Thursday, March 13, 2025

PF to take a bill to Parliament to ‘kill’ LAZ


Kelvin Sampa hands over a vehicle to chief nkole mfumu which he donated to the palace to be used by the people in his chiefdom.
Kelvin Sampa

The ruling Patriotic Front has prepared a bill to take to Parliament which will see the repeal of the Law Association of Zambia Act.

If the proposed Law of Societies Bill” is passed, it will allow for the formation of various associations to represent lawyers in Zambia.

The bill is sponsored by PF Kasama Central Member of Parliament Kelvin Sampa through the private Member’s motion.

In December 2016, Mr Sampa revealed that he will take to Parliament a motion to amend the LAZ Act and call for the formation of another body to represent lawyers.

By allowing the creation of other associations to represent the lawyers and repealing the Law Association of Zambia Act, the PF Government will effectively disband LAZ.

According to the Bill advertised in the Zambia Daily Mail, the “Law of Societies Bill” seeks to provide for the formation and regulation of various law societies or associations in Zambia.

Most senior PF officials have often spoken out about LAZ’s strong stance on governance issues and have accused the association led by Linda Kasonde of being pro government.

The PF currently enjoys a comfortable majority in Parliament with 89 seats at 53.6 percent with the main opposition UPND holding 53 seats at 34.9 percent.

Independent MPs hold 14 seats representing 8.4 percent while the MMD has four seats representing 2.4 percent.


    • This is a good move for the plight of lawyers. And this is what lawyers yearn and stand for.

      Lawyers are professionals who have rights just like any other professions.

      Every professional has the right to belong to an association of their choice.

      So why deny lawyers that right?

    • Personally I think Linda performs as though she has scores to settle, she does not strike me as being forthright, uninhibited and exhibits insouciant in most of her work.

      This Government disregards LAZ in its disbursement of Law anyway and as well all the majority and control of Politics in Zambia is simply what the law says.

      Kelvin Sampa and his courtesans should be looking at expressing what they feel LAZ has gone wrong.

      The onyl thing I feel to defend LAZ is their tolerance towards Mmembe

      Clearly there are Pawns in the game at play here and this might be a start of a colossal tug of war at the expense of the tax payers of course.

      I am not for it.

    • Very interesting to read trying to do what Chiluba did to ZCTU.
      This is happening in a so called christian nation led by a humble president who happens to be a lawyer.
      It appears both LAZ and the country have been hijacked by people with selfish motives and am not sure who is fooling who.

    • There’s definitely something wrong with this LAZ executive. Clearly its compromised, dectatorial & not consulting membership on its political postures. It has low opinion of current GRZ. All governance reforms LAZ fought for b4 PF came into power & failed to get like New Constitution, Bill of Rights, FoI Bill, Judicial Reforms, etc, have all become offensive to LAZ because PF is ready & willing to give Zambia all these. Supreme Court has confirmed Post is tax evader but LAZ executive for personal interests is using member fees to defend tax evaders. LAZ needs protection from such abuse. Not sure whether solution is strengthening LAZ Act or introducing New law.

    • Naturally ignorant people are going to cry foul, but it is totally against the natural laws of justice that the same body that REPRESENTS its members should also REGULATE them. In 2004, Sir David Clementi in the United Kingdom recommended that regulatory and representative roles should be separated. Law Association of Zambia has lagged behind. Doctors, Nurses, Pharmacists etc are regulated by a different body from that which represents them. The LAZ in recent times has shown that it is not fit for purpose. So far, all LAZ Presidents and Councils tried to separate these roles, albeit arbitrarily, but it may not be long before we see LAZ suing and defending itself in court.

    • @Uncle Charles, But won’t the new organisation Kelvin Sampa wants to create have the exact same functions LAZ currently peforms?

    • @Uncle Charles, But won’t the new organisation Kelvin Sampa wants to create have the exact same functions LAZ currently performs?

    • If the proposed Law of Societies Bill” is passed, it will allow for the formation of various associations to represent lawyers in Zambia.

      How will this kill LAZ? There is BETUZ. SESTUZ, PETUZ and many others! So?

    • @Ghost of Patrice Lumumba
      You do not know what the Bill says. Wait until you read it before you start saying that PF wants to ‘destroy’ LAZ. LAZ will always be there, but its functions must be separated. It is just common sense.

