Monday, March 10, 2025

Zambia National Farmers Union welcomes ban on importation of vegetables and fruits


The Zambia National Farmers Union has commended Government for banning the importation of some farm produce into Zambia as a way of promoting the growth of the agriculture sector.

ZNFU has said that the ban on the importation of some fruits and vegetables will contribute to making President Lungu’s diversification agenda a reality.

ZNFU president Jervis Zimba said the ban would empower local farmers because they are capable of meeting local demand.

“We are thankful and grateful to Government for listening to the cry of farmers to ban the importation of some fruits and vegetables. It is a bold decision and resonates very well with President Lungu, who is on record as saying agriculture should be a priority,” Mr Zimba said.

He said in an interview yesterday ZNFU will support farmers to ensure they produce the quantities of vegetables and fruits required to supply the market.

Mr Zimba dismissed claims by some chain stores that local suppliers are inconsistent.


  1. Is it b’coz blind Lungu with Dora Siliti & half PF cabinet ministers who went to Israel brought back some local farming simulators?
    By the way PF~MMD Mutati who hasn’t read PF manifesto has suspended farmers input program~reasons that PF has failed to deliver farming inputs on time.
    Anyway, how much is mealie meal today?
    The Skeleton Key

  2. Unilateral banning of quality imports is counter-productive. The local farmer must never be over-protected. The consumer needs to be protected first and then the consumers will protect the farmers. Quality and quantity of steady supplies is critical in modern society. The situation where consumers are reduced to buying useless produce is not in anyone’s interest.

    • You are right. Objectively speaking, you need evidence that we have local capacity to fulfil these. Not only capacity but the right quality in the right package. We have farmers who live in Lusaka and dont know shi.t about farming but think they can influence decisions in their favour. Competition is good for the country because we learn from others. dont get us sick.

  3. This is way too backwards…Do we have the capacity to satisfy the demand for fruits and vegetables in this country. Some dull idioot somewhere has an interest.

  4. Do we have the capacity to constantly maintain this supply to the so many super markets dotted around the country? Remember, this is not a one time supply but every day supply. IF the demand can be meet by local suppliers, by all means the ban is welcome. However, lets avoid flip flopping. Today a ban and tomorrow after a shortage on the market, a ban is lifted.Did someone do a survey to ascertain the capacity of the local farmers to meet the demand from January to December? Policy consistency ba PF for once please!

  5. These sound like UPND comments it will be a share of time to quarrel with these guys, they see nothing good, so blinded by partisan politics.Anyway, great move. Let us produce even more, if shoprite is not happy, they are welcome to go and trade in south Africa. I’ve been there the guys are not even BIG, they are trying to portray some greatness in Zambia, sorry.

  6. It’s long over due. The only fruits to allow in the country are apples and grapes.
    Why are you blaming the government to take necessary measures? Do you know that when you are importing fruits and vegetables you are creating employment in those countries instead of creating in your country. That is the only way employment will be created.
    In 1990 I was working for LONRHO at Mumbwa Cotton Ginnery. We were exporting cotton to USA and Europe. What did America do, it protected it’s cotton farmers in the USA and we lost business and the company was closed.
    PF Government on this one , I’m on board.

  7. I dont understand these abrupt overnight decisions even if they are in the best interest of our country. Govt should show us the backgound work that confirm that these locals supplies can meet the daily demand for these products. Vegetables and fruits are needed fresh everyday. Dont just make a decision based on a few loud mouths who will sell one museke of rape and they call themselves farmers. This is serious business. Worse still quality and packages are horrible as farmers are office civil servants farming by reading.

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