Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Munali Nickel mine to re-open


The Munali Nickel Mine in Mazabuka, Southern province, is due to reopen this year.


The mine, which was shut down three years ago will reopen under new investors, Consolidated Nickel Mine, a British firm.


Company Chief Executive Officer, Simon Purkiss has disclosed the reopening of the mine at the 2017 Zambia Mining Investment Forum, which is taking place in London.


Mr. Purkiss said his company is just finalising a 40 million US dollars financing agreement operation.


He has explained that the hope is to extend the lifespan of the mine by 10 years.


Mr. Purkiss has added that all the initial work to prepare the mine for reopening have been done.


    • Nothing to celebrate. These guys are trying to make it rich in Zambia. They have no real mining experience, have no operating assets/mines anywhere in the world and do not even have the capital. That’s what happens when you are desperate and ignorant. You get conned by anybody with a few dollars and a clever pickup line.

  1. The best news I have heard in a long time. Zambia is a hotbed for natural resources and we need to work out what is in it for us as the owners of the land (Zambians) Apart from the jobs created, we want these companies to partner with our local businessmen and general public in owning shares in these ventures. We don’t want to see “Stealing Africa” all over again. You can check it out…on Youtube. Stealing Africa…why poverty? Zambia’s copper case and how the country has been siphoned of billions of dollars through some dodgy dealings. Watch it and your support for certain governments will leave you angry and confused. If you love Zambia – then save Zambia.

    What?: Stealing Africa, why poverty?
    Where?: youtube
    Blurb: Tells a worrisome true story of how we do not benefit from our…

  2. GREAT NEWS!!!!
    Let us stop political patronage on Economic Industrial Investments by well meaning Corporations.

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    Bweengwa Irrigation System
    Kafue – Mazabuka Road

  3. Great news!!
    Its refreshing to hear a British firm taking over this mine. A breath of fresh air from the Chinese.

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