First Lady Esther Lungu has encouraged artists in the country to embrace their talent with hard work and passion in order to achieve greater results.
The First Lady notes that people who combine their progression with talent are likely to excel in their work or business than those pursuing careers forced on them by other people.
Mrs Lungu has therefore called for the need to discover children’s talents at a young age , in order for them to pursue their God given abilities.
The First Lady said this in Lusaka when she officiated at this year’s “Local is Laka” Comedy Fun Festival.
The First Lady has also called for the Comedy Association to start a talent school or a professional comedy institute this year.
And speaking earlier, National Arts Council Chairperson Mulenga Kapwepwe thanked the First Lady for supporting the different arts in Zambia.
Ms Kapwepwe further urged corporate entities and other organisations in the country to emulate the First Lady in giving support to the arts.
What country doesn’t have ?
The First Lady is cringeworthy listening to her.
There’s a masquerade on this site who also claims to be BB2016. What advice do you have for him.
She forgot to say her boy friend got talent in voting thieving too.
Edgar has talent dancing.
HH has talent in making money.
Nostra has talent in thinking.
So true, only talent her clown of a husband is dancing in a circus
Country its lacking same attributes as you, moral integrity and functional brain.
I applaud the very hard working Zambian artists despite government always playing lip service to arts! Talent is enhanced with training and Evelyn Hone college that is to play that role is a shadow of a college! No wonder Zambian artists go begging in professionalism as at now they are self reliant on individual skills that have no support for excellence!
I shudder to think Dorika and others on the scene once decide to retire they will leave a very big void! Zambia has been swamped by artists from other countries for a quick buck because the Zambian system neglects promoting indigenous artists in preference for outsiders!
Is this bob nkosha Transgender? Let him go for a sex change if doesn’t feel comfortable being a man.
Ka-Dancer LUNGU is also talented. NOT!
That 1DIOTIC Dancing at other countries airports is so embarrassing. Pls tell him to STOP it.
This is the worst first lady in the history of the nation. She doesn’t know how to speak in the public with poor. We can’t be represented as a nation by this first lady and she is ugly
You wanted the one who said we shall bring vipatala mu hospital. I hope you were born during Vera chilubas erra. Most of you cretins are still under 5 to remember what happened 10years ago.
post ur mama’s pic we judge
post ur mama’s pic we judge
This is the worst first lady in the history of the nation. She doesn’t know how to speak in the public with poor grammar. We can’t be represented as a nation by this first lady and she is ugly
Kikikk this woman is thick. I have been advising her for years now to enrol in tons night school ASAP. I am sure state house can organise a secret one if she is embarrassed. She comes up with the most irrelevant things. The only talent her husband and fellow pf thugs have is mismanaging the economy and travelling all over world to accumulate allowances while Zambians suffer. They will all die soon
Dununa reverse is not