Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Where has the 2 million for ICC consultation Come From


Given Lubinda

I came across a saying “The Mark of a great leader is one who knows when to set aside the important things in order to accomplish the Vital ones”

During his National address to the nation in parliament, President Lungu stated that Zambia had no money for holding of the referendum on the Bill of Rights. This is a position I disagree and indeed agree to what LAZ president said on the Hot Seat program yesterday that a lot of stake holders are willing to fund the referendum on the Bill of Rights. But then even if that was not true, how has government managed to find K2 million within two (2)days to hold consultative meetings on whether Zambia should leave the ICC or stay?

Firstly before we even debate more on this matter it is a fact that circa 10% of Zambians or less know what the ICC is and what it’s jurisdictions are. Here is what the ICC is;

The International Criminal Court (“the ICC” or “the Court”) is a permanent international court established to investigate, prosecute and try individuals accused of committing the most serious crimes of concern to the international community as a whole, namely the crime of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes. Given that definition, it maybe important to answer whether the ICC really affects the lives of most Zambians at this very point or not.

The idea for us as a country to start debating this motion is because some African countries have shown displeasure in the ICC with Gambia being the latest country to have left the ICC late last year. The argument by most African countries is that MOST countries considered to be super powers in the world are not members of the ICC. Some countries that do not belong to the ICC include China, Iraq, Israel, Libya, Qatar, the United States, and Yemen.

With that background given now let me get back to the question “Where has the K2 million come from? This money has been found in a record shortest time possible. This is happening at a time when retirees are still not paid and continue camping at the gates of state house everyday hoping they can see the president. Unfortunately for them they actually position themselves at a gate President Lungu will potentially never use.

How does leaving the ICC or even staying in the ICC affect or improve the lives of those people in Chawama, Chibolya, Magoye, Chibuluma Township, Dambwa in Livingstone and indeed my good friends the homeless children on the streets? Is the PF telling us that really this was such an emergency which needed this kind of money at a time when our country is surviving on borrowed funds?

As far as I know 80% of this money will be spent on allowances for the officers belonging to the ministry that will embark on this exercise. So in actual sense it is a money making venture for ‘some of us’. We can’t allow a country to have such kind or priority setting. It is bizarre that the government has decided to make the issue of ICC as priority. I can argue that if this was not a money making venture can government hold a consultative process without extra expenditure. For example asking the line ministries in various districts to conduct this process at the council community halls without officers having to travel around making themselves even richer.

In conclusion, I wish to remind the Patriotic Front (PF) government that concentrating on the referendum on the Bill of Right would make more sense than thinking about the ICC. Pay attention to improving the lives of the people who sung ‘Sontapo’ with you and gave you a mandate to rule them. This kind of actions show poor planning in the part of government. You have failed to find Money for Student Loans, you have placed a wage freeze on civil servants, you have told us you have no money for the referendum on the Bill of rights, the people who voted for you are complaining that the cost of living is very high. But it takes you two (2) days to find Money for the alien ICC.

Your days are numbered, use the open windows to throw your souls to the sun. If you do not, the sun will soon set and you will go down with it.

Go’s bless Zambia.

David Kapoma


  1. zambians are always taken for mugs. Surely how can you people find nothign wrong with spending 2million just to decide whether to leave an organisation inorder to support a dictator from sudan? It doesnt take 2million to decide whether to leave a marriage or not. Pathetic thieves

    • People talking about the referendum are living in foolz paradise. Under the current constitution the referendum cannot win. It will be a sheer waste of time. Are people aware that even if all the people that voted in 2016 general elections had voted yes, it would still have failed? Let us spend time on progressive ideas and actions.

    • Meanwhile we ask you all to attend the upnd rally tomorrow in kanyama. I have been working tirelessly with with the upnd team to organise the event. Now it is time for me to get drunk. Tuyikukunta moba lelo. It has been a long week bane. Time for Heineken. All those that know me please pay me a visit at times cafe. Free drinks for those that want change. I thank you

    • These PF thugs took UPND to ICC and now its them chickening out, how ironic!

      Is not that the evidence of crimes against humanity is overwhelmingly against them?

      There is absolutely no other reason why Lungu wants to quit ICC apart from that he afraid ICC will catch him and treat him like Gbagbo on Ivory coast.

      Yes ICC may be biased but its firm against those leaders who commit crimes against their own people they are leading . Lungu Mugabe and M7 are all culprits on the wanted list of ICC.

      Every dog has his day!

