Zambia’s leading opposition leader Hakainde Hichilema has been arrested and charged with treason.
Treason in Zambia carries a death sentence.
Mr Hichilema is in detention at Lilayi Police College in Lusaka.
The latest development on the UPND leader is that has charged to with treason.
According to his lawyers, no interrogation will take place.
The lawyers confirmed that Mr Hichilema will remain at the police college waiting to be taken to court and then the be deposited into prison.

This is uncalled for especially that HH is the leading opposition leader. The courts will rule in this matter!
This is what is needed. let every wrong door or law breaker face the consequence of breaking the law regardless of there position. how can we have a state were id.iots can behave as the wish. let this generation of vipers learn.
HH made the bed , he has to now lay in it.
This is the end of UPND , just like I predicted 3 months ago.
I’m sorry but the man has been angry, bitter, vicious and grumpy for too long. i’m sure Canicious Banda (remember him?) must be relieved that his crazy boss has finally forced his way into his waterloo….
Mr. President, you need to fire Kanganja immediately. He is the one who put your life in danger in Mongu. He failed you, intentionally and deliberately. Find out why Kanganja did not command his officers to sweep the road for you.
neither HH nor his drivers are guilty of that offence but the police for failure to give proper guidance therefore kanganja should be fired.
We shall see what Lungu will achieve out of this as the world is watching.
The arrest has been made after Mumbi Phiri an ordinary citizen threatened the police for not arresting HH. This is how simple the criminal system is in Zambia.
The justice system is even worse. Ba Mambilima has gone quiet and we can only assume she’s an accomplice in all the corrupt dealings of her judges. There’s no point in presiding over a corrupt justice system
Does it mean they will execute him soon?
Serves him right. Lock him up and throw away the key in Zambezi river near where the Nalikwanda he was pretending to be rushing to see docked. He is fond of provoking situations. We are sick and tired of politicians who can`t practice issues based politics.
Wanzelu, don’t blame Lungu when you break the law this is what you expect. Even Lungu himself if he commits suicide because Tonga and Lozi/kalubale people don’t like him, should he survive he can be arrested for treason.
@Government: Seems you are using emotions than facts. The word treason is being misused just to get or silence someone. If this is what PF leadership is about? It’s a shame and waste of Zambian resources. Today the whole police force is busy with HH than doing their real work. The President and his people are abusing their powers. No vision to tackle real issues as they fight with HH.
@chils, Spot on, True, they are being reactive to what Mumbi Phiri said. This is abuse of power. Let their term end. Most of them have committed crimes. Hope HH will never accept them in his cabinet as they jump from one party to another. PF are so stupid to let MMD Cadres mess their party. They have forgotten what Sata went thru.
Give him the one phone call to Trump his mentor! Kwati cipuba!
Yes thieves and law breakers like Dora and Keizer have not been arrested.
GBM has destroyed the good morals of our beloved HH. This is the reason why unequal yoke is discouraged in all areas of life. Bad company corrupt good people. Elder HH is now in cells,very soon it may be 20 yrs or above imprisonment sentence. Unfortunately HH has rejected those who have got the power to deliver him from this punishment, that is God Almighty and President Lungu.
Therefore, us who really love HH must ask God Almighty and President Lungu to give HH life transforming punishment not life terminating punishment .A good punishment not a bad punishment please!!!
PF Blocked George Kunda and no was was charged for anything, HH/UPND give way to Lungu and he is charged for treason…….
Court rhymes with bought. What happened to all those shiny choppers being used during campaigns ED2.0? You could have arrived with pomp and circumstance in a flashy air display. Maybe we should go back to horse and cart or Zamfoot then y’all can brawl over the use of the footpath with a good old fashioned fist fight and leave the nation out of your drama…
Absolutely I’m not on the side of this bad decision when the state has better tools of immobilizing opponents. This puts the country on the spotlight of the world for wrong and damaging reasons. HH is not worth it to rollout this rage and apply such excessive measures regardless. Why complicate the rule and tenure of our hardworking Chagwa? In this one, the system has fallen in the hands of HH when he has clearly played them a political beit. Careful folks because his fate could be too costly for the country and individuals. We are part of the community of nations. Let’s be rational actors. Forewarning is for arming.
Kan what’s an called for? Being a leading opposition leader doesn’t make one above the rule of law.
I resign.
Only ICC will resolve this impass! Zambia must remain part of ICC. It is very clear that the events in Mongu were premeditated to set up HH for arrest on trumped up treason charges! PF will have no rest after this blunder! They are now candidates for ICC!
I don’t know what kind of Weed you smoke or how big the Rats you have just eaten were!! If you are talking of abiding by the law, can you explain why Edgar did NOT step aside when the constitution required him to hand over to the speaker during the petition? Your PF Ministers continued in office during the elections because of the Drunkard’s poor illegal judgement – is that NOT breaking the law itself?
We know how you Rat Eaters behave – you like bending laws to suit yourselves!! But one day it is going to dawn on you!! Every dog has its own day and today you are the Dogs of course!!
Whatever his position is, if he messes up he needs to face the squarely. Next is Fred Mmembe!
If HH committed a crime, let the law take its course and if he’s just being harassed, he will be set free.
No one is above the law
Let just prevail.
I feel like taking up arms & retreating to the bush.
LUNGU Needs to start wearing bullet-proof vests & a military helmet. He’ll be in prison too always looking over his shoulder.
