National Guidance and Religious Affairs Minister Godfridah Sumaili has paid glowing tribute to the late Regina Chiluba ,widow to the Second Republican President Dr Frederick Chiluba for her immense contribution to the nation.
And Zambia Congress Trade Union ( ZCTU ) has presented an award to the Late Second Republican President Dr Chiluba and his the late wife posthumously in recognition of their contributions to the labour movement in the country.
Mrs Sumaili , who presented government at the funeral service of the late Mrs. Chiluba who died on Sunday 26 February after a long battle to cancer, ,said the former First Lady will be remembered as a courageous woman.
The Minister said Regina did not fear to enter the political arena despite it being dominated by the male fork.
Mrs. Sumaili said the late Mrs. Chiluba’s political carrier can be traced from the constituency level where she played a pivotal role in mobilising the then ruling MMD party’s structure on the Copperbelt.
She noted that due to are her determination in politics, the late Mrs. Chiluba rose to the position of national women’s chairperson.
And Mrs. Sumaili has described the late Regina as a devoted strong mother and wife adding that she will be remembered for her unwavering support she rendered to the husband, the deceased Dr Chiluba’s battling with court cases.
Mrs. Sumaili pointed out that Regina stood resolute in the face of numerous challengers. The Minister has since appealed to the surviving children to emulate the mother by upholding her Christian legacy.
Meanwhile Eric Chifunda the brother to the deceased described the deceased Mrs. Chiluba as a great woman who touched many lives.
Mr Chifunda revealed that Regina possessed unique features which made her a special woman. He cited love, charisma, selflessness and courage as some of the attributes that she possessed.
Mr Chifunda explained that Regina was a strong woman who remained composed as she passed through difficult times in Life.
He thanked the mourners who turned up to pay their last respect to the late Regina.
And Mando Mwanza the son to Regina said his mother was a devoted Christian who taught her children to live a Godly life.
Mwanza said the mother encouraged them to develop a personal relationship with God adding that he recalls that his mother kept reminding them that a life without God was meaningless.
Meanwhile, Zambia Congress Trade Union ( ZCTU ) has presented an award to the Late Second Republican President Dr Chiluba and his the late wife posthumously in recognition of their contributions to the labour movement in the country.
The award was presented to the Chifunda family by ZCTU Vice President Newman Bubala During the funeral church service of Regina held at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross.
Mr Bubala explained that the union invited the late Regina at a ceremony which she was supposed to receive the award but failed to attend the ceremony as she was taken ill.
The labour movement is what it is today because of the contributions Dr Chiluba made when he was in the labour union, he said.
The ZCTU Vice President said the labour movement will remain grateful to the immense contribution Dr Chiluba made in shaping the labour movement in
And Zambia’s ambassador to South Africa Emmanuel Mwamba described the late Mrs. Chiluba as a strong pillar who stood by Dr Chiluba during difficult times.
Ambassador Mwamba said Regina reminded supportive to the husband when he laden with legal battles.
He noted that the late First lady remained by Dr Chiluba’s side during his long court trials when many people had deserted him.
And in delivering homily, Bible Gospel Church in Africa (BIGOCA) overseer Peter Ndlovu implored mourners to emulate Regina by giving their lives to Christ.
He quoted the book of Psalms 23 and urged the mourners to accept Christ and make Him the shepherd of their lives.
Bishop Ndlovu implored the mourners to make their life right with Christ before death knocks.
The church service was attended by diplomats accredited to Zambia, former and current cabinet ministers, opposition political leaders.

Chiluba at Anglican at Holy Cross in Lusaka

laying wreaths at Late Regina Chiluba’s grave in Lusaka

Affairs,Godfridah Sumaili laying wreaths at late Regina Chifunda
Chiluba’s grave

Commissioner to South Africa,Emmanuel Mwamba laying the wreath at Late
Regina Chifunda Chiluba’s grave in Lusaka

Chiluba at Anglican at Holy Cross in Lusaka
Condolences late Regina’s family and President Chiluba’s family. God be with you all Zambia.
