Friday, March 7, 2025

HH says Zambia’s democracy is heavily under threat as Police block UPND News Conference


HH smiling during the news conference
HH smiling during the news conference

UPND President Hakainde Hichilema has charged that Zambia’s democracy is heavily under threat by those claiming to be in charge.

Reacting to the move by police to block his party from holding a news conference at Chainama Hotel in Lusaka, Mr Hichilema said action is a big assault on the country’s democracy.

“As you may be aware, this morning we were supposed to hold a Press Briefing with other Political Leaders at the Chainama Hotel. Instead, we could not hold a Media briefing from Chainama Hotel, as heavily armed state police sealed off the venue and threatened to shoot us on grounds that we did not have a permit to do so,” Mr Hichilema stated.

He added, “Now, this is a big assault on our country’s democracy, and we are wondering how the State Police would start asking for permits from us in order for us to hold a Press briefing.”

“Edgar Lungu and the PF must know that Zambians have the right to freedom of association, assembly and expression and there is no question about it. We however, want to caution Mr Lungu who is abusing the Police to draw a boundary and have limits,” he said.

“As the saying goes, you can fool people for some time but you cannot fool the people all the time and therefore he should not push us any further.”
Mr Hichilema said such conducts by State police under instructions from Mr Lungu are the ones that have led to some countries going into flames but that Zambia is not ready for such.

“We have always called for peace and our appeal is to the international community to once again help tame Mr Lungu before he plunges our country into chaos is the case with the current economic malaise,” he said.

“May we also thank our colleagues and fellow Leaders; Dr Nevers Mumba, Mike Mulongoti, Charles Milupi for later joining us at our secretariat at which we addressed the Media,” he said.

And Mr Hichilema has called on the nation to remain strong and ready for any eventualities such as high levels of poverty and dictatorship.

He also said Zambia must not pull out of the International Criminal Court adding that as a country, Zambia needs the ICC so dearly to get those abrogating the law redefined into good citizens.

“Zambia deserves better but what is currently obtaining is contrary and we cannot allow this anymore,” he said.

Riot police seal off Chainama Hotel to stop the UPND from holding a news conference
Riot police seal off Chainama Hotel to stop the UPND from holding a news conference
Riot police officers manning the entrance to Chainama Hotel
Riot police officers manning the entrance to Chainama Hotel
Riot police officers blocking off entry into Chainama Hotel in Lusaka
Riot police officers blocking off entry into Chainama Hotel in Lusaka
Police surround Chainama Hotel
Police surround Chainama Hotel
Police in full riot gear stopped the UPND Press conference
Police in full riot gear stopped the UPND Press conference
HH ended up addressing the news conference from the UPND Secretariat
HH ended up addressing the news conference from the UPND Secretariat
HH and GBM gestures during the UPND news conference
HH and GBM gestures during the UPND news conference
Dr Nevers Mumba at the news conference
Dr Nevers Mumba at the news conference
Dr Nevers Mumba and HH during the news conference at UPND news conference
Dr Nevers Mumba and HH during the news conference at UPND news conference


  1. Gasp, shock, and horror. A smiling HH! But the move is right. Nothing to do with democracy being denied. Even here, public gatherings of political nature need a permit. You call it a press briefing, but usually they are to stir up trouble. Give it a rest HH. Join us in moving forward with development! Keep smiling!

    • You may be smiling now, but when this country becomes a totalitarian country, and you find yourself on the wrong side, yo shall regret. We need to value our freedom and Democracy because, clearly the route being undertaken by the current regime does lead to chaos.

    • This man is press conferenceholic. He likes listening to his own voice and being in control. How many has he held so far after the elections? How many press conferences has Hilary Clinton held after she conceded defeat? Democracy is not arnachy, it has its own boundaries.

    • HH threatens himself and induces his cadres into Catatonic Cult behavior. These are the type of people who indulge in mass suicide because they refuse to see life any other way but what they believe in. Lenshina left overs.

      So anyways that’s how it feels if you become unreasonably stubborn even on trivial issues. Because of people like you, we make parties like MMD and PF continue to govern this country for sometime to come.
      Here is what’s wrong wit you… you misjudge every situation, you see war where we see peace, you see losers where we see winners, you champion triviality where we champion greatness, you curse where we bless, you sponsor chaos where we sponsor civility. You are so retrogressive where we want you to make progress. HH, you are not helping us to an alternative progressive leader. We will be stuck with what we have until we the responsible beings enter the political realm…

    • HH likes the law to work for him, to give him his ‘rights’ and help him achieve his agenda.

