Government plans to construct an 800 bed capacity mother and child hospital in Lusaka.
Minister of Health Chitalu Chilufya says the hospital to be called King Sulman will be funded by the Saudi Arabian government.
He further says there are plans to set up a specialist clinic and also upgrade the existing Levy Mwanaswasa hospital to a third level health facility.
The Minister said this in an interview with journalists shortly after presenting the Ministry of Health quarterly report to President Edgar Lungu at state house.
He said government also plans to construct general hospitals in Petuake and Chinsali to ensure that there is access to medical services.
And Dr Chilufya added that government has also reduced its drug debt to 1-hundred and 50 thousand kwacha.
The Minister has also disclosed that government plans to put up a system that will attract Zambian doctors and specialist working in the diaspora to come back and serve in the country.
He said his ministry will continue to strengthen health Care systems so that the country can be healthy and productive.
Dr Chilufya also disclosed that his ministry will take before Parliament various bills that will enhance medical services in the country.
And the minister says the ministry of health will ensure that by the end of this quarter the remaining nurses that were recruited in December will be put on the pay roll.
He said of the 7400 nurse that were recruited in December 2000 are not yet on the payroll.
Dr Chilufya also disclosed that the World Bank has allocated 45 million US dollars for TB prevention for mining towns.
Donor dependency is a disease that needs exclusively both local funding solutions and diagnostic specialists .
It emanates from our culture of family dependency.
Just like our siblings and immediate family elders
expect a cut from our earnings… No ill motive intended here ENKA, just thinking!!
Ubuchushi Christian nation is bad. you are selling your beliefs to the Saudis and next they will be building mosques in every province. Where are you going to get the spine to say no.
The spirit of only receiving is bad cancer eating our country. Our Leaders should learn to have their own pride. We Hope this will stop politicians from spending millions overseas on unnecessary treatment.
We need ZAMEXIT to change the Country. Fresh Blood New Mindset. Not Puppets who kneel to keep their jobs.
This is the selfsame hospital that would named after the Arab prince…no shame at all by these fooools who can not build their own hospital but waste billions on utterly useless roads!!
Arabs are very bad? people, they are among the most brutal on the planet!
Shot legged lies by PF bandits!
UTH is dilapidated & PF bandits have failed to revamp it amid billions of kaloba from the Euro bond which disappeared without a trace.
UTH has no water, no medicine, whilst doctors & nurses haven’t been paid their salaries for months & months now.
PF likes yapping from without, everything is lies. UTH is in shambles under the ruthless PF bandits who have no clue or plan of running a working govt.
Believe PF lies at your own risk!
The Skeleton Key
It’s all masked in behind the scenes corruption and lying…. just watch the videos on youtube about how Africans are abused, tortured, enslaved in Saudi and the whole of Middle East.
These are great initatives which will improve acess to healthcare services especially for those that cant travel abroad for medical treatment.
King Sulman Hospital? Who is King Sulman? Ok just because they are funding the hospital from scratch does not mean you have to give up your sovereignty which what this is. What else are you giving these Arabs in exchange. At least insist on a name to honour your own greats: like Professor Stanley Makulu Hospital, Dr Chifumbe Chintu Hospital,,,,,, the list of Zambian torch bearers in the medical field is endless,,,, and unrecognized. Shameful
Sorr meant to say PROFESSOR Chifumbe Chintu
It’s not Professor Stanley Makulu; it’s Professor David Makulu. Stanley Makulu was the Professor’s nephew.
Dr. Chilufya, may we know why all medical facilities being concentrated in Lusaka and Ndola? Don’t your technocrats at the Ministry of Health know that large cities like Kitwe, the second largest city in the country, also require expansion of medical facilities to cope with the rapidly increasing population? Kitwe Central Hospital has never experienced any expansion since it was built in 1958 as Llewellyn Hospital!
Okay but will this be a private-run or government-run hospital? Zambians’ attitude towards their own things: Even if this hospital becomes more advanced than Morning side clinic they will still continue seeking treatment in India and South Africa.
The current LAZ is compromised…
The current is supposed to be for GRZ and not against the GRZ… If the GRZ goes wrong, they should advise and not fight it!!!
Have they been begging again?
Mwe Bena Zambia: Why is it that we are always beggars? where is our money from Copper sales, emeralds, Zinc, Uranium e.t.c. Where does this money go? why should we even name a Hospital by that name Chilufya is talking about King Sulman. I thought God has given us wisdom and knowledge to stand on our own with all these minerals. That is why those countries are rich because they have a hand of giving. Blessed is the hand that giveth. Ba MP where are you? did we vote for you to go and start begging. Christian Nation be careful with Muslims?
Is it in order to bring down an oredy existing structure like chainama as purported to happen by April this yr wen it serves a lot of communities.?i c no sense in demolishing the structure in place but find a place sumwhere else were they can build a new building.minister of health be wise on this program of bringing down chainama which has been there and serves pipo.it’s total no sense bwana minister.act before u lose yo foresight or direction in this serious issue.
Hope u read this minister of health.
If you belive these lies you are a real nymbazi.
Saudi is broke and are cutting down on services back home, why will they do anything for a non Muslim country ?
PF are shamless lies. If you see such lies being leaked then you know they are trying to distract attention from somewhere.
Maybe KZ, Or shutting of LAZ?? most Likely they are pepering the public with good news because they will dismiss the UPND petition forever.
