Friday, March 14, 2025

President Lungu expected in South Africa for the World Economic Forum


President Lungu
President Lungu
South African President Jacob Zuma has invited President Edgar Lungu To attend the World Economic Forum on Africa that will be held in Durban , South Africa from Wednesday 3rd to 6th May.

Zambia’s High Commissioner to South Africa Emmanuel Mwamba says President Lungu is among Heads of State and dignitaries expected to attend the forum with special focus on Africa

Mr. Mwamba says President Lungu is expected to address various issues that include Fast-Tracking Economic Unification and lessons to be drawn in light of the Brexit matter in the United Kingdom.

The high commissioner says the President will also address the Forum on a theme entitled “Africa in the New Global Context”.

President Lungu will be among regional leaders that include host President Jacob Zuma, King Mswati the third of the Kingdom of Swaziland, Mozambique head of state Filipe Nyusi, Yoweri Museveni of Uganda and Hage Geingob of Namibia among others.

The leaders will discuss Africa’s programmes of economic diversification, revitalization of manufacturing sectors and the harnessing of human innovation.

This is contained in a statement issued to ZNBC News in Lusaka.


  1. Breaking news Zambia fails to reach deal with imf on loan borrowing. Why is Lusaka times not reporting this but would rather report on lungus drink and extra marital escapades in South Africa. Lungu must go.

    • Well done president Lungu by representing your citizens.

      You are loved by the whole of your country.

      I notice you have fulfilled most of the promises you promised during the campaign



    • What will he do there when imf yakana kupasa kaloba due to illegal pf indiscipline in fiscal issues. Mismanagement and day light. Corruption is the norm. This meeting should have been attended by a mere economic advisor within finance ministry because Zambia has no influence on the international financial stage. Sort out the governance issues first and maybe Zambia will have influence. Until then it is kuwaya waya fye

    • NEZ just spouts rubbish. He lost best blogger 2016 to Mushota and keeps trying hard for attention and was third yet puts it in his name. Such cadres should be ignored. You are lost best blogger and carrying it explains how these UPND cadres think. They don’t know when it’s time to accept beatings.
      Ka mushota I ignore your posts you changed and comments rubbish now.

    • I see some Psychiatric Disorders Associated With Epilepsy. Stalled negotiations with IMF or not, what is exciting about it anyways? Trolling hatred and bitterness must have a limit in life. You don’t win souls and sympathy by resorting to pathetic this kind of mental seizures.
      In life one can choose to disagree but still show some human conscience with character of maturity and civility. Not all of us support this IMF stimulus option for very strong reasons, yet we advise and argue with reason in a rational context. All said, the debate ought to about our collective efforts of exploring better options to national problems that would practically extricate the nation from an adverse debt trap situation with potential of stymieing real economic growth.

    • No offence but bakateka mulenda. This meeting is just a drink ? up for the African presidents. Ukuchilisha kuSaube

    • I doubt if Lungu can say what his dream for Zambia is even today – in just 4 words, let alone define what the economic forum is. With chpas like Lungu at the helm of key decion making, Zambia will remain stagnant in all forms except in drunkness, hatred, corruption and embezzlement which have sharply risen

    • Thank God, I look forward.
      Main agenda will be why HH is not part of Economic Forum, of which he is always one of main speakers.

    • Senior useless citizen you have outlived your usefulness just like mutati’s mmd. You can use that thesaurus to come up with words to replace simple text but that doesn’t change my views and never will. The same way you are entitled to your insignificant views is the same way I am entitled to mine. I have a huge following here as the official representative of the upnd. So please never assume that I blog here for your convenience.

    • This President is restricted in his international appeal. Does this reflect his calibre. When he goes any further e.g. Isreal his alleged host Netanyahu leaves him behind to go and even meet celebrities longer. Why is he even trying? He’s Zambia’s biggest failed Project ever!

    • The most inconsequential, useless, vision-less leader to ever have come out of Zambia, and arguably, Southern Africa–and probably the World. His attendance at the World Economic Forum is a waste of time, resources and space.

    • what is he going to do there. That forum is for educated people who can grasp issues. Lungu cannot run a peanut farm


  3. Just to say I find it immature when some bloggers use someone else’s blogging name and adopt an opposite stance to what I have consistently stood for. Please ignore the “Harold Muna” above.

    • Ha, no he does not. His suits are too big, the bow tie makes him look like a waiter and his head is oddly shaped. Also, he looks like he is not used to wearing a suit.

  4. While the cost of this trip to the Zambian Tax Payer will be in excess of US$200, 000 the real benefits to the nation will be hard to see! Imagine what US$200, 000 would to do a rural health clinic! Is Magufuli attending this event?