    • @Ghost of Patrice Lumumba
      You do not know what the Bill says. Wait until you read it before you start saying that PF wants to ‘destroy’ LAZ. LAZ will always be there, but its functions must be separated. It is just common sense.

  1. Are you going to close Newspapers, Radio stations, close LAZ, deregister Party’s, how do you run a government like that? Why are you scared of?

    Why not focus on more pressing issues?

    • @Lombe: Good question but at the end of that list of organisations to be closed I would then have asked, after you have closed all those: WHO WOULD BE NEXT?

      I think we will find wherever dictatorship has reared its head, as soon as they have successfully shut up all dissenting voices their next victims are most always the citizens themselves. Except now because the citizens kept quiet (and in most cases the majority even supported the Dictators) while those who would have spoken for them were being silenced, there is now no one to stand up for the citizens. They say FOREWARNED is FOREARMED

    • That is the question. To imagine that a lawyer is seeking to destroy his organisation is amazing. Perhaps this has a lot to do with his suspension than we realise. What government did we vote in?

    • Nothing like silencing anyone. If a normal citizen can not see the abnormalities in decisions of LAZ then you are also LAZ. Linda once worked for Nchito, Her Deputy for Mmembe. That’s why all this nonsense of joining to all court cases against this group of people. Never in LAZ history have they supported or stood as lawyers for their own members. So what has changed? Personal aggradization is the problem at LAZ. Friends of the court my foot! Since when has LAZ been a friend of the court? Just now when a specific group of people is in court that’s when we see them vigorously joining court processions as friends of court. LAZ is written and heavily compromised so let them dance to the new tune exactly the way Senegal dances to our tune at the under 20 finals. Tiya nato hakuna kulala. You…

    • Nothing like silencing anyone. If a normal citizen can not see the abnormalities in decisions of LAZ then you are also LAZ. Linda once worked for Nchito, Her Deputy for Mmembe. That’s why all this nonsense of joining to all court cases against this group of people. Never in LAZ history have they supported or stood as lawyers for their own members. So what has changed? Personal aggradization is the problem at LAZ. Friends of the court my foot! Since when has LAZ been a friend of the court? Just now when a specific group of people is in court that’s when we see them vigorously joining court processions as friends of court. LAZ is rotten and heavily compromised so let them dance to the new tune exactly the way Senegal danced to our tune at the under 20 finals. Tiya nato hakuna kulala. You…

    • That’s why I like Engineering and Accountancy Institutions. Although we study Law of Contracts we don’t complicate ourselves in such nonsense. We submit development proposals to government of the day and wait for them to act. Not busy fighting running battles with your members and the government. When the road slides in Luangwa everyone bring on board their proposals on how to handle the disaster. Lawyers are busy joining courts of law of their friends. A poor community members has never attracted such joining from LAz

  2. If anyone still had any doubts about President Lungu’s vindictiveness this should surely put those doubts to rest.

    He will push for this and the reasons are twofold: 1. LAZ humiliated him when they had his Law practicing licence withdrawn and 2: He deems it personal whenever LAZ chooses to stand with those he wants to persecute. And like every other spineless wimp of a dictator he gets other people to do his bidding for him and should things not work out he will wave his hands in the air and say “I am not the one who did it”.

    • @the amechair Analyst.Wenye!
      Laz has become too compromised.when PF says anything against the Judiciary Linda will be in the news immediately but when HH or GBM do the same she keeps quiet.So checks and balances is just for PF?Lekeni bashale na LAZ other lwayers who disagree with Linda will form another association.

    • @the amechair Analyst.Wenye!
      Laz has become too compromised.when PF says anything against the Judiciary Linda will be in the news immediately but when HH or GBM do the same she keeps quiet.So checks and balances is just for PF?Lekeni bashale na LAZ other lawyers who disagree with Linda will form another association.

  3. This is the reason dunderhead UPND MPS should always be in Parliament and the national assembly. Opposition is for checks and balances.

    • Dunderheads: what can do since there are dunderheads already. They now want to get rid of Keith. Another court battle till August 2017. When wins? Lawyers??

    • @ Nzelu

      You are now asking for help from “dunderhead UPND MPS” for “checks and balances”?
      What about MPS you and your fellow “democrats” voted in?
      As, according to you, they are not “dunderheads”, what they are? Beggars? Crooks? Incompetent? Traitors?

