President Edgar Lung has said that government will not regulate the media under his watch.
Speaking to journalists at the Kenneth Kaunda International Airport before his departure for the World Economic Forum on Africa in Durban, South Africa,the president , however, advised the media to regulate themselves through objective reporting.
Commenting on the World Press Freedom Day which falls today, President Lungu urged the media to be criticise government where necessary.
The President said that the media is a critical player in Zambia’s governance system and that being the fourth estate journalist should be part of the country’s growth.
And Acting Information and Broadcasting Services Minister Given Lubinda has said that government is determined to come up with legislation that will promote freedom of the press and access to information.
Mr Lubinda said that government is aware of the benefits that will come with the access to information laws, saying the laws will not only empower the media with information but also shape the opinions of the public.
Mr Lubinda noted that government availed an opportunity for the press in the country to have access to information bill through the referendum which was shot down.
He however, said it is disturbing that some online media are abusing their rights by reporting hate speech and criminality in the name of freedom of expression and information.
The minister said it is important for the journalists to desist from being unprofessional and unethical in their conduct of duty.
Mr. Lubinda was speaking at this year world press freedom day celebrations where he has also condemned the acts of violence against journalists.

Bu Ba Lungu
You have done more than regulate the media already. It is muzzled an emasculated. Need we look any further than the Post and Fred Mmembe?
He is right as well.
Why do so?
I have noticed he has flashed out all the nonsensical persons like Kambwili, Mmembe GBM and quiet frankly put them in place, not forgetting the incarcerated one.
The bottom line is – Lungu is in charge and everything being equal, you will have to accept and put up with him until 2026.
The MAJORITY are very happy under his regime.
Sanity has been brought to a country that was being ridiculed in the past.
USA, UK, everywhere are reporting favorably on our country
Do we even have personnel worth calling media in Zambia. All they do is copy and paste. I only read Zambian publications purely based on nostalgia!
mushota when did you become Chilufya
Mushota chimfwembe Chilufya. Your LinkedIn picture is different to this picture. You ugly on linkelin. You work for Lusakatimes.so that’s how you look like
Bravo sir! Let’s keep an environment of a self regulated buoyant media and divergent views. They are not only necessary watchdogs, but release value of dissent in a thriving democracy as ours.
I have just been informed that my These has been accepted and from now on
I am Dr. Mushota C Chimfwembe.
Thank you LusakaTimes staff for you messages and anyone here
When beer talks instead of brains, all you get is utter hypocrisy of the kind exhuding out of this pathetic of a president Lungu.
He just muzzled The Post and sold off its property for his and kaiser benefits. How can a normal person like me trust this maggot?
Any one believing this f00lish president should have their head examined seriously.
Why are you advocating him to be free when clearly he has a case to answer?
That leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
This is a President who has never hosted a press conference…he is a coward and knows he can answer any basic questions!
Good job, Lungu!
Your take on HH ‘s case just proves that the PHD you claim you have is equally as fake as the PF itself.
HH did not commit any treason. Lungu ‘s motorcade was given way to pass. At no point did the police wave HH ‘s motorcade to stop. Even here in the UK when the prime minister ‘s motorcade is passing the police do not stop the cars but just advice the other motorist to give way exactly what HH did.
HH has no case to answer because all the charges levelled at him are politically motivated to destroy opposition.
If HH had wanted Lungu killed he would not do it like that.
Any way all PF supporters are just deranged period!
Free HH now.
What media to regulate is this dullower chap talking about when he has already crapped down on all the private media?
All the state media are not even worth talking about because there are always singing praise of his batch of thieves-he remote regulated the very first day he stepped into statehouse.
Hypocritical drunkard. What he says is direct opposite to what he does. Do Zambians have memories of wet chickens? Have we forgotten:
– Closure of Post Newspaper
– Raid of Mast newspaper
– Closure of Muvi-tv, Komboni Radio, Radio Itezhi-tezhi for featuring opposition members
– Raid of Radio Mano by PF Police in Kasama just becoz GBM was on air
– Battering by PF Police to nudity of Lesa Kasoma, owner of komboni Radio
– Blatant bias of DeadNBC
– Hacking of Zambian Watchdog
– Beating of post newspaper reporter who cover issuing of NRCs & voters cards to foreigners by PF
Zambian media is writing in fear. What happened to Post, Muvi TV can happen to them. This drunk is a fart!
The catch word is objectivity. Which is to keep Zambia Peaceful. We need the media to vibrate above board and succumb to no corrupt practices bent at maligning Zambians and puking insults like they know it all. The other catch word is ethics. They claim to entertain, inform and educate yet they concentrate on blackmail, falsehood, insults and championing subjective emotions. Hail ZNBC, yours is big, like the mainstream media in the western countries, you stand up for Zambia. We owe it to you that you endeavor to put Zambia first. Experienced and reliable! Hail ZNBC!!!
