Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Ndola Hospital restricts the use of mobile phones by staff in the wards


Medical staff on a Mobile Phone
Medical staff on a Mobile Phone

THE NDOLA Teaching Hospital management has restricted the use of mobile phones by staff in the wards.

The ban comes into effect immediately follows growing complaints from members of public over staff being distracted by mobile devices while on duty.

Senior medical superintendent Alex Mukupe said the ban was aimed at improving healthcare service delivery.

“We have banned the use of cellphones and those things they put in the ears so that the delivery of services improves,” Dr Mukupe said.

He said this during a cleaning exercise headed by Ndola Central Member of Parliament (MP) Emmanuel Mulenga who led women from different Christian denominations in a cleaning exercise of the institution.

Mr Mulenga said he would assist the institution to acquire name tags for all hospital staff for ease of identification.

“I will assist the hospital get name tags for everyone so that they can be easily identified by patients. I also propose to management to put up a suggestion box that will help review any complaints,” Mr Mulenga said.

The parliamentarian and his wife led about 100 women from different Christian denominations to clean wards at the hospital.

Mr Mulenga said he was humbled that women extended their motherly care to clean the health institution.

Dr Mukupe expressed his gratitude to Mr Mulenga’s gesture.

Mr Mulenga later handed over a youth-friendly centre at Mapalo Clinic, built using money from the Constituency Development Fund. He said the centre would assist the young people develop their careers.

Ndola mayor Amon Chisenga said it was important for the youth have a place of transit in their respective careers.


  1. That’s why the Boers have banned mobile phones in the mines. Zambians love talking nonsense all day long, even if it is about the weather. You see the same nonsense even among police while on duty.

    • These !d!ots also take videos of patients. Very shameful indeed. I wonder what type of ethics they taught!

  2. Next they should ban that ugly rat lungu from travelling for the next 2 years. He has already covered his allocated travel allowance for 2 years.

    • @NEZ (new educated Zambia UPND) what has Lungu got to do with the Ndola Hospital! I think in the short term you will become irrelevant as your comments become unproductive. Whilst you may rightly or wrongly be against Lungu; please accept that Lungu is the president for now until 2021! The sooner you come to accept that the smoother the road will be for you!
      As for the Ndola MP I support this move unreservedly! In fact they should make hospitals a “quiet area” meaning even patients would have to go outside to speak on a mobile phone. Next is government offices!

    • I just like my party do not recognise an illegal dictator as president. He is not and will never by my president. Limbi ni president wabawiso bobe. Not ine

    • @NEZ (new educated Zambia UPND) It is my duty as a Zambian to support the government of the day! I neither support Lungu or HH and I will always support the government of the day! These politicians are only going to these top positions only for one thing! Power. Please also note I will be grateful if you don’t bring in batata into the equation unless you like it personal! Stick to the facts

  3. The move is retrogressive because in this era phones are used as a quick reference for doses, latest treatment options and any information you are not sure of. No need of moving with textbooks and BNF in the pockets. Do not inconvenience everyone if you yourself as the manager do not like smartphones or cannot afford one.

    • Voice from the wilderness;
      Have you read and understood the article??? Its banning mobile phones in WARDS not banning mobile phones entirely from the hospital premises. Doctors and nurses do have offices or nurse rooms, they can use their phones in those rooms not when they are in wards attending to patients. As a matter of fact they dont spend their whole shifts by the bed side of patients which means they still have time for their phones in offices! Nothing wrong with that.

    • FDD for 2021;
      If you have been to the Hospitals, Health Care workers used to move with a book (BNF) in one of the pockets. That book is used for checking correct doses for million of Drugs used in hospitals. With smartphone that BNF is downloaded and used in the ward and OPD. It is faster than flipping pages.

  4. NEZ don’t be including people’s parents in your arguments..just debate based on principle..MB that’s a mature response.

  5. Ba Voice from the wilderness naimwe. What connection is there between talking on the phone chatting with a friend and checking drugs. Your argument does not make sense brother. Read and understand the simple flesh of English please.

  6. Comment:awe its an excellent move becoz their jobs are sensitive…i recomend that move and it shudnt end in ndola but countrywide. twatotela!

  7. NEZ needs to be castrated using a BADIZO method he is a potential rebel it seems from his hate speech he can simply go in the bush and become a rebel

  8. Questions:
    1. Was a research on the use of phones during working hours conducted at Ndola hospital?
    2. If use was established, was it appropriate or inappropriate (meaning work related or not)?
    3. What was the percentage of inappropriate use of phones?
    4. Was the misuse statistically significant?
    Other questions from qualitative research:
    5. What are the benefits of carrying a phone (tablet) at the place of work in the contemporary scientific world?
    6. What are the disadvantages of carrying along a smartphone for work in modern society?
    7. Do you think the merits outweigh the demerits?

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