    • @Born Free: I totally agree with you. If PF are so good, why don’t these maggots applaud their sole presence in Parliament in the absence of UPND so that they can write as many ridiculous laws as they want? The same idyots who voted for PF now want protection against PF from UPND!

    • You are dreaming. “PF MPs with heart for the nation”? Be serious. Can you name ONE PF MP with “hearth for the nation”? Just one will do!!!

  4. Chiluba destroyed the strong trade unionism in Zambia by allowing formation of spilnter unions; Today realism has dawned and unions are merging. The destruction of LAZ should be condemned by all Zambians, including educatede PF members.
    Yesterday, under Chiluba, people were celebrating over the destruction of the strong manufacturing sector created by KK. Today all are crying for industrialisation of the economy!

    • Iwe @Phiri Wako, KK created the manufacturing industries and destroyed them himself. Don’t blame another person. If you are old enough you will remeber that these industries were empty shells and a liability to government by the time he was kicked out. Do remember the shortages of everthing?

    • Why should PF stop with lawyers? They should also get rid of ZICA and the Medical Association of Zambia. Let Zambia become a free-for-all Bemba mafia state where there are no rules. We know why PF want to do this. Some tribes thrive in total chaos.

  5. Hunger is everywhere and somebody is talking of disbanding LAZ. What a finished country. Does thinking also require donor funding

  6. Another f%%!lish own goal by the simple minds of the Patriotic Front. The level of !diocy by Sampa and his masters is incomparable to even a two year old retarded child. They think they are well ahead of the curve…..then an unexpected day of reckoning will come as history has shown. EL and his supposed govt in power will have their day. Zambians are not as dull as they look. The Patriotic Front is drinking poison every day with their loss of focus. Nowhere on this earth is such f%%lishness sustainable but for a short period.

  7. I Salute Linda Kasonde. It’s a clear demonstration that her weight has been felt. Someone said he is a big stick but today he is mere grass.
    This bill is not going to kill LAZ or citizens but lawyers themselves. One day eLungu n kSampa will need LAZ and it will b toothless.

    I close with my famous quote from NUMSA
    If you don’t speak out today, you will have no one to speak for you.

  8. Repeal away! LAZ has only it’s self to blame for its anti-government stance, especially under Ms Kasonde. Her constant firing off, of anti gov’t press releases was very disconcerting. Looks like it was a vehicle for her ambitions to run for office. Seriously, it’s disagreeable confrontations was grating on Patriots’ sensibilities. The problem was that it did not work with the gov’t nor as a respectable, respectful advisor to the gov’t. If gov’t went right, LAZ went left.

    Please, pass it without delay.

  9. so if your practicing licence is suspended in one body then you can go and register with another one and continue practicing? whats the difference with accountants-zica, doctors medical council of Zambia, engineers- EIZ? anyway we are creating a monster that will shall fell to stop. Please these are professional organisations and not trade unions. If this model has completely fractured trade unions, what will become of LAZ! will dissatisfied accounts also demand for another accountants body..kaya nayonayo.

  10. when they came for the trade unions I did not speak because I was not a trade unionist
    when they came for LAZ I did not speak because I was not a lawyer
    when they came for accountants I did not speak because I was not and accountant

  11. STEVE,

  12. All discerning voices shall be shut down.

    1. Post
    2. Mast
    3. Muvi tv
    4. Komboni Radio
    5. Itezhi-tezhi radio
    6. UPND
    7. LAZ
    8. Church of Christ
    9. Zambian Watchdog

    We don’t want any checks & balances or any disturbances while they loot the treasury.

    • Remember how FTJ weakened ZCTU for his own selfish reasons as if he wasn’t ZCTU chairman for over 20years.

      Today FTJ is in the grave, but due to a weak unions, the Zambian worker continues to suffer the consequences, i.e. goes 6 – 8 months without pay, gets paid peanuts, is insulted left, right, center, is replaced by foreigners without work permits.

      Today LUNGU is behaving the same way as if he wasn’t a (crooked) lawyer himself, using divide & rule tactics for his 3rd term/7 year bid. The adverse effects of LAZY’s 3rd term/7 year bid will take 50 years to undo.

    • Let them start with this so called COMET radio. Its a pro UPND radio station with dull callers.

  13. This is exactly what Mmembe has been talking about. They came for him and everyone was queit. Now they are going for LAZ. It will not end there! This country is in big trouble. Let good people do something about this government.