The LAWS OF ZAMBIA prescribes:
“to establish the Independent Broadcasting Authority and to define its functions; to provide for the control and regulation of broadcasting and diffusion services; and to provide for matters connected with or incidental to the foregoing.” SOME FUNCTIONS OF IBA (g) to oblige broadcasters to develop codes of practice and monitor compliance with those codes;(h) to develop program standards relating to broadcasting in Zambia and to monitor and enforce compliance with those standards;(i) to receive, investigate and decide on complaints concerning broadcasting services including public broadcasting services; (j) to develop regulations in regard to advertising, sponsorship, local content, and media…
… diversity and ownership; (k) to perform such other functions as may be conferred on it by this or any other Act; etc.
If ZRA followed up taxes from a farmer, would you say Lungu against farming?
If ZRA followed up taxes from a mine, would you say Lungu is against mining?
If ZRA followed up taxes from a manufacturing company, would you say Lungu is against manufacturing?
If ZRA followed up tax from a trading company, would you say Lungu is against trading?
If ZRA followed up taxes from a construction company would you say Lungu is against construction?
Why is it that when ZRA follows up tax from a newspaper company you say Lungu is against the media?
LIKE COUSIN NGONIs WOULD PUT IT – Mutola Nkhani Opanda Chinsinsi
ALI NA ZNBC. Some tuma backyard media houses have ulterior motives. Anzimvela ati “yayi ise malume, it’s a paper that digs underground” Mmmmmh! Aisha, you are hiding away from Zacchaeus ati we dig deeper, Musankwa? Rubbing shoulders with authority for some form of Amnesty Govt after Govt. Ati “yayi Aisha tili Kabotu”, mulumbwana, with so much tension in the country, you concentrate on broadcasting negativity at the expense of defenceless Zambia, IBA lands on your neck ati ” iyayi ise we are private! Mapenzi! Buyumu yumu! Be objective for Zambia not like Chimba’s “Stand up for Zambia”. That is unethical, you hear?
How can a Country move forward? Everyone at the Airport to see off the president. This is stupidity. Does Lungu as a younger leader truly think this is normal? Someone has to stop this nonsense. Think the expenses associated to all this.
@Advice: Just eat your stolen money with Lungu quietly. Who are you PF guys trying to Fool?. ZRA only make cases on individuals based on instructions. They are not ethical because most of these ministers pay no single tax on their personal businesses. Statements by the president are Fake and a big lie from him. Him and all his advisors do not like anyone who is critic of them, even on a facts.
Lungu has achieved two things, divided this country on tribal lines and killed our rule of law. The two will haunt Pf.
Dude you do know people watch ZNBC? It funny how government belittles us.
Must have been a slip of the tongue.
Be truthful was the post muzzled or it evaded paying tax
it is stup!d people like you and HH who INSULTED HIM DAY AND NIGHT ON THIS VERY PLATFORM coz you cant see how great he is doing you in the coming future. bakonto!!
Lungu is TOO DRUNK TO READ LUSAKA TIMES! He cannot even find it with Google because he has no idea how to spell “Lusaka”.
If he managed to find it, it might pump some sense into his dull brain!
Excellent President!
i cant complain with lungus readership, very happy under his regime and sanity…. Lungu is in charge of everything, that is why you have to accept and respect him as an in-charge until 2031.
By the way what is the progress of correcting our man?
Progress report to be given on thursday.
In Animal Farm, pigs’ media can now criticize the govt by singing praises.
There is the Lazy Bum giving press briefing on airport tarmac with all the defence chiefs and whole cabinet…you would be excused for thinking that these empty tins are able to balance their budget.
It’s hypocritical to claim that President Edgar Lungu regulates press when in fact the press has even gone too far in insulting the President. I am of the view that the President should start regulating these press for the good of the country.
Sorry, not just regulate but also close some
We are not going to regulate but will police the media. The media must recognize me by adequately covering me and ensuring the opposition is blacked out! Don’t be like the Post. I am not going to interfere but the Law will take its selective course! If you recognize me, don’t worry about your tax arrears. If you don’t recognize me, the moment you fall back in taxes, I will make sure that the full force of the law visits you. Eish. We don’t know what to believe. Better to look at the opposite of whatever is said. What do our politicians take us for? Do they think we are that stu.p!d to believe their lies?
Mushota used another name CHILUFYA but sh
British HC to lungu………
“……The UK firmly counsels that the best response to political divisiveness is more dialogue, not less; more openness, more freedom of expression, more media freedom, more tolerance, not less. Law and order is important, yes, of course, but must be underpinned by dialogue and compromise on all sides….”
Shameless dictator. Do you really think people have forgotten how not long ago you went after all media that did not sing your praises.