I am pretty sure Vera “Chiluba” Tembo was not among the former first ladies who laid wreaths at the grave of Regina “Mwanza” Chifunda Chiluba.
My condolences.
Ba Ester Lungu & Thandiwe RB didn’t attend, that is shocking. Regina never danced to dununa?
cremate bodies ffs and keep ashes in the Bedroom.
You will be rich, I have been told
I see muka yama there, I didn’t attend this burrial, kaili yesterday, I was ku radio Phoenix burrial, today too busy with bola but I signed the condolences book with Emmanuel mwamba
To lose a life is a sad thing but why tell lies about them. What contribution did Regina make to this country apart from being remembered for dumping her husband for the lofty state house. Oh, & for being jailed for stealing a TV.
Yes Bubala is right the unions are toothless today thanks to FTJ who destroyed them after helping build a vibrant unionism in the ’80s.
I am sorry for her family, friends and relatives that they have lost a loved one.
The suffering and death of a person is never heart warming.
That is where the sentences should stop.
When people stray into calling her the salt of the earth, a social or political pillar and stalwart, a genius, a scholar, philanthropist, religious deity, the pivot, fulcrum and be all and end all of all things great – That’s where niggas are catching the wrong train and beating the wrong drum.
Don’t try and tell the people of Zambia to revere her. That’s taking sh%t too far!
Tell the young the truth. Tell them to be faithful, honest, steadfast, people of their word, not lecherous, not greedy, and so forth.
Women, if you beatify this woman to other women, don’t be surprised when women come to…
Husband grabbing is now a Heroic Deed!
Was Mama Vera Tembo Chiluba there, nothing has been written about her mourning her fellow wife.
Not necessary , r u the killer?
Will you attend funeral of your friend Peter who impregnated your wife while you were drunk?
At last some raaitnolity in our little debate.
Farewell Regina. You finally got the recognition you craved. You were not born to be a First Lady. You wanted to be a First Lady in life but you were never one. However, you have been buried like one. Rest in peace
She wanted to live like a queen and instead she died like a dog.
In what capacity would Vera attend? Women, how many of you would attend the funeral of a woman who died of cancer of her most private place after your ex-husband gave it to her after leaving you for her? tell me? Guys would you attend the funeral of a guy that dies of a heart attack while bonking your wife? A fellow that threatend you and paid you of so that he could take the mother of your kids and turn her out as a wh0re.
What about u did u attend?
Yo, that’s what’s up trtylfuhlu.
hnaWhy is everyone asking about Vera? Leave her alone she forgave her-and moved and on. The important thing is to forgive. She didn’t attend the funeral Service because she choose not to attend. I would do the same if I was Vera. RIP Regina
Bloody corrupt and plundering bitch can now join Kafupinin hell. One less crook makes the world a better place, one day at a time!
May our Good Lord be remembered in whatever we go through
Created the greatest arstelci, you have.
Still confused about what contribution she made to the nation. Can someone itemize please. Looks like everyone who dies in Zambia is an Angel. It will be interesting to hear what political rivals will say about each other when that time arrives.
We seem to have become a people who love the dead more than the living. Isn’t this hypocrisy? Say those nice words to someone when they are still alive and not when they have fallen asleep. Believe me, the dead don’t hear us. All the nice words would resurrect them if they heard the sweet nothings whe say at these burial sites. The dead know nothing, neither have they any part in anything that takes place under the sun. Ever read the sayings of Jesus? There is no where where it says “I was dead and you buried me”. All reference was to the…
#8 The real quest – I am with you, all the way in your questions.
1. Was Regina somewhere along side Julia Chikamokeka or Kankasa durig the independence struggles.
2. Was Regina one of the ladies that went and shocked Sir Roy Welensky by going topless
3. Did she help defeat Lenshina
4. Was she a doyen at UNZA or CBU, maybe even copperstone
5. Was Regina part of the “garden house” gang that pressed for and forced KK into repealing artiicle 4 of the then constitution.
She was a member of the then ruling party. She participated in grand larceny.
