanowa said the launch of the project was a Big milestone to the people of Nyimba.

Mr Kanowa said his company was currently providing water in seven districts of Eastern Province a well as Chama district in Muchinga Province.

He said he was happy that the company had the capacity of providing treated water to its customers.

Mr Kanowa said it was disheartening that some people had not yet utilised the services the company by connecting water to their houses.

The managing director said today his company had no districts physical presence in Sinda and Vubwi due to lack of water supply network.

And Chief Ndake of the Nsenga People of Nyimba urged all beneficiaries to pay their bills on time so that the company continue supplying quality water services.

He said the connection of water was a dream come true to the people of Nyimba district.


  1. ”It is for this reason that the supply of quality water services to the people of Eastern Province is of great importance to Eastern Water and Sewerage Company Limited,”she said. WHAT IS THE SENSE IN THIS STATEMENT??? WHERE IS FORI TEMBO IS THIS WOMAN AN ACTING MP OR FORI WENT TO STAND SOMEWHERE

    • Simple; among the objectives of any water utility company world-over is ‘supply of quality water services to the people’. It can’t be any clearer than that. So the MP was spot-on! EWSC was trying to fulfill its mandate.

    • Anyoko: Don’t repeat statements that you can’t comprehend. What is strange about that statement? You don’t even know your politics. Folie did not stand for elections in 2016. Where have you been? Don’t show your ignorance on media you are safe keeping quite.

  2. Why in Zambia you like tuma small projects?K2.5m? This is project will be useless in three years because it won’t sustain the growing demand and population. Why not find more money first and then do a project that will last a hundred years.

    • Lombe: you don’t even know the scope of work for water projects that would cost that kind of money. There are not building a new dam

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