Just my advice.
About time …the tantrums from this i.diot are just mind blowing
He had it coming.
His behaviour was not wise and always in touching distance of the offence he has been charged with.
Hopefully people will learn to respect the Office.
Zambia Army, bring sanity to the bleeding Zambia, please! Hakainde is arrested. Now depose the President, govern for two years, suspend the current Constitution, dissolve Parliament and the Judiciary and call for fresh elections after two years but ban both Lungu and HH for life from politics. Lastly, arrest people like Kaizer Zulu and others.
If HH is not arrested Lungu is weak and the UPND will think their leader is mightier than Lungu. So Lungu decided he has to dispel rumours of his weakness. He had to arrest HH. Playing to the gallery
The only person who should be charged with treason is Lungu who abrogated the constitution when he refused to step down when the petition was filed. PF and their supporters dullness is truky worth to be a world wonder.
As a true Pro PF commentators I’m not happy with this!MR PRESIDENT SIR PLEASE RELEASE THE HUMAN HYENA (HH)!Despite his childish antics it was a miscalculation to arrest him and charge him with treason! The old school of politics tells us arrest political opponents at your own peril! Advisors to the President you are failing ECL and the lot of you should be sacked yesterday! On winning the election I stated right here on Lsk times if we as PF don’t check useless exxpenditure in govt on luxury Suvs and hefty allowances we are doomed! Now because of thiis short sigh we are infact facing problems! Achievements are there but more could be done if the ones at the top sacrifice, HH is not the solution and his past and present deeds confirm this! Zambia needs a better opposition!Miyanda and…
HH and UPND is the thorn in PF flesh so the solution is you arrest HH charge him with treason thus banishing his political ambitions for good while at the same time start working on outlawing UPND to achieve the PF agenda that we have been hearing in a round about way in many statements PF cadres have been issuing! Meanwhile PF starts implementing its plan to pave way for Lungu’s extended stay come 2021 elections! The Western Province state security debacle has given the PF government the much sought after opportunity that has been elusive and as Zambians we must be concerned about where all what is being experienced will lead to and what the country is transforming into on the world platform! @ 1.19 Nostradamus, Wait for me I’m coming with you!
As far as this chaotic political hurricane is evolving, particular concern becomes more apparent about the immediate future of our peaceful, if docile, nation. It appears that this mans strategy has been to create havoc, incite lawlessness , ridicule and civil disobedience while igniting an inferno under the statutory infrastructure. The result will be the equivalent of a Somalia except Zambians will perish in hoardes as they are not accostummed to savage mass genocide which will come. careful what you wish for cos you may get it HH !
Bwana senior Citizen.
You must see the video footage.
It was ugly. Hi motorcade was difiant nearly collided with police sweeper.
H H must be buried. Let GBM take over upend
Article 41 (1) (d) of the Zambian Constitution as amended stipulates a person who, “… prepares or endeavours to carry out by force any enterprise which usurps the executive power of the State in any matter of both a public and a general nature;” shall be guilty of treason.
HH cipuba sana … Useless cretin!!! Convict him and don’t waste time to do the right thing at Mukobeko!!! Inama ya mwaice tainona bane!!! Given the evidence in that video … did HH prepare or endeavor to carry out by force any enterprise which usurped the executive powers?
Yes, he did … interfering with the passed of an executive motorcade by force. The Presidential escort pushed over, but his motorcade did not yield.
Continued … Just that same action of even a police escort vehicle being interfered with would have landed him in prison here in the United States, how about a motorcade carrying the head of state? On October 4, 2013, a 34-year-old Miriam Carey, of Stamford, Conn. tried to interfer with White House Secret Service using her car as a weapon and was shot on the spot.
In the States, all of the drivers in HH’s motorcade would have been shot and HH would have been history too. Those supporting his actions are as witless as HH himself. There can only be one President at a time and once an election is over we all go back to normal and await the next time around.
Get rid of this cretin once and for all … he is even lucky I am not President myself!!!
This is the CORRECT decision
The end of HH and rightfully so
Treason is JUSTIFIED
Lungu comes first
Shut up slut.
Yes mate you’re right.
That’s Mushota for you!!!!!!
GOD thank you we can now rest from insults as a Nation, this man has divided our once upon a time united Zambia. The people of Southern Province have had a hard time to freely mix with the rest of the country cause of this man, Ooooh this rich big headed man no place for such people in our Great Nation. GOD Bless ZAMBIA.
Mushota the tribalists and many more you have drown the battle line.zambia has reached at a point of no return.Since HH has been shown no mercy we shall show no mercy when we finaly deal with Lungu soon.
HAwari we shall wait and see. But you should also wait and see. Late Mazoka was wise enough to let go when he almost won that election. He never went to his strong areas to pull out all posters for Late President Mwanawasa. Thats wisdom and being mindful of such shenanigans. HH in the meantime wants to behave like the president in three provinces. That is anarchy of the worst kind. In esatern province there is a saying: Walila Vula Walila Matope. Translated: When you cry for rain you cry for mad. In Bemba they say: Pali seka seka epafuma lila lila.. Translated: where there is laughing there is crying. MOngu was a laugh Lusaka is a cry. Viva HH.
Are you f*cking kidding me? Dictactor Lungu will fall. I hate HH, but Zambia is a free country. If Lungu thinks he will be president for ever then he better think again. Your own is coming soon Lungu don’t forget.
