Sunday, March 16, 2025

Frank Mutubila and Costa Mwansa team up to launch Diamond TV


Costa and Frank
Costa and Frank

Veteran Broadcaster Frank Mutubila and Former Muvi TV General Manager Costa Mwansa have announced the launch of Diamond TV, formerly Mobi TV.
This follows a successful takeover of Mobi TV following the decision by the previous owners to put it up for sale.

Mr Mwansa who was unceremoniously fired from Muvi TV is the Station’s Chief Executive Officer while Mr Mutubila who was recalled from his post as Zambia’s Ambassador to Italy will serve as Board Chairman.

Mr Mutubila describes the partnership with Mr Mwansa as a one made in heaven.

” It gives me immense pleasure to be associated with Diamond Television. I have been associated to the media for over 40 years. Mine has been a long journey from the Zambia National Broadcasting services from 1970 to date,” Mr Mutubila said.

“In between I have worked for the British Broadcasting services and Radio Deutche Weller of Germany presenting quality programmes. I have also extended my experience to the diplomatic world, serving my country diligently as Ambassador to Italy while accredited to seven countries,” he said.

“My journey has now brought me to a dynamic television station being steered by an amazing broadcaster, my friend Costa Mwansa, fondly referred to as my ‘SON’. As chairman, I am not one for sitting on the chair – together with Costa this is a partnership made in heaven, as far as explosive programs are concerned our viewers are in for a special treat.”

And Mr Mwansa said viewers can catch Diamond TV programming on Channel 99 on the Go TV Platform as well as on analogue within Lusaka and the surrounding areas.

“As diamond TV we understand the huge demand for information and quality content in today’s digital space. That is why for us we recognize that “Creative content is king” and that is what we bring to the fore,” he said.

He said Television Re-invented seen as a very ambitious statement but very opportune with the dynamics that technology and internet bring about.

“The way that the world consumes information today is fast changing and this is why as Diamond TV we are set to penetrate and stamp our authority into the digital space of media and break traditional barriers’ of doing business. It’s about forward and futuristic thinking.”

Costa Mwansa on the set of a new TV show called Night Live on Diamond TV
Costa Mwansa on the set of a new TV show called Night Live on Diamond TV
Frank Mutubila
Frank Mutubila


  1. Frank nd coast dat’s da way 2 go plz wrk heard nd show da pipo dat u guys u cn do it all da best guys may da al might God bless u.

    • Hope these guys will be partners for a long time come. I must admit that both of you are overambitious in your careers but you also have immense experience to change local broadcasting for the better. Political hyenas will come scavenging on your weaknesses very soon but i urge you to remain non political.

    • Well done to both of you. This country needs more free spirited entreprenuers. Entreprenuership is the engine of modern economies. Good luck and all the best

    • This is better business than exporting maize to Malawi. Imagine if Dora Siliya decided to join Mutubila, she would be a Zambian Oprah.
      Please Lungu, don’t shut them like Mmembe.

    • Congratulations Uncle Frank and Costa. I will wish you well. I hope you can be an example of how to conduct interviews to those zombies at ZNBC

  2. Great. I have worked for Steve Nyirenda owner Of Muvi TV he was good to be but is kind of self-fish

    • Frank is not your age little boy. He was around gaining all the experience he is using today to open a TV station while you were still swimming in your father’s loins. His face can drop, to show you waifs that he’s been there, done it all and you can either disrespect him or learn from him.


  4. Power to Mundende you are right people form eastern province selfishness Bulwele bwabo including the leaders (a) Easterners are generally 20 good people and easy to dominate since they like boot-licking their bosses and always trying to be goodie-goodie to their bosses, and reporting on their friends every time. As a result, Easterners were known to make very good servants and security guards during the colonial days. However, Easterners are also known to be very vindictive and they never forget if offended, waiting for the right time to hit back vigorously. Their women are “well taught”, and they are very popular among Zambian men. In the olden days, a number of Eastern women would also date those Asian business men of Chipata, though the African Easterners never tasted a single Asian…

    • A study was done and it was proven that easterners can be compared to those birds that bloody other birds’s eggs. They ve good qualities given by God but the enemy has also planted some strang things in them. The were hugely used by kk to destroy Zambia.