      So HH recognises the law and wants to follow it when it brings him benefit.

      But HH breaks the same law with impunity, and does not recognise it as law when it calls for his responsibility.

      HH knows that failure to recognise legally instituted government and a sitting president is a crime with regard to Zambian law, but he breaks that law.

      HH knows that disrespect for judges and belittling of the same is contemptuous, but he insults the ConCourt judges, and any judge who rules against his ‘sovereign’ desire.

      HH insults such judges, calling them all manner of names such as thugs, thieves, corrupt, Lungu puppets, criminals, etc.

    • Peace for Zambia

      If HH IS breaking the law why is he not being arrested ?? This the lawlessness and thuggery we condemn lungu for…..not arresting law breakers.

    • Contd..

      HH calls on citizens to rise and fight government, telling them to shed blood for their ‘rights’, and the said ‘rihhts’ means HH becoming president.

      This is the person who aspires to lead this country, who believes law is law when it favours him and it is no law if it called for his responsibility oor favours other citizens.

      Other than prepare a country that would respect the rule of law, which he would want to see if he became president (if that ever happened) he is busy creating a culture of disobedience and anarchy.

      I have said time and again here (and you want one thinks I will stop, he is joking) that HH and the UPND do things in utter reverse.

      For example, the use of preliminaries as delay tactic, but against themselves – who can understand that? not even…

    • @ 1.10 Spaka like lilo,

      You exhibit very simplistic thinking.

      If a thief has not been arrested then he has not stolen?

      You should stop talking about anyone being corrupt in government.

      Because, using your reasoning, if they were corrupt why are they not arrested?

      I know that people’s thinking can be simple, but I did not expect them to be that simple.

    • the longer this i.mbecile talks the less and less respect I have for him. Wish he could just go away. He has no interest in advancing the nation forward but his own agenda. I would be shocked if he ever won an election in Zambia. He is done!

    • The refusal by HH and company to recognize ECL as the president of Zambia puts him and his company under serious surveillance and if you may wish to know,HH and company will be considered as a danger to the safety of our nation and a rebel group. This is not about UPND as a political party. HH is no longer seen as a leader of a political party but a rebel group leader and he will be treated as such until he comes to terms with the reality that ECL is the president of Zambia.

    • Peace for Zambia
      you are just confusing your self….if a theif has stolen you arrest him…..if someone is corrupt like kambwilli you fire them and hopefully get arrested.. …if hh is breaking the law you arrest him…..

    • @ 1.15 Spaka like lilo,

      HH has been making that effort to be arrested, by breaking the law with impunity.

      His ideas is to draw public and international attention and sympathy, but the law enforcers have ignored him.

      And I totally agree with their stand, because why waste time on people like HH who know nothing in politics but to lose six times.

      HH has been calling on the international community since the last election results were announced, but even the international community has also ignored him.

      Even now he is crying for attention, and he is not getting any. People are not intending to wast time on HH, not even spare time.

    • Peace for Zambia

      Yes HH is crying for attention…and you guys are falling for it.
      It is a catch 22 for lungu. Arrest him or not arrest him. IMF money or no money. Press conference or no press conference…democracy or on democracy .yaba.?
      Mr lungu and the PF should have just given HH enough rope to trap himself…..lungu was too trigger happy….lungu should have let HH let the rallies and press conferences get to him.

    • “May we also thank our colleagues and fellow Leaders; Dr Nevers Mumba, Mike Mulongoti, Charles Milupi for later joining us at our secretariat at which we addressed the Media,” he said.

      All these people he mentioned and thanked are INVALIDS unfortunately!

    • Voice of reason. We need development. These guys the loans they got for choppers to fly around the country for campaigns are haunting them. When things are quite and stabilizing their chances dwindle so they have to find a away to stir trouble.

  2. Which permit imwe ? Did Sikota Wina get a police Permit when he held that Press Conference to dump that 40 year old Gold-Digger ?

