Thursday, January 23, 2025

President Lungu shares a Potrait painted by an 8-year old Richard Phiri


President Edgar Lungu says the country Must nurture talent in young people for a better Zambia.

The President says young people should be encouraged to pursue their talents because they are the ones who will actualise the country’s aspirations such as the Vision 2064.

The Head of State said this in a message shared on his facebook page where he re-posted a portrait of himself drawn by 8-year-old Richard Phiri, a grade 2 pupil.

The President says the portrait was shared on his page by Richards’s mother.

He added that Richard represents the talent that many young people posses.

President Lungu says he is happy that an 8-year-old boy is aware that Zambia has an elected President.

The President has promised to find time to meet Richard.

President Lungu's Potrait
President Lungu’s Potrait
Richard Phiri
Richard Phiri


    • Even the little boy knows that he got big teeth, OK. If he thinks this is a wonder boy, he is dead wrong, the first words my baby boy said was HH, This boy at 8 is old enough to wipe is own arse.

    • MUSHOTA can work with or wherever she wants. She’s of no consequence to anyone. Infact the real shushushu should arrest him or her. She has over time violated the ethics of intelligence etiquette. She’s leads people on to things and often misleads herself/himself. But who cares about Mushota anyway?

    • That looks like Lungu’s illegitimate child. The resemblance is uncanny. Kids only paint pictures of their family. Esther check your man!

    • I agree with Nubian. This boy should be doing math or something better than drawing someone who illegally won an election.

    • upuba wamaZambian. Infantile and bigoted minds condemning a child’s innocence. Shame on all of you. Celebrate talent, the choice of motif is innocent.

  1. LT is also a compromised publication.
    80 % of their material is pro lungu and PF and the 20% meant to dupe people into thinking they are independent and neutral.

    • @spaka…
      …. my observation too……turned into a PF online publication…made me lose interest in perusing thru LT these days

    • Confirms my suspicions, Lusaka times is Pf owned.
      The likes of Mushota are in PF pockets full time.
      Most bloggers here are full time PF trolls, look out for those that have a say in every story and often bringing up HH unnecessarily.

  2. Lazy has no shame …this boy must learn very quickly that he will make a better living drawing African Wildlife than lazy Bums like Edgar.. or else he will end up like bootlickers like Anthony from the embassy publishing silly books!!

  3. Lifting the portrait of a dictator. Poor boy will regret this in the future when lungu is in history books as Africa’s worst dictator. Lungu loves himself and is trying to cultivate a cult of personality which is very common among dictators e.g Hitler. Meanwhile look at how malnourished that boy looks. He doesn’t realise that the reason for his poverty is right beside him. He drew the man responsible for his skeleton appearance. Poor boy

    • People from the East are well known for muzungu anikonde altitudes and they start to learn practicing it quite early in life. This boy and his mother are trying to attract Lungu’s attention because they have seen that many people have received a lot of favours and money by doing so. Jala inyokola mukwasu … lekani adhye nabeve. Cry the beloved country that has gone to the PF dogs! Shame, shame, shame ….

  4. At the rate this country is going, i won’t be surprised if the the entire 2017 budget goes towards the purchase of tear gas canisters.

  5. I feel for young Richard in the photo, the boy has not even started working and he is already in debt and a Chine Slave all because of this reckless govt of empty tins…by the time he finishes school young Richard will no be as fortunate as the lazy bum he has draw to obtain a bursary to UNZA or CBU.

  6. Why would an adult, all be it the President find it necessary to say that an 8 year boy knows that zambia has an elected president. It doesn’t make sense.
    Even more worrying is that this news in a 53 year old country.

  7. Masalamuso what the President meant is if a little boy knows that ECL is the President of Zambia what about the UPNDonkeys not even this boy even dogs, cows, goats including mad people knows that ECL is the duly elected president.

    • Lemba, what are you going to do when this Lungu and Patriotic Fuuls loose stolen power or indeed dayi? What will become of you under the glorious HH and UPND? Umulandu bane tawubola. There is time for everything. What goes up must come down and what is down must go up! These are the rules of nature… muleiba nokulya manumanu bane …

  8. Iemba so now you can read the presidents mind. Its insecurity or narcissism that causes a person to keep promoting themselves.
    An intelligent person would have stopped after mentioning the president. Now you are saying you can communicate with dogs, cows goats and mad people.
    Maybe you are TERRIBLE with a different moniker.

  9. What do you honestly want him to draw? He has no clue the man is facing a petition for his election. The kid doesn’t know the GDP or inflation rate of the country. To him, ECL is the president of Zambia. It would have made sense to direct this conversation towards protection of our children’s innocence in light of increased access to data, p ornagraphy on the streets, prostitution and alcoholism. We miss the point so much we look silly.

  10. Do you think that if you can fool an 8 year old boy, then you can fool mature Zambians that you are not a masquerade?

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