Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Government to revise Land Act and Land Policy- President Lungu


President Edgar Lungu addresing Zambians at National Assembly of Zambia during the Nation address on the application of Constitutional Values and Principles
President Edgar Lungu addresing Zambians at National Assembly of Zambia during the Nation address on the application of Constitutional Values and Principles
President Edgar Lungu has directed the Minister of Land and Natural Resources to come up with a revised lands Act and policy which will ensure that land is protected for the future generations.

President Lungu said government needs to come up with a revised lands Act and Lands policy that guarantees sovereignty over land which he said is a key natural heritage.

President Lungu said the Minister of Lands and Natural Resources should take to cabinet the revised Act and Policy on land so that ownership of land is regulated to avoid foreigners from indiscriminately and illegally buying land.

The Head of State expressed concern over the illegal manner in which land is being sold to foreigners.

He noted that the country risks rendering its children landless going by the rate at which people are selling land to foreign nationals.

The President observed that the indiscriminate sale of land has an ultimate effect on the children who may end up as squatters in their own country.

“It is saddening that land is sometimes sold so cheaply that the value at which is being given out could be as low as cheap handouts,” he lamented.

President Lungu said lack of patriotism with regards to land management shames the selfless spirit of the forefathers and mothers who fought and died for the country to be truly independent and sovereign.

The President urged all Zambians to honour the forefathers’ service to the country by putting the country first in all what they do.

He further appealed to political players to review the unbecoming behavior of party cadres and bring to an end the usurping of powers vested in relevant authorities of allocating land.

He said it is sad to discover that even land which has natural minerals is given out to cater for individual interests saying there is need to bring sanity into local authorities as well.

He said the concern over land could be extended to some traditional leaders who have given away land to investors with impunity in some cases disregarding all other considerations such as existing settlements, common grazing areas, burial sites and access to water for community.

The President said government will not sit idle and watch the unbecoming and unpatriotic behavior but will take action to ensure perpetrators are punished.

The President has since directed the Ministry of National Development Planning to ensure that the 7th National Development Plan and other future plans comprehensively contain clear objectives and strategies connected to the national land use plan.

Mr. Lungu said this when he delivered his state of the nation address to parliament today on the progress made in the application of national values and principles.


    • Just give a presidential order that no foreigners buys land , like the same order you gave on maize exportation ban. Otherwise, this is just empty talk.

      Honestly it’s the PF cadres selling land. The president can give an order today and all that nonsense can stop. But as usual no seriousness here, just talk. In ten years Chinese will own half of the land in Zambia

  1. after the PF cadres have distributed lands to themselves by forcefully grabbing it from peopel that have title deeds. Please lungu grow up!!! you act like you are a premature foetus.

  2. This is on point. We must take back all land sold illegally or without due consideration for the rights of citizens. No more land to be sold to foreigners. They can invest in Zambian owned land but not own it. And that should be for limited periods like 15 years, renewable if it’s proven they are genuine investors. Cadres and Local Authority employees are a real worry when it comes to corruption. We need to replace the old with the new to bring back a new patriotic culture.

  3. One ECL! This is what we want! Our children must find the land when we die! All Zambians must benefit from this!

    God bless you Mr President and please see it become a reality!

  4. … start with eastern province where a Malawian just lands in petauke, because he/she speaks similar language, immediately gets land from the chiefs cheaply. Getting NRC is not even a problem, the chiefs there claim them as their own sons/daughters. Border is porous, I have seen with my own eyes. Charity begins at home. Don’t be an impostor bo Lungu.

  5. So the land the chinese have next to lm stadium where illegal car wash is being built will revert to Zambians and at least all guest houses owned by foreigners will revert to zambia, the protea hotels will lose their land, all foreign lodges in prime tourist areas will be taken back by zambia.
    Great tourist economy we will have.
    Isn’t this what the great Mugabe did to “fix ” the economy of that thriving nation Zimbabwe
    Think through things before we make statements.

  6. Counsellor Chewe is busy selling land in Chongwe’s Palabana area and nothing is being done to stop him. He has the guts to demacate land that locals have used to feed and educate their children from. Please cage him and stop him before He messes up. Why can’t He go to his village and do the same?

  7. The plan should be retrospective such that land in foreigners ownership reverts to say a 10 year lease. All land in Zambia should be regulated no chief should have power to sale land but should be able to lease it for a specified period of time. There’s need to protect our land for future generations

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