    • @one zambia – so you telling us here that all press conferences are allowed so long as they are not political? where in the laws of the country is there such a fine distinction in the claassification of what topic should and should not warrant a permit for a press conference. When you say democracy, ninshi fyanshi mukopa if you are not able to follow fyonse. this is why i say africans are miseducated. you just copy and paste. your reasoning powers were diminished when you entered that classroom mu grade one. as each year past, you became your waste enemy. Your love for foreign things that you dont even understand or even part of your nature is what you desire. You are now like the monkey, that is trapped because of his greed. Let go and go to self. there is where you should be and where…

  3. Whining as usual. I can’t remember when I last heard him say one positive thing about Zambia. Gold or is it Copper-digging Political opportunist for sure.

  4. We are tired of your tears Mr HH please go home and have a family time. We know you the richest man in zambia and you’ve had it all. Now you want to experience the presidency which will come through God willing not by force or money. Please go home. Give us something new we tired of your noise.

    • What riches naimwe? What are HH’s investments in this country apart from those herds of cattle? Wealth people are measured by their investments in their own country. At least GBM has a milling plant and some haulage trucks!

  5. Ponyax you crack my ribs ati Which permit imwe ? Did Sikota Wina get a police Permit when he held that Press Conference to dump that 40 year old Gold-Digger ? Yaba!???

  6. @patriot abroad you are perhaps in Uganda or Russia, where opposition parties are suppressed. That is not western type of democracy, if it was pf would they have done the same? Democracy is about equality, what you refer to is back yard democracy practiced in Zimbabwe.

  7. President Lungu shud not allow this. He should be careful with those advising him. The most cleverest President we had was FTJ but with all his cleverness and sweet talk he couldn’t succeed with his dictatorial path. He shud know that he is not Mugabe,Do Santos or Museveni. Let him listen to his heart and go down in history as one of the good leaders Africa has produced. But up to do far he can’t be remembered for anything good. The God He proclaims to worship, is the God of all irrespective of what people have chosen to do and believe. You went for Mmembe,lawyers and now you want to silence the opposition. Under the covenant that covers Zambia, you will be hurt badly. You are instructed to retract very quickly. PROVERBS 29V1

  8. HH badaala ba UPNDonkey, you cannot have a rally or press conference in a country where there is no President, and therefore no one to give the permit on behalf of a non existent President?

    And what can international community do for the donkey after insulting them and rejecting their verdict that the 2016 elections were free and fair?
    Come on HH, change back from donkey thinking, Zambia needs healthy human beings to develop.

    • Mr terrible bally…

      It is HH having the last laugh.. .can’t you see how he is smiling…he knows lungu is just hanging himself because to get the western loans and investments he needs he will have tax zambians extra cos no one investing or borrowing to unstable democracy….

  9. I think the time for complaining is over. The opposition should go into action after all they have a good excuse that the elections were stolen. IT IS TIME FOR ACTION. Lets put this country on fire that is when the world will notice.

    • mwandi china wilatina. Fear paralyses action and zambians are suckers for fear. Ask yourself this, if kaunda aletina like most zambian cowards, bushe nga kwaliba na zambia. if malcolmX feared, would the minorities in america enjoy the rights they do now. Frederick douglas said, there can be no change without a struggle. zambia has reached or is at the precipice of the change. a revolution where those ruling bourgeoisie realised again, that power is with the people not kaizer zulu and edgar lungu olo HH winne. We are tired of you politicians. Twalafi vivula.

    • isnt it strange that an african online media should block whatever we write in our local language but automatically allow that which is written in a language that is foreign to us, english. if this is not a perfect example of self hate, then tell me what is. thats why i say, if you have gone thru western education it has made the white man racista dn the black man hate himself.smh. china dont be scared. Fear paralyses action and zambians are suckers for fear. Ask yourself this, if kaunda feared like most zambian cowards, would there even be a zambia. if malcolmX feared, would the minorities in america enjoy the rights they do now. Frederick douglas said, there can be no change without a struggle. zambia has reached or is at the precipice of the change. a revolution where those ruling…

  10. It is HH and the UPND having the last laugh at the paranoid lungu.

    With each such harassment is an additional nail on the coffin of investment…..who would want to invest in an unstable country? ? Investors remember Zimbabwe well which started on the same path.

    PF, the opposition are just pulling your York. It’s a win win situation for them. they know IMF and others are watching.

    The main problem lungu is finding is the democratic freedoms and credentials do not mix with corruption, missmangment and thuggery. It’s a catch 22 for lungu and HH knows so…..