  14. Someone aught to have advised her (Linda) that she needed political clout to effectively play politics. As it is there is nothing illegal at play here but politicians doing what they know best. The numbers (pf) is what is at play here and if Linda is not careful, she will live to regret that she was responsible for the demise of the once strong LAZ. If you want to play politics, know your strength otherwise political maneuvers such is being played out will live many wounded and disappointed. It should be clear to her that many in fact would be lawyers are yearning for such an amendment and will render their full support.

    My personal take in this matter is that an equalization will take place to the detriment of the tradition that LAZ has built over the years. And why so, because Linda…

  15. You PF guys, please please start working now. I am non partisan but I would like to advise that there is no time for such silly things. Cant you yourselves see the state of the economy, in case you are not aware there are people in this country who go for a day without a meal or only one meal a day. Atlease for thinking, we should be self sufficient, if we start asking for donor funding and then donor thinking, then we are doomed.

    • You UPND chaps tried to incite Zambians with Armagadenom,you failed.its not docility its wisdom that we shall not be used by opposition politicians.Let Linda become LAZ president she must not make LAZ to become a subsidiary of UPND or the cartel

  16. Zambians rose against a system that was repressive in the name of a one party state in 1991,to usher in a democratic system of governance through the MMD,that would keep leaders in check.

    Lately,it is becoming worrisome as to why this seemingly maneuvering, hell bent on eliminating any form of perceived dissent.If indeed it is Linda as an individual they are against at LAZ,why then want to eliminate the entire organisation,like they have done with the Post?

    • Zambians are too docile they need to wake up Lazy is taking them for foools …as if this MP has not enough issues in his constituency

  17. LAZ, EIZ, ZIHRS are all professional bodies but they play very different roles. In my opinion, LAZ plays an exclusive role as the body translates our laws and it cuts across most of the happenings in the country including governance. There should be no shadow boxing between the government of the day and LAZ. Its the only body we expect to be as transparent as possible in its dealings. Any dealings outside the constitution must be checked and citizens depend on LAZ to challenge or advise the government.

  18. BTW examples abound everywhere in the world where more than one professional entity oversee the practice of professionals. This is not rocket science. In some countries, they go as far as having an institute per state/province unlike this centralized hierarchical system as prevailing in Zambia. These institutions need to be decentralized and this amendment might just turn out to be that spark that will ignite this development. Of course monopolies will be broken as well as many cartels.
    But all these possibilities are being stirred not voluntarily by LAZ but by circumstances adrift from their current LAZ assumed mandate essentially because LAZ is locking horns with a majority pf government! Don’t blame the politicians for this. The political stance Linda has taken as far as the…

    • which countries iwe? How many lawyers are in those countries compared to Zambia? grow up and stop comparing bananas and oranges!

  19. If this is true I believe it will be a retrogressive move!

    I doubt it is true! Probably just rumour and fake news!

    Ba Lsk Times I think you can do better than this! Such fake reporting is for ZWD!

    This is not an official statement so its just pure rumour!

  20. LAZ’s political position is against a majority pf government. AND since politics is at play, Linda must be ready to play politics. Unfortunately, to the detriment of LAZ. Will Linda subpoena the majority pf parliament against passing such a law? They need THE OPPOSITION which unfortunately for them are a minority. So the law has a huge chance of being passed unopposed whilst Linda will look ndwi from outside.

  21. Sad that every voice that takes a stance different from the PF government is an enemy of the people. As we write with our full stomachs remember that a time is coming when we need these institutions we are destroying or weakening now. I pity the president. All these tukandila who are advising him and playing to the gallery will jump the boat when the time of change comes. Mark my words. Time is coming. No human is immortal. Reacreationally decisions are being made to change systems which have protected the people of Zambia. Sad!

  22. Linda has triggered this unfortunate move by politicians who have employed what they know best: disable a political opponent that has a huge loophole for unhindered attack. Lobby groups will not help as they need time for mobilization. Time is of essence but who will give LAZ or any lobbying campaign time? Before long Linda will be occupying a shell of a former position. The tone of mourning and complaint is already gathering momentum amongst LAZ sympathizers but that is USELESS. That will not help if the intent and determination of pf is anything to go by. Mourning, wailing, shrieking and whatever-else is not a fitting apparatus against a political maneuver when time is of essence.