  5. Senior Citizen’ Psychiatry is not your speciality. Leave this to us. Back to the story, Lungu’s appetite for travelling is not shocking but just shows the the person he associates with Ruphia Banda. In whatsoever we see in Lungu is what we witnessed during Ruphia reign.
    For some of you who are not their tribal cousins don’t talk about this as they will crush you like a mad man Kaiser
    And throw you like kapeso police commissioner for southern province.
    This is what Zambia is like threats and threats. No time to share the beauty of harmony and tranquillity that we used to do. We are all enemies of each other and our shadow. May the good Lord have mercy on us.


  6. No we aren’t expecting him
    He should stay where he is. He is very embarrassing when he comes here tucawa na Zuma at every turn

  7. Ba UPND ama jealous. Your president is in jail for failure to accept defeat and behaving like a president. Let the president go and represent Zambians who voted for him. You can wait for your kachema to be cleared by the court. Where is your GBV vice president? Hiding?

  8. @Harold Muna, but maybe there are many of you with similar names. Its like Mutinta, the concubine of Mmembe the socialist dollar billionaire and Mutinta the wife of HH the incarcerated, and there are many others, I think there are several more in Chikankata and Dundu. I think even the wife of Mazoka the respected icon might be Mutinta.

  9. So UPNDonkeys, are you going to spend your whole life just waiting for Lungu to travel or do something to unlock your brains to say something? Cant you do something new and serious for a change, like resurrecting your dying party.

  10. People should demontrate and embasrass Dictator Lungu at the Forum Venue and call for HH to be released from jail. Those Treason charges are trumped up to eliminate HH and declare Zambia a One Man Party Dictatorship under Chakolwa Lungu. Economic,Financial and Travel Sanctions for illegitimate Lungu and his Cabal beckons.

  11. @Moya:kekekekekekeke;what?people to protest outside the venue where president Edgar Lungu will be addressing this economic forum in SA for the sake of HH,are you normal?if president Zuma cared for HH,would he invite ECL?you are a joker.

    Nobody will release HH from Chimbokaila unless the court clears him.for now forget,he is in jail to stay until the law takes its course.

    WHY IS NEZ CELEBRATING IMF’S REFUSAL TO LEND ZAMBIA MONEY?if its true,will this give the presidency to HH?upnd cadres thinking is very evil.our economy has been bad since 2014 or so.if Zambians were voting based on economic issues only,PF could have lot in 2015 or 2016.sadly for you NEZ and upnd,many voters look at many factors when voting for somebody.HH’s image in the eyes of many voters is very…

  12. Continue…….
    HH’s image in the eyes of many voters is very dark(bad).before 2016 elections load shedding was the order of the day,weak kwacha,high inflation rate,high unemployment,etc.the only noticeble thing which PF did was in infrastructure developent(roads,new districts,schools,hospitals) but still people voted for 2016 upnd was very confident saying that Zambians cannot vote for PF due to all those economical negativities,but upnd lost.Hence i cant see why NEZ can celebrate IMF’s refusal to lend Zambia money because this wont give the presidency to HH.

    The voting pattern in Zambia has gone tribal.look,PF built a very expensive road in western,but despite that people voted for HH.if voters were voting based on developmental issues,PF could have won in western.


  13. Continue……
    In western province,PF built a very expensive road,bridges,new districts in southern and N/western,made Choma HQ of countries were people vote based on developmental issues,PF could have won in western.

    In 2021 expect majority votes in 3.5 provinces to go to upnd no matter how PF develop those areas.same,PF will get more votes in 6.5 provinces whether they fullfil all campaign promises or not.THIS IS HOW DIVIDED POLITICALLY ZAMBIA IS!!so NEZ has nothing to celebrate about because in the end his upnd will lose once more!!

    • @Njimbu: IMF program is totally based on conditionalities which the PF govt. seems to be resisting!! If they are agreeable, you will see less road constructions in the name of fiscal discipline, remember Mwanawasa’s time??? IMF will not fund rail road construction for example, but will support mining companies transporting copper on roads and destroying them all in the name of free market principles. We all have to careful with their ultimate plans these people.

  14. Your excellence, thanks for representing our lovely and peaceful Zambia. The cow wanted to cause civil unrest, hence it is where it suppose to be in jAIL

  15. As the world continues to move forward, African opposition continues to lag behind in terms of ideas and drive to harness votes from the indigenous population. Their supposedly superiority complex that guides them to think they are better than the majority and are the only ones who can drive their respective countries without the input of the masses continues to work against them. From a distance, a right thinking mind can reason that the IMF program is but an option for the PF government and not a priority as these programs come with salient conditionalities which the government is trying hard not to engage the country into. But the short sighted minds of the opposition supporters see it as a victory going hand in hand with their strategiless incarcerated leader predictions which have…

