Saturday, January 11, 2025

Fred M’membe arrived in the country on Tuesday


Fred M’membe
Fred M’membe
AFTER being detained briefly by the immigration officers at the Kenneth Kaunda International Airport (KIAA) on Tuesday morning, former Post Newspaper proprietor Fred M’membe was let scot-free by police officers.

Sources within the police service at the airport revealed yesterday that Mr. M’membe was detained upon arrival at the airport following a search and warrant of arrest issued by the courts against him.

According to the sources, when Mr. M’membe was detained, immigration officers alerted the police at the airport station but decided to seek authority before arresting him from the officer in-charge who expressed ignorance over the warrant of arrest.

“…when the officer in-charge was contacted to give authority, he told the officers present at the station that he was not aware of the warrant of arrest and Mr. M’membe immediately walked out of the airport offices freely,” a source said.

After learning of Mr. M’membe’s comeback and how the police failed to effect an arrest, sources have disclosed that the police command is annoyed and were now carrying out investigations into how and why he (M’membe) was let scott-free by the police.

Yesterday, a special team from Police headquarters conducted an investigation to establish how police failed to arrest Mr. M’membe.

Mr. M’membe is currently in the country, a source added.

Meanwhile, when contacted for a comment, police spokesperson Esther Katongo, said she could not comment on the matter because it was outside her jurisdiction.

“It is a court issue and you can only get a comment from the court or the liquidators themselves.

“The court only issues search and a warrant of arrest on him (Mr. M’membe) and we can only effect the warrant upon seeing this person,” she said.

And when asked whether she was aware that Mr. M’membe arrived in the country on Tuesday morning, Ms. Katongo could neither confirm nor deny but referred all the questions to the courts or the liquidators.


  1. Too bad ba police na naimwe you kept he hiding he hiding, now he’s here you fail to arrest him. Stop ukutusebanya what’s the problem with you?

    • Mr Lungu is slowly becoming a different person in the eyes of people including diplomats. He will turn in mseven and Mugabe soon

    • A liquidation is not a criminal event. Businesses fail all the time. PF should stop this nonsense of using the Police to victimise people they do not agree with.

    • LT, you should be ashamed of yourselves. You told us Interpol was looking for Fred and that the PF police was looking for him, yet when they see his face they freeze and deny everything. Where did you get your story about Interpol and warrant of arrest? Is it another unverified report about M’membe’s arrival. Please invest in journalists – it’ll spare you all the sh!ttty kind of reporting!

    • I first heard the word bantustant from fred.

      He knows they cant arrest him now because hh is i chimbokaila.

      Arresing fred this time wil paint bad picture

    • I first heard the word bantustant from fred.

      He knows they cant arrest him now because hh is i chimbokaila.

      Arresing fred this time wil paint bad picture

    • @Flatulence(tick mark), good kid!!!

      At least you are learning the language of the British Queen-who-is-not-your-relative. I see now you can SPELL your moniker…!

    • The PF government knows that arresting Mmembe now will be the final nail in their political casket. so this is lets wait for now situation. I mean you can hear how the spokesperson is fumbling about asking the court and liquidator. lol. they know it that should they effect an arrest now, all the diplomats will again rise a point of order. conversely, not doing it exposes them for failing to adhere to their laws, you issue a warrant of arrest and you don’t effect it. PF is the worst political party in Zambia. I regret having voted for them in the first place. is my comment treason?

    • Dear Lusaka Times: I think you will find he is DR FRED M’MEMBE. It is a title he has rightfully earned by working hard for. It is not an honorary qualification. We lose nothing but rather gain respect ourselves by granting others the respect they have earned.

      Whether arrested or not. Mmembe Fred is very much Zambian. Shouldn’t your story have read POLICE FAIL TO ARREST MMEMBE?

  2. Finally he is back. Hope the liquidators will be able to get all the assets belonging to the Post newspaper(in liquidation) including the ones which were stashed in Kerk street, Johannesburg. Let him feel how former Chief Justice Ngulube felt when Ngulube had his house in Lusaka West grabbed by the government at the instigation of the Post newspaper.

  3. He knows the wind of change is here. He wants to be here when the lungu dynasty collapses

    • Soweto on fire! PF cadres are beating up and arresting all suspected UPND members. Target market is Lumumba bus station
      April 20, 2017

  4. The chap is clever. He knew that if arrested this time, it will be deemed as part of the campaign to arrest all of these guys. You know Africans don’t read. They will not even refer to the facts but straight jump to conclusions. You can see that most disgraced politicians have ganged up with mercenaries to condemn Zambia of law breakers.

  5. Just leave him after all he helped you to come into power when your favourite znbc was no where nearby to cover sata.

    • This apparently is the problem. Unbalanced reporting or covering. Why not cover the other chap? Oh! They know themselves, may the post biased too?

  6. Zambian citizen , do you proof that Fred Meembe has hidden assets? He is to be arrested because the former chief Justice Ngulube lost a house to Government? Has former Chief Justice gotten the house since he sat on Mutembo tribunal that Fred Meembe was not arrested?
    The liquidator Mr Mosho must do his duty according to the law and let Fred be legally represented without outsiders taking sides….. This is a civil matter.

  7. What proof does one need when all the paperwork indicates that those trucks were retrieved in RSA??? How about those other trucks retrieved in Northern province is it?? What proof do you need?? When a company is liquidated it is LAW that the directors of that company must avail all assets to the liquidator. Failure to do so is CRIMINAL-There is nothing noble about Fred M’membe’s dealings as he is as dirty as the same people he accused of corruption!! He must face the law like every Zambian who has committed a crime!!

  8. His beloved post and all it’s assets are getting auctioned tomorrow. He has obviously come to witness the event…we will mourn with you, Fred. M.T.P.R.I.P.-MAY THE POST REST IN PEACE!!! kwekwekwekwekwe…..

    • Celebrating 2000 people losing their jobs and the death of a company built over 28 years because someone is your opponent is really deluded from your so called Christian nation.

  9. I guess the Police are also beginning to feel the heat. All the negative media attention about their brutality and unfairness must be annoying some of them. Its a good sign for the future of the country. Once we get rid of Kampyongo, Kanganja and Kaiser Zulu, we can get back to normal.

  10. Ma cadres are a problem. The opposition is wrong, diplomats are wrong, foreign leaders are wrong, the media is wrong, NGOs are wrong, hey everyone is wrong. PF is right!!! You need brain transplants ma PF cadres because evidently the current ones are malfunctioning.

  11. Sometimes we have to let things pass. Aaah M’membe..M’membe…M’membe aah. aah u can get fed up and let things find their level. What type of hearts do u have kanshi?

  12. All these characters celebrating the loss of 2000 jobs will claim to be Christians in this fake Christian country.

  13. What has become of the much talked INTERPOL over Fred Mmembe’s where abouts?. Am not fan of Mmembe but PF regime and Lungu (god) are full of hot air or is it clueless. The world is laughing PF regime over interpol saga.

  14. We are tired of this nonsense. Can our leaders rule the country without victimizing inocent people. Is it too difficult to rule the country in a correct way. Why prosecute your opponents with full force and protect even the worst criminals if they sing praises to you. ECL dady kuleni mumutwe.

  15. Why arresting Mmembe at the airport, wait he will be arrested when he appears in Court that is if there is any contempt for him.

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