So to you freedom includes interfering with the presidential motorcade? Being a UPND leader does not make HH immune to the law!
We thank God and let the law teach him a lesson. Enough is enough.
This is what is needed. let every wrong door or law breaker face the consequence of breaking the law regardless of there position. how can we have a state were id.iots can behave as the wish. let this generation of vipers learn.
Yes mate you’re right
Have been writing on toning down on LT to hh and gbm that their actions will lead to a bad ending. Teach him a lesson.
He will be deposited into prison the way I deposit a cheque in the bank. Good for him!!! When will he mature if deposited today?
You mean there’s no other Captain Solo in this country who can rescue this country?
Lungu is Captain Solo, I thought you knew!
The state will enter a nolle prosequi against HH. This is a no case but not to embarrass the power to be as the DPP (NPA) shall enter a nolle because there shall no evidence against him.
No learned lawyer shall successfully prosecute this case.
Why not charge the Driver, this man was not driving the car
yes and the other drivers of the other vehicles, will they be charged? Charging a passenger for the offence of the driver, only in Africa. The police who risked the life of HE are scot free! This is not good.
‘I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock will be scattered
They are as usual nowhere to bee seen. They are just happy that Bembas will now have the chance to rule UPND through GBM !
Remember when Dora Siliya was in MMD she gave PF a middle finger in Parliament and called PF scared little men with bruised egos? She was right
Let justice prevail.
I just told you earlier on that the next thing will be treason case. That incident was a setup, how to come up with a treason case. As that was the only way to silence HH.
Does he deserve to be charged with treason? Of course not. All those who think he should be charged with treason must be sick.
Zambians wake up, this is why there was a push to withdraw from ICC, to have a chance to fix opposition, and since they realised we are many who oppose pulling out now they found a way to fix HH, no question. This is the only opportunity and PF was waiting for it, they got what they wanted. I am curious how the docile Zambians are going to react.
you’re really good at connecting unrelated events iwe … I hope your mentality ( iya ku konkuluda) doesn’t extend beyond social media!
What do you expect. Zambia is just another African country after all.
In the name of Jesus Christ I decree that Lungu will will not rule Zambia long. He, Kanganja, Kapyongo, Mumbi, Chama, Kaizer, Bwalya, Katongo and other PF crooks will not be allowed to destroy Zambia. God will deal with them and they will not in leadership in Jesus name. Enough of these thieves. In Jesus name, Amen.
Do know take the name of the lord your God in vain otherwise you will die a terrible death.
do not miss use the name of the Lord
Failed state
I am not UPND and do support HH but I will donate vaseline to him….I am sure he will need it. I do not trust those prisoners.
Serves him right the miserable wancker. What a filthy piece of scum this turd Kaponya and his monkey GBV. PRlCKS!
Celebrate Kudos, celebrate! Cease the moment … this is the best thing that has happened in your life. Show the world that you are on cloud 9 over HH’s arrest and treason charge. Drink eat and be merry, this is your dream come true…
HH really you are a under5. Why laying a snare for yourself? You should have known that what you did was so criminal. Where are your advisers? You see now uli mundende man.
The wages of lawlessness!!!
Police brutality is not good for democracy. It creates a hero in a villain. It creates a martyr out of a sinner. In their zeal to appease powers that be, zealous officers are exceeding the limits of traffic offenders. If the two political blocks fail to work together, then ascendance of an alternative political force becomes inevitable. The choice is theirs.
Wait and see
……..and later be deposited in prison. Kikikiki I hope by the one he will come out will mature from under 5politician. Now the rest of the supporters will move on and no one will remember him. He will forgotten like mwaliteta. Bye bye tribal politics.
We have gone through this route before. Ask Kaunda, prison never silence the opposition. Supporters get hardened and when he comes out, becomes more popular. Dialogue is the only solution and stopping stealing elections.
Now we can see why Lungu wants to pull Zambia out of ICC. The Motorcade issue was a Set Up to kill the Petition. Lungu knew that at ICJ he has no joy. The Strategy was to kill the Petition by arresting the Petitioners and in need kill them.This is what Lungu has achieved so far. He Is fighting fire with fire. What is the International and Regional Bodies do about this? They must know they are dealing with Criminals who want to retain their stolen power at all costs. Where is SADC and AU? How they just watch Constitutional Democracy being raped by illegitimate Lungu in their eyes. How I wish Zambia was part of ECOWAS? Zambia is heading for a Civil War under illegitimate Lungu’s watch. Cry the beloved Zambia.
What is the definition of “treason” in our criminal procedure act ?
Has anyone got access to this info ?
Should be interesting to see because the non legal definition would be a stretch…
The crime of betraying one’s country, especially by attempting to kill or overthrow the sovereign or government.
Very sad that a respected man teamed up with a KMB minded bandit called GBM. I am sure he’s the one who came up with the idea of “toying ‘ with the presidential motorcade. HH on his own cannot sink to this low. God guide him.
Do not wrestle with a pig, both of you will get dirty but the pig will enjoy it. Sad for him
From Lilayi to UTH to Memorial Park
HH asked for this.i have seen the video of the mongu saga and believe you me,if HH did that to any other president world over,HH would have been history by now.we shall see which normal Zambian will protest HH’s arrest on our streets.maybe in 3.5 provinces THOUGH ZP WILL CRUDH THOSE TOO.but in 6.5 provinces its life as usual!!anybody who does a wrong thing must be punished by law!!if any poor Zambian blocked the president’s motorcade in mongu,he could have been buried by why should the law apply to only poor Zambians?THIS IS JUSTICE!!WELL DONE BOMA!!