  11. Ba China naimwe what fire are you talking think when this country is on fire you’ll be able to what happens around the world on CNN,BBC and al-jazera see how people are suffering..let politicians sort themselves out and let’s mind our business and enjoy michopo at goes on..why should I be running to a foreign country when this country happens to be on fire instead of me enjoying a cold castle with nyama ya hell with politics let’s wait for 2021 to stand on long queues man!!!! Another castle

    • UPND supporters want to see hunger, fire, suffering, people dieing etc because they did not vote for HH. The UPND supporters think that only HH can turn this country around.

    • @ Amagenge

      You may be right that “…UPND supporters want to see hunger, fire, suffering, people dieing etc because they did not vote for HH….”.
      However, who is responsible for creating “…hunger, fire, suffering, people dieing etc ..”? UPND or PF? Lungu or HH? Who has majority in Parliament? Who lives (occasionally) in State House?

  12. HH tell your mps to form there own parliament, the guy says democracy to who he has no country to say my president upnd grow up.

  13. Generally Zambia is in deep sh!t.
    Those of you who think this is about HH are immature and delusional. This is about your very own freedoms, wonder why the country keeps wallowing in a mess of poverty?
    Wonder why even the IMF thinks we are a joke?
    Any leader who passive aggressive as Lungu does not deserve my respect.
    As for the monkeys being paid to type for PF! I hope the payment in big enough.

  14. ECL should not be quick to forget what happened to former President of the Gambia Yaya Jamel . His days in the State House are numbered.

  15. HH likes the law to work for him, to give him his ‘rights’ and help him achieve his agenda.

    So HH recognises the law and wants to follow it when it brings him benefit.

    But HH breaks the same law with impunity, and does not recognise it as law when it calls for his responsibility.

    HH knows that failure to recognise legally instituted government and a sitting president is a crime with regard to Zambian law, but he breaks that law.

    HH knows that disrespect for judges and belittling of the same is contemptuous, but he insults the ConCourt judges, and any judge who rules against his ‘sovereign’ desire.

    HH insults such judges, calling them all manner of names such as thugs, thieves, corrupt, Lungu puppets, criminals, etc.

  16. Contd..

    HH calls on citizens to rise and fight government, telling them to shed blood for their ‘rights’, and the said ‘rihhts’ means HH becoming president.

    This is the person who aspires to lead this country, who believes law is law when it favours him and it is no law if it called for his responsibility oor favours other citizens.

    Other than prepare a country that would respect the rule of law, which he would want to see if he became president (if that ever happened) he is busy creating a culture of disobedience and anarchy.

    I have said time and again here that HH and the UPND do things in utter reverse.

    For example, the use of preliminaries as delay tactic, but against themselves – who can understand that? not even themselves.

  17. @Mushota is 100% correct.Zambians must ignore HH.this man has gone many press conferences has HH held after 11/08/2016?many.but for what?this man must give us a break.Bo HH,we are not interested in your press conferences.let Govnt work.FRANKLY SPEAKING,I WOULD LIKE TO HAVE A ONE PARTY STATE IN ZAMBIA UNTIL SUCH A TIME WHEN OUR OPPOSITION PARTIES WILL BECOME MATURE!!!you cannot have the opposition whose aim is politicking and frustrating Govnt works everyday.ACCORDING TO THEIR THINKING,ONLY HH CAN DEVELOP ZAMBIA.THE REST OF US ARE USELESS!!WHAT KIND OF THINKING IS THIS?WHY CANT HH GIVE CHANCE TO HIS FRIENDS TO RULE AND WAIT FOR HIS TIME IF HE WINS IN THE FUTURE?PLEASE UPND TAKE HH TO CHAINAMA BECAUSE HE HAS BECOME MAD NOW!!

    • Njimbu

      Hehehe….dont stress, that is how democracy works….it comes with many freedoms..the freedom to have as many press conferences as I like… if PF are working no one will attend any press conference…..and no need to be paranoid and trigger happy with the army.

      I think you are right on one thing, a one party state will be better for PF. But the only issue is Zambia relies on 60 % or more on doner aid. I don’t think the donees will be too happy with lungu…

  18. Ka Nevers nabo! Trying to become the next United Dunderhead veep this is very interesting..meanwhile you have the likes of chiyaya,nez, wanka etc HH’s inbred blood thirsty ar.sewhores jumping around excited with this usual dribble of madness from these cretins! Talk real issues you twats and not nonsense!

