Sunday, September 8, 2024

Inaugural Comic Book and Literary Arts day event held on 13th May


The inaugural Comic book and Literary arts day was successfully held on Saturday 13th May at Modzi Arts. The event was organized by Time Machine Zambia.

The event , which was held from 10am to 5pm , featured an array of exciting activities such as live graffiti painting, workshops, art exhibition, book expo, and  an open mic for poetry. Comic books ,novels and other literature was on sale at the event.

Graffiti artists at work
Workshop for writers

The highlights of the event were the workshops. There was a workshop for writers that had the topic : Blogging and publishing . Among the panelists were authors Dario Chongolo , Luka Mwango  and Peter Nawa as well as blogger Kampamba Mabuluki .

Workshop for comics

Another workshop was on writing and developing comics. The panelists included writers ,artists/cartoonists such as Bwanga (Benny Blow) kapumpa , Kasonde Mukonde and Chimora Chinene.

There are a number of talented Zambians we do not hear about. This event gave a chance for some of those artists and art enthusiasts to meet and share their work as well as share ideas.

Graffiti artists at work
Comic books
Art work
Art work on display
Art work on display





  1. Strange non of Zambia’s best bloggers/ online commentators from ZAMBIA’S NUMBER ONE NEWS SITE LUSAKA TIMES were there! Ba Lsk Times learn to promote your own followers as well! I as a senior blogger with over 5 years presence on this site request to have my own column please!

    • Why are pf cadres always crying for recognition? Always want to be addressed by deadANBC as Dr with honorary doctorates, President when they just….. elections, now someone wants to call himself veteran blogger.

  2. It’s interesting that this event was reported to have been well attended! The last literature event where Professor Luo complained that Zambian have a poor reading culture seems to have been poorly attended. But clearly, comics…not grown up books, are the fast reading habits of Zambians!

    Anyway, for my Dissertation , I am thinking of a study on this? Is it that we Zambians prefer visual graphics material to word books? Is a Digital alternative offering Sound, Sight and Movement a better presentation for our reading culture. Does it follow from our tradition of Oral Storytelling that our brains are hardwired to a combination of Type presentation. Do we release more Dopamine and get higher activation of our Broca and Wernickes Cortex regions with materials combined of Visuals,…

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