There is no case , fellow bloggers…..
Let them cite the authority that they will use in court for the case of treason to stand.
Watch this treason case carry a death sentence and you expect the state has already collected evidence to indict him as the issue happened on Saturday and in Mongu.
Lawyers use the abbreviation IRAC to establish a case from any issue or matter that has happened. There is no case , I repeat in this matter to warrant a death sentence.
Treason cases are not simple cases. Your feeling over HH may not count now. It is the law . The case will be tried in the HIGH COURT.
The scene of the crime will be in Mongu and it has to be visited by the court. Surely the case will embarrass the state. The DPP will enter a nolle
Lawyers will be interested in this case…
How did the charge change from obstructing a Presidential motorcade to treason?
Probably because normal procedures were not followed. By the way is there such an offence? Never mind. This gets the attention that is being sought.
It’s Tantamount
Police took instructions from Mumbai Phiri and Kaiser Zulu
Be strong HH!
uwiii!!! vyakulovye…. Kalanda kasikola
God is watching
this is a powerful prayer
for I don’t mention the name
of God for nothing. learn to wash your
hands .
God is watching.
43. (1) A person is guilty of treason and shall be liable to suffer death
(a) prepares or endeavours to overthrow by unlawful means the
Government as by law established; or
(b) prepares or endeavours to procure by force any alteration of the
law or the policies of the Government; or
(c) prepares or endeavours to procure by force the setting up of an
independent state in any part of Zambia or the secession of any part of
Zambia from the Republic; or
(d) prepares or endeavours to carry out by force any enterprise
which usurps the executive power of the State in any matter of both a
public and a general nature; or
(e) incites or assists any person to invade Zambia with armed force
or unlawfully to submit any part of Zambia to attack by land, water or
air, to…
@ robmwale … there you have it in your own quote here below.
(d) prepares or endeavours to carry out by force any enterprise which usurps the executive power of the State in any matter of both a public and a general nature;
HH cipuba sana and people like you embolden him for nothing. Useless cretin!!! Convict him and don’t waste time to do the right thing at Mukobeko!!! Inama ya mwaice tainona bane!!!
Given the evidence in that video … did HH prepare or endeavor to carry out by force any enterprise which usurped the executive powers? Yes, he did … interfering with the passed of an executive motorcade by force. The Presidential escort pushed over, but his motorcade did not yield.
Just that same action of even a police escort vehicle being interfered with would have landed him in prison here in the United States, how about a motorcade carrying the head of state? On October 4, 2013, a 34-year-old Miriam Carey, of Stamford, Conn. tried to interfer with White House Secret Service using her car as a weapon and was shot on the spot.
In the States, all of the drivers in HH’s motorcade would have been shot and HH would have been history too. Those supporting his actions are as…
For all of you who think what is happening is fair the you are wrong cause we have not cause you have just heard one part of the story,,,,,,, we really don’t know who is fooling who we all know PF is a crooked party so we don’t know who’s behind this cause it looks like a set up… the pictures where timely
He has messed himself up this HH. How on earth do you challenge and demean the President like he has been doing with impunity until he landed himself in deep soup like this? He will be convicted and sent to jail at Mwembeshi or Mukobeko and the pardon will be given that will see him miss the chance to stand in 2021 as the constitution will bar him because of carrying a criminal offence that must take 5 years to be able to stand. He has kissed goodbye to 2021 race. UPND find another leader.
this is the treason offence under Penal Code chap 43 of the Law of Zambia.
43. (e) incites or assists any person to invade Zambia with armed force
or unlawfully to submit any part of Zambia to attack by land, water or
air, to assist in the preparation of any such invasion or attack; or
(f) in time of war and with intent to give assistance to the enemy,
does any act which is likely to give such assistance.
(2) In paragraphs (b), (c) and (d) of subsection (1), “by force” means
(a) by force used in such a manner as, whether by reason of the
number of persons involved or the means used or both, to imperil or be
likely to imperil the safety of the State or to cause or be likely to cause
death or grievous harm or serious damage to property; or
(b) by a show of force…
The Colonial masters introduced “treason charges” to tame the “natives”…they left, came back to Britain, abolished both the “treason charge” and “the death sentence” but the “natives” still think charging fellow “natives” with treason is the best thing after sliced bread and are therefore hanging on to it like a dog with a bone.
HH has set a trap for ECL and presidio has sleep-walked into it! exactly what HH wanted. And now the legal robes at the ICC are getting dusted – the jury is out. Next!!
@41 Infidels.. MUCH AS WE DOUBT THE WISDOM behind this decision to ARREST AND CHARCH HH WITH TREASON, WE SHOULD NOT LOSE OUR MINDS AND FAIL TO UNDERSTAND THE REASONS THE ICC EXISTS and the DIFFERENCES IN THE CASES THEY CAN GET INVOLVED IN. This is a PURE INTERNAL CRIMINAL LEGAL PROCESS THAT DOES NOT NEED THE ICC!! It may even end soon or take longer! What may happen is that, since HH has been isolated, his drivers will be induced to take into state witnesses and by some definition @40, he will be accused of having ordered to “imperil safety of the state” .. by blocking the motorcade of the Head of State and Commander in Chief- Driver can say that under inducement, they will be protected by the state!