F#ck it, what the F#ck did sh do???? Where is she in the national archives doing anything that is not devious, self serving or down right devil inspired (for the nation)
All reference was to the living. I was hungry and you fed me, I was naked and you clothed me…….
If my problem was a Death Star, this article is a photon toderpo.
Attendance to funerals is voluntary, so let’s focus on more productive things, shaa
My Zambian history is a little hazy. Someone please remind me, was this woman ever first lady of Zambia?
And what is this “immense contribution to the nation” that she made?
We Zambians suffer from very selective memories, especially when there is a little money involved.
Have we forgotten the source of her ‘wealth’?
Little hand stitched high-healed boots, silk ties and underwear on display ring a bell?
F**king hypocrites!!!
I am sooooooo happy that people are saying the truth about these professional theiving biatches and the male hoes. This whole society is rotten because of this soft, sensitive response to these hooligans. As long as the internet is up and running, these facts will come out and be out there for whoever is doing research in the future.
Their kids, grand kids and all that come after will not be able to hold their heads high. Their dark secrets will be out there like Judas, Delilah and such like. For all those that were destroyed by privatisation and had their lives shattered so that she could lift and spread her legs for a HPV infecting shag. Yesssss.
I am sooooooo happy that people are saying the truth about these professional theiving b#$tches and the male wh*res. This whole society is rotten because of this soft, sensitive response to these hooligans. As long as the internet is up and running, these facts will come out and be out there for whoever is doing research in the future.
Their kids, grand kids and all that come after will not be able to hold their heads high. Their dark secrets will be out there like Judas, Delilah and such like. For all those that were destroyed by privatisation and had their lives shattered so that she could lift and spread her legs for a HPV infecting sh@g. Yesssss
With each passing unfolds of ‘saints’ and ‘villains.’ The route into the abyss exposes a lot of hypocrisy!
Hi Bloom. I am still a big fan on FB and have been posting about your wonderful website. I would so love to have the chance to give my photos that extra element to make them that much better. Much apiotciaeprn!
Carlos, Regina got married to FTJ when LPM was president and so she was never a first lady.
Maureen mwanawasa, Christine Kaseba and Regina Chifunda all have something in common , ni bakatoba mayanda, balitemwa ukusompola ifyupo fyabene, they like fame and fortune,
Mind your own business.
Rest in p mama
The PF crocodiles never acknowledged her when she was alive. They were stealing from deadman Chiluba while his widow was battling cancer at UTH like a commoner.
And they have the audacity to say Chiluba forefeits property to the state now that he is dead and the widow to weak to contest the judgement.
A UK court convicted the man and stated that his assets be forfeited. The man STOLE the said assets. The ZAMTROP account and its abuse is well documented. If anyone should have been mad about asset forfeiture (assuming that they were not ill gotten) it should have been the kids and maybe Vera. Those are still alive. I am so tired and over the tendency to romanticize common thugs and crooks. Treat them the Sam way the guys that would pilfer from washing lines at unza were treated. Like the scum and sh*t they are. So that those in the wings and this coning after them know what awaits them.
Don’t call a ho a heroine housewife.
Why didn’t President Lungu attend the Funeral of a former First Lady in person instead of watching Soccer at Heroes Stadium, in Lusaka,Zambia? Most Dignitaries attended the Funeral including HH & GBM. Surely Lungu should have paid his last respects to Regina Chiluba. How callous can this man get?
1. Because she was never the first lady.
2. Because honest young lads need more support than a dead, dishonest woman with detestable manners and history
3. Because it is not correct to attend the funeral of a convicted felon. Especially, an un repentant one
4. Let the dead bury themselves.
Do those cover the necessary responses? I trust so.
Wait a second. Based on the comments by lived ones this woman should be up for a Nobel prize and Sainthood.
But look passed the surface and check the statements.
She was not the first woman to make a political splash. She didn’t face any great odds.
What part of Christianity and which part of the Bible talks lovingly about a woman that wrecks another’s marriage
Someone even spoke about her standing by FTJ during his court cases. The man and herself were co accused and found guilty.