  23. This is Ngwazi Edgar Chagwa Lungu’s strategy towards a One Man Dictatorship. Dictators want to muzzle and silence Free Press, Opposition Parties and individuals who don’t agree with their thinking. The Cause and Source of the problem is a Disputed and Petitioned 2016 Election. Lungu wants UPND MPs banned from Parliament so he can amend the Constitution to serve his Partisan Interest. He also wants to Repeal the Laz Act to block out Legal oversight from this source and ban UPND MPs from Parliament and then achieve a One Man Party Dictatorship. All Right thinking Zambians should resist Lungu’s movement towards total Dictatorship. Lungu has to be stopped. The Petition is haunting Lungu. That is the more reason why the Petition should be heard and disposed off.

    • No, Pf does not need upnd to be disbanded in order to have their way. In fact they need the current upnd to legitimize their mandate. Upnd in their current numbers is an excuse for PF to convince us that debate is taking place. The mourning stance about the election loss by upnd works to portray a weakness rather than strength. Most people will not tolerate people who ‘over mourn’ as upnd is doing, if ever there was such a thing. It is just incredible how upnd is going about its affairs. This mourning has taken a whole new dimension to an extent that one would suppose that they are competing to see who will be most noticed in the mourning. This petition thing is projecting more of a mourning affair than a quest for justice. It would appear that only through the court will these…

    • Crooked PF thinking! So to deal with Linda, you want to destroy LAZ instead. LAZ Presidents have always been aggressive against excesses of the government of the day. That’s why they tend to joint the successive govts as Attorney Generals or Legal Affairs Ministers.

    • @ Back Teeth Lungu…

      ”That’s why they tend to joint the successive…”

      mwenzoseka azanu who is stoopid?Stick with what you know – being stoopid.

      Pwaaaaaaaaaaaa kekkekeke kikikikiiiiiiiiiiiii Pwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. A majority pf government will trample her underfoot and leave her permanently fractured just to prove a point. If I were her, I would have been more subtle, more benign and use are manner of skill to arm-twist the politician to do exactly what she hoped to achieve. But lo and behold she was flaunting her bare chest like Tarzan at enemies that saw a turkey in her for an arrow shoot.

    • Despite your crooked thinking, you are right in one thought: “(PF) need the current upnd to legitimize their mandate”. That’s why PF are infuriated and riled by UPND’s not playing the game of a nice loser. UPND is beating down on PF by not acknowledging Lungu as President and boycotting his parliamentary appearances. That’s why PF are so pissed off. UPND has to continue winding up these brats.

  25. This is a good move for the plight of lawyers. And this is what lawyers yearn and stand for.

    Lawyers are professionals who have rights just like any other professions.

    Every professional has the right to belong to an association of their choice.

    So why deny lawyers that right?

  26. If this happens,it will mark the end of Linda Kasonde.this LAZ President behaves as if she has scores to nobody will protect her because PF has numbers in parliament so this bill will 100% go thorough and Linda Kasonde will be left alone.GOOD MOVE BA PF!!

  27. And why should LAZ be killed?

    If dies out of competition, then it has failed to meet the aspirations of members and would be members.

    If LAZ delivers value, then it should the association of choice for the legal professionals. Why even worry?

    I think the author of this article is predicting that LAZ will fail to stand competition. But fail based on what – underperformance? Or is it because compromised values? If not why worry?

    If LAZ is performing to the satisfaction of its formation, and it’s professionals then the people to be pitied are those that will try to form new associations.

  28. The majority of Zambian Lawyers were traumatized when LAZ was infested by a clique of MAFIAS. What good can one expect from such a crop of Lawyers as Mutembo Nchito, Nchima Nchito, Musa Mwenye, Wynter Kabimba, Fred Mmembe etc? This is a group of Lawyers that placed Late Presidents Mwanawasa and Sata under siege to milk tons of Govt’s money in the name of FIGHTING CORRUPTION as they evolved cunning Tax evasions. The fateful demise of LAZ was Not personally engineered by Linda Kasonde, but rather the plot was galvanized by a CONSORTIUM of wicked persons who studied Law in order to exploit its loopholes to enrich themselves. Linda is just their TOOL.

  29. All civilised nations have an association of lawyers, so are doctors and other professional bodies. They do not have various associations representing the same professional people. For instance British medical association (BMA) does not have various associations representing British doctors. Kelvin Bwalya has missed the point and wants to make political scores with LAZ which amounts to abuse of office power. As a lawyer Bwalya should focus more to contribute to the effective delivery of justice system in Zambia.