This guy thinks this is one of the requirements to be president (being locked up for sympathy). He actually wanted it to come to this but as usual he has miscalculated the attended results. This is his idea of going through everything to get to state house. Manje kaili mu state house muli bantu, bene ba film. Mbo bu yanga ubu
One Zambia soon bafikamba muza tamanga na ka Lungu kanu.
calculated to arouse reasonable apprehension
that force will be used in such a manner as is described in paragraph (a).
(3) A person who is not a citizen of Zambia shall not be punishable
under this section for anything done outside Zambia, but a citizen of
Zambia may be tried and punished for an offence under this section as if
it had been committed within the jurisdiction of the court.
From this , even Tutwa Ngulube PF legal adviser will agree with me that alleged obstructing the President motorcade is a not a treasonable offence.. Ask KBF, Professor Mvunga. even Patrick Matibini, Dickson Jere.
The DPP the woman I know will dilly dally and enter a nolle .
Passenger charged for a traffic offence. It will be interesting. Watch Zambia crumble under the current leadership. This is not the best route to take especially for a country whose economy is heavily dependent on donors. I believe the police has become very unprofessional and they did not do there job well hence the Mongu fiascal. This damage control move has taken the country way down the sewer.
He was not a passenger scatter brain! He was commanding his drivesr not to yield to police instructions, very soon his drivers will reveal what he instructed them to do and you will be ashamed.
Laughable charge. Zambia is a jocker. It is not police who prosecute but DPP. How many times have zp embarrassed themselves?
There are 99 days for the thief and 1 for the policeman. HH was playing in the snake’s pit and has got what he deserved. The combined actions of instigating his MPs to walk out of not 1 but 2 Presidential parliamentary speeches, communicating through his party officials that he ‘does not recognise the Presidency of ECL’ and that of not giving way to the Presidential motorcade are all ingredients to the charge of treason. Like we have always been saying, HH’s unsatiable appetite for power will see him out of the Political ‘football team’
Kaunda arrested his friends at will. He ended being arrested on christmas day. Lung will get arrested when he leaves power too.
We were called names and insulted when we said that HH had made a grave mistake to select GBM as running mate. This was for obvious reasons that along the way, HH would be charged with treason or something similar because PF knows that he is damn eager to get into Plot 1. With teh happenings today, this has come to fruition and my dear Tonga brothers and Sisters should live with the fact that ‘Tongas will never rule Zambia’. UPND being a very ‘law abiding’ party should follow its constitution to the letter especially when HH is convicted ( And later pardoned) and allow GBM to take the reigns of power. See ? thats how the cookie crumbles guys. HH’s political career has just ended because of his stubbornness !
There are grounds to be laid for charge of treason to stand. The DPP will need treasonable evidence pertaining to the incidence in Mongu. That evidence is not likely to be interpreted as a treason act. What we write or say on the blog will not be admissable in the courts. The courts are not driven by emotions. Trust me the courts in Zambia will discharge this case.
Better charge the driver of careless driving. His driver of course ……
Children of GOD , Zambia has treasonable case and the never involved a Presidential motorcade. If it is so then the court will need the President to appear before it and be taken to the site to prove how his life was under threat. The onus to prove lies with the DPP. DPP is in a trick situation.
Once a peacefull country and now??????????
Its still very peaceful.
It was very peaceful until HH came on the scene
This case is a non-starter it’s not going anywhere you are just making HH a hero? In two days time, you will hear the state has entered into nolle prosequi. Wait and see the only thing you may achieve is to poison him? but something good will come out of this mark my words.
President Lungu shall end up being the Hero after pardoning HH and saying something that Zambia needs opposition, but they too are to respect the presidency.
President Lungu shall pardon him. Therefore HH has just made edigar more popular. kikikikikiki
It is well with my president HH.god is watching alungu
Even in America it is against the law to obstruct the president. Republicans hated president Obama, but the never obstructed him even in the reddest of states.
There was no obstruction involved in Mongu. Just watch the video. People have just chosen to watch it and impose their own interpretation. The Presidential motorcade had no sweepers, and when they caught up with HH’s motorcade the UPND motorcade slowed to a stop and the Lungu’s motorcade passed. But as usual, that is why not everybody hammers 6-points to go to UNZA. A lot of dull people can’t even see the true story even after watching the video – the same way they failed their Grade-12 exams and had to cheat. Shame. HH will in the end emerge the winner out of all this.
@Kasulwe Mabula,
You are right, docility and dullness are the norms here. Fighting against the winds !!!
They simply can’t get it, they are eroded, brainwashed incapable of making their own judgement, just going with the masses.
Sad indeed.
My hero HH
My foot. What a hero! Umutwe kwati litole upside down
We shall not allow UPND to be run by a convict. To this end we are launching the Die-Hard Committee for GBM as President of UPND !
No! as much as I do not agree with HH, he is better off than uncultured GBM.
No ! the UPND Constitution guides that the Party President shall not have been convicted of a felony. If you do not see HH being convicted and expressly pardoned, then you are blind o. This is a political checkmate my brother
Chance to have his hair cut now mmm the looks awe sure…
What a daft plan! President HH has just been turned into a political hero overnight. He will emerge from this case like Moses. President Lungu and his team are very dull, I never imagined them to be this dull. Then when HH finally becomes President he will use the same laws to lock them up, but for them when their time comes they will be locked up for good reason: plundering of national resources. The basic rul is that you lock up an opposition leader if you want to make them even more popular. President Lungu now looks like a scared little man, scared of this giant called HH.