9J-ONE, the air equivalent of Eagle One has landed in Durban to attend the World Economic Forum. One resident of a Lusaka correctional centre can only lick his lips in envy that he is not the one. Just as well, you can imagine how he would be insulting his fellow heads of state if we had made the mistake of electing him.
But relax, not all is lost. HH will come out of brain correction and reorientation a much better man. My only worry is that when he finally cones out he will be out of tune with his followers like NEZ.
It is the mark of the man.. ..who makes lungu , the whole GRZ and all his supporters shake and stammer his name 24/7 even when he is incarcerated.. ..now they can’t even concentrate on their jobs , all they think of is the hero that is HH.
HHs popularity is world wide now.
We stand by you UPND we support you HH and your fight for zambias democratic freedoms.
You must have missed those street parties when us the majority celebrated that our ECL had beaten hh for the second time…we don’t need the world to recognise ECL because us majority Zambians just love our PRESIDENT!!!
Why is he everyday craving for recognition if the majority voted for him ???
If the majority voted for him why is he so paranoid of HH and UPND leadership??
It is you losers who provoke him, just like the Mongu incident. Look at Elias Chipimo, he is busy conceiving developmental plans like the 20% bill, he has accepted that the elections are gone and he is soliciting for votes. hh and the upnd are busy insulting the very man Zambians endorsed and expect those same voters to vote for them after insulting them that they are fools to vote for president Lungu??? WHAT A BUNCH OF LOSERS!!!
Actually jail is molding a “crown” HH; he will come out so changed that is followers will end up lost in their hate speech, insults and hooliganism. They will demand for their actual HH. Although people don’t get out of jail soft, contemporary reloaded jails a.k.a correctional facilities enable civility even in hard-core criminals. It is my earnest appeal that HH comes out with skills of a Tailor and a Carpenter. Why, you ask? Because I love suits and comfortable chairs. Alas, if he comes out unchanged, then Govt is not doing much on correcting uncivil behavior. I will recommend some remedies!
We have Daily Nation, Muvi TV, Komboni Radio, all freely operating media. Which muzzling are we talking about???
Fred membe ? An arrest warrant was issued for his arrest for alleged hiding of post assets but when the UK HC announced he met membe lungu quickly changed his mind about arresting membe….
is m’membe the only free press???
Why are you not affecting the fake arrest warrant ? Did lungu get told off ??
Komboni radio director assaulted.
Muvi tv threatened with loss of licence.
Radio mano staff assaulted.
Post journalists assaulted in chipata….
Fred’s time will come…he just had his crown jewel auctioned, he is still in mourning. Bank is just about to flog that house in Rhodes Park!! Komboni radio still operating freely, muvi tv still broadcasting their rubbish uninhabited, you zombies still blogging c.r.ap and publishing falsehoods on social media, HOW FREE CAN FREE MEDIA BE?????
Ati ” Fred’s time will come..”
So you can see the vindictive politically motivated arrests PF carry out ???
You only get arrested if you criticise lungu or reveal details of corruption and then only when the world and forigne diplomats are not looking…..like now is the best time to talk because they are pleading with the IMF and already the arrest of HH is not showing them in good light.
In ECLs government, lawbreakers will face the law!! They will not be tried in the media or be protected because the belong to elite cliques like in Mwanawasa’s government. Which corruption has been revealed and convicted?? Enlighten us, brother. Or you want the failed anti-corruption Mwanawasa crusade to return so your kindred can profit and open new airlines???? In the new Zambia, you have to accuse, produce evidence in court NOT MEDIA, secure a legal conviction and the culprit is arrested, straightforward, don’t you think???
Lungu has the evidence on kambwillis corruption has he been arrested ?
Lungu told us he was aware of large amounts of money going through ministers accounts , has he done anything ??
Kaizer zulu has been assaulting women including a police woman in public and firing guns has he been disciplined???
Did this silly clown lungu just wakeup from a 2 year slumber. Is he retarded or what. After all the illegal cut down of independent media he makes this statement. These are statement to try and change imf decision to refuse them kaloba. Things are bad. Even the dog I have called Edgar lungu is barking as I read to him this article.
That is it folks……we have pre set questions lungu allows to be asked all always on KK air port tarmac……never ever has he dared face free journos……he only takes questions prepared by Amos chanda.
That in it self is abuse of media.
The president doesn’t need to prove anything to you losers. He has the support of us the majority who endorsed him!!
Is that way he needed to steal votes ??
Why is he afraid of holding a press conference with all journos ???
He didn’t steal votes, WE THE MAJORITY VOTED FOR HIM, TWICE, INSTEAD OF THE PERPETUAL LOSER, HH!!! I told you, president Lungu has nothing to prove to you losers by having a press conference when we know your childish behavior!!
Hehehehe what is he afraid of ?? How can our childish behaviour threaten a man with majority votes ?? Hehehe. You make my night.
