The Mbunda Royal Establishment (MRE) has called on government to harmonize the alleged tribal harassment by the Barotse Royal Establishment (BRE) being shrouded on His Royal Highness Senior Chief Chiyengele of the Mbunda speaking people in Western province.
Speaking at this year’s Mbunda Indaba ceremony held at Kaoma district Council Chamber over the weekend, Prince Professor Biemba Maliti on the speech ready on his behalf by the Mbunda National Secretary Mubanga Liale said government should treat the tree royal establishments namely the Nkoya, Mbunda, and Baroste Royal establishments respectively equally to guarantee peace and sanity in the entire province.
Prof. Maliti who is also the National Chairperson for the Cheke Researchers and Writers Association said mbundas should be left alone to preserve and enjoy their culture, language, traditions, and way of life in the locality adding that other tribes in the Zambia are freely enjoying their different cultures.
“The deplorable inequalities being experienced in the province should not be tolerated, Mbundas shall now stand up for their constitutional and human rights in order to reclaim their long-lost self esteem and dignity,” said Prof. Maliti.
Prof. Maliti urged all the Mbundas to unite and speak with one voice on the matters of infringements being subjected to them by the Lozi people to get attention from government to finally take a keen interest and decisively bring sanity before anarchy worsens in Western province.
He has, however, commended the mbunda fraternity for setting up Mbunda and nkoya radio station called Cheke radio with the aims of promoting the languages, cultures and traditions of the mbunda and nkoya peoples in the locality.
The Mbunda indaba was attended by Senior chief Chiyengele of Mushuwa in Limulunga, Mwene Lindeho ,and Muundu both from Kalabo and Namulimbwa of Imilangu area in Sikongo districts respectively.
But when contacted, Kaoma district Acting BRE Naliele’s Yutanga (Prime Minister), Namushi Nyambe said that the Kuta is enjoying a cordial relationships with the Mbunda and nkoya royal establishments in the province.
Mr Nyambe said the BRE has never at any time quarreled with the Mbundas from time immemorial and cautioned them (mbundas and nkoyas) to avoid issuing tribal remarks as the trend will culminate into an necessary conflicts.
He said the Lozi Kuta at both Naliele palace in Kaoma district and Limulunga in Mongu are open for any dialogue so that a lasting solution could be reached if the Mbundas feel aggrieved.
“Every tribe in the province is free to exercise its culture and traditions without any interference from anyone or tribes as the people from the olden days have lived as one,” said Mr Nyambe.
What a barbaric province Zambia has ever seen…
Poverty fails the IQ. Traditional leadership must be disbanded. They are a laibility to the Zambian tax payer.
Kanyele uko mukwerekwere iwe.
Some how this cements tribalisim. Maybe we do away with traditional leadership.
One has to blame the Lozi dynasty on this one. They are too tolerant and kind. I wish this was happening in Zulu land these people could have already gone back to Angola with scars of pangas. The mbundas and Nkoyas are historically from Angola, running away from Portuguese repressions and accorded refuge status in Barotseland, today they are claiming they are being discriminated. They speak their language, they do mukanda, they perform makishi. But, you will never practice kuomboka ceremony in their Moxico province. Impossible.
If you are talking of origins lozi’s also come from Namibia /Botswana for there language is also spoken there. So plse don’t claim any land to belong to a more vocal tribe than others! I thank you…!
That sooner we discard this talk the better for us.
Well spoken mwene Maliti we need more chiefs of your caliber who are going to fight for their people’s freedoms and not oppression. Keep it up and stand for your people’s rights. We do not need pseudo dictators in provinces, who lord it over other tribes.
“Every tribe in the province is free to exercise its culture and traditions without any interference from anyone or tribes as the people from the olden days have lived as one,” said Mr Nyambe.
So where is the problem? I think these guys feel the Litunga is receiving much more attention than their ”sub chiefs”!