I wonder why people cannot just appreciate a good gesture like this one, they so called rich Zambians have never built any Hospital from their pockets, only have Bars named after them Musonda tarvern etc yet the buy big cars ,houses which only benefit them and their families. This Thinking that its only Government to build clinics is so wrong. some chaps own 3 Cars a Benz, Rang Rover and a fun cargo ,enough to build a clinic but yet when a foreign Government comes to help you, you start complaining al.
Though this will decongest UTH, but it would have been better to do some meaningful repairs to good old UTH. It has done a lot for us.
Or Chief MPEZENI HOSPITAL is equally good. nurses recruited in 2000 are not yet on payroll yet they still go to work! so how do they survive?
why not ministers and president stay for such a long time without being on payroll and no allowances either?
A good way of planting Islam in the country…ECL seems to have no problem rubbing shoulders with his fellow muslim brothers. Hypocrites hiding behind a Christian tag!
Moslem strategy. Wake up!!
Always Begging…!
Why not call it King Lewanika? Can they have anything in Saudi Arabia with the name of another King? Shame on PF who are selling our country inch by inch and soon Zambia will be islamised and the so called Christian nation will no longer be.
Christians cannot wear a cross in Islamic countries, why should Muslims be allowed to wear a veil in Christian countries?
Women are NOT allowed to drive cars. A Bible is banned. There is no democracy in that crazy country. They are sponsors of terrorism – 15 or the 19 people involved in those hijacks on 9/11 were all Saudi citizens and sponsored by their government. They sponsor killers and killings in Syria. There are NO Christian Churches in that sick country. There is NO Free press. The whole country is owned by one family, the Saudi Family! Why should Zambia open her doors to such crazy lunatics?
African leaders need to stop being an a s s kissing b!tches?
There is no free press in Zambia either and on Sunday all Zambians in church, rest of the week they are stealing and doing corrupt things, Zambia not a Christian nation. Just a way of keeping the masses down ridden for personal gain of a few . Also if i paid for a new hospital i also would name it after myself. there is lots of Zambians that could have forked out the cash to build it but instead Zambians love to bring out their tin cup and beg
Good work you did Dr Chilufya moving all those corrupt, absentee deadwood, pompous so called senior doctors from the offices at the head quarters back to the wards where doctors belong. Do not relent.99% of doctors are behind you all the way.
Interesting report on internet today……. 15 of the 19 terrorists responsible for the attack on america were from saudi arabia.. victims are suing the saudi arabian kingdom for assisting the terrorists.
Welcome to zambia….saudi arabia
Poverty causes prostitution be it personal or political.
Find a way to self respect then we can progress. Who will stop our dependence on grants, assistance. Its in our DNA am sure. Thats how long we have been begging
Zambians are to ignorant to see what will happen to them,they only think of today and not to their chidren and future generations,very sad.
Saudis also fund the ISIS fighting in Syria, Iraq and Libya. They also fund the terrorists in Nigeria, Boka Haram with Qatar! All these accusations are all written down. This is why ECL is out to ban the free press in Zambia so that we do not ever get to understand the truth. This man, ECL is as good as death for Zambia and ourselves as citizens.
When is the Zambian Government going to fund a Saudi Arabian Hospital in Saudi Arabia? We should stop yapping our mouths off when we are still depending on others to provide us with almost everything. Are we saying that we are literally a conquered people? A dependency on others to provide us with all we ever need and the inability to take care of ourselves economically.
Indeed political independence is nothing without economic independence.
The USA has 1200 mosques. In Britain alone around 20000 twenty thousand women embrace islam annually. What are you yapping. The british monarch is the closest saudi ally. No british parliamentarian is allowed to comment on saudi matters. Washington is Saudis closest ally. Stop yapping trash if you don’t know what you are talking about. France and all the top most powerful nations vow allegiance to the Saudi kingdom Israel inclusive. Barack Obama bowed to the Saudi king which he never did to any other monarch in history. Most of the worlds renowned celebs eg ice cube, snoop Dogg, George bush daughter, Blair’s sister, t- pain, akon, frank riberry, now its Christian Rinaldo, Jason statham etc the list is endless, joan and Janet Jackson including Michael Jackson himself died a muslim. Most…
LT, what calibre are your reporters? They can’t write “150,000” correctly? Shocking!
Proof PF is bringing growth by good International PR.
Why can’t out zed government add more money on top of what has been given to build a hospital of 1500 bed capacity. Our population is growing and it should be located to the north of lusaka along kabwe road.
Mr Abubakar. So whats so special if those people you mention died as Muslim or they are becoming Muslims? Every person on earth has freedom to choose what they want. And please stop giving false statistics on line, people do research. Just take it easy. You follow Islam blindly and you dont even know the contents of the Quran well. Read your QURAN with open eyes. the Quran encourages you to kill; Sura 9:29, Sura 8:12, 47, Sura 9:111
You can tell lies to strengthen Islam; Sura 3:54, You can steal from non Muslims Sura 8. There are many verses in the Quran that encourage evil. The Hadiths are full of hateful teachings and weird things. If you want you can challenge me to it. I know many Muslims read the Quran without understanding it and even where they see its very clear, they still act…
There’s not much difference bêtween the Koran and the bible
If I were a Saudi, I would take this as an opportunity to start evangelizing or send my disciples to Zambia. The field is ready.
“Work to become, not to acquire.”
Elbert Hubbard
Not by Israel! This Christian Jewish state is sly like a fox
If the Americans had been decimated by AIDS the way Zambia has you could have seen them dedicate a huge chunk of their budget to fighting AIDS. Zambian presidents think its not their problem if citizens die. And we still vote them into office. Are we this uninformed? Politicians Who would vote you into office if the whole country is dead?