    Zambia deserves a much better opposition than these Dunderheads!

  19. Zambia is indeed full of retards and *****s.
    Who in their right mind can support the nonsense PF is doing.
    Anyway, you voted for PF – so, enjoy their repressions.
    With tariffs going up – some of you shall starve to death.

  20. Lungu has demontrated to the Commonwealth,AU,SADC, EU, UN etc that there is no more Rule of Law, Constitutionalism, Respect for Human Rights and Good Governance in Zambia. If these International and Regional Bodies were doubting what the Petitioners had told them now Lungu has just confirmed this for them. The Petitioners have been denied their Rights to be heard in Court, Speak,Assemble and Associate with their supporters. Zambia is increasingly becoming a Dictatorship under illegitimate Lungu.

    • One Zambia, stupidity is not breaking the law or is it ? To be or not to be ???

      even HH can’t stop smiling. You end up chasing your own shadows….paranoia drives people and.

    • @ One Zambia

      Do you actually understand issue or you just crap in public to justify irrationality, bias, and unjustifiable “power?

  21. @Spaka like lilo, are you normal? HH having the last laugh? OK Yes you are a donkey too, what kind of reasoning is that or you don’t know your English?

    And I thought I dealt with you conclusively before the last elections when you were chasing empty trucks in search of non existent ballots? Bwana a President Lungu aliko ku state house mpaka 2021 and HH will still be laughing? You mean you cannot see the mental illness of HH in that laugh? The rest of us can see it very clearly.

    • Bally , bally Mr terrible

      Hh is giving lungu sleepless nights. Every where he goes he is crying about not being recognised. All the opposition have to do is call for a press conference and let lungu dance with paranoia and send his army and let the international community see.

      Why is lungu so worried about a non factor who is mentally ill addressing a press conference????? Hehehe.

      HH is pulling lungus string. And all the kaponyas are falling for it.

    • Mr terrible bally,
      You know I been thinking ? You thought you delt with me conclusively ?? Meaning what bally ? You know I am fond of you Mr terrible. Don’t get upset. Don’t let a smiley HH upset you. We have a long way to go 2021.

  22. Many days are for the thief but one is for the owner, no matter how long it takes that day will surely cam and the thief will regret it.

  23. Zambia’s democracy is under threat by chaps who don’t concede defeat! They must learn from America! Hazaluza Hagain!

  24. @Terrible you are part of the reason why our country is been mismanaged by Lungu because it’s people like you who are promoting such high level of mediocrity. Look at the USA people who don’t like Trump are free to demonstrate and disagree with how he runs the country. Everyone should have different opinions. If HH has mental illness and that he lost the election why then not hear his case? Why continue to block his freedom of expression? Its you people who have mental illness to not complain about high cost of living, high fuel prices, load shedding, high electricity tariffs, high taxes and above all poor leadership by the government (spending 2 million kwacha on the ICC exit, taking unnecessary trips e.t.c).

  25. Desparadoes! United Ponio Nio Dogs parked in enough is enough. Stop inciting anarchy for your own personal benefits.
    Parade your families and Children don’t take advantage of vulnerable disadvantaged poor people.
    When there locked up like Obvious Mwaliteta and others you’re not there to bail them out.
    Ridiculously Disgustingly Pathetic self egocentric Satanists

    • Provide jobs for those poor patheic zambians, instead ati 2 million Kwacha on consultations to leave ICC ???

  26. It is no longer a secret,

    Everyone knows nowadays that even boredom is far more entertaining than listening to HH.

    Just ask guys on the street they will be shocked to hear you ask, and their answer will be, ‘are you the only one who first know’

  27. This Moron reminds me of a Dubious Middleman we entrusted for an advise of our God Given Resources the Great Copper Mines which he made the entire nation panic and gave it away for nothing to Foreigners, He greatly benefited in that and Claims he is so Smart.
    Not this time though ! This is Payback Times just keep Halucinating

  28. Zambian democracy under threat when in your party there is NO intra party democracy. Kikikikiki this is zambia for you.

    • Kwisa bally ? ohhh that is just HH smiling bally. He knows lungu and the kaponyas are getting paranoid…..

  29. @32 you are a donkey, don’t you know that in the US, Trump is the President regardless of how he was elected? Clinton has not raised a petition. Here in Zambia HH has raised a petition over nothing.

