Friday, March 28, 2025

Zambia Army establishes a Construction brigade


FILE: Muchinga province permanent secretary Charles Sipanje with Zambia Army Commander Lieutenant General Paul Mihova on Lubu Bridge in Chinsali which is the proposed source of water for government in the area.

The Zambia Army has established a Construction brigade which will take part in the construction of bridges, roads and major infrastructure projects across the country as directed by President Edgar Lungu.

Army Commander Lieutenant General Paul Mihova says the Army Command has finished establishing the Six Construction Regiment and it is ready to start tendering for construction of roads, shopping malls and other major infrastructure projects.

Speaking when he commissioned a two million Kwacha banquet mall at Mawlick Barracks in Kitwe this morning, General Mihova said the Zambia Army will soon be a major player in the construction sector.

General Mihova says stories of abandoned projects by contractors will soon be a thing of the past as the Six Construction Regiment of the Army will bring professionalism and quality in the construction sector.

He revealed that the Army will strive to help the country build better infrastructure especially that the Army Engineers who are based in Mufulira are some of the best in the country.

And Kitwe District Commissioner Binwell Mpundu says the construction of a banquet hall by the Army Engineers has brought relief to residents who have challenges in finding places to host their weddings and other functions.

Mr. Mpundu says the banquet hall is a better option as it is in a military facility which is safe and secure.


  1. Why would the army be tendering for projects. They are employed by the Government paid by the Government so they can be ordered by the Government to CONSTRUCT

  2. When government give to Chinese you complain now its to soldiers you complain what really do u want government to do?

  3. Kikikiki Zambia army has constructed a hall for kitchen party functions and weddings.

  4. @saul weston read what I said its about government tendering for its own projects. If the army wins the tender who gets paid and where does the money go..Follow the money trail.
    I want the government to look after struggling zambians who need employment. There enough unemployed artisans find them jobs.
    Soldiers have jobs……looking after this country

  5. Our army is the laziest Army getting paid to get AIDS and die that’s all. They drink and f@ck around and are simply useless. Maybe this will make them be useful and not just getting free salaries and meals for free.

    • I must add they rape young girls in the barracks they are very indiscipline and most have AIDS. Very sad that I have to say this about an army that is supposed to serve its citizens, not in Zambia, all they do is cheat on their wives and rape young girls. Pathetic.

    • What do you want them to do come and wash your plates after you have eaten? The Arm is insurance cover only when you are in trouble will you think of them.

  6. OK now this is foolishness at the highest level. Don’t we already have army engineers? how did we expect to defend our country if you did not have this unit already embedded in the army? Next they will say they will say they need a medics brigade to tender for work from UTH. Do not distract the army from keeping our cherished peace, enticing the army with your methods of corruption will bring this country down. We need highly trained engineers in the army but not for the purpose of tendering work from government. This in itself is conflict of interest. The army is financed using public funds, why would you then tender for more public funds using a government resource? shouldn’t they be doing this work for free?

  7. Air force is far better managed than Army. Just eat a meal at an Army Mess, then another day go to an air force mess then tell me the difference by blogging here.
    These bridges should have actually been given to ZNS which is eqaully better managed by its officers.

    Its time you started moving with change war chaps.

    • I remember years back when we were fond of drinking discounted Army beer and had to pretend to be officers one day we were approached by a low ranking cadet who wanted to know which barracks we were from, we gave him a good dressing down and told him to call him supervisor then fled the scene.

  8. Most Armies have engineers division but its not for the reasons above in the article…its mainly for movement of troops, machinery in war and assistance in emergency disasters ie construction of temporary bridges, clinics, shelter etc. Lazy has simply done this for merely selfish corrupt reasons; all they will be doing is getting all these million dollar contracts and using slave labour and pocketing everything.
    Why do we have ZNS…they recently acquired machinery from China last year if its not already broken down; they are equipped to take up that role. Here again is a demonstration of how detached from reality this Lazy Bum Edgar is, he continues increasing govt expenditure through reckless directives when there is no money in the treasury.

  9. I don’t know why God continues to curse us everyday. How much of this nonsense can we still take in? Teargassing at international sports events, law makers proposing physical fights, army starting to build malls O.M.G. In case you did not know, Zambia has no capacity to defend itself from anyone whatsoever. If we were wise we could have used the 50+ years of peace to build a world class police service and army. BTW one day this foolishness will implode, be warned.

  10. “Mr. Mpundu says the banquet hall is a better option as it is in a military facility which is safe and secure”.

    This is not low uncertainty.

    • Instead of improving training facilities you are building halls for weddings and chilangamulilo ! Will you send knife-boys to defend our country coz it seems you have strayed bwana from your core business !

  11. I don’t agree with the Army Commander when he says the army will be tendering for govt works. Selected works as approved by govt should just be given to the defence forces not only the army.

    • This is the problem with having a mere Grade 12 as army commander !
      Why make a consruction brigade when the army hasnt even got a concrete cement mixer or a tractor ! Growth should be tied to equipment you dull man

  12. This is not knew Engineering regiment has constructed some infra structure during Kaunda days before. soldiers were involved in the construction of City market army in peace time do various works let us just thank God that we have never experienced wai instead of insulting those gallant and disciplined men in uniform.

  13. @cain yes they did work but never tendered for the work. Tendering is for commercial transactions ie. Business
    KK would have ordered them to do the work

  14. Ba Mihova, you only have 1 qualified civil engineer, who are you going to use to construct these infrastructures ? The problem is that you have become a cadre ! You have failed to rectify the water problem in your barracks yet you want to run before you walk !

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