  16. …failed to fulfill their doomsday prophecies. Who can forget that it was hh and his cohorts who predicted food riots on a massive scale prior to the 2016 elections owing to the drought that hovered on the region?? But alas, when matters are dedicated to higher forces such as the God Almighty, even the most educated and privilaged doomsayers are defeated as the Almighty God and his son Jesus Christ are the ultimate masters of the Universe!! This IMF program will not determine Zambia’s fate as it is an option for the government to consider not the ultimatum. Copper output and the price are on the upswing, the exchange rate has stabilised, Zambia can now feed itself, THERE IS NO CRISIS TO SING ABOUT!! In 2001, Anglo-American pulled out of Zambia after their preferred candidate Andy Mazoka…

  17. …lost elections, they predicted doom for the country-Alas the country rebounded and strengthened its resolve. Today is like a repeat of history, the same doomsayers who want control of our economic affairs want us to believe we are doomed without them but God gave us able leaders who will guide us to greatness once more-GOD BLESS ZAMBIA AND GOD BLESS EDGAR LUNGU AS HE ENDEAVOURS TO LEAD THIS COUNTRY TO GREATNESS, NO AMOUNT OF SATANIC INFLUENCE WILL STAND IN GOD’S WILL!!!!

  18. @Njimbu.The World Economic Forum for Africa is being held in Durban ,South Africa from 3-5 May 2017. The Meeting is being organized by World Economic Forum and the South Africa govt is only a hosting Partner. Lungu has been invited by the Organisers of the Meeting. It looks like on the sideline of this Economic Forum Meeting ,SADC will hold a Mini Summit to discuss the Political Crisis in Zambia which includes the incarceration of HH. All South African Opposition Parties should mobilise their Supporters to demonstrate against Dictator Lungu and demand the unconditional Release from jail of HH. The Demonstrators should embarrass Dictator Lungu and make him as unwanted as he was made to feel in Mongu at the recent Kuomboka Ceremony in Zambia.A look at the Agenda of the Forum Meeting…

  19. @Thabo u are spot on. The World Economic Forum for Africa is not being organized by the South African govt so there is no way Jacob Zuma could invite Lungu to that Forum. The World Economic Forum did. To take advantage of the Forum Meeting , Zuma might have invited Lungu to a SADC Meeting to discuss the Crisis in Zambia on the sidelines of the Forum Meeting. The AU and SADC ought to be concerned with increased hostilities between PF and UPND in Zambia. So Lungu has been summoned to this Meeting to explain what is going on in Zambia following the arrest and detention of the main Opposition Leader,HH in Zambia based on Treason trumped up charges. It is a waste of time and money to attend the Forum for Lungu becoz very soon he and his Advisers will be slapped with Economic,Financial and…

  20. @Thabo:dream on!!do you think South Africans are like you bantustans from mongu?nobody will protest against President Edgar Lungu in South Africa.besides,no african president will discuss or demand for the release of HH in SA.this is how you upnd cadres always cheat yourselves and miss it.

    If life in Zambia is so quiet since the time HH was arrested 21 days ago and its life as usual in Zed today,how can South Africans get concerned about your law breaker HH?kekekekekekekeke…….you have now run out of ideas in upnd camp!!atleast GBM is having a rest in India leaving you troubling your hearts about UNVOTABLE HH!!!

    ECL’S MEETINGS IN SOUTH AFRICAN WILL GO ON AS PLANNED AND NOTHING EMBARRASSING WILL HAPPEN TO HIM!!!just prepare to go to court on 5th or 6th May,2017 when your tonga…

  21. Continue……..
    Just prepare to go to court on 5th or 6th May,2017 when your tonga god will be appearing in court.ITS COURTS WHICH WILL CLEAR OR CONVICT HH AND NOBODY ELSE-SIMPLE!!

  22. You upnd cadres really trouble yourselves!!!

    Ati “crisis in Zambia”,which crisis?that crisis only exists in your heads.nobody told HH to block the presidential motorcade in mongu.he did it out of his arrogance and lack of respect for the let the law take its course.

    Those SADC leaders who will meet ECL in SA have watched the video of what happened in fact many of them could even blame ECL for not instructing ZP to kill whoever blocked Eagle one!!SO STOP LOOKING AT HH’S MONGU SAGA FROM TRIBAL POINT OF VIEW.THAT WAS A VERY BIG SCANDAL.IF THAT CASE GOES TO HIGH COURT,HH WILL BE IN VERY HOT SOUP.PLUS VIDEO EVIDENCE IS VERY POWERFUL AND IN COURTS, ITS PROPER EVIDENCE WHICH MAKES A SUSPECT TO BE CONVICTED!!courts do not use emotions,lies,opinions,asumptions,etc…

  23. “They may torture my body, break my bones, even kill me. Then they will have my dead body, but not my obedience”- Mahatma Gandhi.