  30. Adolf what has happened to listening to your own voice from the verandah of your big house which you opened pre-elections to some foreign dignitaries as you dreamt of what we all knew wouldn’t happen. We have said you have poor strategies in place and all the moves will be countered. Oh and with your new found friends fat albert and pastor pole pole everyone laughs at you but you do not hear…enjoy your 90 minutes of fame you will self destruct. You know you are not going anyway with your court cases yet you drag on. We implore you again adolf the great leader lets us meet as a party and chart a new course please learn to listen to the foundations of our party….2021 zamfo new leadership for zed

  31. Peace for Zambia, you are a bitter man. What made you this bitter? You look like you sweep if told to sweep by Lungu and would actually think twice if HH made you his Vice President. Your bitterness shows there is something wrong about you.

    • @ 41 I understand 5,

      You have an exceedingly great sense of humor.

      Even in comedy they don’t reach those levels.

      How can dome aspire to be vice loser?

  32. Two lame ducks PF and UPND out doing each other on social media. Two vision less, incompetent, and violent parties out doing one another. The economy is in serious decline, the youths don’t have jobs and job creation is a farce and people are having one meal a day in compounds. But caders from these two hopeless parties think wining is by posting things on social media. HH may not be the best guy but he has a democratic right to hold a rally. This is not Congo you fo0ls, wake up. UPND is not ready, PF have no capacity, and there are no alternatives

    • So what do you want? If there is no alternative and PF is not doing any better then why are you yapping? Shut up if you don’t have anything sensible to post.!

  33. Please watch “Mandela the Long Walk to Freedom” movie. Exactly what transpired in the colonial days only Zambians abusing Zambians.

  34. This opposition leader is indeed a very bitter man. Talking rubbish day in and day out. No sane Zambian, other than his stooges in his minor upnd, should consider him as presidential material any time.

  35. PF and Lungu and his thugs are just evil and this is of the Zambia that we want. We well meaning zambians should condemn Lungu and his thugs for this lawlessness. We should not fear any leader because they are just like us.

  36. HH just can’t believe that a relatively new comer could defeat him at the ballot especially one without his kind of “wealth”. To be defeated again in 2016 when all economic conditions favoured a revolution and Mmembes assurances, was too much to take. He has now been left like a man drowning in the sea clutching at a straw for survival. Same feeling for GBM whose chiefs are constantly rejecting him and they enjoy reminding him at every opportunity.

    • Bally you are not mentioning a new commer who used all GRZ to campaign for him illegally and the same new commer just bloow 10 billion US on development. With all that the new commer did not need to ring elections one would have thought.

      With all that he did not even need to campain.

  37. HH, same old story,give us a break..everyday popopo pwe pwewe kikiki hohohoho. He is tipical umwana wachikadi everywhere he goes kumushindika,,this side nevers the other mulongoti. Taula kula to take yoself to the clinic?

  38. Charity begins at home. Since you took over Upnd leadership, you’ve never called a national conference at least for the general membership to express their views and feelings. And of course to strategize for the future. But you go and hand pick you used to accuse of corruption just for a Bemba vote. The members had no say in your visionless appointment of GBM.

    • But why are you kaponyas so concerned with UPND leadership ??

      The UPND grassroots are happy with the leadership.

      When they want change they will ask for change.


  40. When one has become a rebel to the Govt of the day he should be treated like a rebel, so HH shouldn’t complain the way he is being treated. Until when he knows that Zambia has got a President other wise him and his minions will be regarded as rebels.

  41. Why is it that HH and GBM recognize the Running Mate Wina but do not recognize Edgar Lungu. His MPs are busy asking the Head of the house Wina questions and are getting responses but for the President they say no. HH Lit.ole fye

  42. Always keep in mind that “a mild answer turns away rage,” and “a gentle tongue can break a bone.”—Prov. 15:1; 25:15

    If only HH and GBM could learn from this!

  43. RB was also stiffened his neck during his presidency. He used so many minions who are today rotting in jail, the likes of chanda chiimba and others. After a disasterous end of his presidency, today he is advising ECL who also has been blinded to reality but God in His own wisdom has a way of doing things no matter how one thinks there are smart. Power should be exercised with limits not to the extent of grabbing private properties from citizens, the POSTNEWS paper way. No amount of propaganda from the govt and indeed PF will erase that fact from the minds of reasonable Zambians

    • So your agenda for Zambia is to arrest Lungu? Why can’t you tell us how you’re going to improve our lives if you got into power instead of threats? So you have no plan apart from incarcerating Edgar.