  30. It appears as if too many experts of professional associations are positing alarmist chaotic outlook out of context of what these associaations such as LAZ really are as institutions seperate from arms of government. Clarity is imperative, Could someone factually versed with please educate us in laymans terms what LAZ is, and as a statutory organ i take it, what its role is in government, Elaborate for us how it is possible for one member to usurp authority such that an earthquake has been triggered in the corridors of power?

  31. Political inclination exhibited by LAZ is costly. LAZ is supposed to provide checks and balances to good governance in a very systematic manner. Not in a way where every Jim and jack is able to read between the lines. You asked for it.

  32. Lungu, Rupiah Banda and all PF thugs why are you destroying Zambia slowly like this? Zambians why are you sleeping while the Country is been destroyed by PF? To say the truth we are going backwards, everything we fought for is gone. We should wake up from slumber.

    • @ Mateo

      Read the post @ 34 or @42 ! Don’t continue exposing your dullness like you have persistently done!

  33. In time past, MUZ was the only miners’ union. Now we have a few others representing the mine workers and yet MUZ is still alive. The formation of new associations for lawyers will not kill LAZ. LAZ, like any organization will continue to exist as long as it will be relevant to its members.

  34. LAZ is just a Union.. It should not monopolize… Let… ZCTU was dismantle and we have a lot two National Unions now Zam Fed of Trade of Union and ZCTU… So what is special with LAZ not to be dismantled… I am for it…

  35. LAZ is just like a Union.. It should not monopolize… Let go for it to divergent views… ZCTU was dismantled and we have two National Unions now Zam Fed of Trade of Union and ZCTU… So what is special with LAZ not to be dismantled… I am for it…

  36. People who want LAZ gone will Dununa Reverse just like they are doing with illegitimate Lungu. Lungu wants to become a Ngwazi and is destroying any opposing views to what he wants to achieve. Lungu and PF wants a LAZ which recognizes Lungu as a Legitimate President even if he is not. Lungu wants a LAZ which says to UPND “Your Petition has been overtaken by events so withdraw it”. Lungu wants a LAZ which agrees with him even if those issues are unconstitutional. With or without LAZ the Petition shall be heard and the Winner declared by the Courts. We want checks and balances in our Constitutional Democracy. LAZ is doing a fantastic job in this regard.

  37. Very disappointed with everyone’s posts. That is the problem with us Zambians, always supporting something when it suits us!! Really sad. We all need to look at where the problem lies and let me remind everyone what LAZ is and why they are in this mess. LAZ was created by PARLIAMENT: it draws its powers from an act of the Legislature. Now it is you and me who vote MPs into parliament and they are there to represent us!! If a cross section of society is not happy with LAZ, it is only natural that the very body that created LAZ has to do something about it. Be it UNIP or MMD or PF in parliament, parliament has to act on the concerns of their masters: THE VERY PEOPLE WHO VOTED THEM IN THERE, YOU AND ME!!! In the real sense, LAZ is not suppose to appear to take sides as it was created in the…

  38. LAZ has become like FIFA and running on entrenched and self perpetuity gas.
    LAZ has gone beyond the self control stage especially under volatile Linda and needs help.
    LAZ has unfortunately invited on itself the big stick.
    If they can finish the newpaper King maker then beware!!

  39. …interest of the Zambian people. The joining of certain private cases has tarnished its reputation as an impartial organisation which is suppose to be in the interest of the public at all times. Certain individuals have taken charge of LAZ and are using its powers drawn from the Act of Parliament to settle score with opponents: TOTALLY AGAINST ITS ORIGINAL MANDATE. Its own members are expressing dissatisfaction. In USA and Europe, lawyers form their own association according to their interests called Bar association but the Disciplinary and Conduct body is separate and doesn’t involve itself in public commentary and political interaction like LAZ is doing.

  40. LAZ is not towing the party line, so we need an act in parliament. As an MP I’m sure he has better things to do.

  41. Zambia zooya but what wrong has LAZ committed to deserve this .Expressing opinion has become a crime.PF please don’t do that it will be retrogressive.Mr Sampa and Lusambo WHAT DO YOU WANT TO ACHIEVE OUT OF THIS

  42. I have told you again and again that PF is evil and this is one of their evil schemes. And this is how they have destroyed Zambia. Drive though Kafue to Mazambuka and you would not believe how bad the road is and yet they are collecting money through tolls and Changwa wants to build a railway line in his village where there’re no industries. Dismantle LAZ now and after Changwa we shall dismantle the kantemba association that these cadre lawyers want to settle up

  43. This kind of recklessness will one day come back to haunt us as a nation. The champions of today may not live to witness the chaos they are fanning rigorously. This move is as ill intentioned as a man who cuts off his own hand to prevent a drowning brother from hanging on to it.