  5. We hope these two will remain defiant in the promotion of free speech and thoughts under this cruel pf dictatorship. If they stick to truthful reporting I can assure you that lungu and pf will do to them what he is doing to the post and make their lives hell because that is what men with small penis do

  6. The experience that both you two gentlemen are expected to bring sounds overwhelming. I can say I am expecting a lot and I am really excited. I just hope that you will deliver to the me as your audience information that is as relevant as your profession. Think of the best ways you can reach to everyone and we will take time to listen to you. The first few broadcasts will stand as your judge you know us zambians and moving on.

    Wish you well!

    • Also. remember to follow statutory regulations, including paying tax so that no-one gets an excuse of closing you down.

  7. All the very best gent’s. Extend it to the dstv bouquets too. Ensure taxes, Napsa , PAYE etc are above board as the powers that be will be looking very closely at you. Remain focused and most importantly, be none partisan. Report the facts as they are.

  8. Great Staff, God bless you guys please make Zambia and Africa Proud and a better place to be in. Will never stop Praying for you.
    You are the real fighters and so creative.

  9. I hope it works,i have two questions:why was Costa fired and The big man Frank recalled from Muvi Tv and Italy respectively?In many cases marriages of inconvenience,bitterness,disgruntled,envy,myopic,and revenge do not work in life.In modern era we should strive to diversify our careers when we are fired or retired and not try to compete with our former Employers,lets be proactive.

  10. The GM. people have to move on. Nothing wrong with what the two buddies have done. They have added value to the existence and landscape of Zambian media.

  11. you guys deserve support. show the world that you can as well make it on your own. This is what Zambia needs. Not dependence on others in order to thrive.

  12. Hi, i hope there is no copyright infringement on yo company logo because to me that logo appears to be similar to that of TopStar and StarTimes TV station in Zambia.

  13. Diamond TV is an expression of genius. Diamond TV arrives at a time when the media in Zambia is going through hardships. These hardships include: competition from powerful rivals, such as DSTV; competition from powerful rivals, such as national broadcaster ZNBC; competition from powerful rivals, such as older private TV stations, such as Muvi TV; competition from powerful rivals, such as radio stations; competition from powerful rivals, such as daily newspapers; competition from powerful rivals, such as zealots in positions of authority. All these players are not going to welcome Diamond TV with open arms. Rather, these players will automatically put Diamond TV on the defensive. As Diamond TV supporters, we will do our best to ensure that Diamond TV is a resounding success.

  14. That is good Papa Mutubila, at least your knowledge in broadcasting will remain even when you are gone, we want people like you who want to share their knowledge ….. i am a fan of frank talk which used to air on ZNBC and it has never been surpassed by any program on ZNBC we reallly missed you big man.

  15. When I turned my back on Multi-Choice I said it was forever. This news made me think twice. but I hope the picture quality is good.

  16. We demand that LT withdraws the BB recognition from @NEZ. He can’t be spewing nauseating insults endlessly like that and still be called a blogger. About time LT sanctioned such obnoxious bloggers. It is not enough to merely censure the messages; go for the messenger. Our fight for a better Zambia will be lost if we endeavor to replace PF thuggery with UPND thuggery. We are here to find ways to instill cleanliness in politics. @NEZ is costing HH votes. If ECL stole votes, @NEZ is stealing what other votes slipped through Edgars fingers. So @NEZ has no moral right to talk about PF Vote Theft when he himself is an accomplice. Stop doing HH a de-service!

  17. Frank and Costa: This is an explosive amalgamation . These two gentlemen are experts in their broadcasting career. They have shown exceptional and fearless interviewing skills. This partnership is headed for the skies. It is very encouraging when local and skilled talent merge such as in this manner.


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