Friday, March 28, 2025

Japan ready to expand existing support to Zambia’s development-Kampamba


Information and Broadcasting Services Minister and Chief Government Spokesperson Kampamba Mulenga has hailed the cordial and long standing relations between Zambia and Japan.


In press statement today Ms Kampamba said government appreciates the assistance that Japan continues to render to the media, agriculture and manufacturing sectors among others.


She noted that the assistance is visible and has continued to impact positively on the nation’s development.


The Minister was speaking when Japanese Ambassador Hidenobu Sobashima paid a courtesy call to her office at Government Complex in Lusaka.


Ms. Kampamba said Government under the leadership of His Excellency President Edgar Changwa Lungu is keen to sustain the warm relations which exist between Zambia and Japan for the mutual benefit of the two countries.


The Minister also pointed out that government is eager to further deepen cooperation between Japan and Zambia in the Information and Broadcasting sector.


“Information is power. There are a lot of areas such as agriculture, health, education and mining in the country where people need information. However, the media in Zambia lack the necessary tools and skills to take information out there. We have seen the great things which Japan has been able to achieve through disseminating information to its citizens. We want to cooperate and learn from Japan,” Kampamba said.


The Minister appealed to Japan to help the Zambian media with tools as well as gain the necessary skills to play their rightful role of educating, informing, and entertaining the masses.


Ambassador Hidenobu Sobashima also said Japan is ready to expand the existing support and cooperation to Zambia’s development.


The ambassador said Japan is keen to help the Zambian Government create more jobs for purposes of uplifting the wellbeing of the citizenry.


“We are eager to help create more Jobs in Zambia. Through our support, for instance, to the Banana paper factory, which is based in Mfuwe, we have managed to employ 18 locals. We have also expanded the same project and expect to employ 80 more locals,” said Ambassador Hidenobu Sobashima.

Currently Japan is providing technical and financial support to Zambia in the information and Broadcasting sector, education, agriculture, manufacturing sectors among others.


  1. These Japanese should not come closer to PF Government we are pro chinese ourselves and china and japan is a spark even to us in PF we don’t like japanese because their names are TONGA NAMES from southern province at Hidenobu Sobashima aka HS this is pure tonga plus ka northwestern mixed breed

  2. She should get rid off the hooker image she projects. Lungu looks like a drunkard because he is actually one but is she a prostitute?

  3. Ah Ah this woman we played with her during ama unza days mama. Abena bobby and clives crew mmmh I won’t give details. Chintomfwa iyo

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