Proud of the st.u.pidi.ty that got childish hh squatting in a metre square space next to a latrine??
That is the sacrifice HH has to pay for our democratic freedoms…..we stand by him.
The coward of a President afraid of his own shadow. Sin blinds you will end up badly baba.
ECL is only saying all this because in South African he is bound to meet protesters.
Fya kupapisha, which free media is he talking about
@18.1 Spaka, I am sure you mean HH is popular worldwide like Mandela…laughable. Look, hh has become popular for all the wrong and situpid reasons. The British High Commissioner used the word “foolish”, and remember he is from what you call world capitals!…….awe kuti walila the way some people think…sorry I mean donkeys.
@18.1 Spaka, I am sure you mean he is popular worldwide like Mandela…laughable. Look, he has become popular for all the wrong and situpid reasons. The High Commissioner used the word “foolish”, and remember he is from what you call world capitals!…….awe kuti walila the way some people think…sorry I mean donkeys.
@18.1 Spaka, I am sure you mean he is popular worldwide…laughable. Look, he has become popular for all the wrong and sit.upid reasons. The world diplomat used the word “foolish”, and remember he is from what you call world capitals!…….awe kuti walila the way some people think…sorry I mean don keys.
Yes let the civilised South Africans boo Lungu. He thinks he is a champion everywhere he goes. Shame on you ba Kwempe President no wander you are panicking because you know that you didn’t win the majority votes.
He is slightly corrected but tomorrow they will allow him some fresh air. Visit the magistrates court if you want to watch for yourself.
@18.1 Spaka, you mean famous for foolishness? As put by the high commissioner from world capitals?
Please dont insult Mandela’s legacy by comparing him with fo.ols.
Mandela fought for freedom but other people fight for foolish.ness. Did you hear that Mandela was fighting for his tribe to rule?
If ZRA followed up taxes from a farmer, would you say Lungu against farming?
If ZRA followed up taxes from a mine, would you say Lungu is against mining?
If ZRA followed up taxes from a manufacturing company, would you say Lungu is against manufacturing?
If ZRA followed up tax from a trading company, would you say Lungu is against trading?
If ZRA followed up taxes from a construction company would you say Lungu is against construction?
Why is it that when ZRA follows up tax from a newspaper company you say Lungu is against the media?
If ZRA followed up taxes from only one media house when there are 10 media houses owing even bigger amounts than the one followed and that happens after Lungu threatens to come down like a brick on that particular media house, what will be your reasonable conclusion? Please be objective in analyzing issues, not just vomit in a biassed way.
If ZRA followed up taxes from only one media house when there are 10 media houses owing even bigger amounts than the one followed and that happens after Lungu threatens to come down like a brick on that particular media house, what will be your reasonable conclusion? Please be objective in analyzing issues, do not just vomit in a biased way.
If the votes were won on media platform ECL would have lost the elections, but fortunately the ballot box is the only medium by which the holder of the highest office is employed. Any other means is simply of academic interest. Like Trump said “FAKE MEDIA” Some online media are very critical and usually remove articles that are against their interest or against their preferred candidate but promote those articles that are against the candidate that they don’t support. In some cases it is just outright show of partisan headlines which do not even make sense. We are still a long way.
Why do we have so many people at the airport when Lungu is leaving the country? Don’t they have work to do? This is shameful patronage. I remember the late Mwanawasa stopped this practice and am surprised that we’re back to the UNIP days.
A High-Powered UPND delegation is on its way to India to verify whether its true GBM is really sick. His silence is too loud !
The best way for the media to regulate themselves is by reporting nothing but the truth.So depending on which side someone is, the truth will hurt some while others will benefit from it.
I agree with Chibuku Jameson, he will not regulate the media because there will eventually be no credible media to regulate undr his watch. He has already killed the voice of the voiceless and only left pwetete pwetete media that sing praises in his dishonour.
Sir u have not regulated , but Killed the free media are you blind or u are just behaving Stu
ta, you are not being objective just like most of UPND guys. Your reasoning is upside down. Which media has ECL killed? Media is killing itself for reporting falsehoods and for not paying tax to ZRA. Those which are operating such as ZAMBIA WATCHDOG, THE MAST, THE ZAMBIAN OBSERVER etc. are just mouth piece of HH and are reporting no truth at all apart from insulting the President. If I were the President I would close all the pseudo media to be frank with you because they are the root of civil wars in Africa. Just listen to the views of majority of Zambia and you’ ll walk away haunted.
Government doesnt need to regulate the media. It already CONTROLS DeadNBC, Zambia Daily Mail, Times of Zambia, ZANIS and Daily Nation has willingly brought itself to the controller
The whole government and half the country at the airport as usual. What a waste of time and resources!
Clear sign of popularity, Harold!