  25. The Mongu Motorcade incident was instigated by Lungu and his Criminals. The purpose of the Mission was to cause a Motorcade Pileup which was to kill HH. That is why Lungu’s bullet proof Vehicle had its Window open. Lungu wanted to see clearly the assasination of HH. When the Mission failed Lungu turned the incident to be an attempt on his life when the opposite is true. Let Lungu explain at the Forum in Durban why the 2016 Election was Disputed and Petitioned? Let him explain why he is refusing to prove in Court how he won the Election? Let him explain why he is blocking the Petition Hearing in Court? Let Lungu explain why he has jailed HH and want him killed at all costs? Let Lungu explain why IMF is refusing to Bailout his illegitimate govt? All Zambians in Durban,South African workers…

  26. Every dog has his day; Lungu’s ending will be very bad unless he changes his ways; and no anointings from KK and others will save him; soon he will be in a wheeling chair like his mentor Bob who has been presented with a wheel chair.

  27. @Zulu. U have hit the Nail on the Head. It was In fact Lungu and his Criminals who wanted to assassinate HH at the Mongu Motorcade Scene. After the attempted assassination failed Lungu and his Criminals came up with the trumped Treason Charge. They want to finish off HH in Prison so that Lungu can establish a One Man Party Dictatorship and Rule Zambia forever. Lungu is being summoned by SADC to explain why the Election Petition has not been finalized and why Lungu has arrested and imprisoned HH on trumped up charges. For peace to return to Zambia AU and SADC will have to intervene in the Zambian Election Dispute in the same way Ecowas and AU did in Gambia. Lungu can kill the Petitioners but he cannot kill half the Population of Zambia which believes he did not win the 2016 Election and is…

  28. That now makes sense. Lungu is a Sadist and that is why he has suddenly turned the HH the Victim into a Villain. According to the scheme HH was going to be murdered at the Mongu Motorcade Scene. Somehow the planned assasination of HH failed. Lungu was at the scene becoz he wanted to see for himself that HH is dead. That is why the window of Lungu’s Vehicle was open. After the scheme to assassinate HH failed Lungu was so upset that he and his Cabal had to devise another method of eliminating HH. Hence the Treason charges. Lungu reckons that the only person blocking his One Man Party Dictatorship goal is HH and his UPND Party. Lungu can kill HH but HH’s dead body will not recognize Lungu as Legitimate President of Zambia. Lungu will have to kill half the Population of Zambia to achieve…

  29. Njimbu, lets correct your constant use of 3.5 and 6.5 . You have to look ar the number of regusterd voters that voted legally. Its quite possible the majority of pipo do not accept the current government. Only those that are registered voter are counted so we aree really getting a minority of pipo supporting the government and opposition.
    Population say 14 illion registered 2 3 million. Correct me on figures because apparently voting rolls have not be scrutinized correctly.
    Nust facts back my friend no crap about me being upnd because i am not.

  30. @Masalamuso:if you take that route,then you will discover that more than 70% Zambians have nothing to do with HH.were you in Zambia when ECZ declared Edgar Lungu as 2016 winner around 13hrs?millions and millions of Zambians including kids danced on the streets in 6.5 provinces!!IF EDGAR LUNGU WAS NOT LOVED BY THE MAJORITY,WAS ECZ GOING TO DECLARE HIM AS WINNER AROUND 13HRS?BIG NO BECAUSE ZAMBIA WAS GOING TO BE SET ON FIRE!!BUT ECZ KNEW THROUGH OP THAT MAJORITY ZAMBIANS ESPECIALLY IN 6.5 PROVINCES ARE PRO PF AND REALLY WANTED EDGAR LUNGU TO WIN!!!some tyres were burn in 3.5 provinces when ECZ declared the defeat of HH confirming that upnd is only very popular in those areas.AS 6.5 PROVINCES CELEBRATED PF’S VICTORY,THE FUNERAL WAS GOING ON IN 3.5 PROVINCES!!THIS IS A FACT.even now HH’s…

  31. Yes i was there but you are still missing the point, we have a minority of voters so we are not getting a true reflection of the nation as a whole. Make voting compulsory, register all zambians of voting age then we can say the majority.

  32. Lets agreee to disagree because am not interested in politics becoz emotion can cloud logic.
    U have a passion so please use it constructively to progress the economy.
    External Investment per se doesnt mean progression because profits go offshore,
    We must build zambia from within. Zambians must trust each other across tribal lines so that internal investment flourishes.
    Our problem is poverty and the need for everybody to “chew”. Work together and share profits equitably

  33. Musa and Zulu do you really think that HH’s assassination failed that is why he has been slapped with a treason case? Really, really if they wanted to kill him not even him but all of them was it going to be hard to do so? Think twice before you say anything, if they can fish him out from the banker and put him in jail what can stop them if they wanted to.

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