Certain things work for some and not for others … it’s a faulty mind that would resolve to go into prostitution simply because it saw an isolated prostitute hooking up with some prince charming and ending up with a seemingly ‘good’ marriage!
GBM is now looking like a sane person. Exactly what GBM wants, well played by him
GBM for UPND 2022 ! Miles Sampa or Christine Kaseba as running mates. Nafuchi nafuchi !
Good you can never do competition with your boss
Complete waste of time. Poverty ili buu, and they are busy kuli HH
Pride goes before the fall.
Firstly, treason is too harsh a charge. However, common sense seems to be missing from HH and his supporters. The election- verified by international observers and the ECZ-is long past! The international community has accepted Lungu as Zambia’s president. Just because you don’t like the outcome does not mean you get to be a nuisance the next five years. Continuing on a road when 1) police vehicles with their lights and sirens on, signaling an emergency and 2) when you know the motorcade to be that of the president is not just disrespectful but against the law. Anywhere else, everyone in HH’s entourage would have been arrested for endangering the president as well.
HH and his supporters needed to use this 5 year period to mobilize and organize in preparation for the next election;…
Neither side seems to know anything about something called PEACE!
Must democratic politics be outlawed in Africa? Must we revert to the days when spears, bow and arrow flipped the coin to decided who should be the ruler?
If this had happened in Uganda or Rwanda or Kenya or South Africa or Zimbabwe or DRC, we would be attending HH”s funeral. Thankfully, Zambia is not a dictatorship. Museveni’s or Kabila’s or Kagame’s escorts would have pumped a thousand bullets into HH’s motorcade and none of those characters would be living today
Jokes aside, this time HH needs proper lawyers not bena mushipe . He needs services of Eric silwamba, sakwiba sikota, prof Mvunga. if he gambles then he is a goner
@66 Mwana wa Muzako.. IT IS JUST THAT LAWYER ARE LIKE “PROSTITUTES” THEY NEVER STICK TO SAME CLIENTS WHEN THE CONTESTS REPEAT! The Lawyers you are mentioning are supposed to be working with the government since they represent LUNGU and the ECZ in the PETITION BUT ALAS!! This is ZAMBIA WITH ITS LAWYERS SO ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE, PEOPLE EASILY SWITCH TO MAKE MONEY!!
Good now arrest kakoma and the driver, guys who were riding on the side of the vehicles, incidentally all these are lusaka dwellers.mischief has a limit and hh played his last tune, now its mukobeko where he will find very horny guys.
HH and his supporters needed to use this 5 year period to mobilize and organize in preparation for the next election; not drum up useless accusations and make a mockery of himself in the process. HH is power hungry, you can see the desperation. The presidency is a privilege not an entitlement, you have to prove yourself worthy of the position. Go be productive in the community, produce jobs, invest in the youth NOW, promote innovation, do something other than instigate conflict. That is not leadership. He accuses Lungu of dictatorship but only he has exhibited those tendencies, by thinking of himself equal to the president or with any real power in govt. He is a threat to the stability of Zambia at the moment.
He should understand that if he is ever president, he’s laid the foundation…
He should understand that if he is ever president, he’s laid the foundation for how his opponents will likely treat him, without respect or regard to his position!
Our institution is failing us, there’s too many holes in this case.
That’s not how to use taxpayer money.
@Moimoi, Zambia is sinking . EL with his petty useless Politics.
Where was the police to control traffic?
@66, the lawyers you have mentioned do not represent donkeys. HH has to rely on Mushipe, Jack Mwiimbu etc, you know the lot that failed to advise him that the petition had failed but instead abandoned him leaving him to think that he had a petition. But they still gave him their bill.
By the way, Mushipe is due for deregulation as soon as Linda Kasonde hears her charge of insubordination to the Court.
Meant due for deregistration from practising law…..kikikikikiki
Every Presidential motorcade has sweepers that go before it for a good number of Kilomiters, so where were all of these? You also have Police officers along the route being taken by the presidential motorcade, so were these also not there? How was HH and his team expected to know which route not to take in order to avoid the president?
Its high time as Zambians we started thinking things through and not just getting excited and insulting each other!! Let’s ALL get realistic.
Surely you believe that zp understands law
This is as cold as it can get. It is chilling, frighteningly chilling. Suddenly all the that Kuomboka ceremony excitement is gone – blown-off by this storm.
Why is it that, in Zambia, politics always the story behind every story?
1. Let’s wait for the particulars of the offence, remember that the donkey was so full of himself that he was caught off guard.
2. He called for this and walked straight into it.
3. After a few noises from his donkey followers, there will be quite and tranquility and we will soon forget about the donkey.
4. He probably thought that he could be a Mandela, no sir, you are not the correct material, not thd correct strength, and there are no apartheid conditions existing in Zambia.
5. And finally an abrupt end to presidential ambitions.
Can UPNDONKEYS allow a bemba monkey to act as their president during these trying times? Let’s wait and see.
Enjoy Lilayi while waiting for Chimbokaila or Kamfinsa. See you tomorrow. Good night for now.
For your information HH was not driving therefore according to the highway code is not answerable but the driver. HH was a passanger.