If Jesus is her lord, one of the things that a Jesus requests is that we announce and renounce our sin. Did she?
Tell the truth. She was a conniving, schemer, home wrecker, child/ husband abandoner. She covetted and wrecked a marriage, she rose in the ranks of politics as most women in the chiluba era did, by selling her sexuality.
Women out there, this is not a person to emulate.
Most of the people that attended the funeral did so out of cultural respect and fear.
If the woman was alive and well today, how many of those married women would leave her alone with their husbands?
As many as will leave their young sons with Dora and Margret.
Short memory guys. Yaba,! She and her husband destroyed the economy. FTJ was once a unionist but when he took office he couldn’t even do what he preached. Africa we forgive, but we shall never forget!!
Regina Mwanza /Chiluba became serious sick when she was told that the property she was depending on has been forfitated to State by ACC. And Emmanuel Mwamba after finishing Chiluba came from South Africa to confirm that the last person who could have brought problems pertening to Chiluba’s death is gone, prosperity will judge him harshly.
A great lesson to young girls: Stand by your crooked, corrupt boyfriends, sugar daddies, husbands ( whatever you call them ), and you may just be rewarded with a “dignified” burial….with a lot of good lies told about you. Great.
A thief celebrates the life of a thief. A thief tries to turn Hitler to Robbin Hood to Mother Theresa of Culcutta. The hope is that they will also be made to look good at the end of their miserable life of crime.
The whole superstition and myths around speaking ill of the dead should stop applying. If the chapo was a harlot then we should thank heavens that we have one less harlot in the world. Let the world know the truth so that the ones remaining can learn. Hitler was the devil incarnate not a choir boy angel. We dont want any more Hitlers’s.
If you want to call the woman an angel then be my guest, just don’t expect me to do the same. When a woman is found in a car crash where your spouse was being orally stimulated and she dies, will you call the woman a saint? If a man dies of a…
Interesting this woman that sold herself fo Money left her husband and now she can be considered as a contributor to the nation. When she joined politics to service Chiluba, home wrecker. She was no different from the addid Ababa women I have had to pay for sex and a BJ….
You are no different than a dirty h o r n y dog on the sreets who f u c k s every b i t c h n heat
At least the man is not claiming to be a sinless saint. I have more respect for a lion than a rat. A rat fakes its intent while a lion kills you outright.
Did Mr Mwanza attend the funeral? someone to tell me please.
This was an opportunistic whore who married a stinking thief who in turn infected her with HIV-AIDS. She got what she deserved! Ona mitenya ya kaloyawe yeba ishangulezi batu ye, neba kuwa mwiila kipeto kiku somiseleza kwateni, kauke mubu wa kulimba!
Mwamba was the last person to see Chiluba alive, whatever it is he gave him killed him, maybe it was the same poison President Kim used to kill his brother in Malaysia the other week. And that table cut for a High Commissioner is very low class!
Go ask any medical person what happens when a person with a heart condition takes viagra or mutototo. The weak walls/valves burst and you die.
Sonny Abacha, Bingu, FTJ and even the UNZA registrar frekked like that. The horny fellow wanted to blast Regina and took a dose. His heart gave in. Simple.
Now you want Mwam a to take the fall for the horny man.
Attending funerals in Zambian is like recreation. Some just go to show off and pass time.
Zambians have replaced dieing from HIV complications with ” dieing from long battle with cancer”. Let’s be real if we going to win the battle against Aids.
There are more deserving people that would have been honoured with full military presence. I dont know what she did for the country. Someone please educate me.
Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it.
Did Mr Chifunda Mwanza her former husband attend the funeral?
Journalists get your facts right and inform the masses accordingly! Regina Mwanza Chiluba was never ever a first lady, she was only married to a former second President my beloved revolutionist President. To make matters worse even govt seems to be referring to her as former first lady, Vera Tembo Chiluba will always be the former first lady and it cannot be taken away from her, it has gone down in history in black and white!
Rest in eternal peace mama, May the family find comfort in this very trying period
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