    • Leadership comes with responsibility and people in higher office should be held accountable. The ICC simply does that especially for African Leaders who always want to abuse their power. It’s strange to see our Government pushing to Leave the ICC. What’s the driving factor? Zambia should not Leave because we know what the pF government want? They are scared of being held accountable of their bad deeds. Be it UPND or PF, whoever breaks the law should be questioned and ICC so far are the only court that can do this. Use that Money on other urgent matters.

    • This is a wrong heading!

      “Where has the 2 million for ICC consultation Come From?” It should be —-

      Where has the 2 million for ICC consultation GONE TO !!!!!! But we already know the answer.

      INTO PF CARDRES POCKETS ! More money in their pockets!

  2. You are UPND who fought against the refrendum during general elections. Now you want GRZ to spend more money on something you refused. You caused all this and should instead tell your supporters you misled them. There other important international obligation to spend on. Why should you even question the government when you do not recognize it. Pretend it does not exist and wait for a government you will recognize and comment on. We support our government and know they mean well on this matter.

  3. Morality at stake. Who is coward by Zambia’s membership to this ICC? It is Good for Zambia for all I know and no one should suggest Zambians don’t want international protection. We do, Politicians who have something to worry about or have committed atrocities ought to be the ones pushing the agenda.
    Why are they scared? What are they scared of? Can we vote as citizens?

  4. pfools learn to have your priority straight. retirees and retrenchees who voted for you are languishing without money and you say there is no money but from no where big money is found to sponsor a useless and rejected project. be careful you have opened your door out of power, wactch out.

  5. This issue for sure has exposed the ECL presidency that,he is NOT his own man!!!One can tell that the agenda is being pushed by some foreign interests,and they are the ones that are funding it.

  6. Illegitimate Lungu’s priorities are upside down. Our sons and daughters have no Bursaries at UNZA , there is no water at UTH, Roads are bad shape etc so why spend money on a worthless ICC inquiry? Why not table the issue in Parliament for discussion? This illegitimate Lungu govt is wasteful and insensitive. The govt decides to spend K2m on ICC Inquiry while the IMF Mission is Lusaka. How stupid can these Criminals get we wonder? The IMF will not lend money to an illegitimate,wasteful and irresponsible govt.No Petition Hearing. No money from IMF.

    • This has back fired on the thick Political Farts, PF.

      A condition of of money is good democratic governance. PF thought by announcing a consultation process , that is more points for them with the IMF on good governance and democracy.

  7. K2million to be spent on consultative meetings in selected Districts whether ZAMBIA should remain a member or pull out is not a priority at all yet too many issues in this country affecting the citizenry.Little I expected this rubbish statement/pronouncement would come from the Legal/Justice Ministry where there are learned technocrats yet retirees,retrenched and even transporters who provided motor vehicles during 2016 general elections have not been paid since last year.Its shame PF GOVT will be taken to task once out of power


  9. ICC must not be priority, get the economy back on track and then ICC can be considered. If you have the money spend it on anti-malaria programmes. Since you are a listening government I hope you will listen to the cries of the people the way you listen when the people opposed naming the Lusaka stadium ” Disaster stadium”. This is exactly the same thing as far as listening to sense is concerned.

  10. You fought against the referendum. Now it has caught up against you myopic fools. Always look beyond your nose before uttering your usual nonsense.

  11. how much was spent on the Commission on voting pattern? where is the report? how much was spent on the constitution signing at Heroes stadium? How much was spent on Mutembo tribunal ? where is Mutembo if he was guilty as he is no longer DPP? how much is it costing to maintain police presence at Fred Meembe’s place?
    Surely, ICC consultative meetings are sheer waste of resources.. Let us save. Why not lend serious farmers to grow wheat? The Presidential empowerment where marketeer were given loans has stalled because there is no money? why not give them?
    Zambians let us be serious…. Look at developed countries, they took serious decision to be where they are. Singapore, Malaysia are tiger economies we can emulate.

  12. Financial indiscipline of the highest order! They think this is their money! Zambians we are to blame! We make our leaders big headed. Instead of holding them accountable, we worship them. This is a bizarre expenditure. It is not budgeted for and no wonder they have introduced funny taxes left right Centre to satisfy their insatiable appetite for reckless spending. These guys are callous and insensitive to the plight of the masses. Don’t take people for granted!

  13. cheap talk, if GEORGE W BUSH was never taken to the ICC, if north Korean leaders are not taken to the ICC, If VLADIMIR PUTIN wont be taken to the ICC, if TONY BLAIR was not taken to the ICC. then Zambia should leave this unjust Organisation.

    UPND supporters what other plans do you have other than Revenge, just wait for your time quietly.

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