  44. RB also stiffened his neck during his presidency. He used so many minions who are today rotting in jail, the likes of chanda chiimba and others. We all remember the ‘ Wako ni waka’ and ‘Boma ni boma’ slogans he popularly used. After a disasterous end of his presidency, today he is advising ECL who also has been blinded to reality but God in His own wisdom has a way of doing things no matter how one thinks there are smart. Power should be exercised with limits not to the extent of grabbing private properties from citizens, the POSTNEWS paper way. No amount of propaganda from the govt and indeed PF will erase that fact from the minds of reasonable Zambians

  45. This is unnecessary please allow them to say what they want to say. Including not accepting you as President you are already what are you scared of, for once be President of Zambia and not PF President what are you afraid of if you are President of Zambia.

  46. HH can be allowed to say what is bothering him as long as it does not divide the Nation. Tired we are of the same cries daily. Tell us when you are going to test your popularity within your party. Democracy should start from your bedroom.
    Secondly, your actor Garry Nkombo only posted the edited video trying to show he was the victim and yet not. Shame on you self centered guys.

  47. The Ghanaian president is now chasing “missing vehicles ” instead of delivering on his campaign promises. HH you’re just a human being so don’t overate yourself.

  48. @Spaka like Lilo 48.1 in Bemba we say “you’ll tell by signs the one that will consume you “. If HH became (big if) he’ll not only rule Upnd members but all Zambians hence our concerns over his intolerable behavior. And please don’t call people as kaponyas since you need every vote if you ever hope to form government.

  49. I can now confirm that Up & Dn is totally finished, just complaining. What are you going to do to Zambia when you lead? Not overrating yourselves I wonder what this country would be under UPND. You brag to much what more if you had the power. The pomposity will be enormous, I fear may God forbid. As for Nevers you are nothing in politics so sorry to say you are junk used and useless. Just waiting our time. HH do not think you are the only clever man in Zambia maybe in UPND you are. But for us you are nothing failed to plan your campaign to give presidency just an over rated Kachema.

  50. Some of us have always said that this guy and his empty head gender based violent man are up to no good for our country. We need development. These guys (HH and GBM) the loans they got for choppers to fly around the country for campaigns are haunting them. When things are quite and stabilizing their chances dwindle so they have to find a away to stir trouble. That is what these dull chaps are doing now. Every one knows things are slowly looking up, so these so called opposition know that come 2021 they have no chance because they will have nowhere to point so they have to foment trouble now. The few followers remaining are unfortunately for the not a factor number to bring their desired confusion. Only a st-upidy politician talks of chaos, that is a st-upidy careless talk from the so…

  51. This man (HH) must be stopped before he becomes a danger to other people. This man is already a danger to himself.

  52. Because of stupid president Edgar lungu should we sacrifice our democracy. He wants to remain president for wrong reasons, useless president! Who are you? We had powerful and influential politicians like FTJ but who are you ? Drunkard president and full of ignorance. You dog!

  53. What type of democracy is this chap talking about? There is no such thing as absolute democracy. Even in America they have laws that limit what you can and cannot do. You are not a ruler , you just want to stir confusion by using unruly mobs who do not even understand democracy. HH be warned, you have your mansion in New Kasama which money you obtained through unholy transaction of selling the public property, the mines. Even in South Africa they have periods when campaigns are open and closed. A rally you need a police permit to control your hooligans. Peace is given to us by God and we shall have it with or without ka HH.

  54. How can some ‘sane’ Zambians support the total suppression of the right to assemble and express one’s views? Unbelievable! Opposition parties hold press conferences or meetings peacefully all over the world. Major media even covers them. Let people freely oppose. Only those who have never experienced the consequences of a dictatorship and police state will continue to prop this rubbish – until they themselves are bitten in the butt. Its not the opposition destroying the country, its those acting with impunity and their apologists – in total disregard of due process and human values.

  55. Jamason has made it a habit now of stealing and he want to be recognised for such imorals. We steal remember how he stole from a poor woman,our maize was sold to Malwi and not forgetting uor votes he stole with his freind Chavula from Uganda.UPND has all the evidence to prove it the courts of law.Why did he refuse to hand power to the speaker during the petition hearing?

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