Who will apply the highway code in this instance? its not a traffic offence but treason… understand you *****s
For your information HH was not driving therefore according to the highway code is not answerable but the driver. HH was a passenger.
My question when I first saw the video clip …. “HH what were you thinking?” Ala filya tacita!
Obvious Mwaliteta will be only too glad to welcome new company, why should he be the only one to sacrifice for the so called opposition party while others enjoy their sleep in mansions and executive beds? The law equalises people.
This trash of charge has nothing to do with what transpired in Western Povinvce. Kampyongo planned it weeks ago and now he is fulfilling it. The good news is that HH and the UPND will come out stronger from this. Instead of the PF to concentrate on improving peoples quality of lives, they are spending most of their energy and resources fighting one man HH. Such people cant deliver and these are signs of their absolute failure.
Bwana it is HH who wants to be relevant ECL the head of state has no time to waste on this Kacheme (HH). So there is no point to be scored by the head of state because he was given the mandate by the the people of Zambia. But HH wants to detract his followers not to focus on him and convention etc. The six times loss is too much for this young man (Some call him Under five politician).
This issue of HH being locked up may sound sad to 20% of Zambians, the other 20% don’t really care as nothing has changed in their world. But 60% of us, its an opportunity to give it a try on the highest position of our famous party. Honestly, HH has been busy provoking the the government and ECL at the expense of mobilizing the party for the next challenge in 2021. He almost forgot about all party structures and concentrated on his vice who happened to be an intruder because this man has never resigned officially from his former party. It will be much better if he can be jailed beyond 2021 so that we can have a democratically chosen leader in our party.
You must be ashamed of yourself.You are enjoying the fruits of true democracy in Botswana.How many times have you seen the BDP ordering the police to arrest the main opposition leader of the Umbrella part?Go back to your corrupt Zambia with your drunk president before you corrupt our peaceful nation.
I have a sick feeling about this very few men go to prison and come back sane or healthy. I warned Adolf about his new found company but unlike him when we can we shall squeeze in a visit. We have informed our party members to remain steadfast and calm as this is a time detractors cut from the fig of maroads, fat albert and menda menda Pastor Pole Pole might confuse and divide us. By the way with Adolf out of the way the natural ‘leader’ will madumbo maliketi kapompa saladi! 2021 zamfo
The chap (HH) over inflated his ego and thought that he was above the law of the land. He has literary gone mad with his incessant insults of not only the law enforcement agents but the head of state who has been very tolerant. There is nothing funny about his behaviour. The past month has been bad for the head of state to the extent that HH called him (ECL) a hyena in broad day light. With today’s arrest the Govt will dig deeper and bring out all the ills perpetrated by this chap (HH) including the violence that he has been sponsoring. I am afraid Zambia will still be Zambia without him. The Fat Albert insolent and women molester will now gather his little senses left to behave like a human being.
People must know that Treasonable Charge means overthrowing a govt in power. Since when did obstructing a Presidential Motorgage become a Treasonable Crime? This was a Set Up meant to delay the Petition Hearing Process.Becoz Treason is not a Bailable Crime they want to keep HH is detention and delay the Petition Hearing Process at ICJ. Lungu hopes that the Petitioners will be intimidated by HH’s arrest and Treason Charge. This Treason Charge will not stand in Court becoz there Is no law that says obstructing a Presidential Motorcade is Treasonable. A traffic offence is not Treasonable at all. Committing Treason means overthrowing a govt by force. There was nothing like that committed on that Road. This is a trick used by Dictators to silence their opponents. The charge is meant to keep…
Meanwhile I am calling on clients of Nkana water on fixed charges not to pay the fictitious bills from this company.
What are the grounds for this, to amount to treason? Lungu worshippers and vuvuzela’s of a good for nothing government do not understand that the real breakers of the law are the pathetic failures themselves. Contrary to what some people are saying here, violence, uncivilised and barbaric behaviour came with the arrival of the PF -which is a rag-tag collusion of individuals mobilised from all sorts of unsavoury callings, to share resources while pretending to exercise a form of governance. What rule of law? – when we know cases of PF individuals in government ‘dying a natural death’. Very convenient to ignore corrupt practices and criminality involving PF politicians but ready to go with all guns blazing to tramp up charges or perceived ‘unruliness’ in the opposition.
HH is lucky that the head of state has been very strong not to answer the insults from this chap. If he tried this in America by now the party members will have been busy looking for a coffin for their loser, who has lost it all.
Zambia is not a banana republic.
I see some junior White House staff telling Donald Trump that an opposition leader has been arrested in Zambia and Trump says : “But I thought Jameh had left so who’s this man that has been arrested? ” Staff : “Sir it’s not the Gambia but Zambia ” Trump : “Please bring me the map of Canada so that I can locate this place, my geography is very bad. Terrible! “
Comment: HH is not a real politician and he will never rule this country called Zambia we don’t want politicians? who behaves?like kaponyaz where is mwaliteta?
This case is going no where.. and HH is getting more popular
When the charge sticks…when he is convicted he will be ineligible to stand in 2021….Now HH has fallen…The PF plant GBM will take over the tribal party UPND ke ke ke ke…We told you ni ba underage ba HH…under 5 indeed.
Great,am xcited HH is arrested,he deserves it.He shud b taught a lesson becoz he is not above the law.
