Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Recent arson cases have exposed the ill motives of the UPND-Ronald Mulenga


Fire men trying to put out the fire
Fire men trying to put out the fire
Patriotic Front (PF) Northern Province Youth Chairperson Ronald Mulenga has charged that the recent arson experienced in some parts of the country have exposed the ill motives of the United Party for National Development (UPND) after President Lungu defeated their leader Hakainde Hichilema for the second time on 11th August, 2016.

Mulenga said in a statement that criminal activities perpetrated by some individuals in some parts of the country have the UPND written all over their foreheads as confirmed by some arrests that have been made by the Zambia Police Service so far.

He has since expressed displeasure at the high levels of barbarism, anarchy and mischief being exhibited by some suspected UPND cadres in Zambia.

Mulenga revealed that the ruling PF had long suspected that the UPND is a violent political grouping led by the selfish business men who only want to use Zambia for their capitalist benefits.

He noted that the ruling PF is happy that all suspicions the party had have been confirmed going by the number of the UPND supporters that have been arrested in connection with arson experienced in various parts of Zambia.

And the enthusiastic Northern Province Youth Chairperson further expressed happiness that the Zambian people’s eyes have now been opened and can now see the true nature of the leader Hakainde Hichilema.

He also said that the entire UPND leadership is bent on achieving their objective of making Zambia ungovernable by putting the Country on fire.

Mulenga who was quick to urge Zambians not to trust UPND now and in the near future for they do not mean well for Zambia, said had the UPND won on 11th August, 2016 the citizenry would have suffered both socially and economically.

“The fires experienced in various parts of Zambia have exposed the UPND” Mulenga said


    • Is being Bemba a disease? Every time one of these anarchists opens his mouth it’s like listening to a fart. Lol!

    • Not a winning option to turn opposition politics to to arsonists schemes against public properties that serve a a common man. Are we talkiing of Joseph Koni’s Lord Resistance madness in Zambia? If Adamson Mushala never won the hearts of Zambians, no serious party would charter this route.

    • A version of PFs “ZERO OPTION” Machinated by the intelligence. If you are Old enough you will know what I am saying. and @ Munone whatever happened to Innocent until proven Guilty. Of which cases have the UPND been accused of violence have they been convicted????? if the Police were doing genuine arrests there could have been convictions and not this Jungle and Neolithic type of policing the PF have enhanced. UPND has been in prominence longer than PF how come since the PFs rise to power we have observed an exponential rise in “Tribalism” and violence.

  1. PF why do you always blame UPND all the time for the things you do. You destroy the country burn property then blame the opposition. Man up and admit what you are doing causing fire so you can blame the opposition that how small minded you are. You are destroying poperty while the opposition wants to develop the country and save it. Such Fools. You may lie to yourselves BUT remember God all might is watching. Stop Sinking so low PF. How low can you go. Stop burning the property and pointing fingeres at others. Grow up

  2. If they are behind these fires please dont hasitate arrest everybody we have no time to waste here. We know the PF has wrongs as well but arson is very retarding to economical development arrest evrybody involved

  3. The issue is PF has planted people in UPND to misbehave and discredit UPND. who does not know this?Every time something happens PF speaks loudly to camaflouge their deeds. who in their sane mind can do this if not under the payroll of PF? Twalimishiba!!!!

  4. True, we know that its UPND doing it as themselves have told us through their watchDog. The cadres there always praise and encourage such evils. Shame on UPND.

  5. These fires are PF. Who does not know. PF is party full of thugs and criminals or any bad word you find in the dictionary you will find in PF. There is nothing lungu has brought or done for this country apart from bringing lawlessness. These 5 year old tricks will not work. The truth is Lungu needs to go to court to defend his legitmacy. Using fires or sending criminals to an innocent person’s house will not make him legitmate. Everyone knows lungu cannot prove he won.

  6. This marks the end of the party and HH who can vote for them when they burning their property.
    They’re becoming un popular day by day.

  7. The question must be asked, why have those fires suddenly stopped when we have an investor conference in Livingstone? The people starting those fires realise that Zambia will be called unstable for investment and have now called a halt to the acts.

    Their acts might be seen ad counter productive to the investor community including the IMF in Livingstone.

  8. Kapoyongo and OP are behind those fires .

    They have now ordered a halt because no one was blaming UPND and the IMF in Livingstone might say Zambia is unstable to lend money.

  9. Were those UPND cadres caught red handed igniting fires on buildings? If yes, then there is a case. If no, then there is no case

  10. treason case can take minimum five years,but with HH who has junior lawyers it will take seventeen years and he will be pardoned by the same PF government after conviction and having served three years ,Total years will be twenty

  11. It’s pf committing arson. Iwe ka Ronald find out about black mamba n then u can become the jury

  12. Even ANC in South AFRICA did the same when they were oppressed. Tell Lungu and his minions to treat others with respect and stop persecuting others.

  13. Unfortunately you president EL didn’t win the elections, if he did why did the avoid the hearing. PF is full of selfish people.

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