  44. Some People are shortsighted and don’t see Lungu and PF’s Strategy. Lungu wants to establish a ONE MAN PARTY DICTATORSHIP in Zambia and Rule forever. As we have seen from the Photos, Lungu is already acting like a King(Ngwazi) and Dictator. Anybody with opposed views to the PF is a No.1 Enemy. LAZ’s Role is Advisory so the govt can take or leave it. LAZ’s Role is being questioned mainly becoz the AG is now doing its work in Court which should be done by Private Legal Advisers and by LAZ members in their individual capacities .LAZ’s independent views have rattled the PF govt and that is why govt now wants it disbanded. People will Dununa regret should LAZ be disbanded.The Reasons why Lungu wants to leave ICC are the same Reasons why Lungu and PF want to disband LAZ. If LAZ is…

    • @53 Chando: That is what is wrong with Zambian society today, people want to lie and mislead to gain favour of opinion!! Since when did the AG’s work suppose to be done by private legal advisor because everyone who sues govt. includes the AG as a defendant?? When did President Lungu say Zambia is leaving the ICC coz as far as I can remember that issue came up when AU countries collectively questioned ICC membership and each state is suppose to give its decision back to the AU; Pres. Lungu further stated that govt will not make any decision until it consults widely with local stakeholders??? YOU SIR ARE A LIAR AND A CHEAT AND YOU SHOULD RESEARCH BEFORE YOU COMMENT.

  45. LAZ is LAZ and LAZ was LAZ and LAZ will be LAZ. It is divide and rule tactics to break up a professional body. It is shocking and disgusting and distasteful. Criticizing government action and inaction needs to be contextualized. Splitting civic organizations and associations is intended to undermine and weaken voice of dissent. The voice of dissent is essential in a democracy. It is a guarantee for the protection of human rights and a safeguard for the rule of law. The regiments are more suitable for military. The challenge is this: If LAZ is holding different views, then PF can also present its own views. After that, the public will calculate where the truth is located.

    • Dr. Kasonde you are LIAR!! LAZ is not a civic organisation but is a creation of the statute: this means it is an act of parliament!!!! Parliament is a representation of every common Zambian who vote their MPs to this house and it is this house that gave power to LAZ through an act. Therefore LAZ being born from this house is an extension of every Zambian from every walk of life who give it power and it is suppose to have their interests first before it starts delving in private and political matters. DO NOT MISLEAD THE PUBLIC ON ISSUES YOU DON’T RESEARCH ABOUT. Parliament is the only body that can handle matters concerning LAZ. Not civil society.

  46. Are they disbanding LAZ or just giving rights to others to join what ever LAZ they want to be associated with? This is what we call rights for any one to choose. Why is LAZ crying foul? If it is an inclusive LAZ lawyers will remain with them but if not they are at liberty to join their own choice. Is it not what HH crying in court that he should head as it is his right to even though he is the one at fault.

  47. This is not the first government LAZ has criticised. We had OASIS FORUM to which LAZ was a member and heavily critised the MMD govt and stopped all forms of monouvres by Chiluba to go for the third term. We did not see this kind of a thing. What is so special about LAZ critising this government of Edgar?

    LAZ has got its’ internal procedures of removing its erring members including the President and forming splinter law associations is not a solution you *****s.

  48. But Edgar’s ending will be very very sad and worse than any president ever. We had KK LAZ was there, came Chiluba LAZ was there, came Mwanawasa LAZ was there, came Rupiah LAZ was there, came Sata LAZ was there but why now under Edgar. This man is destroying our country.

  49. Mwe Jehovah Lesa twapapata, tulubuleni ku cilwani kabili shetani uyu cibanda nsongo Edgar Lungu. Teimwe mwamubikilepo iyo pantu imwe mwalikatama ubutungulushi bwenu tebwa cimfulumfulu. Twalomba mwe Lesa wesu, twafweni uyu kalume taweme iyo. Tusalileni uwacumfwila ku mafunde yenu. Amen.


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