Wen pipo have tasted the sweetness of leadership and stepping down becomes an issue.
its quite clear that it was a planed move and everyone in their home as political heads know deep down their hearts that it was an issue meant to fix the named party leader.
things to consider wen coming to conclusion of the cause:
“First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out — Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out — Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out —Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.”
Treason! Ma ma ma ma….1. A person is guilty of treason and shall be liable to suffer death who-
(b) prepares or endeavours to procure by force any alteration of the law or the policies of the Government
In paragraphs (b), ….. of subsection (1), “by force” means either-
by force used in such a manner as, whether by reason of the number of persons involved or the means used or both, to imperil or be likely to imperil the safety of the State or to cause or be likely to cause death or grievous
harm or serious damage to property;…No bail! HH is likely to cause harm to President Edgar Lungu the State Property…Iye uluse ine…Mukobeko izamugwila….Ati I am President…How can the Police you command arrest you and throw you in a vanette…ready to be taken to Mukobeko to rot!
Ukukonkelela ukunya kwansofu, kuti walepuka umusula
God is God and He will be God always. Last days prophecy, worry not all these things must pass, it’s written and no one can change prophecy. May God be with President Hakainde Hichilema now and always.
Shushus will work on him . . . check the man in 3 years .
Look at what is happening in Zambia, The president himself participating in the violation of law, HH was setup that was just a plan by pf because when ever the president is passing the road is cleared by police, so why did the police not do that, perhaps they wanted HH’s viechle to run in the way of the president.
We don’t have a president in Zambia #Dead President,
God have mercy on us, Leaders let’s unit please and never throw away our motto One Zambia One Nation that’s all
It’s just a planned move why he who arrested Lungu when he did not step down during petition? Why wasn’t Kaila ZULU arrested in cops slap issue? Animal farm humm???
YAWN. I came just to see what Mushota has written. Mr. HH Mr. HH you have finally arrived, it took long, but now, you have finally CUT YOUR NOISE TO SPITE YOUR FACE.. Am sure, someone once taught you about the “LAW OF CAUSE AND EFFECT” How would you handle this case Mr. HH, if you were the President of Zambia and Mr. Edgar was the president of the opposition party, and behaving as you do or did on the road? Would you give Mr. Edgar a MEDAL? or PUNISH HIM SO THAT HE LEARNS RESPECT FOR AUTHORITY.
Christians have been taught to respect the Government of the is only a devil driven mind that provoke those in authority,hiks promised to rule by the bible,which bible was he referring to?those who want to rule with a gun are shot from the same gun.I wonder where this man went and promised to reward the financiers?where are these fights coming from?
Is this the type of President we want to give Military powers to? think what he has done to Zambians,we have had peace all along,until Mazoka died the Man we respected so much God gave the man wisdom to rule,but sin took him away,the New boy Hikainde took over by force,this is why he can not rule this country,it is not by force but by the power above us.If any body forces this the out come is disastrous.
My massage to HH,be humble…
Is it still a hanging for treason? Damn it feels good to be a gangster!
Look, very sorry for things to come this far, but HH, pushed the envelope, the boat out….anything else push able a little too far.
This is just deserts and let’s be honest, NONE of us ordinary citizens would have conducted ourselves like that before the law. Insult gov’t, insult judges, refuse to acknowledge the choice of the PEOPLE.
We need to quash this Movement. We need credible Opposition not people who are plotting to corner Zambia for themselves. This has been done a little late, but I think a fair time was given to turn things around had HH heeded wisdom. Don’t let him out. Enough. Bring the army out and patrol our country. Really fed up with disgraceful UPND.
HH might be wrong but that charge is out of order.
Is HH popular?How come pipo are silent and not rioting?
It surprises me to note that no immediate action was taken to protect the president if security forces noticed the danger he was in. Surely, should it take days to arrest him?? I feel security did not do their work fully. What if something had happed to the president. Eagle one’s windows were open and what exactly is the job of the sweepers???
Does it mean GBM will now take over UNDP?? just thing aloud…
Sorry UPND??
Mumbi Phiri noticed that the police failed to offer security to the head of state by her comments. Bakapokola sure waiting until the man was home in the night to use force and attack innocent souls (the workers) who were not even there in Mongu. I AM SO DISAPPOINTED!. Were they afraid to approach him when he was in Mongu?? If they (Police) can fail to offer protection to the head of state what about us the ordinary citizens??.. Both parties should be concerned with their security by the police.
That was a comedy of the day,if that is how the President is protected by state police then we are in trouble.why should the presidential motorcade sweep the road/clear the way?what is the duty of sweepers?why should it take more than 48hrs to act?Mr President you surrounded by bad eggs. crush them out,everybody is condemning HH as the way of protecting there bread and butter after failing to perform their duties
Unconfirmed reports best blogger (2016) has been rounded up….AKA NEZ.
this man is too stuborn please. you can only have one president at a time. those people who are commenting nosense are the ones misleading h.h. if h.h had good idvisors the man was not going to face this problem. look you people money can not save a person from death. and the zambian constitution is very clear. if you break the law you are supposed to be punished. this punishment should not come to poor people only even to those who are rich because they have broken the law. fine upnd suppoters are the ones influencing h.h. you are crying your leader is suffering in cells yourself you are busy making silly comments outside while you are enjoying life. i feal pit with upnd suppoters.
@Mushota seriously needs a d$ick up his a*ss. He makes sure he is always on the top in everything including blogging. Just a dirty rude and arrogant person. We know the strip club you work at making your money.